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Najstarija priča na svetu je mit o potrazi. Čovek otkako postoji, on traga. Traganje može da bude prostorno, ali traganje može da bude i unutrašnje. Tragamo za srećom, za identitetom, tragamo pokušavajući da odgovorimo na mnoga pitanja. Kroz razgovore i putovanja, ovo je moja potraga, moj pokušaj da pobegnem od besmisla.Agelast podcast je projekat Galeba Nikačevića.
This show teaches YOU how to get lean by turning body fat into better focus so that you can live a long, healthy life.
We all want a lean, muscular physique that performs as well as it looks, but we're BUSY.
No one has time for marathon workouts and endless tracking of calories with kids, sports, work meetings, and all the building and creating we do in our own lives.
But what if it was easier than we thought?
What if we could get back into the best shape of our lives without spending every weekend meal prepping gross tilapia and broccoli.
That's the question that this podcast will answer. Albeit somewhat irreverently.
Jump in, and lets get lean together. -
Get actionable advice and the essential fundamentals of running a profitable 5-star Airbnb side-hustle or full on business. Annette’s extensive background in business operations and Sarah’s experience in high-end hospitality management and interior design make them a powerhouse duo that will deliver high impact content. With almost a decade of combined hosting experience they will not only share their own stories welcoming thousands of guests from around the world but also those of other Superhosts to deliver you a wide array of stories, insights, and profitable and creative ideas to make your listing rise to the top. Whether you’re experienced, new, or nervous to start your own Airbnb this podcast promises to be informative, fun, and from the heart.
It's a Thing is a decidedly off-topic show. It's a show about trends. It's a show about obsessions. It's a show about sneakers, becoming a plant lady, buying a house (holy cow, sewers), books, food (holy cow, lining up for pastries). It's about things that are already a thing, might become a thing, always have been a thing, or are only things in our own minds. And of course, it's about your things! If a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, this show is us tying our shoes. And talking about it.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
If you’re under-earning right now and know that you can create more for yourself but something has gotten in the way so far, this podcast is for you. Certified Career Mindset Coach, Natalie Fisher teaches you the proven mindset tools you need to achieve any career goal and to have maximum impact in your field and within your circle of influence. Become a thought leader, make a difference, and find a fulfilling career you love starting with a better job in 30 days. Join Natalie today at to learn how to change your life by achieving ultimate career satisfaction.
The Good Life is a podcast designed to empower midlife women to create happier, healthier, and more meaningful lives. You give to everyone else and this is your place to focus on you. Women who are ready to prioritize themselves and their dreams. If you are ready to step off the sidelines to play the starring role, tune in for free content every week!
You'll learn from world-class experts, authors, entrepreneurs, and solocasts. This podcast covers it all — health, relationships, friendships, career, fashion, spirituality, purpose, midlife reinvention, entrepreneurship, menopause, and more. I go deep with my guests to extract the most value for your time, but keep it light-hearted and entertaining. You'll feel like you are sitting with a good friend over a cup of your favorite beverage. There are actionable tips in every episode.
If you are a curious soul who loves learning and is committed to personal development, this is the show for you! I'm a best-selling author and certified life and holistic health coach committed to helping you design a life you love. Visit the to join our community. I'm so glad you're here! xo, Michele -
Looking for a relatable health and wellness podcast that feels like you're facetiming your bestie and having an honest convo about all things faith, fitness, relationships, mental health and navigating your twenties? Grab your oat milk latte and take a hot girl walk with Callie Gualy (formerly Callie Jardine) your new healthy but human bestie. In her podcast, Callie shares relatable moments and struggles, showing you that you don't have to live a perfectly aesthetic Pinterest life to still be the best version of you that God designed you to be.
