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Velkommen til et livsfilosofisk samtalemagasin, hvor jeg, Mannah, taler med forfattere, undervisere, healere og tankeledere om livsmestring.
At mestre sit liv har mange facetter til sig, og derfor spænder emnerne vidt og bredt. Det er på den måde en podcast, du kan stemple ind og ud af, alt efter hvilke emner der fanger din interesse. Men jeg elske at have dig med på hvert et skridt af vejen. Mit håb er at samtalerne vil inspirere dig til at finde den vej, kun du kan gå.
Mit overordnede ønske er at fremme viden og visdom, der åbner for højere bevidsthed og indsigtsrige perspektiver på eksistensen og os selv — på en så laid back måde som muligt.
Astrologi er blevet en slags livline for mig til at forstå, hvad der foregår under overfladen, så også det kan blive set, hørt og elsket. Spørg mig om Terapeutisk Astrologi hvis du vil høre mig tale meget længe - men i den her podcast er det de mange forskellige stemmer, jeg er optaget af. Jeg elsker at interviewe mennesker med noget vigtigt på hjertet! Indimellem stempler jeg ind med et astrologisk filter på temaerne.
Det er dit liv, vi taler om! - Derfor er det jo sjovere, når du er med.
Terapeutisk Astrolog og Interviewer
Kontakt mig her: [email protected]
Engelsk Podcast: -
Københavns Professionshøjskole vil bidrage til at udvikle svar og viden, som de kommende år vil præge vores velfærdssamfund.
I Velfærdsprofeten undersøger værterne Lotte Andersen og Stine Rahr Bruzelius aktuelle problemstillinger, den gode praksis og de nyeste løsninger på velfærdsområdet.
Det sker som oftest i samtaler med forskere og fagprofessionelle, der brænder for at gøre en forskel gennem deres fag og profession.
Velfærdsprofeten er med andre ord til dig, der ønsker inspiration og input til faglig udvikling på eget fagområde – og til dig, som simpelthen bare er interesseret i velfærd i alle afskygninger.
Du kan høre Velfærdsprofeten, hvor du normalt finder dine podcast og få nyeste opdateringer på Facebook, Instagram og Twitter. -
Husband and wife watch The Tudors. He knows nothing about the 16th century. She has been podcasting about Renaissance England since 2009. In this episode by episode guide he'll ask her questions, and they'll discuss the stories behind the drama, looking at what really happened at the Tudor court. We think it's a fun way to make the 16th century more accessible, and any excuse to see more of Jonathan Rhys Meyers is a good thing. (She wrote that part).
Learn more about us at which is also part of Heather's Renaissance English History Podcast website, at -
The intention is to awaken, enlighten, enrich, and inspire. Timber Hawkeye, bestselling author of Buddhist Boot Camp and Faithfully Religionless, offers a secular approach to being at peace with the world, both within and around us. As the Dalai Lama says, "Don't try to use what you learn from Buddhism to be a Buddhist, use it to be a better whatever-you-already-are."
This podcast helps you to learn German like a native speaker. We are two native German teachers with multiple years of teaching experience who share our experiences with you. On this podcast we talk about grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation hacks in order to really boost your German learning. We also discuss interesting topics about German culture, habits and lifestyle as well as language motivation, improving your memory and much more. Our goal is to help you learn German fast and speak it as well as famous polyglots like Benny Lewis, Olly Richards, Alex Rawlings, Luca Lampariello and Steve Kaufmann. To all our episodes German transcripts are available on our homepage. Let's get started, auf geht's !
Væren & Vin er en samtalepodcast om filosofi og kultur, sat i verden af Nicolai Bo Larsen og Søren Reith-Hauberg. Sammen undersøger vi filosofiske og kulturelle problemstillinger, personer og fænomener, i håbet om at det kan hjælpe os til bedre at forstå os selv og den verden vi lever i. Fælles for episoderne er den nysgerrige og uformelle dialog, som selvfølgelig altid hjælpes på vej af den ædleste drik af dem alle: vin.
The Psychedelic Podcast connects you to the leaders and pioneers of the psychedelic renaissance.
From deep healing to creativity, leadership to spirituality, business, health, human performance, relationships, sexuality, and even culture itself—every aspect of our world is being transformed by psychedelic medicines.
Get an inspired, informed, balanced look into how these powerful medicines are already being safely and responsibly used to catalyze both personal and collective transformation.
Whether you’re just curious or a seasoned psychonaut, or somewhere in between, you’ll get insightful, practical, cutting-edge conversations from the forefront of the psychedelic movement.
Join us as we explore how psychedelics can be integrated into culture for the evolution of humanity. -
We're here to help you and your friends learn to like more than one kind of beer. There's lots of different beers to like. Some are made right down the street from where you live and others have to travel half way around the world to get to you. Learn why beer tastes like it does, how other styles came about, and all the verbs you might use to describe what you are tasting. The best part is the home work is beer!
Beer School topics include: beer, culture, brewing, stories, guides to styles and much, much, more.
You don't have to like every beer but don't drink the same beer day after day. -