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Do you ever get so caught up in your day-to-day life that you forget to take care of YOU? We all do. Our cup ends up empty and we can’t figure out just how to fill ourselves back up again. We are ok with saying "It's just motherhood", accept the #hotmessmomculture, and resolve to suffer through. But friend, here is the thing…we are NOT called to live this way. God wants us to live lighter and enjoy life to the fullest. I’m Teresa Swanstrom Anderson, mom of six, author, speaker, Bible teacher, and entrepreneur who wants to show overwhelmed moms there is a better way. You CAN slow down, lean into living lighter, and take care of yourself: home, body, mind, and soul. So, let's do just that together!
Warfare Parenting: Faith-driven strategies for struggling parents of teens and adult children
Laine Lawson Craft brings hard-earned wisdom to the world of warfare parenting. As a mother who experienced the near-dissolution of her marriage and the heart-wrenching struggles with prodigal children, Laine intimately understands the challenges many parents face with teens and adult children.
Through her personal journey of marriage restoration and family healing, Laine discovered profound strength and purpose. Today, she is a beacon of hope for parents navigating their turbulent waters, especially those grappling with prodigal children. Her approach combines compassion with practical, faith-based strategies for families in crisis.
Laine is a best-selling author, and her newest book, “The Parent's Battle Plan,” won the 2023 Nonfiction Book of the Year award. As an accomplished media host, she extends her message of hope and transformation to a broader audience, offering guidance to parents facing seemingly insurmountable odds with their teens and adult children.
Drawing from her experiences in warfare parenting and spiritual insights, Laine equips parents with the tools they need to fight for their children's futures. She believes in the power of unwavering faith and strategic action to overcome even the most daunting family challenges, from troubled marriages to wayward children.
What to Expect
Raw Reality, Real Solutions: Dive deep into parental anguish with practical strategies for fighting back and reclaiming your family's peace.
Spiritual Warfare Unveiled: Discover the battle for your child's soul and learn to wield the weapons of faith effectively.
Wisdom from the Frontlines: Gain insights from experts and hear inspiring testimonies from parents who've overcome similar struggles.
A Band of Warriors: Join a supportive community of parents fighting the good fight alongside you.
Each series tackles the unique challenges facing today's young adults and adult children head-on. We'll navigate the treacherous waters of social media pressure, addictive behaviors, and a rapidly changing cultural landscape. Empower yourself to guide your child towards truth, freedom, and purpose in an increasingly complex world.
The enemy doesn't fight fair, but neither do we. Join Laine Lawson Craft on the Warfare Parenting Podcast and unlock the spiritual arsenal you need to reclaim your child's destiny. It's time to turn the tide of battle—your family's future hangs in the balance. -
Are you tired of feeling disconnected in a world that is more connected than ever?
Are you sick of the comparison and constant busyness?
Do you wish you could be your true self without judgement?
Do you want more quality family time?
How about addressing those secret addictions and creating some wellness boundaries?
In this podcast you will find realness and laughter from a recovering people pleaser and a straight shooter... our mission is to help you become intentional, free, and confident in the world that is addicted to comparison, busyness, and “the hustle”. If you are ready to laugh with us, break through some emotional baggage and rise to the occasion which you were created for, then welcome to the club!!
We are Tracy and Tori, two moms who met and discovered we shared the same feelings of discontentment and loneliness after moving our families across the country. Stepping out in faith and believing that God calls the UNLIKELY, we created this podcast to share our personal stories and encourage women to step out of their funk, not allow culture issues to hold them back and to walk with the Lord into who God created them to be…. together in community.
If you are ready to put on your big girl panties and acknowledge reality, it’s time to ditch the self-care for soul-care! Get ready for 1 small change to have a ripple effect across your marriage, your kids and your purpose. When you are set free from cultural lies and other’s opinions, you have the freedom to move beyond the status quo and into who you were called to be.
Pull up those high waisted yoga pants, tighten your top knot, reheat your coffee for the 3rd time, turn up the volume and let’s go!
Connect ➡️
Instagram ➡️ UnlikelyHousewives
Facebook ➡️ -
Fortellingen om hva som skjedde med Jesus og disiplene hans i påsken. Fortalt gjennom øynene til disippelen Peter får vi høre om hva som skjedde på palmesøndag, skjærtorsdag, langfredag og Påskemorgen. Løst basert på utdrag fra boka "Menneskesønnen" av Peter Madsen.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Historier fra Maram er en hjertevarm podkastserie for barn og familier, skrevet av Pål Johannes Nes og lest av Erika Nes. Disse helt fiktive historiene tar deg med til den lille øya Maram på Nordvestlandet, hvor vi følger søstrene Rita og Sunniva gjennom deres hverdagslige eventyr og utfordringer.
