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Podcast of the Diseases of the Colon and Rectum (DCR), the official scientific journal of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ASCRS) - a monthly publication. Podcast includes interviews with select lead or senior authors of newly published articles and includes commentary by an official reviewer.
This is a podcast on latest advances in the understanding and management of blood cancers. Here, we will bring a wide range of experts within hematologic malignancies to discuss various topics in depth.
Host: Raj Chakraborty, MD from Columbia University, New York, Ashwin Kishtagari, MD, from Vanderbilt University, Nashville, and Edward Cliff, MD, from Harvard University, Boston
Tweet your suggestions and feedback to @rajshekharucms @AshKishtagari @Eddie_Cliff @BloodCancerTalk -
The Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery podcast series highlights research published in the official peer-reviewed publication of the American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery Foundation. Each podcast, which is moderated by the Editor in Chief and includes the Associate Editor and author of the paper, offers an in depth discussion about its significance to the global otolaryngology community and quality patient care.
The Healthcare Education Transformation Podcast is brought to you by multiple physical therapists where we interview prominent guests within the realms of healthcare education aimed at PTs, students, and other healthcare providers who want to transition to education and learn how to be effective educators and learners from various roles as PTs to patients/ CI/ Mentor/ CEU Teacher/ Professor/Administrator and transition to interviewing educators from other professions to observe their models to see what we can take from them with the goal to provide free and valuable content that can reach large numbers of people to help developing current and future educators. We also aim to ask questions to those in various roles from different perspectives on what in healthcare education works, what doesn't work how, and to challenge the status quo of healthcare education to make it better and discuss different strategies to fix it.
AMiCast on kahden ensihoitoalalla kohdanneen esisetämäisen sällin oma kanava, jolla käsitellään kansankielisesti meidän alaa ja ilmiöitä sen ympärillä ja toisinaan sen sivustakin. Meidän tarkoituksena on avata kaikkien ymmärrettävälle kielelle ensihoidon eri osien ja yhteistyötahojen toimintaa, rakennetta ja tarkoitusta. Me pyritään olemaan yleisölähtöisiä, joten jos sinua askarruttaa jokin ensihoitoon (tai sen yhteistyötahoihin) liittyvä asia, ota rohkeasti yhteyttä niin tehdään ohjelma aiheesta!
Are you someone who is dealing with thinning hair, hair loss, fine hair, scalp conditions, or just simply wants to maintain their hair preventatively? A globally renowned Trichologist William Gaunitz, host of The Trichologist Podcast, explains hair loss treatment from a practitioner standpoint. In each episode, William will peel back the veil of the real methods and treatments that work to stop hair loss and regrow hair.
Join William for a no BS hair loss treatment show. A globally renowned Trichologist who is responsible for the most successful Trichology product line in North America. Developing breakthrough concepts that help tens of thousands of people regrow their hair. -
Ensihoidon ammattilaisille suunnattu podcast -sarja, jossa käsitellään alan ilmiöitä ja teemoja hieman pintaa syvemmältä. FOAMed -hengen mukaisesti podcastin tavoitteena on ensihoidon ammattilaisten ammatillisen osaamisen ja ajattelun syventäminen. Jokaisessa jakson teemoja käsitellään asiantuntijavieraiden kanssa. Podcastin on toimittanut Tapio Sovijärvi. Sarjan tuottaa
The Go-to Podcast for Women Who Want to Clean Up their Lifestyle & Get Control of their Health!
Do you ever wish your health didn’t dictate your day? Are you tired of being tired all the time, or is pain holding you back from enjoying your time with your family? Would you like to manage your symptoms holistically but don’t know where to begin?
I’m Penny. I am a mom, wife, Occupational Therapist, and past Pharmaceutical Rep with a strong faith. For 25 years, I battled through debilitating Crohn’s Disease. I took all the medicine and did all the surgeries that stole so much of my time with my family but never truly healed me. I was tired of feeling bad all the time, missing out on my kids’ activities, not being able to eat freely, and spending my life in doctor’s appointments. I finally realized if I was going to get healthy, I needed to open my stubborn eyes to alternative solutions. I found strategies that worked and gave me incredible relief. I embraced a new lifestyle that actually made sense physically, spiritually, and emotionally. I researched how perfectly our bodies work with plants and found a healthy lifestyle that made my health less of a burden to my family and aligned beautifully with my faith and medical training.
I was tired of feeling bad all the time, unable to eat, missing out on my kids’ activities, and spending my life in doctor’s appointments. If I was going to get healthy, I needed to open my mind to alternative solutions that I once thought were ridiculous. With some research, I found strategies that worked and provided incredible relief. I slowly embraced a new holistic lifestyle that made sense with how I learned the body worked, how it so beautifully aligned with my faith, and how our bodies were truly created to heal.
I have a unique perspective, having been trained in the medical model. I encourage medications to ensure my patients have a comfortable therapy session. I peddled one of the top acid-reducing pills as a pharmaceutical rep, and I took every medication under the sun for my illness.
I am far from perfect. I am not a die-hard health nut or exercise guru, although I believe in a good balance. I will always be a work in progress and do not profess to know everything. I’m just a mom who understands how the body works and loves to read a good science journal in my spare time. I like facts and testimonies, but most importantly, I want results. I have done a 180 by opening my mind to the benefits or harm of what goes on in and around my body. I have never thrown out the food in my pantry or pills in my medicine cabinet, but I do love learning how to read labels with fresh eyes each day. When it’s time for a refill, I replace a potentially harmful product with a quality product. I aim for every step to be a step in the right direction. Small, achievable steps are more likely to lead to success than dramatic actions that cannot be sustained over time.
