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We are a 6 year strong World of Warcraft podcast, FOR the players BY the players. We bring you in depth Casual Gaming, Raiding, PVP, Patch Updates and our Race and Class Perspective. Of course we also throw in some smack talk and a healthy Alliance/Horde Rivalry to keep you wondering...what side should I choose?
#YOU on Lifetime is the new show based on the thriller book by Caroline Kepnes. The show starres Penn Badgley, Elizabeth Lail, Shay Mitchell, Jon Stamos and more!
JLAG and NBEA break down each episode of the first season, with having read the Caroline Kepnes version, they will offer insight into what went down in the book that the show may be doing differently.
Let us know your thoughts! Tweet us @Recap_Rewind -
A Russian and a Brazilian walk into a bar and... Well, and they drink. Asya and Giovy are here to play every game that can involve some buzz while sharing embarrassing moments and taking social drinking to another level. Join us, place your bets - and remember to drink responsibly!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Lewis Black has some things to get off his chest! With his weekly podcast "Lewis Black’s Rantcast," the Grammy-winning comedian does just that. Channeling his anger in ways only a man who’s devoted his entire life to ranting can do. The tirades are sometimes big, other times small, yet they are always fun-spirited and truly hilarious. No topic is safe from Black’s trademark style of comedic yelling and animated finger-pointing. Skewering anything and anyone that gets under his skin. On the "Rantcast," Black isn’t the only person getting things off his chest, each week Lewis allows fans to submit their gripes so he can commiserate in their frustrations. Black’s long career includes movie roles in Accepted, the voice of Anger in the Pixar’s "Inside Out," and is currently the longest-running correspondent on Comedy Central’s "The Daily Show."
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ืฉืชืคื ืืชืขืงืื! -
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Everybody’s had them, everybody can relate to them, and now we’re back with more of the wildest you’ve ever heard, on BAD DATES! Join host Joel Kim Booster (Loot, Fire Island, Netflix) as he invites his favorite funny friends to share their most iconic dating fiascos. From the team behind the hit podcast SmartLess, BAD DATES will make you laugh a lot, cry a little, and cringe just enough. Because as we all know - the worst dates make the best stories. It’s a new host, but the same old mess!
Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ to listen to new episodes of Bad Dates ad-free.
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The mythical village of Chelm is where, in the mid- to late-1800s, the Wise Fools lived. Where everyone was a fool, no one was aware of being foolish. These are their stories--unlike other stories in the Chelm genre, very short-form tales as read aloud in synagogue over many years. (But you don't have to be Jewish! All are welcome.)
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ะะฐั ัะฐะนั:
ะกะปะตะดะธัะต ะทะฐ ะฝะพะฒะพัััะผะธ ะฒ ัะตะปะตะณัะฐะผะต: