
  • Summary

    In this episode of the Faithful Agent Podcast, Garrett discusses the critical difference between distraction and traction in the context of real estate business success. He emphasizes the importance of identifying what truly brings traction to one's business and how to create a lead generation recipe that focuses on data-driven decisions rather than emotional ones. The conversation encourages listeners to reflect on their own practices and to seek clarity in their business strategies.


    Distraction is often the main barrier to success.
    Identifying what gives you traction is crucial.
    Decisions should be based on data, not emotions.
    Creating a lead generation recipe can streamline success.
    Open houses can be a significant source of traction.
    Understanding the specifics of your actions is key.
    Focus on what truly drives your business forward.
    Time management is essential for achieving goals.
    You can achieve more by focusing on traction.
    Accountability can help maintain focus on goals.


    00:00 Introduction and Conference Announcement
    01:45 Understanding Distraction vs. Traction
    04:57 Identifying What Brings Traction
    09:57 Creating a Lead Generation Recipe

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    Learn how Garrett is gathering Christian agents all around the globe to be in business together with the 2:10 Collective at eXp -

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    Help us fund the continued work of The Faithful Agent by sending us your Hampton Roads and Richmond, VA buyer and seller referrals!

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  • Summary

    In this episode, Garrett discusses the concept of assets and liabilities in relation to our faith and business. He shares insights from a teaching on Philippians 3, emphasizing that Christ is the only true asset in our lives. Garrett challenges listeners to examine what they consider as assets and to prioritize knowing Christ above all else. He encourages a shift in perspective, recognizing that our identity and worth are found in Christ alone. Ultimately, he urges listeners to use their businesses as a means to grow the kingdom and share the gospel.


    Christ is the only true asset in our lives; everything else is a liability.
    Our identity and worth are found in Christ alone.
    Use your business as a means to grow the kingdom and share the gospel.
    Prioritize knowing Christ above all else.


    00:00 Introduction and Conference Announcement
    02:21 Assets and Liabilities
    06:21 Considering Everything as Loss
    09:58 Believing Our Actions Are More Important
    12:43 The Ultimate Asset: Christ
    15:01 Conclusion and Call to Action

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    Learn how Garrett is gathering Christian agents all around the globe to be in business together with the 2:10 Collective at eXp -

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  • Garrett is on vacation this week so tune in to one of the top replays of 2024 with Garrett and Tyler!

    The conversation explores the concept of the hierarchy of attention and the importance of being intentional with our focus. It begins with a review of a podcast review from a listener who was struggling with balancing work and personal life. The hosts discuss the tendency to prioritize work and external validation over important relationships and spiritual growth. They emphasize the need to prioritize God, family, and close relationships over work and other distractions. The conversation also touches on the challenges of maintaining boundaries and the danger of allowing worldly desires and ambitions to dictate our attention. The hosts encourage listeners to be intentional with their attention and to surround themselves with a community that holds them accountable.


    The hierarchy of attention is a concept that involves prioritizing who should receive our attention and at what level.
    It is common for agents to prioritize work and external validation over important relationships and spiritual growth.
    Being intentional with our attention means being mindful of where we direct our focus and ensuring that our priorities align with our values.
    It is important to set boundaries and not allow worldly desires and ambitions to dictate our attention.
    Surrounding ourselves with a community that holds us accountable can help us stay focused on what truly matters.


    00:00 Introduction and Podcast Review
    04:33 The Hierarchy of Attention and the Influence of the Industry
    09:04 Being Intentional with Our Attention

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    Learn how Garrett is gathering Christian agents all around the globe to be in business together with the 2:10 Collective at eXp -

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    Help us fund the continued work of The Faithful Agent by sending us your Hampton Roads and Richmond, VA buyer and seller referrals!

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  • Summary

    In this episode, Garrett discusses the importance of recognizing whether our actions and endeavors are of man or of God. He reads from Acts 5, where Peter is confronted by the Pharisees for preaching the gospel. A Pharisee named Gamaliel advises the Pharisees to leave the apostles alone, stating that if their work is of man, it will fail, but if it is of God, it cannot be stopped. Garrett applies this lesson to real estate agents facing challenges in their business, reminding them that if their work is aligned with God's purpose, it will succeed.


    If our actions and endeavors are aligned with God's purpose, they cannot fail.
    Seek to be excellent in what you are doing, whether it is of man or of God.
    Trust in God's sovereignty over the outcome of your work.
    If something fails, it may be a sign that it was not aligned with God's purpose, and He may have another path for you.


    00:00 Introduction and Conference Announcement
    02:22 Reading from Acts 5
    08:16 The Difference Between Man's Work and God's Work
    12:27 Seeking Excellence in All Endeavors
    15:17 Trusting in God's Sovereignty
    17:47 Failure as a Sign of Misalignment

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    Learn how Garrett is gathering Christian agents all around the globe to be in business together with the 2:10 Collective at eXp -

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    Help us fund the continued work of The Faithful Agent by sending us your Hampton Roads and Richmond, VA buyer and seller referrals!

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  • Summary

    In this episode, Garrett Maroon discusses the upcoming Faithful Agent Conference and shares some funny church signs. He then dives into a passage from Acts 12, highlighting the story of Peter's miraculous escape from prison. Garrett emphasizes that no matter what chains or struggles we may face, God has the power to release us and overcome any situation. He encourages listeners to remember the character of God and seek His wisdom in all aspects of life.


    God has the power to release us from any chains or struggles we may face.
    We should remember the character of God and seek His wisdom in all aspects of life.
    The Lord desires good for us and can overcome any situation for our good and His glory.
    Being in a community of believers can help remind us of these truths and provide support.


    00:00 The Faithful Agent Conference and Funny Church Signs
    02:20 The Miraculous Escape: Peter's Story
    06:35 God's Power to Release Us from Chains
    08:52 Remembering the Character of God
    09:21 Seeking God's Wisdom in All Aspects of Life
    11:13 Overcoming Struggles for Our Good and His Glory

    Connect with Garrett on social! Instagram

    Learn how Garrett is gathering Christian agents all around the globe to be in business together with the 2:10 Collective at eXp -

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    Help us fund the continued work of The Faithful Agent by sending us your Hampton Roads and Richmond, VA buyer and seller referrals!

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  • Summary

    In this episode, Garrett celebrates the 200th episode of the Faithful Agent Podcast and shares some quick housekeeping items. He then dives into a thought about finding peace and calm in the midst of chaos by focusing on God. Garrett uses examples from the movie 'War of the Worlds' and the story of Peter walking on water to illustrate the importance of keeping our eyes fixed on God. He encourages listeners to choose to focus on God's goodness and trust that everything will be okay.


    Focus on God's face in the midst of chaos to find peace and calm.
    Choosing to focus on God's goodness and trust in His control can help us overcome fear and worry.
    Attending conferences and fellowshipping with other Christian agents can be encouraging and uplifting.
    God is our heavenly Father and provider, and He will take care of us in every situation.


    00:00 Introduction and 200th Episode Celebration
    00:27 Quick Housekeeping and Conference Announcement
    01:52 A Thought: Finding Peace in the Midst of Chaos
    06:28 Choosing to Focus on God's Goodness
    08:05 The Power of Fellowship and Encouragement
    09:30 Trusting God as Our Heavenly Father and Provider

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    Learn how Garrett is gathering Christian agents all around the globe to be in business together with the 2:10 Collective at eXp -

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    Help us fund the continued work of The Faithful Agent by sending us your Hampton Roads and Richmond, VA buyer and seller referrals!

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  • Summary Daniel Keeton shares his journey from being a part-time youth pastor to becoming a successful real estate agent and team leader. He talks about the challenges he faced, including financial struggles and the decision to enter the real estate industry. He emphasizes the importance of perseverance, gratitude, and trusting in God's plan. Daniel encourages Christian agents to view their challenges as opportunities to be a light to others and to remain faithful in their work.


    Perseverance is key in overcoming challenges in the real estate industry.Developing a tolerance for failure and learning from setbacks is crucial for success.Expressing gratitude and focusing on the blessings in life can help overcome discouragement and anxiety.Trusting in God's plan and being faithful in one's work is essential for Christian agents.Challenges are opportunities to be a witness and show others who God is through our actions and attitudes.


    Introduction and Background

    Overcoming Challenges in the Real Estate Industry

    Trusting in God's Plan and Being Faithful

    Developing a Tolerance for Failure

    Practicing Gratitude to Overcome Discouragement

    Being a Witness in the Real Estate Industry

    Conclusion and Call to Action

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    Learn how Garrett is gathering Christian agents all around the globe to be in business together with the 2:10 Collective at eXp -

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    Help us fund the continued work of The Faithful Agent by sending us your Hampton Roads and Richmond, VA buyer and seller referrals!

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  • Summary In this episode of the Faithful Agent Podcast, Garrett and Cole discuss the upcoming changes from the NAR settlement and the anxiety it has caused among real estate agents. They emphasize the need to trust in God's promises and not be consumed by worry. They also discuss the opportunity for agents to stand out and serve their clients better in light of these changes. The conversation highlights the importance of shifting focus from self to others and relying on God's provision.


    Trust in God's promises and do not be consumed by anxiety.Use the NAR settlement changes as an opportunity to stand out and serve clients better.Shift focus from self to others and rely on God's provision.Remember that our security lies in God's calling and not in financial outcomes.


    00:00 Introduction to The Faithful Agent

    00:27 Exciting Announcement: Faithful Agent Conference

    00:58 Special Guest: Cole Orderway Returns

    02:31 Housekeeping and Upcoming Events

    03:12 Humor Break: Christian Jokes

    04:10 Addressing Anxiety in the Real Estate Market

    05:24 Biblical Encouragement and Reflection

    10:35 Faithful Agent Conference: A Gospel-Centered Event

    13:11 Trusting God's Sovereignty in Uncertain Times

    24:14 Final Thoughts and Encouragement

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    Learn how Garrett is gathering Christian agents all around the globe to be in business together with the 2:10 Collective at eXp -

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    Help us fund the continued work of The Faithful Agent by sending us your Hampton Roads and Richmond, VA buyer and seller referrals!

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  • SummaryIn this episode of the Faithful Agent Podcast, host Garrett Maroon interviews Stacey Alwine, a real estate agent who recently lost her husband to pancreatic cancer. Stacey shares her journey of grief and how her faith has been tested and strengthened through this challenging time. She emphasizes the importance of community and giving back, and discusses her involvement with a recovery high school for teenagers with addiction issues. Stacey also talks about the need to prioritize self-care and family amidst the demands of the real estate business.


    Grief is a process that requires time and support. It is important to be surrounded by a community that can provide encouragement and understanding.Losing a loved one can test one's faith, but it can also lead to a deeper and stronger belief in God's presence and guidance.Real estate agents should recognize that they are more than just professionals in the industry. They have the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of their clients and colleagues.Investing time and energy in activities that have eternal significance, such as giving back to the community, can bring a sense of purpose and fulfillment.Prioritizing self-care and family is essential for maintaining balance and finding joy amidst the demands of the real estate business.


    Introduction and Community

    Funny Christian Story

    Guest Introduction and Personal Background

    Navigating Grief and Strengthening Faith

    Finding Balance in the Real Estate Business

    The Power of Community and Giving Back

    Investing in Activities with Eternal Significance

    Reflection and Conclusion

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    Learn how Garrett is gathering Christian agents all around the globe to be in business together with the 2:10 Collective at eXp -

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    Help us fund the continued work of The Faithful Agent by sending us your Hampton Roads and Richmond, VA buyer and seller referrals!

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  • Summary

    In this episode, Garrett discusses two main points from the book Essentialism by Greg McKeown. The first point is about making decisions based on whether something is a 'heck yes' or not. Garrett encourages listeners to prioritize their time and say no to things that are not a strong yes. The second point is about zero-based scheduling, where Garrett advises starting from scratch and intentionally choosing what to include in the schedule. He emphasizes the importance of being intentional with time and not letting pride or laziness dictate the schedule.


    Prioritize your time and say no to things that are not a 'heck yes'
    Start from scratch when scheduling and intentionally choose what to include
    Don't let pride or laziness dictate your schedule


    00:00 Making Time for What Matters: The 'Heck Yes' Principle
    13:53 Starting from Scratch: Zero-Based Scheduling
    17:36 Overcoming Pride and Laziness in Scheduling

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    Learn how Garrett is gathering Christian agents all around the globe to be in business together with the 2:10 Collective at eXp -

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    Help us fund the continued work of The Faithful Agent by sending us your Hampton Roads and Richmond, VA buyer and seller referrals!

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  • Summary

    In this episode, Garrett discusses the importance of gaining margin in our lives and examines the tendency to prioritize our own desires over the glory of God. He emphasizes the need to identify and confess the idols in our hearts and to focus on building the kingdom of God rather than our own kingdoms. Garrett encourages listeners to release control and trust in God's plan, recognizing that everything else we build in this world will eventually fade away.


    It's important to gain margin in our lives and not overcommit ourselves.
    We need to examine our motives and ensure that we are prioritizing the glory of God over our own desires.
    We must identify and confess the idols in our hearts and be willing to let go of them.
    Building the kingdom of God should be our focus, rather than building our own kingdoms.
    We should seek accountability and be aware of the dangers of pride.


    00:00 Introduction and Housekeeping
    02:01 Change in Format
    04:07 Gaining Margin in Our Lives
    08:47 Identifying and Confessing Idols
    11:31 Building God's Kingdom
    12:42 Conclusion

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    Learn how Garrett is gathering Christian agents all around the globe to be in business together with the 2:10 Collective at eXp -

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    Help us fund the continued work of The Faithful Agent by sending us your Hampton Roads and Richmond, VA buyer and seller referrals!

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  • Summary

    Heather Caine, broker owner of the Kane luxury team in Naples, Florida, and creator of the Style to Design platform, joins the Faithful Agent podcast. Heather shares her journey in real estate and how she built her successful business. She emphasizes the importance of leaning into your God-given gifts and creating a long enough runway for success. Heather also discusses the challenges she faced and the perseverance required to overcome them. She offers advice on time blocking and protecting family time while still being successful in business. Finally, she introduces Style to Design, a platform that allows agents to sell real estate with design services included, and shares how it can benefit agents and their clients.


    Lean into your God-given gifts and create a long enough runway for success.Protect your family time by setting boundaries and being intentional with your schedule.Use time blocking to allocate your time to the tasks that you love and excel at.Style to Design is a platform that allows agents to sell real estate with design services included, providing a competitive advantage and increasing the value and speed of home sales.


    Introduction and Funny Christian Story

    Heather's Background and Journey in Real Estate

    Overcoming Challenges and Persevering

    Identifying and Living in Your God-Given Gifts

    Time Blocking for Productivity and Success

    Introducing Style to Design

    Selling Real Estate with Design Services Included

    How to Connect with Heather and Learn More

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    Learn how Garrett is gathering Christian agents all around the globe to be in business together with the 2:10 Collective at eXp -

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    Help us fund the continued work of The Faithful Agent by sending us your Hampton Roads and Richmond, VA buyer and seller referrals!