In each episode of Becoming Natural, I hope to share a piece of my story and tips and tricks I have learned to help me make better future health decisions.
In this podcast, I’ll share with you:
-simple food swaps
-How do you eliminate harmful household chemicals (and save money!)?
-when you can use plants as medicine
-how emotions (good and bad) play a massive role in your health
-the incredible value of preventative health
-how my faith played a role in my healing journey
-and so much more!
I couldn’t believe these simple steps to whole-body wellness made such a difference in my broken body.
If you are ready to live clean in a dirty world, follow me and never miss an episode of Becoming Natural. Thank you so much for hopping on, and let’s see where it leads us!
Next Steps:
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An uplifting podcast that is perfect to start your morning with, keep you company in the night, or wind down your afternoon to. Consisting of deep conversations covering everything from wellness, spirituality, mental health and learning, to thriving and living free from self-judgment. Whatever you're seeking, this show encourages you to embrace your own sense of self-study and never stop learning. Kalyn’s Coffee Talk, hosted by Kalyn Nicholson, is produced alongside Studio71.
Check out the video versions of the episodes on the Koze Youtube Channel:
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a podcast for the creative + curious soul.
the intention of the podcast is self-explanatory... to help you explore and unleash 'your own magic'. as the podcast has changed over the years, we encourage all listeners to unabashedly embrace all of who you are: the soul; the human; the mystic; the intellect; the light; the mess; the integration of this mind, body, + spirit.yom continues to share messages from visionaries, artists, authors, guides, healers, entrepreneurs, and the host - raquelle mantra - who may help strengthen your vision in the unfolding of your own magic.
hosted by Raquelle Mantra
sponsors special offers -
yom membership site - meditations, journaling, soulful tools, + more
music by sounds of sion @sionlouks
logo artwork by broken isn't bad @broken_isnt_bad
CREATE YOUR PODCAST with the same host I use - RedCircle
Psykopodiaa on psykologian aiheita ja ilmiöitä käsittelevä podcast, jonka emäntä on psykologi Nina Lyytinen. Joka jaksossa Ninan kanssa keskustelemassa on asiantuntijavieras.
Podcast sopii Sinulle, jos olet kiinnostunut työssä jaksamisesta, hyvästä johtamisesta, omista vaikuttamisen keinoista hyvinvointisi edistämiseen - ja yleisesti ihmisistä, ihmismielestä ja ihmisen käyttäytymisestä.
Psykologiliitto valitsi Nina Lyytisen Vuoden psykologiksi 2023 mm. vaikuttavasta toiminnasta psykologisen tiedon popularisoinnista Psykopodiaan kautta.
—IG, FB: @psykopodiaa / Anna palautetta, ehdota aiheita -> -
Free fitness, nutrition, biohacking, fat loss, anti-aging and cutting-edge health advice from! Tune in to the latest research, interviews with exercise, diet and medical professionals, and an entertaining mash-up of ancestral wisdom and modern science, along with Q&A's and mind-body-spirit optimizing content from America's top personal trainer.
Each week, Dr. Nazanin Moali interviews experts, psychologists, mental health practitioners and researchers to explore the most intriguing findings in psychology of sex and intimacy. Sexology podcast will give you insight into all that you have ever wanted to know about sex but were afraid to ask. Join us in this weekly journey to examine sexuality and pleasure from a scientific perspective.
RADplus oli FOAMed-henkinen podcast-sarja, jossa käsiteltiin ensi- ja akuuttihoidon ajankohtaisia ja ajattomia aiheita. Sarjan tavoitteena oli tuoda laadukasta ja ajankohtaista tietoa asiantuntijoilta kliinisen työn etulinjaan helposti lähestyttävässä muodossa, jotta potilaamme saavat parhaan mahdollisen hoidon. Pääpaino oli ensi- ja tehohoidon sekä akuuttilääketieteen näkökulmissa. -
Pain Reframed is a podcast for physical therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapy assistants and other health care providers about pain and how pain is managed in our society. Pain is a large issue right now and we will bring powerful and helpful insights on how we can manage pain in a much more efficient and effective way. Pain Reframed is committed to changing language and practice patterns across disciplines and points of care in order to reduce the unnecessary suffering that results from the propagation of misinformation, insufficient understanding of the pain experience, and the over-medicalization of pain in society. Dr. Tim Flynn and Dr. Jeff Moore will share their expertise, as well as the expertise from others in the medical and psychological fields, about pain management and our roles in dealing with pain. We want to create a sustainable, multi-disciplinary, international conversation on pain.
Vi drunknar i myter och missuppfattningar om sex, och det pajar våra relationer. I den här podden får vanliga människor hjälp med sina sovrumsbekymmer - av Marika Smith, sexinspiratör och samtalspartner. De får tips och råd kring sex och lust och hur det funkar egentligen. Men framför allt någon som lyssnar.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Livscoacherna är en podcast med Nordens ledande livscoacher Filippa och Jimmy Tjärnlund. Livscoacherna ger dig en djupare förståelse om hur du kan skapa ett rikare och lyckligare liv. De delar med sig av sina mest effektiva verktyg för självutveckling och guidar dig tillbaka till dig själv. Filippa och Jimmy hjälper att skapa klarhet och en tydlig riktning. Det är inte alltid lätt med förändring, men oftast nödvändigt. Ingen annan kommer att göra det inre jobbet för dig. Det är ditt ansvar, men livscoaherna är här för att visa dig vart du ska börja och ge dig en verktygslåda för att skapa positiv och långvarig förändring i ditt liv. Kom ihåg att du är värld allt du vill ha och allt du vill uppleva.