Flavor of Croatia Podcast takes you on a journey of exploring Croatian food and recipes, Croatian culture, travel, and history through interviews with anyone who has a fascinating Croatian story to share. Join your host Zeno Hromin as he interviews artisans, winemakers, culinary experts, genealogists, people who are defining and redefining Croatia today. Expected debut late January 2021
Welcome to The Vernacular Life Podcast! I’m your host, Paige, and I live in an under-renovation 1906 Vernacular Farmhouse with my husband, a veritable herd of cats, some assorted farm animals, and way too many chickens. Tune in each week to learn about the quirks of old house living, the adventure of sympathetic renovations, the heritage of home habits, and pretty much anything and everything that might go on in our turn-of-the-century home. Learn more at! So glad you’re here!
East Coast Survival Network is a podcast where we will talk about Bug Out Bags , EDC's, Doomsday Bunkers , Prepping and overall Survival Plans. Follow Instagram and Youtube Pages @EastCoastSurvivalNetwork Support this podcast:
Kaleigh Moore and Emma Siemasko have long shared a dream: to build the world’s most fulfilling freelance writing businesses. Over the past 8 years, the two friends have become successful freelance writers, finding new clients (hello Salesforce + Vogue Business); refining their service offerings; building six-figure businesses; and ultimately, creating their dream careers.
Now, they’re sharing everything they know and discussing what they’ve yet to find out. Why? Because they know you can build a great freelance writing business, too. But first, you gotta get real.
On Freelance Writing Coach, Kaleigh and Emma discuss all things related to building a successful freelance writing business. Topics include things like client boundaries, digital products, rates, proposals, loneliness, and much more.
Their promise? To tell it like it is. -
Podkast “Znakovi pored puta: coaching sa Ksenijom Popović” namijenjen je svima koji žele da unaprijede svoj život. Ksenija je sertifikovani kouč, predavač, motivacioni govornik i podkaster, specijalizovana za sportsku psihologiju i visoke performanse. Sarađuje sa sportskim timovima, sportistima i trenerima, ali i sa ljudima iz drugih oblasti života koji žele da prevaziđu teškoće i postignu željeni napredak i uspjeh.
Njena prethodna karijera je bila u prevodilaštvu, diplomatiji, medijima i kulturi, a sa 25 godina je postala prva žena koja je objavila roman u Crnoj Gori.
Ksenijina koučing filozofija je usmjerena na izvrsnost, a ne savršenstvo. Tehnike i znanja koje prenosi svojim klijentima omogućavaju im da efikasno prevaziđu izazove, preuzmu odgovornost za svoje živote i krenu u akciju. Vjeruje da u svakome od nas čuči moć da transformiše svoj život i ostvari svoje snove.
Radi u opuštenoj, prijateljskoj atmosferi, a njen stil je neformalan i vedar, ali utemeljen na dubokom znanju, obimnom iskustvu i širokom spektru svjetskih alata.
Koristi pažljivo osmišljene procese koučinga prilagođene specifičnim potrebama klijenta. -
Join Freya Victoria for Freya's Fairy Tales, where we believe fairy tales are both stories we enjoyed as children, and something that we can achieve ourselves. Each week we will talk to authors about their favorite fairy tales when they were kids, when they knew they wanted to write, how they come up with their stories, and their adventures into holding their very own fairy tale in their hands. At the end of each episode, we will feature a fairy tale that is either a favorite of the author, or closely resembles their favorite movies, stories, and legends as a kid.
(As an Amazon Affiliate our show makes a small commission on purchases made using our links) -
EdTech Bites is a Podcast about all things EdTech and Food hosted by Gabriel Carrillo. He interviews teachers, leaders, and innovators to discuss the latest trends in educational technology. Many times, while sharing a meal together. So subscribe, tell a friend or colleague, and remember that great conversations happen when we break bread with great people. Buen Provecho!
The Franchise Manual podcast is a behind the scenes look at all things “Franchise” and the people that make it look easy."
Operating a franchise is not the same as running a small business. So, if you are thinking about franchising your business, then you really need to listen to The Franchise Manual Podcast.