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The questionable convergence of neuroscience, philosophy, multipassionate creation and an old Soul in a modern man's body trying to balance meditative flow and screen time.For Q&A submissions, please email [email protected]. Big love! -
Everyone wants a simple and effective way to remove the stress and issues from their lives, healing old wounds. However, taking control of your life can seem daunting. Take a healing journey into yourself like no other with respected therapeutic storyteller, Damian Appleby and enjoy a full guided healing meditation session every month, along with bonus episodes to enhance your guided meditation journey. If you are ready to begin your healing journey, then you won’t want to miss a single episode.
Ich Momente - Deine Selfcare im Alltag, der Podcast, der dir hilft, dich um dein körperliches und emotionales Wohlbefinden zu kümmern und deine Energie wieder aufzuladen. In dieser Podcast-Reihe gebe ich konkrete Ratschläge, praktische Tipps und inspirierende Geschichten, um Ich Momente zu schaffen und Selfcare in deinen Alltag zu integrieren.
Wie kannst du deine Ich Momente schaffen? Welche Techniken, Übungen und Möglichkeiten gibt es für die Selfcare im Alltag? Höre hier unterschiedlichste Ansätze und lerne Expertinnen auf diesem Gebiet kennen.
Erfahre, wie du durch bewusstes Priorisieren und das Setzen von klaren Zielen genügend Zeit für Selfcare findest. Entdecke die Macht von Achtsamkeit und wie du durch Selbstreflexion ein besseres Verständnis für deine eigenen Bedürfnisse entwickeln kannst. Tauche ein in praktische Tipps und Techniken, die dir helfen, deine Momente der Selbstfürsorge zu maximieren.
Ich bin Emilia Koch, Heilpraktikerin, Craniosacral Therapeutin und Gründerin der CranoSelfcare, der Craniosacralen Selbstbehandlung.
Du findest mich über meine Webseite:
oder auf Instagram
@cranioselfcare -
Immerse yourself in an exploration of the human experience as each series dissects a single topic via the insights of five distinct experts. These professionals answer burning questions that resonate with many people, offering a well-rounded understanding from diverse angles. This podcast is a gateway for curious minds seeking personal development or a deeper understanding of everyday topics. Listen to gain valuable knowledge and ignite your curiosity, as you delve into different perspectives on subjects that matter. Transform your perception of the world, one question at a time.
The Kula is a positive, welcoming and supportive Yoga focused community. It was set up by Adriene Mishler. This show focuses on a diverse range of community members to discuss their yoga journey, how they came across Adriene and the impact that being active in the kula, yoga and Adriene has had on their lives.
** ** Music Meditation is about the brain science behind music and meditation in healthcare, examining mental health, good vibrations, and a fundamentally sound approach to better living.
It features regular podcasts of 40 Hz immersions and discussions at the intersection of music, meditation and good health.
Objective 1: Promote music and meditation in healthcare.
Objective 2: Improve quality of life using simple tools.
Objective 3: Connect brain science to good vibrations and mental health. -
Are you a high achieving woman ready to have more energy and sexual desire again, but feel stuck because you are too busy, feel overwhelmed, and don’t want one more thing on your “to do” list?
Congratulations brave one, The Find Your Feminine Fire podcast is for you.
In this podcast, renowned Sex and Relationship Expert Amanda Testa shares what it really takes to have incredible sex, enjoy deeply connected relationships, and light yourself up from the inside out.
Over the years, Amanda has guided thousands on transformative journeys to heal their relationship with their sexuality, fully embrace pleasure without shame, own their electrifying confidence, and have epic relationships.
Listen in to discover how to fan the flames of your Feminine Fire, fall in love with your sensual self again, and experience intimacy like never before - all in a way that feels really good to your system.
Ready To Get Your Feminine Fire Back? Head to for free goodies and your Free Sensuality Activation!
Join my FB community here: -
Most of us hardly spend any time understanding how humans work. How we work.
When we want to make changes in our work, life, relationships, health and more, we take on snippets of information and advice. If the information and advice is sound and we act on it, things start to change.
The purpose of this podcast is to expand our understanding of how we work, particularly how our brain works. Making physical changes in our brain will make real changes to life. And the biggest thing we need to understand and work on is our habits.
We are a collection of habits and up to 80% of what we do each day can be down to habits we have formed consciously and unconsciously.
I take a look at the science of why we do what we do and more importantly how to make changes and create habits, routines and systems which will help improves lives.
I also talk to guests who can shed more light on why we do what we do, and other guests who share the challenges they faced and how they made changes.
