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Listen to Medscape InDiscussion: Myasthenia Gravis, a podcast series where thought leaders and clinical experts share their diverse insights and practical ideas for optimizing patient care. Relevant disclosures can be found with the episode show notes on Medscape ( The topics and discussions are planned, produced, and reviewed independently of advertisers. This podcast is intended only for US healthcare professionals.
Der Podcast rund um das Thema Schmerz.
Schmerzen werden auf unterschiedlichste Art und Weise behandelt. Jeder geht anders damit um.
Was davon macht Sinn? Und was nicht so sehr?
Dieser Podcast ist für alle Menschen, die sich für Schmerz im Kontext Physiotherapie, Ergotherapie etc. und generell in der Medizin interessieren. Wir sprechen mit unseren Gästen über Erfahrungen aus der Praxis im Kontext wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse.
BEST - Basis effektiver Schmerztherapie GmbH
Warnowallee 26
18107 Rostock
Geschäftsführer: Stefan Meyer, Jonas Weber, Christoph Schwertfellner -
Welcome to the Rebel Physician podcast, where we are creating a path for physicians to break free of the toxic medical system to create an enjoyable and sustainable career in medicine.
In each episode, your host - a rebel physician themselves - will feature expert interviews, thought-provoking discussions, and personal stories of triumph and tragedy along the journey to becoming a rebel physician.
Join us as we challenge the status quo, push boundaries, and seek to create a better, more equitable healthcare system for all. Whether you're a seasoned medical professional, a curious patient, or simply someone who cares about the future of healthcare, the Rebel Physician podcast is for you. -
The U.S spends over 3.5 trillion dollars on its health care system. This is twice as much as any first world country. The U.S. health care system also contributes to 18% of the GNP of the United States. This is equivalent to the 5th large economy in the world. In this podcast, we will be looking into how we got interested in the financial aspects of health care and giving our opinion as experienced physicians. Diving into the current problems with financial aspects of the U.S. health care system and looking at potential solutions for the future.
Rett syndrome is a severe and progressive neurodevelopmental disorder that is characterized by a variety of neurologic and behavioral features. Although Rett syndrome is a rare disorder, it is the second most common cause of severe intellectual disability among females, with an incidence of 1 in 10,000 to 15,000. Because of the progressive nature of Rett syndrome, early diagnosis is critical for patients so they may receive appropriate interventions. Although treatment of Rett syndrome is currently limited to supportive care to address specific symptoms, newer interventions are currently in development.
The SmartInjuryDoctors® podcast is the number one audio production aimed at professionals in the U.S. injury market. Doctors, attorneys, and other medical providers that want to deliver better injury services to the patients, clients, and insurers they serve tune in often to get the strategies that make a real difference in their practices.
Join Dr. Jeff Cronk is both a doctor and has a law degree specializing in this complex field. With a disarming style, Dr. Cronk brings 30 years of experience to the table, teaching you in short easy-to-digest segments that you can put into practice right away.
He continues to be the leading educator in the field of spinal ligament injury diagnosis. You can learn more by checking out his website at
You'll learn how to get your life back, all while delivering life-changing treatment to your injured patients. -
LASIK Eye Surgery, Superlasik, PIE, Presbyopic Implant in Eye, Cataracts, Laser cataract Surgery, Multifocal Implants, Cosmetic Pterygium procedure, Cornea collagen Crosslinking, Intacs for Keratoconus, Refractive Surgery, Vision, Nutrition for Eyes, Dry Eyes, Controlling Myopia, Cure Presbyopia Support this podcast:
اهلا بيكم في قناة تفاصيل المفاصل 😁
انا اسمي دينا اسامة طبيبة روماتيزم وتأهيل كلية طب قصر العيني.
اهتمامي الاساسي ان المريض يفهم بالتفصيل وبدون تعقيد طبيعة مرضه ويعرف يتعايش معاه بكل سهولة.
وايه هي العادات اللي ممكن يتبعها في اسلوب حياته اللي تخلي مرضه احسن وغير نشط.
هنتكلم بالتفصيل عن الامراض المناعية و امراض المفاصل والعظام و طب الرياضات.ملحوظة: القناة ديه تعليمية ولا تغني عن المتابعة والكشف الطبي مع طبيب متخصص.
للاستفسارات تابعوا الصفحة الرسمية علي الفيسبوك
حياتكم احلي ديما 🌸🌸
Les bonnes pratiques de la gestion du linge hospitalier. Du sale au propre on vous explique tout !
Si tu veux soutenir le podcast abonne toi à NordVPN le meilleur VPN avec un excellent rapport qualité prix :
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Par Brigitte Lousberg, pour DivRadio
Mens sana in corpore sano, un corps sain dans un esprit sain : une citation latine qui nous dit que le corps et l’esprit préoccupent déjà les hommes il y a presque deux mille ans. Sur Div Radio, nous vous proposons de débattre de la santé avec des professionnels du domaine. Ce nouveau magazine s’appelle « Minutes Santé », minutes au pluriel tant il y a à dire !
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Le projet Action Diabète est financé par Promotion Santé Suisse, soutenu par le canton du Valais et porté par l’association Diabète Valais, en collaboration avec les partenaires du réseau socio-sanitaire valaisan. D'une durée de 4 ans, il vise à améliorer la qualité de vie des patients diabétiques et à limiter le risque de complications en favorisant leur autonomie et l'interprofessionnalité dans leur prise en charge.
Das Projekt Aktion Diabetes wird von den beiden Walliser Verbänden getragen, die mit den Walliser Gesundheitspartnern zusammenarbeiten. Das Projekt dauert vier Jahre und hat das Ziel, die Lebensqualität von Diabetespatienten durch Förderung ihrer Selbständigkeit und interprofessionellen Betreuung zu verbessern.
Un podcast réalisé par l’agence RADAR RP