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Welcome to Community Bridge, a Family Radio podcast designed to help you stay informed about matters affecting your community. As Ephesians 2:10 tells us, “we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works.” Host Jenny Burkhiser interviews representatives from community organizations and ministries, providing opportunities for us all to do good in our communities!
**A Holy Mess Podcast is ranked in the top 1% globally**
Welcome to A HOLY MESS, a safe place for you! Great at taking care of business but struggle taking care of you? You’re in the right place!
Does your life look pretty good on the outside, but inside, you’re struggling? I’m here to help.
If you’ve been feeling stuck, lost, exhausted, tired, or just drowning in a life that seems unfulfilling, broken, or like something is missing, THIS is the podcast for you.
I’m bringing you the absolute raw, unfiltered, and authentic truth.
Together, we will figure out how you can learn to thrive through the drama and trauma of life.
Even as Christians who sometimes feel unworthy and shame about our past, anxious about our future, or feel like we are not enough. There is so much more for us! There’s hope, joy, peace, fun, purpose, and a reason that YOU are on this planet.
We CAN have fun and laugh while trudging through our messes; this stuff doesn’t need to be dry and boring!
We will dig into finding freedom in our mess, tactical tools to help in our daily lives, and amazing guests, too!
”Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.”-Psalm 84:5
I can’t wait to journey with you!
Your new friend,
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Welcome to Her Renewed Strength-The Podcast!
At HRS, we’re on a mission to get more women in the Word of God. Whether your struggle is to have time for Bible study or simply better understand what you read in God’s Word, this show will help you get in God’s Word and grow in your faith as a Christian woman.
Hey, I’m Erika, your Jesus-loving Puerto Rican life coach! I’m passionate about God’s Word and I know, firsthand, the transformation that comes from investing time into a relationship with Jesus. I believe that the best way to live out your faith is to read your Bible, develop GOOD theology, exercise spiritual disciplines, and engage with culture in a way that honors God and points others to Jesus.
On this show, I’ll share Bible study tips; dive into God’s Word; and talk about all things theology; all in an effort to help you live out your faith with boldness.
Grab your Bible, notebook and a pen, sister friend. It’s time to dive in!
1. Learn More //
2. Download the FREE Simplify Bible Study Resource //
3. Join the Community //
4. Want to put Jesus first in your busy schedule and have time for the things that grow your relationship with the Lord? Grab the Christ Centered Productivity Framework Mini-Hub for just $37! -
Learning to Thrive Beyond Pornography use was the greatest challenge of our life and marriage. It had rocked my self confidence, tainted all of the most important experiences of my life and become the most impossible challenge I had as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
With this podcast or at you'll learn about the struggle, how to overcome pornography use, and where to find additional resources to begin to thrive beyond pornography with your spouse.
At some point I took a step away from all the 12 step meetings and councilors and started to figure out my own brain, to look at my issue as something that I had the answer to and I was going to figure it out. Here I share those lessons and give you the power to start your own journey free. Whether you struggle with unwanted pornography use or are the spouse or partner, whether you feel stuck or just don't know where to start, here I will teach you principles, tools and skills that you can use today to change how you think and, in the end, what you do.
You'll hear interviews with my spouse, with experts on human sexuality and with former and current pornography users on how you can overcome your own struggle with addictive behavior.
The Thrive Beyond Pornography podcast will bring new perspective to your struggle and keep you coming back to improve all aspects of your life. (formerly, The Self Mastery Podcast: Overcome Pornography Forever) -
**Top 1.5% globally ranked podcast** for Women in Healthcare who want to Lead Well & Live Healthier
Do you want better work-life balance?
Do you get stuck in patterns of perfectionism and people-pleasing?
Have you always been an overachiever but never really felt good enough, no matter how much outward success you achieve?
Do you want MORE TIME for the things that matter most?
Well, you are in the right place!
Here on the Grace filled Leader podcast, we focus on Spirit-Driven success and share the secrets to having better work-life balance as a busy woman in leadership. Here you will learn how to set boundaries like a boss, find peace of mind, and reclaim your time for the things that matter most.
I’m Tanya, a wife, mom, leader and Certified Christian Life Coach
For most of my life, I tried to find worthiness through achievement. I spent decades people-pleasing and pouring myself into my work. I was looking for my value through the approval of others. This led me to feel burned out, empty, and exhausted. I had no time or energy for myself or my family.
I realized that I was wasting time and energy looking for validation in the wrong places. My life changed when I finally surrendered, and God showed me a different way!
It is my MISSION to help you start living the abundant life God has for you!
This faith-led podcast will teach you time management, self-care, soul-care and practical leadership strategies to help you navigate life and leadership, God’s way.
If you’re ready to become Fueled by Grace and Find Freedom from People-pleasing, if you’re ready to MULTIPLY YOUR TIME AND IMPACT as a Christian woman in leadership, if you are ready to Live and Lead WELL, this podcast is for you!
