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A podcast for working parents presented by Lori Mihalich-Levin, JD, founder of Mindful Return, and Jason Levin, MBA, founder of Ready Set Launch, exploring work-life integration in all different roles, industries, and professions.
Techniques for parents in dealing with everything from sleep deprivation and managing work-life issues, to help you excel at work while also raising your family. -
StoryTokri Originals - more than the bedtime stories.
StoryTokri means a basket of stories and this basket is meant for children of all ages and also those grown-ups who wish to re-live their childhood.
Here, you will get to hear original stories penned by Sneha, the storyteller. In short, it is your one-stop for interesting stories.
These are not just bedtime stories but ones that can be enjoyed anywhere, anytime; stories that will leave you spellbound.
Let's bring alive the culture of storytelling and let our children embrace their childhood for a little longer.
Connect with Sneha: -
Ready to work on yourself, supercharge your life and create the love, happiness, and success you truly deserve? Join me, Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby, your trusty guide on this transformative journey! I'm here every week to help you develop yourself, do the work, and grow into the person you want to be.
In every episode, you'll discover the secrets to incredible relationships, authentic happiness, life-changing personal growth, the dream career you've been longing for, and how to create all the good stuff life has to offer.
As a psychologist, marriage and family therapist, board-certified coach, and the visionary behind, I'm on a mission to light up your path to greatness. Every single week, we dive deep into your burning questions, chat with inspiring experts, and serve up fresh, actionable ideas for you to put into practice.
Don't miss out on your chance to level up your life! Tune in and let's co-create the love, happiness, and success story you've always dreamed of. It's time to unleash your potential! 💫🎙️ -
The Empowered Relationship Podcast helps you turn relationship challenges into opportunities and sets you up for relationship success, satisfaction, and intimacy.
This podcast is designed to inspire, motivate, and guide individuals and couples into more empowered, conscious, and evolved ways of loving. -
The Bad Boy of Erotica, Nah'Sun the Great, delivers the undisputed #1 podcast for Swingers and relationships beyond the Lifestyle. You'll laugh, smile, frown, and might even hate some of the words you'll hear as you tune in, but one thing's for sure and two thing's for certain, you'll enjoy every second of the in-your-face edu-tainment value that your soon-to-be favorite author brings to the table. So subscribe, share, like, rate, review and leave a comment whether you love or hate the show, because the bedroom ain't the only playground for Swingers...aye!
Honest and logical breakup and relationship advice… with a sprinkle of bluntness.
Whether you're fresh off a breakup, in a toxic relationship, stuck in the past, or craving closure, Trina delivers tough love, practical tips, and emotional support to navigate modern dating.
Learn to set boundaries, regain confidence, avoid desperation, and spot red flags. From rebounds to thriving solo, this breakup podcast gives you the clarity you need... with a lot of humor and relatability along the way.
Grab your copy of "Don't Be DESPERATE: Get Over Your Breakup with CLARITY & DIGNITY" on Amazon. This book will shift your mindset, rebuild your confidence, and set you up for a fresh start. Before you know it, you’ll be wondering, "What was I thinking?!"
For breakup & relationship coaching, visit Follow on TikTok @breakupBOOST. Subscribe on YouTube "breakup BOOST." -
If you, a friend or family member is facing a divorce or similar family law matter, then this show is for you. Here is where we share our experience and knowledge to help others navigate a challenging phase of life. This show is a re-broadcast of a Radio Show sponsored by Meriwether and Tharp, a law firm with over 40 lawyers focusing on divorce and family law matters.
First-Time Parents Burning the Toast. We take a shot at podcasting, and discuss our experiences at being first-time parents. Talking about what has worked for us, what hasn't worked for us, and what we've tried that burned the toast! We're learning to be parents, we're learning to podcast, we're learning to adult.
Highway to Happy – Deinem Podcast für Happiness ON & OFF THE MAT! Für diesen Podcast musst du kein begnadeter Yogi oder Flexibel sein.
Du musst nur eins wollen - Happy zu sein - auf der Yogamatte und noch viel wichtiger auch abseits davon. Selbstliebe, Resilienz oder Selbstwert Themen prägen diesen Podcast.
Ich teile mit dir meine besten Erfahrungen aus meiner Arbeit als aktive Fliegerin, Coach, Yogi & Unternehmerin. Tipps DIE WIRKLICH HELFEN unser Leben leichter, erfüllter und freier zu Leben - und vor allem deine eigene Balance und dich nicht zu verlieren. Dich erwarten Interviews, authentische Erfahrungen und kurze Inspirationen
Deine Maike -
Podobno się mnie dobrze słucha, a ja lubię mówić... Posłuchaj więc o życiu w Bukareszcie, małżeństwie (mieszanym), macierzyństwie i wielojęzyczności dziecka, podróżach (z dzieckiem) i różnych kulturach z bliska, próbach ekologicznego podejścia do życia, trochę o niczym też ;) #polskipodcast Wszystko na spontanie, bo zalatana jestem! Napisz do mnie: [email protected]
Hey this is Qalb .Qalb is an urdu word meant HEART which makes our podcast name ZIkr-e-Qalb meant "dil ki baatein " here we talk about feelings the things we all are ignoring now a days we don't care what our heart wanna say about himself. Here we try to be voice of your heart and say what it wants to tell to you in the form of poem
Let’s build healthier and more fulfilling romantic relationships. Jillian is on a mission to teach people how to completely transform their love life, and where you start is by addressing the relationship you have with yourself.
Whether you’re looking to strengthen the relationship you’re in, heal your heartbreak and choose better partners, develop a stronger sense of self, or move away from dysfunctional patterns into highly functioning ones this show is for you.
Jillian Turecki is a certified relationship coach, teacher and writer who for 20 years has guided others on journeys toward fulfilling relationships.
Follow the show on Instagram: @jillianonlove
Email the show at [email protected]
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Find Resources mentioned in the show at the Jillian on Love Recommendations
Follow Jillian Turecki on
Instagram: @jillianturecki
Tik Tok: @jillian.turecki
Twitter: @JillianTurecki
Visit her website at
Jillian On Love is brought to you by QCODE.
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In the reConnect podcast we - Meli & Damian Prem - are discussing all topics around tantra, conscious relationship and sacred sexuality to help YOU create the love life you were always longing for. We will share a lot of our own experiences, interview inspiring experts, give you practical tips for your relationship and offer you a completely different perspective on sex - because there is still so much more to learn and discover most people don’t have a clue about ;-)For more information and free resources, visit our website: