Religie en spiritualiteit – Marokko – Aanbevolen podcasts
حلقات عن قصص حياة الصحابة رضي الله عنهم أجمعين
ويقول عمرو خالد عن البرنامج: هدف البرنامج أن تحب القرآن وتفهم القرآن وتتاثر بالقرآن، بل أكثر من ذلك وتحيا بالقرآن، لأن قصص القرآن كل قصة تعالج مشكلة من مشاكل الناس وتصلح جزءًا في حياتك، قصص القرآن كأنها مرايا سترى نفسك فيها منش خلال بطل القصة؛ سنعيش مع أهل الكهف؛ أصحاب الأخدود؛ موسى والخضر؛ مريم؛ قابيل وهابيل؛ ذو القرنين؛ قارون؛ أصحاب الجنة؛ قصة الدرع المسروقة. وقصة نبي الله موسي عليه السلام
Learn about America's Godly heritage with author and historian William J. Federer.
العلم والإيمان للدكتور مصطفى محمود.
اللهم انفعنا بعلمه وجازه عن نفعنا خيراً. -
هي محطة إذاعية لبنانية مسيحية هدفها نشر رسالة المسيح الخلاصية وإعلان حق كلمته وخلاصه المتاح للبشرية جمعاء من خلال عمل الصليب، بغض النظرعن الخلفية والدين والعرق.في ظل الظروف التي يمر بها بلدنا والمنطقة وكل الأخبار المظلمة والسوداوية، نعلن أن في وسط هذا الظلام "ليكن نور" من مصدر النور والسلام والفرح الحقيقي، وذلك من خلال برامج متنوعة ومميزة وخلاقة.هدفنا أن نشارك ما نمر به من تحديات واختبارات وانتصارات، ونكون إلى جانب كل من هم في ضيق!فهكذا علمنا سيدنا ومخلصنا الرب يسوع المسيح أن نساعد بعضنا البعض ونصلي من أجل بعضنا البعض.نأمل أن تكون هذه المحطة !سبب بركة لحياتكم وتشجيع لكمفي هذا البودكاست سنضع بعض من فقرات برامجنا التي نأمل ان تشجعكم وتكون سبب بركة لكم
Dios prometió en su palabra derramar de su Espíritu. La iglesia hoy mas que nunca tiene que buscar ese poder para poder vencer al gigante. Support this podcast:
كان شاهداً لجرائم قتل وخطف وابتزاز قام بها متخصصون خبراء عاشوا حياتهم وسط المؤمرات والمكائد. حاولوا التخلص منه، فاتهموه بأنه المسئول عن كل ما حدث. لفوا حول عنقه حبل الاتهام بأنه قاتل مطلوب القبض عليه وتقديمه إلى العدالة وليس مجرد شاهد على الأحداث. لم يجد وسيلة أمامه للنجاة إلا الهرب. وهو ينتقل بين ست دول فى أوروبا وشمال أفريقيا والشرق الأوسط.
اختبأ فى الظلام فإذا بالليل يضيء حوله ويكشف له عن أسرار لم يكن يعرفها وحق لم يكن يدركه. -
The call is to get people into having a strong spiritual connection with God, a prosperity mindset shift and blazing the trail in the service of God. Adeyinka Ademiluyi is here to help via Aflame Podcast
Hier findet ihr die Predigten der EFG Kempten als Podcast
These weekly messages from New River Church will encourage you in your relationship with Jesus. We believe that Jesus is enjoyable and our lives are meant to overflow with His joy and hope to the world around us. We pray that you are encouraged.
Un billet d’humeur autrement, une fois par semaine, avec Yoann :)
Are you a single Christian woman who finds yourself perpetually stuck in a state of inaction or despair because you’re waiting for your soulmate?
Are telling yourself you’re not in a relationship because:
- You aren’t attractive
- There is something wrong with you
- You are struggling financially on your own?
Are you telling yourself you’re not important because you are single?
Then welcome to RISE from Stuck with Bonnie Jean Schaefer.
I understand what it’s like to feel invisible, overlooked, unimportant, unattractive, and alone.
I understand what it’s like to use those feelings as an excuse to stay small, ignore God’s call, and convince myself I can’t succeed in relationships or business because I don’t have:
- The looks of a supermodel
- A husband
- Enough money
- Enough talent
- Enough connections
- The right credentials or
- A charismatic personality.
***But I’m learning to understand that my real problem is that when I don’t trust God with my whole heart, I fail to be who I know I should be and do what I know I should do because of my doubt-filled, excuse-riddled mindset.***
I’m also learning to understand that **seeking God first is the answer**.
