Talk Nasty to Me with Nicole Rafiee - Episode 18
Why do I romanticize the worst times of my life? And why do I maybe think it's kind of a good thing? Also, why am I so emotional about Lush?
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hello hello angels and welcome to a new ep of the podcast! this week we're catching up on the last few weeks and what i've been up to- from moving flats and social media breaks to a trip to the hospital and a new semester of university :) would love to hear your thoughts on the ep on the podcast insta @growingwiththeflow_podcast and have the best week! <3
happy monday my loves! hope you had a nice weekend wherever you are <3 this week's episode is a pretty big one, i'm talking all about my experience growing up mixed race! from microaggressions and mean comments to why i love it, i chatted openly about my experiences and how it's shaped who i am <3 i hope this is somewhat interesting! follow along on the podcast insta to be a part of future eps and see some behind the scenes @growingwiththeflow_podcast !! sending lots of love and catch ya next monday <3
Talk Nasty to Me with Nicole Rafiee - Episode 9. I think I'm better than everyone else in which I talk about taking breaks, and debunking assumptions about myself. Assumptions about college, me being rich lol, moving to LA, and being uncomfortable talking about ~sex~
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Talk Nasty to Me with Nicole Rafiee - Episode 15 in which I share my TERRIBLE roommate experiences. I talk about my roommates of the past, some of which introduced me to too many professional athletes, and some which forced their decaying rotisserie chicken on me. BUT I also give advice on how to survive roommate conflict, how to pick a roommate, and what to do if your roommate only communicates in sign language when she is angry, ENJOY.
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Talk Nasty to Me with Nicole Rafiee - Episode 3. Why I constantly cry to music, in which I discuss my music taste evolution, bands and artists I'm in love with, my weird obsessions, and why you'll constantly be catching me crying to music. Maybe it's narcissistic to talk about my music taste for a full hour but hey, it's me we're talking about. Top 5 Top 5 playlist:
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Talk Nasty to Me with Nicole Rafiee - Episode 8. Getting hit on at the hospital in which I tell funny stories about boys, stalking boys, getting hit on by boys, and the boys that got away. BLM Mass Resource site:
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Talk Nasty to Me with Nicole Rafiee - Episode 14 in which I discuss veganism. I talk about how I went vegan, WHY I went vegan, and why I think you should be vegan too. PLUS answered tons of your guys' questions all about veganism, and I may even do a part #2!
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Qu’est-ce qui relie le patriarcat et la catastrophe écologique planétaire que nous sommes en train de vivre ? Il y a-t-il des mécanismes, des causes et des conséquences communes entre la domination masculine et la destruction du vivant ?
Jeanne Burgart-Goutal, agrégée de philosophie et professeure de yoga, est l’autrice de “Être écoféministe : théories et pratiques” (éd. L’Echappée, 2020)
Elle raconte dans cet épisode une partie de l’histoire et des théories des mouvements écoféministes : comment celles-ci permettent de repenser la masculinité et le patriarcat ? Quelles pistes ouvrent-elles pour repenser la féminité, et donc la masculinité, sans verser dans l’essentialisme ? En quoi les pensées et pratiques écoféministes révèlent-ils l’androcentrisme de notre société, ce monde construit au masculin neutre ?
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Les couilles sur la table est un podcast de Victoire Tuaillon produit par Binge Audio. Cet entretien a été enregistré dans le studio Virginie Despentes de Binge Audio (Paris 19e) le 15 juillet 2020. Prise de son : Adel Ittel El Madani. Réalisation : Quentin Bresson Générique : Théo Boulenger. Identité graphique : Sébastien Brothier (Upian). Chargée d’édition : Camille Regache. Direction des programmes : Joël Ronez. Direction de la rédaction : David Carzon. Direction générale : Gabrielle Boeri-Charles.
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