På Maram, en øy med omkring 4-500 innbyggere, opplever vi alt fra stormfulle netter til solfylte dager fylt med lek og læring. Rita (6 år) og Sunniva (4 år) er to nysgjerrige og kjærlige jenter som, gjennom sin katolske tro, lærer viktige verdier som vennskap, mot og å velge rett selv når det er vanskelig.
På Maram bor også bibliotekar Margrete og naboen Olav, mens Pater Erik bor i byen ca en time unna. Sammen med disse blir hver episode en lærerik reise i et univers hvor tro og hverdag flettes sammen på en naturlig og inspirerende måte. Historiene avsluttes alltid med en kjærlig oppsummering fra mamma, og noen ganger blir den snille biskopen med gjennom sine brev.
Vi håper at disse historiene ikke bare vil være til glede for våre egne barn, men at de også vil finne en plass i hjertene til mange andre familier. Velkommen til universet på Maram - et sted hvor Gud er nær, og hvor hver dag bringer nye oppdagelser. -
Vårt Lands podkast Dokka tar opp tunge ting på en lett måte. Annenhver uke inviterer Åste Dokka en gjest til å reflektere over tanke, tro og eksistens.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Hvordan skal vi som kristne orientere oss i vår tid? Er vi mer sekulære enn vi liker å innrømme? I denne podkasten fra Misjonssambandet vil Harald Masvie Hovland og Espen Ottosen grave i tematikker som berører vår kultur og se de i lys av det å følge Jesus.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Gjennom Bibelen på ett år, med én episode hver dag. Hver podkastepisode inneholder en forrett fra Ordspråkene, en hovedrett fra GT og NT, og avslutningsvis en dessert fra Salmene. Bibelen på ett år (Norsk-Bibel 88/07) lest av Daniel Sæbjørnsen for Tro & Medier. Mer informasjon på Bibelenpå
Welcome to The Exploring The Marketplace Podcast. Hosts Shawn Bolz & Bob Hasson interview everyday influencers, business owners, career professionals, entertainers about how their faith has changed their opportunities and transformed their lives. These stories will be forever embedded in your memory helping you see what God can do in your life! If a picture is worth a thousand words, their stories are worth a thousand self help books, sermons, or coaching sessions. Come join the conversation!
Bjørn Steinar Haugland og Eivind Algrøy er vertskap for denne podkasten. Vi spør hvorfor så mange forlater kristne menigheter, og hva som kan gjøres annerledes for at kirken skal være et bedre sted å være for flere. I den siste sesongen inviterer Haugland og Algrøy inn pastorer og eksperter til å snakke om dette viktige spørsmålet. I de første episodene kan du også høre Christian Lilleheim, tidligere pastor i Salem Misjonskirke.
Pastoren og Journalisten er et samarbeid mellom pTro og Dagen, Dagen er ansvarlig utgiver.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
St. Augustins Bekjennelser er en katolsk mediaorganisasjon som sprer, uttrykker og forklarer Kirkens Tro gjennom videoer, podcast, foredrag, og artikler. St. Augustins bekjennelser deler samtaler med prester, ordensfolk og lekfolk, slik at man kan vokse og bli styrket av den Katolske kirkes lære og tro. CHRISTUS VINCIT, CHRISTUS REGNAT,CHRISTUS IMPERAT!
Welcome To The Blossoming Mommy + Baby Show: The ONLY International Maternal-Lifestyle Brand, Helping Families Discover Healthy Solutions to Natural Living. Blossoming Mommy + Baby Show is hosted by Jennifer Blossom, who is a Doctor of Occupational Therapy and Founder of Blossoming Mommy + Baby. Jennifer created this show with one mission- to transform and reboot the health and happiness of families worldwide. Fresh, gorgeous episodes are released every Monday and Wednesday and focus on modern holistic living. Whether we chat healthy recipes, remedies, motherhood, encouragement, pregnancy, Christianity, marriage health, emotional health, parenting, and beyond.... we are here to provide you with the action steps to healthy and happy living! It is time to BLOSSOM, girl! Welcome to the Blossoming Community! XOXO