Embracing my identity in Him is the path to confidence, significance, and success, the kind of success that has nothing to do with being skinny, being married, or being wealthy. The kind of success that matters is being like Christ and getting results that glorify God.
And you can’t produce those kind of results without relentless, purposeful action in the direction of your God-given dreams.
**I’ve known this core truth all along. I’ve been a Christian since age four, earned my Bible degree in 1999, and published four novels so far, one as me and three as fantasy author DK Drake.
But the internal war I describe in episode 30 between my competing desires to be married and to be an author entrepreneur has kept me small. Hidden. Insignificant. Until now.
Now I have a firm foundation and framework for my life that honors God. Now I know I am can be both single and significant because I am in Christ.
And I want to help you build that same foundation and framework for your life. I want you to feel significant. Important. Valuable. I want you to find your significance in Christ, not in your appearance, a relationship, or your net worth.
I want you to RISE from Stuck and live a confident, significant life as a single Christian woman. If you happen to attract the man God has for you in the process, BONUS!
That’s why the mission of this podcast is to help you build a foundation and framework for your life so that you can glorify God while living your dreams.
On this podcast, you can expect episodes that cover the following topics:
- Know God and understand His design
- Know yourself and respect your strengths
- Take consistent action toward goals that glorify God.
In the process of knowing God, yourself, and taking action, my prayer is that you become the diligent, disciplined, passionate woman God designed you to become so that you can attempt great things for Him. If you happen to attract a man in the process, BONUS.
But that is not the focus of this podcast.
Here we focus on serving God to the best of our ability while trusting Him to provide whatever we need, including a mate.
Ready to rise? Start by listening to episode 30, then taking the action I suggest at the end of the episode.
This rise from stuck journey may be a bumpy ride, but as we learn to trust God, respect our strengths, and do the work God is calling us to do, we are going to build confidence, courage and consistency in the pursuit of God and our dreams regardless of our marital status.
So strap into God’s word. Grab on to my hand. And let’s rise from stuck. Together. -
Grow with me through the trials and learning of my life and business to find encouragement in your life and business. After 23 years of being an entrepreneur, 19 years of motherhood to 5 children and 16 totals years of marriage, I have some experiences that you can glean lessons from!! I just share from my heart.
Igreja cristã
Culto aos Domingos às 19h -
Our desire is for teens to see Jesus. God is calling this younger generation to live for more than the empty promises of this world and the lies of Satan. This is about a new generation God is raising up for His glory and Kingdom who know their identity in Christ and are bold to “proclaim the excellencies of him who called [them] out of darkness into his marvelous light.” (1 Peter 2:9)
فضلاً, قراءة سورة الفاتحة على روح المرحوم والدي محمد بشار القصاب.
شرح وتفسير شامل لسورة الحجر للدكتور الشيخ محمد راتب النابلسي بجودة عالية HQ. -
C’est Jésus Christ qui influence toute l’histoire de ce monde. Notre Seigneur est venu sur cette terre pour sauver tous les hommes des péchés du monde, et Il est devenu le pain de la vie nouvelle pour ceux qui croient en l’évangile de l’eau et de l’Esprit. En effet, c’est pour nous donner cette vie nouvelle, à nous qui étions destinés à l’enfer à cause du péché, que notre Seigneur est venu, nous recherchant vous et moi.
Welcome to The Purpose Collective with Pavielle, where we get into weeds of what living a life of purpose is really about! I’m Pavielle, a lawyer, strategist and coach, who serves people of faith by demystifying the topic of purpose to help you become more confident and fulfilled in life.
Each week, we discuss insights and tips to help you live out your life’s purpose on a higher level, just as God intended. It’s time! No more playing it safe. We are getting serious about our Father's business and His Kingdom Agenda.
We dive into how to discover God's purpose and plan for your life, demonstrating the supernatural power of God, overcoming mistakes we make on the journey to purpose, dating with a purpose, how to overcome roadblocks like fear, imposter syndrome and delay, which present barriers to living a life of purpose, and much more!
Are you ready? Of course, you are!
Not sure where to start? Take this quick, 4-question quiz and get a curated playlist just for you! -
Take Sunday with you wherever you go. Put it on your iPod, burn it to a CD, whatever. Get Sunday's sermon every week from First Church of God in St. Joseph, MI or come visit us! Service times are 9am, 10am and 11:15am. Our address is 2627 Niles Ave., St. Joseph, MI 49085. We look forward to seeing you!
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