Gezondheid en fitness – Chili – Populaire podcasts
Why do people self-injure? And what is the best way to respond when someone tells us they self-injure? Dr. Nicholas Westers, a clinical psychologist at Children's Health and Associate Professor at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, collaborates with the International Society for the Study of Self-Injury (ISSS) to interview the leading experts in the field of self-injury and self-harm as well as individuals with lived experience of self-injury and parents and family members of those who have self-injured. This podcast is meant to be a resource for parents, professionals, and people with lived experience.
Soy María José Álvarez Betín, health coach y experta en autoestima, relaciones de pareja y bienestar emocional. Con Autoestima para tu vida, el podcast de autoestima #1 en el público de habla hispana, te acompaño a activar nuevas redes neuronales para transformar la forma en que te ves a ti misma, a tus relaciones y a tu vida. Además, contarás con invitados que aportarán perspectivas valiosas a tu viaje de transformación.
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Like all couples, NeuroDiverse (AS/NT) Christian couples face challenges with communication and connection. Those challenges are nuanced in a way that most couples, therapists, and clergy don't typically recognize. Often NeuroDiverse Couples have children on the spectrum (or or other differences), this podcast will dedicate topics to the NeuroDiverse Couple as well as issues that may arise in spectrum or special needs family systems. We invite you to learn about NeuroDiverse Christian couples to understand those aspects more fully.
When life gives you lemons, what do you do with them? Over here at The Squeeze—we talk about it—"it" being our mental health and well being. Host Taylor Lautner's (no, not that guy, but she is married to that guy) introduction to mental health was at a young age, witnessing friends and family suffer in ways she couldn't fully understand. She started a nursing career in the peak of the pandemic and has been struggling with her own mental health ever since. Tay is joined co-host, husband Taylor Lautner, in addition to celebrity and expert guests to further the conversation surrounding mental wellness. At the end of the day, we're all pretty similar; even those living in the lime-est of lights can be weighed down by sour lemons. In addition to sharing coping strategies and stories, we hope that above all, this podcast offers the comfort of knowing you are not alone.
Podcast de la División de Anestesiología UC, donde trataremos temas relevantes para la especialidad.
Bienvenidos a Expansoras, el podcast y la comunidad virtual de amigas donde tenemos conversaciones reales sobre los retos, lecciones y aprendizajes que cada uno de nosotros puede usar para alcanzar la vida que tanto soñamos.
Este es un espacio que nació de una idea original de Instagram donde subo contenidos de relaciones de pareja acondicionados a la realidad actual y de la forma en que nadie lo dice.
Los invito a escuchar esta serie de podcast y a seguir el IG -
Plataforma que conecta conversaciones en torno a la Vida Sana, bajo los pilares del Cuerpo, la Mente y el Espíritu. La búsqueda de la Conciencia es el camino.
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Melissa Landry of @no.more.guilt talks about what it's really like to learn intuitive eating so you can be the first in your family to stop dieting, accept your body, and heal your relationship with food - just like she is.
En este Podcast, compartiré contigo, reflexiones, claves, herramientas y ejercicios llenos de motivación e inspiración, para apoyarte a mantener la Calma, a Potenciar tu Bienestar, a Ganar Confianza y a mantener la Salud Mental y Emocional.
The Rebalanced Podcast discusses health, achieving balance in your life & injury rehab: how our brain & body adapt to injuries, why we need to look past the outdated biomechanical perspective on the body, and what you can do to improve health & longevity of your body.
We also discuss tools & tricks to improve performance, become more zen, live a fulfilled life all while reducing your risk of injuries. Robbie Cassidy holds a MSc. Physiotherapy & undergrad in Athletic Rehabilitation Therapy. His focus is around helping active people overcome long term & recurring injuries to return to the activities they enjoy. This podcast dives deep into the tactics & strategies you can use to continue doing what you love. -
Este es el primer episodio de mi podcast Tu Versión más Saludable. En este episodio te contaré un poco de mi historia y por qué quiero promover un cambio en los estilos de vida . Quiero acompañarte a encontrar tu versión más saludable.
Lindsay Arnold is a professional dancer on ABC's hit TV show Dancing With the Stars. Lindsay loves to share her life as a new mom through her blog, YouTube, Instagram, and now The Okay So...podcast. Jensen Arnold is a professional dancer and placed 2nd on Fox's hit tv show So You Think You Can Dance. Jensen loves to share her life through her social media and YouTube channel, and now this podcast!
These two sisters are going to dive into all things lifestyle, family, friendship, career, and more. With their genuine and raw personalities be prepared for anything! Okay So.. lets get into it! -
En este podcast hablamos de nutrición, salud, bienestar, metabolismo y estilo de vida desde una perspectiva no tradicional. Somos dos ingenieros (por suerte no nutricionistas) que abordamos estos temas con una óptica no convencional y reflexiva para ayudarte a desarrollar pensamiento crítico que desafíe el dogma.
Un Podcast lleno de historias reales para; Parejas: Swingers: Solteros: OpenMinds: Bisexuales: y todo aquel que tenga curiosidad!. Para contarme tu historia o promo contactarme, Email y por Instagram Temptationnena. No te olvide de suscribirte a mi canal de YouTube Abrete con nena.
This is your show to discuss open relationships, the swinger lifestyle, consensual non-monogamy - however you describe it, we’re here to talk about it. Your podcast is hosted by John and Jackie Melfi, the force behind the industry famous colette swingers clubs and the award-winning blog With over 20 years of combined experience in open relationships and coaching thousands of couples, they are here to share with you the trials, tribulations, passion, and positivity of love and the lifestyle.
Punto Sex nace desde la necesidad de abrir espacios para conversar sobre educación sexual de manera segura, entretenida y libre de prejuicios. Lxs invitadxs nos contaran desde que punto se relacionan con su sexualidad y la otrxs.
Presentación del tema atención prehospitalaria y la psicología en el desastre
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