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The Where Parents Talk podcast empowers parents to navigate the challenges of raising kids, teens, and young adults today with science-backed insights, evidence, and the lived experiences of parenting thought leaders.
Every Saturday, host, award-winning journalist and mom, Lianne Castelino, distills parenting hot topics with her guests, including: managing hormonal changes, fostering healthy communication, and promoting emotional, mental, and physical health and well-being of kids.
Get proven tips and expert advice on addressing device usage and managing social media to the latest evidence on bullying, consent, and relationships, to help instil discipline, encourage independence, and build resilience in children.
Discover trusted advice, delivered with empathy and optimism, to support your parenting journey and help your family thrive. -
A podcast for parents who are on the treatment journey with the clubfoot cuties. This podcast will discuss different aspects of clubfoot treatment from a parents perspective. It includes short individual podcasts about different aspects of clubfoot treatment and longer interview episodes where I speak with various parents, medical professionals, and clubfoot community members. I hope that you find something helpful from each episode.
”Shifting the Narrative” is a podcast that seeks to dispel the myths, misconceptions, and fears around Everything Autism. Stacy Badon is an Autism Education specialist, Sensory Enrichment Therapist, and Parent Coach, with previous experience as a Speech Therapist and Early Intervention teacher for public schools. She has 20+ years of professional experience supporting families in the Autism community, as well as global experience volunteering with nonprofit organizations. Torrin Kearns is an Autistic screenwriter, blogger, and neurodiversity advocate. Each week, they’ll deep-dive into a different autism-related topic in a quest to provide answers, skills, and strategies for parents, caregivers, teachers, and therapists.
Welcome to Learn with Dr. Emily, the podcast. Where parents and teachers come together for neurodivergent youth. I’m your host, Dr. Emily King, child psychologist and former school psychologist specializing in raising and teaching children and teens diagnosed with autism, ADHD, anxiety, learning disabilities, and/or giftedness. Each week, I share my thoughts on a topic related to psychology, parenting, education, or parent-teacher collaboration, which you can read on my blog or listen here. If you want to learn more about me and my online resources for parents and teachers, visit Let’s get started. -
Prenumeruok „Spotify“: MAMOS tinklalaidė – ieškančioms tikrų, nuoširdžių pokalbių apie motinystę ir šeimą.Prenumeruok KALBA MAMOS ir klausyk pilnų pokalbių, prisijunk prie palaikančios, sąmoningų mamų bendruomenės, dalyvauk Discord'o pokalbiuose, KNYGŲ KLUBE bei kitose, tik bendruomenei skirtose, veiklose. Visą informaciją rasi
Are you busy, setting goals to achieve your dream life? Yet, incorporate pretty things into your busy life such as self care routines, home decor & style? Your host, Jadyn Hailey shares the perfect mix of feminine style, while dialing in to become the best version of YOU. Whether you love positive mindset motivation, mornings routines, wellness favorites, shabby chic style or feminine farmhouse inspo… Busy, Yet Pretty is your safe space. Tune in every Monday with an almond milk matcha latte!
Jadyn's Social Media platforms:
- Instagram:
- Tiktok:
- Youtube:
Business Inquiries: [email protected] -
5AM - podkastas, kurio tikslas padėti nors vienam žmogui žengti žingsnį į priekį link geresnio gyvenimo.
Esminė mūsų pokalbių vertybė - atvirumas, nes tik taip galėsime sukurti reikšmingus pokalbius, kurie kam nors padės gyvenime.
Kalbinam žmones, kuriais tikim ir kurie tikrai gali padėti kitiems! -
A show for people who are ready to radically transform their lives through the use of Stoicism, the Enneagram, and other personal growth resources. Mindset and momentum coach Sarah Mikutel shares actionable exercises, interviews and stories to help you feel more peaceful, enjoy happier relationships, and live a more smoothly flowing life. If you’re stuck in a transition point — you know WHAT you want to change and can’t figure out WHY you can’t move forward — this show is the roadmap you’ve been looking for.
Сумесны падкаст САМі і Забі зяпу на тэму працы, заробка і творчай дзейнасці.
Дзе беларускай моладзі шукаць сябе і грошы? Чым адрозніваецца фрыланс і сталая праца? Як сумяшчаць творчы шлях і добры заробак? І што з перспектывамі?
Сачыце за намі ў Інстаграм: @sami.supolka і @zabiziapu
Прыходзце запісвацца на Студыю42: @studio42minsk -
Це подкаст про те, як ми памʼятаємо нашу історію. Він розповідає, які проєкти українці створюють, щоб зберігати памʼять про своє минуле і краще розуміти себе.
Ведучі подкасту Ігор Кромф і Вікторія Скуба у кожен випуск запрошують людей, чий досвід роботи з історією і памʼяттю може бути корисним.
Подкаст є проєктом Українського інституту національної памʼяті за підтримки Медіацентру Україна. Технічним партнером подкасту є агенція RMA. -
Sakoma, kad nėra jokios teorijos kurią galima pritaikyti savo gyvenime ir laukti sėkmės. Bet aš su tuo nesutinku. Aš manau jog kiekvienas galime tapti sėkmingu ir laimingu jeigu pasirūpinsime pagrindiniais sėkmingo gyvenimo ingridientais. Kiekvieną dieną turime rūpintis savo emocine bei fizine sveikata, romantiniais santykiais, finansais ir daugeliu kitų sėkmingo gyvenimo ingridientų apie kuriuos daug kalbėsiu savo laidose.
This podcast is about personal development and self care. Hosted by Dr. Sarah Joy Mobley who has had a rich career in the Esthetics and Wellness business for over 25 years. Her greatest achievement was overcoming homelessness and foster care as a teen, to leading an empowered life as a self driven entrepreneur, fitness competitor and Self Care Advocate.
Candidly PG-13 -
Imaginable Futures and UNICEF present Learning to Overcome, a podcast series that features discussions with educators, innovators and entrepreneurs on strategies for ensuring equitable access to quality remote learning and supporting students’ well-being through the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
During its peak, around 1.5 billion children and young people—or 91% of students worldwide—had been impacted by COVID-19. As the pandemic continues, schools around the world have had to delay opening this fall or implement a remote learning strategy. This abrupt shift has disrupted learning and upended lives, especially among the most vulnerable and marginalized communities. Still, real-time responses during and after COVID-19 can provide catalytic opportunities to take a collective leap forward towards providing more inclusive and equitable quality education for all children. This time also unearths challenges we need to overcome to ensure children can continue learning. -
Welcome to the Living in Sync Podcast, I am your host Joelle Suess and on this podcast you are going to be hearing how you can live fully into the present moment of your life no matter what stage, season, or phase (of your cycle) you are in.
I have been an accidental entrepreneur for over a decade. I have experience in direct sales, course creation, 1;1 nutrition coaching, and everything in between. For a long time I put myself into a box. At first it was at home fitness, then it was intentional productivity as a mom, then it went back to hormone health and cycle syncing, and now I am just sharing it all with you. I am going to be sharing solo topic episodes as well as amazing guest conversations about all the things.
No matter if you are a stay at home mom, corporate climber, entrepreneur, or anything in between I hope you enjoy each weeks topics because it is going to be a blend of everything! Health, wellness, nutrition, and living in sync with your cycle will still be some of our highlighted topics but why do we have to be so obsessed with our bodies losing weight when life is so bountiful and beautiful. There is so much more to life!
I am in the midst of evolving, changing, and challenging myself!
If you are in for real life topics of conversation make sure you are following the show so you don’t miss an episode! -
Speaker, Author, Consultant and Strategist Dawn Stone discusses conflict, communication, business, leadership and every day life in her podcasts designed to discuss and address real problems and opportunities in real time. Authentic truth is what she lives and shares ways to manage business, school, relationships and self. Evidence based yet simply stated.
This podcast is all about the journey. The journey of self-discovery, the journey to reach our highest potential and the journey to understand the nature of reality.
Podcast host Garett Renon is currently studying shipibo style plant medicine and is an apprentice under world renown shipibo curandero and ayahuasquero Ricardo Amaringo. Garett brings a unique perspective and insight into the world of shipibo style plant medicine documenting his year long sama with the powerful master tree ayahuma.
Join Garett on his journey as he discusses: The power and potential of Plant medicine, Human potential, The power of the mind, The nature of consciousness, Supernatural phenomena and much more.