TV & film – Egypte – Populaire podcasts

  • أكبر منصة بودكاست تطلقها الشركة المتحدة للخدمات الإعلامية في مختلف المجالات (فن، ثقافة، علاقات، صحة نفسية، رياضة، دين، اقتصاد، أطفال، ذوي الهمم، مرأة)

  • يستكشف البودكاست الرسمي لمنصة شاهد القصص التي لم ترو من عالمها الترفيهي ويسدل الستار ليكشف لكم ما يدور خلف الكواليس.

    The official Shahid podcast that explores the untold stories of the Shahid entertainment world pulls back the curtain to show you what goes on behind the s(h)cene.

  • اسم على مسمى...
    لو عايز تقضي وقت رايق وانت فايق، انضم لإبراهيم فايق في بودكاست "فايق ورايق X إبراهيم فايق".
    حلقات مرحة تتناول مواضيع خفيفة ومسلية وشيقة مع ضيوف مميزين من مختلف المجالات، في كل حلقة هيحكي إبراهيم وضيوفه عن ذكرياتهم المضحكة، تجاربهم اليومية، المواقف الطريفة، واللحظات اللي بتخلي حياتهم أكثر متعة.
    لو بتدوروا على حاجة ترفيهية خفيفة تضيف البهجة ليومكم، ما تفوتوش "فايق ورايق X إبراهيم فايق"!

  • بودكاست فاهم قصدى؟ تقديم ڤاليري ايهاب بدوى، عشرينية قاهرية اقطن فى بلاد الفرنجة، بحب المزيكا والتصوير والرغى زي عينيا، بحب اتكلم في اي حاجة وكل حاجة، نقاشات مسلية في كل ما يحتمل وجهات النظر، تحت مسمي الترفيه و الكوميديا البيضاء منها و السوداء

  • دردشة عن كل ما هو عظيم في السينما المصرية والعالمية Mohamed Abousoliman, creator of the popular CINEMATOLOGY video series chats all things movies with guests from various backgrounds and with one thing in common- their passion for cinema!

  • مسلسل ألف ليلة وليلة هو عمل إذاعي مصري مميز، تمكن من تحقيق نجاح كبير بفضل الاعتماد على تراث غني وإخراج محترف وأداء صوتي متميز. يعتبر هذا المسلسل أحد روائع الإذاعة المصرية، وساهم في إثراء الحياة الثقافية في الوطن العربي.

  • ناس بنقابلهم كتير، بس هنعرفهم بجد لأول مرة

    شاركونا قصصهم، مواقفهم الصعبة ولحظات نجاحهم

  • برنامج خام هو سلسلة جلسات حبية مع فنانين وصناع أفلام نفهم من خلاله الإنسان خلف الأعمال الفنية ونعيش تجاربهم ونسمع وجهات نظرهم من تقديم أحمد العياد

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • نحن كبشر نحب ان ندون حياتنا و ما هو افضل من ان تدونها في سطور عمل ادبي ، تنتقد فيه مجتمعك او توجه رسالة لحبيب تركك ، او تبكي على ضياع الأمل ، كل هذا و اكثر تستمعون له على مسرح الأساطير و الأفلام ، حيث نلخص هذه الأعمال الأدبية و كيف ترتبط حياتنا بهذه الأعمال

  • Director film commentaries for educational purposes only, so you can listen on the go.

    New episode every day with an extremely wide breadth of films.

    I make no money from this and I don't take requests.

  • Welcome to the Bad movie club. We randomly pick a movie from a well known streaming site and... well review it. Yes its another movie podcast but this one isn't the movies we grew up on or probably don't even like. Possible no ones ever heard of them!!
    Wanna join us? find us on Facbook and email us at [email protected]

  • تحتوية هذه القناة على العديد من المسلسلات والمسرحيات الاذاعية القديمة

  • واحد كدة في سن الأربعينات مابيتكلمش غير عن الافلام و المسلسلات و ساعات حبة انيمي، من الاخر كدة هانتكلم على كل حاجة متعلقة بالسينما و المسلسلات من ازاي اتعملت لمين المخرجين لقوائم توب تن و كل الحاجات دي من غير فلاتر و هايبقى في حرق كتير. حلقة جديدة كل اسبوعين على جميع منصات البودكاست.