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  • Summary

    In this episode, Garrett Maroon discusses how to present buyer brokerage agreements to clients. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing your worth as an agent and charging what is standard in the industry. Garrett also shares his dialogue for explaining the buyer brokerage agreement, including the responsibilities of both the agent and the client, and how the agent gets compensated. He advises giving clients time to review the agreement and not pressuring them to sign immediately.


    Recognize your worth as an agent and charge what is standard in the industry.
    Explain the buyer brokerage agreement to clients, including their responsibilities and how the agent gets compensated.
    Give clients time to review the agreement and answer any questions they may have.
    Take the pressure off clients by not pressuring them to sign the agreement immediately.


    00:00 Introduction and Purpose of the Episode
    02:45 The Importance of Overcoming Assumptions
    04:11 Dialogue for Presenting the Buyer Brokerage Agreement
    07:44 Leaving Time for Clients to Review the Agreement
    08:06 Not Pressuring Clients to Sign Immediately
    09:32 Conclusion and Encouragement to Improve

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    Learn how Garrett is gathering Christian agents all around the globe to be in business together with the 2:10 Collective at eXp -

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    Help us fund the continued work of The Faithful Agent by sending us your Hampton Roads and Richmond, VA buyer and seller referrals!

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  • SummaryIn this conversation, Garrett and Matt Plummer discuss the importance of having a financial plan and system in place for real estate agents. They emphasize the need to be intentional with money and to have a clear path for financial goals. Matt shares his personal journey of overcoming addiction and debt, and how he became a financial coach for real estate agents. They discuss the common mistakes agents make with their finances and the importance of having an exit strategy. The conversation highlights the need for agents to think like business owners and to prioritize their long-term financial well-being. The conversation focuses on understanding how money works and taking steps to become financially stable. Matt Plumer emphasizes the importance of mapping the path of money from the time it is earned to the time it is received. He highlights the various factors that can affect an agent's income, such as brokerage fees, commission advancements, caps, and royalty percentages. Matt encourages agents to live on less than they make, avoid debt, and invest in their future. He also emphasizes the need to give, save, and plan for unexpected expenses. The conversation concludes with a discussion on the importance of being a good steward of money and seeking help if needed.


    Real estate agents need to have a financial plan and system in place to manage their money effectively.It is important to be intentional with money and have a clear path for financial goals.Many agents make common mistakes with their finances, such as not having an exit strategy or thinking long-term.Agents should prioritize their long-term financial well-being and think like business owners. Understand the path of money from the time it is earned to the time it is received.Consider factors that can affect your income, such as brokerage fees, commission advancements, caps, and royalty percentages.Live on less than you make and avoid debt.Invest in your future and plan for unexpected expenses.Give, save, and be a good steward of your money.Seek help and guidance if needed.


    Common Mistakes Agents Make with Their FinancesOvercoming Addiction and Debt: Matt Plummer's Journey Investing in Your FutureMapping the Path of Money

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    Learn how Garrett is gathering Christian agents all around the globe to be in business together with the 2:10 Collective at eXp -

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  • In this episode, Garrett discusses the topic of working on the Sabbath as a Christian agent. He shares some scriptures that talk about the Sabbath and provides his personal practice and rule of thumb. Garrett emphasizes the importance of discernment and conviction in deciding how to handle the Sabbath day of rest. He encourages agents to prioritize rest, trust in the Lord's provision, and be intentional about fellowship with family and church community.


    The Sabbath is a day of rest and should be prioritized by Christian agents.It is important to have discernment and conviction in deciding how to handle the Sabbath day of rest.Trusting in the Lord's provision and obeying His commandments is key in honoring the Sabbath.Taking a day of rest allows agents to recharge and be intentional about fellowship with family and church community.


    Introduction and Background

    The Question of Working on the Sabbath

    Garrett's Personal Practice and Rule of Thumb

    Trusting in the Lord's Provision

    The Goal: Sunday as a Day of Rest

    Encouragement to Practice Rest and Fellowship

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    Learn how Garrett is gathering Christian agents all around the globe to be in business together with the 2:10 Collective at eXp -

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  • Naureen Stack-Frierdich shares her journey in the real estate industry and how her faith played a significant role in her career. She started as a front desk person at her mother-in-law's brokerage and eventually got licensed. After facing challenges and contemplating leaving the industry, Naureen and her husband found faith and decided to stay. She left the family business, took a leap of faith, and started her own real estate team. Despite the initial difficulties, God provided for her and led her to the right people and opportunities. Naureen emphasizes the importance of sharing her faith in the real estate industry and being obedient to God's calling. Naureen Stack-Frierdich shares her testimony of how she and her husband found faith during a difficult time in their marriage. She emphasizes the importance of not getting too caught up in the busyness of real estate and forgetting to share the gospel with those who need it. Naureen encourages agents to be open and vulnerable about their struggles and to surround themselves with a community that will hold them accountable. She also reminds listeners that they don't have to be perfect and that God's forgiveness is always available.


    Faith plays a significant role in navigating challenges and making decisions in the real estate industry.
    Being obedient to God's calling can lead to unexpected blessings and opportunities.
    Sharing one's faith in the real estate industry is important, even if it may be challenging or uncomfortable.
    God provides for those who trust in Him and take a leap of faith. Don't get too busy with real estate that you forget to share the gospel with those who need it.
    Be open and vulnerable about your struggles and surround yourself with a community that will hold you accountable.
    Remember that you don't have to be perfect and that God's forgiveness is always available.
    Prioritize the gospel and shepherding your family above your real estate business.


    00:00 Introduction and Tooth Extraction Story
    03:02 Noreen's Journey in Real Estate
    09:02 Facing Challenges in Marriage and Career
    11:08 Taking a Leap of Faith and Returning to Real Estate
    13:59 The Importance of Sharing Faith in the Industry
    18:50 Balancing Real Estate and Sharing the Gospel
    22:34 Embracing Imperfection and God's Forgiveness

    00:00 Introduction and Tooth Extraction Story
    03:02 Noreen's Journey in Real Estate
    09:02 Facing Challenges in Marriage and Career
    11:08 Taking a Leap of Faith and Returning to Real Estate
    13:59 The Importance of Sharing Faith in the Industry
    18:50 Balancing Real Estate and Sharing the Gospel
    22:34 Embracing Imperfection and God's Forgiveness

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    Learn how Garrett is gathering Christian agents all around the globe to be in business together with the 2:10 Collective at eXp -

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    Help us fund the continued work of The Faithful Agent by sending us your Hampton Roads and Richmond, VA buyer and seller referrals!

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  • Summary

    The conversation discusses the importance of prioritizing the gospel over growth in business. It emphasizes the need to stay true to the gospel message and not compromise it for the sake of growth or personal gain. The speaker acknowledges that he also struggles with this and encourages listeners to join him in learning and growing together. The episode concludes with a reminder to focus on being gospel witnesses and serving others in the real estate industry.


    Prioritize the gospel over business growth
    Avoid compromising the gospel for personal gain
    Recognize the importance of being gospel witnesses in the real estate industry
    Focus on serving others rather than pursuing growth at all costs


    00:00 Introduction: Gospel Over Growth
    04:21 The Dilemma: Compromising the Gospel
    06:07 The Danger of Abandoning the Gospel
    07:30 The Priority: Numbers of the Kingdom
    09:55 The Truth: Security in Christ
    10:23 Conclusion: Gospel Over Growth

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    Learn how Garrett is gathering Christian agents all around the globe to be in business together with the 2:10 Collective at eXp -

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  • Tune in for the 2nd part of Garrett's conversation with Randi Mendez-Parra. The conversation delves into the themes of faith, resilience, and real estate business. It explores the intersection of personal faith, life challenges, and the practical aspects of running a real estate business. The speakers share personal stories of overcoming adversity and finding strength in their faith, while also addressing the need to balance personal challenges with professional responsibilities. The conversation delves into the concept of being a good steward of opportunities and the impact of faith on business success. It explores the idea of God driving business, the importance of being a good steward of time, and the role of refinement in personal and professional growth. The conversation also emphasizes the significance of community and the eternal security found in Christ.


    Faith and resilience play a crucial role in overcoming personal challenges and building a successful real estate business.Balancing personal challenges with professional responsibilities requires a strong foundation in faith and a relationship-based approach to business.Systemizing and process-driven business strategies can coexist with a faith-driven approach, creating a holistic and impactful business model. Success in business is tied to being a good steward of opportunities.God's role in driving business and the importance of being a good steward of time.The impact of refinement and the significance of community in personal and professional growth.The eternal security found in Christ and the importance of faith in business success.


    The Intersection of Faith and Real Estate

    The Role of Stewardship in Business Success

    The Impact of Refinement and Community

    Eternal Security and Faith in Business

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    Learn how Garrett is gathering Christian agents all around the globe to be in business together with the 2:10 Collective at eXp -

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    Help us fund the continued work of The Faithful Agent by sending us your Hampton Roads and Richmond, VA buyer and seller referrals!

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  • In this episode, Garrett discusses the three questions every buyer asks when making a buying decision: Can I trust you? Are you good at what you do? Do you care about me? He emphasizes the importance of building trust and showing genuine care for clients, rather than focusing on statistics or achievements. Garrett explains that consumers make decisions based on whether they feel they can trust and connect with an agent. He shares personal anecdotes and examples to illustrate his points.


    The three questions every buyer asks when making a buying decision are: Can I trust you? Are you good at what you do? Do you care about me?
    Consumers can only understand an industry at a 2 out of 10 level, so focusing on statistics and achievements may not resonate with them.
    Building trust and showing genuine care for clients is more important than showcasing expertise or accomplishments.
    Leading with trust and care helps to close more deals and generate referrals.
    As believers, showing curiosity and asking good questions can demonstrate trustworthiness and care.
    Understanding how people make decisions can help agents tailor their approach and improve their business.


    00:00 Introduction and Housekeeping
    03:01 The Three Questions Every Buyer Asks
    06:19 The Importance of Trust and Care
    09:00 Consumers' Lack of Industry Knowledge
    10:28 Curiosity and Good Questions
    10:57 Closing Thoughts

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    Learn how Garrett is gathering Christian agents all around the globe to be in business together with the 2:10 Collective at eXp -

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    Help us fund the continued work of The Faithful Agent by sending us your Hampton Roads and Richmond, VA buyer and seller referrals!

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  • Tune in as Garrett talks with Randi Mendez-Parra out in Nevada! The conversation covers topics such as overcoming perfectionism, the challenges of public speaking, the journey of faith, and the impact of personal experiences on one's relationship with God. It also delves into the themes of family, real estate, and the importance of community support. The story of resilience and faith in the face of adversity is a central theme throughout the conversation. The conversation covers a wide range of topics, including faith, family, health, and resilience. It delves into the challenges faced by the speaker, her family, and her community, and the role of faith in overcoming these challenges. The speaker's journey is a testament to the power of faith, hope, and perseverance in the face of adversity.


    Overcoming perfectionism and embracing authenticityThe impact of personal experiences on one's faith journeyThe importance of community support and resilience in the face of adversityThe intersection of family, real estate, and faith in the context of personal and professional life The power of faith and surrender in overcoming life's challenges.The importance of resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity.The role of community and family in providing support during difficult times.The transformative impact of faith on personal growth and healing.


    Embracing Authenticity: Overcoming Perfectionism

    Journey of Faith: Resilience in Adversity

    Family, Real Estate, and Faith: A Holistic Perspective

    Community Support: Navigating Challenges with Resilience

    The Power of Faith and Surrender in Overcoming Adversity

    The Transformative Impact of Faith on Personal Growth and Healing

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