I am a performance and change coach working with people who want to make changes in their life, work, and future. I focus on helping people build habits, routines, and systems because these are the foundations where change happens. -
Es gibt nur einen Weg zu einem erfüllten Leben: Hör auf, dich zu verbiegen und zeig dich in deiner wahren Natur! Hier im Podcast bestärke ich dich, das zu tun was sich für dich richtig gut anfühlt - egal was andere von dir denken. So erschaffst du ein Leben voller Zufriedenheit, Achtsamkeit, Liebe und Erfolg. Und: Ich spreche ganz offen und unverblümt über Themen, die gerne ausgeklammert werden. Als Coachin und Mentorin zeige ich mich so wie ich bin: echt, verletzlich & menschlich.
Weight loss is 99% psychology. Without changing your mindset in the right way, your results won't be sustainable and you could even put on more weight. If you're like me, you've tried many programs to help lose weight and failed miserably. It doesn't mean the program is bad, it just means you must get your mind right first before they'll be effective. Subscribe to the Weight Loss Mindset podcast and discover new ways to lose weight and keep it off! -
Sharing #GiftsOfWisdom with YOU, allowing your BRILLIANCE to shine! “From Suicide To Self-Love To Purpose,” #ThePowerOfSelfEVOLution healed Karen Love Lee’s life from chronic depression, self-hatred, self-sabotage and double suicide...The death of her youngest sister in 2006, and Karen’s own suicide attempt in 2008. Desperately searching for “The Meaning of Life,” since early childhood, Karen finally magnetized her Divine Calling along her journey of SELF-Realization...#EmpoweringYOU by listening, living, and learning vicariously through tragedy to triumphant stories of #Courage #Perseverance #DivineIntervention #BlindFaith #IndomitableWill #RealRawRelatable #Compelling #Vulnerable #Confronting #Freeing #Rewarding #Magical #OwnYourGenius #AllForOneAndOneForAll
DISCLAIMER: Karen Love Lee's soul purpose is to empower human beings through her personal experiences and what transformed her own life.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:
Call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) Available 24 hours everyday
1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: -
When we encountered New Age philosophies in Life Coaching that ran counter to our Christian beliefs, we decided to take the best practices of Life Coaching and infuse them with the rich traditions of our Catholic Faith. We're Matt and Erin Ingold, Catholic coaches and the founders of Metanoia Catholic, our Catholic Life Coaching Company. Join us as we share practical coaching tips to being transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you can be free to discover and choose your greatest calling in life.
Welcome to the Heart + Soul podcast hosted by Ellen Newhouse, best-selling author and healer.
Are you hungry for a career that lights you up and a life you love? Join me for inspiring conversations with successful creative entrepreneurs and transformational leaders that will fuel your soul, rev up your joy and connect you with your creative spirit.
If you have enjoyed this podcast, please share with your friends and leave a review.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Soft Life with Saddie Baddies is a wellness podcast dedicated to creating safe, open, and soft spaces surrounding mental health for Black and multiracial people. In the first episode, you’ll get to know your host, Priscilla O. Agyeman, MPH: a first-generation creative entrepreneur and mental health activist. Through her introspection and insight, you’ll learn about the origin story of the vibrant community that is Saddie Baddies, which is home to thousands of individuals having meaningful and impactful conversations surrounding mental health online and offline communities.
Ovo je mjesto podrške svim ženama koje su umorne od dijeta, restriktivnih režima ishrane, iscrpljivanja sopstvenog tijela nerealnim zahtjevima, ishranjivanja emocija umjesto stvarne gladi i konstantnog upadanja u epizode prejedanja.Hajde da zajedno odbacimo stare načine u kojima kreiramo sve samo ne zdravlje i da na lakši, mekši i ženski način kreiramo slobodu u odnosu sa hranom, kroz povezivanja sa najvećom mudrošću koja nam je data, našom intuicijom.Dobrodošle na podcast Intuitivno Zdrava.Podcast vodi Vana Gojković, magistar farmacije, sertifikovani intuitivni holistički trener i ajurvedski savjetnik za ishranu.Hajde da živimo ovu našu žensku mudrost pametnije, lakše i udobnije, živjeći slobodu sa hranom, bolji odnos sa sopstvenim tijelom, balansirajući hormone i kreirajući savršeno zdravlje.
Stories of people and places near and far hosted by Yulia Denisyuk, an award-winning travel journalist, photographer, and writer who’s worked with National Geographic, The New York Times, BBC Travel, and more. Each week, we sit down with travelers, journalists, creators, and people living and working in destinations around the world. Guided by Yulia’s years of working in the travel media industry, we meet the people living in the Middle Eastern deserts, culture writers in Hong Kong, street artists in Chicago, and more.