    Just some guy in his 40s with nothing to talk about except Movies, Series and some Anime. We're going to discuss anything and everything related to Movies from how were they made to whom were the directors to top 10 lists and all that stuff is totally unfiltered and a lot of Spoilers. New Podcast every 2 weeks.

  • Download SootBas app on Appstore and PlayStore

    لينك قناة فيلم جامد عاليوتيوب

  • In ‘You Should See The Other Guy,’ friends and film lovers Jenn, Sadie, and Samantha make the case for the spurned and rejected characters that rom-com protagonists don’t choose. Should she have seen the other guy? Often, the answer is yes!

  • Movie Podcast with Andrew LZ and Ashley. We have a conversation about movie news and reviews full of spoilers. The whole goal for me (Andrew) is to get my sister to rant about something with the news about upcoming movies.

  • Get insider Sopranos and showbiz scoop with actor Drea De Matteo and long time friend Chris Kushner as they explore real stories from Sopranos episodes with special guests about how they made it big, fell on tough times, got busted, and readjusted. Listen to candid conversations about life on the set, love behind the scenes, laughter, and hardships. More than just a re-watch-along-show, these Gangster Goddesses take you down the path of the strong, resilient, free-thinking gangster mentality to help you start living by your own rules.

  • “As you see, we’re flying over an island. A city. A particular city. And this is a story of a number of people, and a story also of the city itself.”That’s from the opening voice-over of the 1948 movie The Naked City, which was a very big deal when it was made, because it was a rare studio film that was shot entirely, lock stock and barrel, on the streets of New York City. You see, the American motion picture industry began in New York, at the end of the 19th century – Thomas Edison and other early innovators had their laboratories here, and shot their early films in and around Manhattan. But the movies moved to California in the 1910s, and rarely came back. Plenty of films were set in New York… but astonishingly few were shot here. Studios constructed fake New Yorks on their Hollywood backlots; maybe, if they couldn’t fake it, they’d shoot a scene or two in New York, or send a crew to shoot exteriors, or use stock footage. But that all changed with Executive Order No. 10, issued by Mayor John V. Lindsay on May 31, 1966. That document formed the Mayor’s Office of Film, Theatre & Broadcasting—a one-stop shop intended to eliminate the red tape and copious permits of New York filmmaking, and to lure filmmakers East. It worked - perhaps too well. The problem was, the explosion of production that followed the establishment of the Mayor’s Office in the mid-1960s coincided directly with the beginning of the most troubled period of the city’s history… a quarter-century of rising crime, increasing debt, decreases in public service and servants, and general urban anarchy. And that period was captured over the course of the next two decades, vividly, in the likes of Midnight Cowboy; The French Connection; Death Wish; Dog Day Afternoon; Taxi Driver; The Taking of Pelham 123, The Warriors; Fort Apache, The Bronx; Do the Right Thing; and After Hours—portraits of a city’s decay and downfall, and ones that, ironically enough, might not have existed at all were it not for the incentives provided by the city itself. Now, from the safe distance of a Disney-fied and gentrified Manhattan, these films provide us with a window into a past that’s been razed and replaced by a safer present. 9/11 took a toll on The City… so did the rise of income inequality, rendering New York City, more than ever, a place solely by and for the rich. That shift, and the rapid suburbanization that accompanied it, has left New York nearly indistinguishable from other large American cities. And thus these movies…. become a valuable reminder of what once was. And what we’re witnessing, in the films made in New York, and set in the present, is a conversation of, of connections and reflections between the fictional lives in their foregrounds… and the real lives happening behind them. So in their own unique ways, every great New York movie is an accidental documentary of what The City was - at the precise point of its production, and not a moment longer. All of those movies, taken together, tell their own version of the history of New York. That’s the history we’re here to tell.

  • Reviewing the latest films and occasionally doing breakdowns.

  • Do you want to know more about Disney? If so listen, PLEASE!!😁