Roll up your sleeves, Sister Friends! It’s time to get after it!
FREE Discovery Session:
Ask Tanya a question:
FREE Community:
FREE Resources:
Email: [email protected] -
Hey Mama,
Are you tired of this never-ending circus of starting your diet every darn Monday only to end up at the drive-thru by Wednesday?
You know what you’re *supposed* to be doing, but for some unknown reason, you just can’t stick to it.
Well, let me tell ya, I’ve been in the same boat! I know the struggle of lugging around those extra pounds and feeling completely defeated.
But guess what? I managed to do a complete 180 on my mindset when it comes to food and weight loss, and now I’m here to spill all the juicy details and teach you how to do the exact same thing.
(Here’s a’s not about the food ;)
In this podcast, we’re not gonna waste our time on stuff like counting calories, obsessing over macros, munching on fake foods, or slaving away at crazy intense workouts. And forget about those ridiculously low carb diets, too. Nope, not for us!
Instead, I’m going to equip you with some seriously powerful tools that have helped incredible women just like you lose that weight once and for all without quitting your favorite foods, eating different than your family, or being “the weird one” with your family and friends.
In this podcast, you will learn how to stop talking to ourself like a jerk. How to have compassion. How to like yourself RIGHT NOW. You will also what to do when your husband is a jerk, your best friend is a food pusher, and your mom is giving endless unsolicited advice, and your kids just want you to eat ice cream with them. How to you love yourself to a weight that is comfortable and sustainable FOR YOU.
You will learn how to stop raiding the pantry like Yogi Bear at 9pm because you are exhausted.
If you are ready to kick dieting to the curb and embrace a whole new way of honoring your mind and body and getting well for the long haul, you are in the right place!!!
Send me an email @ [email protected]!!!
Follow me on Facebook @
Join my FREE private group @ -
Our Mothers Knew It: A Creative Study of Come Follow Me with Maria Eckersley is an audio version of Maria Eckersley's popular digital course. This is a study of the weekly Come Follow Me lessons offered by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. In addition to the audio, the full course contains personal weekly insight videos, creative object lesson videos, professionally designed printables, extensive study notes, and the full library of past content. It can be found at
Easier Said than done (ESTD) is influenced solely by the Holyspirit to encourage and educate Christians who wish to navigate the arenas of life. The Bible is a book we will study for the rest of our lives. This is to help make it a little easier to dive into concepts of the Bible and how to apply it into our lives with Zizi Osemeke. New episodes to be released every Sunday. All episodes start and end with prayers so join be filled with the holy spirit.
Új évadunk a Törvénnyel foglalkozik, pontosabban hogy mit is jelent az Isteni Parancsolat, és milyen módon lehet azt betartani, továbbá kikre mely rendelkezések vonatkoznak egyáltalán? Tibor ígérete az, hogy aki végighallgatja a sorozatot, el tud majd igazodni ezekben a kérdésekben. Ennek vágunk tehát neki a harmadik évad során.
Tényleg létezik egy természetfeletti jótevő? Akkor miért esik ennyi szörnyűség? És miért nem jelenik meg inkább egyszerűen? Nem arról van inkább szó, hogy a hit csak menekülés, és leegyszerűsítés? Hogy mindez csak egy ősi tudat babonás képzeletében létezik, melyet lassan meghalad a tudományos hozzáállás? A Bibliával szembeni legalapvetőbb kifogásokat Gesztesi Máté, filmíró szegezi neki Ruff Tibornak, a Rabbiképzőn doktorált filozófus-teológusnak. A hit filozófiája. Minden pénteken jelentkező podcast sorozat 13 epizódban.
“Beszélgetéseink természete idegen attól, ami ellenkezik a szabadsággal. Igyekszünk kreatívan és pozitívan, de főleg őszintén beszélni ezekről a dolgokról.” Tibor és Máté egy általuk improvizált főcím dallal indítják az adásokat, úgy érezték, ez megfelelően tükrözi majd a dolog szellemiségét. Sok szeretettel ajánljuk tehát ezeket a különleges beszélgetéseket, melyek egy barátság kialakulásának történetét is megörökítik. -
What if we could commit to creating a reality of abundance, health, and wellbeing? What if we commit to creating a reality of an expansive world where we contribute back to others and help them do the same. Every single thought we have, every word we speak, every feeling we feel contributes to reality, the question is, what can you learn? Tune into Shifting Impressions every Friday at 8am Pacific, 11am Eastern,
Gretta, Carol, and Kathleen are a collective group of facilitators supporting the transmission of the Realm of Beings as it is brought forth into the world at this time through lively conversations with each other and the audience.
Join an informal discussion of topics that will raise your consciousness bringing unconditional love, abundant joy, and prosperity into your life.
Get to know the realm of beings at -