Nieuws – Duitsland – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Wir beleuchten politische Kommunikation, sprechen mit den Akteuren hinter den Kulissen und ordnen ein wie gelungenes Campaigning funktioniert.

  • Kerngeschäft ist der erste Podcast des Musikmagazins Maik und Linn beleuchten aktuelle Themen und Geschehnisse aus dem MoreCore Universum zwischen Rock, Alternative, Punkrock, Metal und Hardcore.

  • Achieving Alpha is a new podcast series where the A&M Southeast Asia and Australia (SEAA) team brings together industry experts and private equity leaders from Alvarez & Marsal and beyond. Dive into critical topics and emerging trends in the industry, as we equip listeners with the knowledge to navigate complex business landscapes and drive sustainable growth within private equity.

  • Cotygodniowe podsumowanie wydarzeń ze świata nieruchomości i jego najbliższych okolic.

  • Der Saarland Blaulicht Podcast - dein 5-Minuten-Update aus unserer Region. Packende Geschichten, dramatische Rettungsaktionen, heldenhafte Einsätze von Polizei, Feuerwehr und Rettungsdienst. Täglich passieren Dinge im Saarland, die die Menschen im Land bewegen. Wissen, was um die Ecke passiert ist. Damit Du mitreden kannst. Abonniere jetzt, damit Du Dein Update nicht verpasst.

  • "Spontan, unterhaltsam und immer am Puls der Zeit – das ist der neue Podcast „Kim & Klaus“! TV-Moderatorin Kim Fisher und Berlins ehemaliger Bürgermeister Klaus Wowereit besprechen jede Woche relevante Themen, die uns alle bewegen: gesellschaftliche Trends, politische Entwicklungen, Kultur, Gossip und vieles mehr. Mit ihrem einzigartigen Mix aus kecker Berliner Lebensart, ihren Expertisen und klaren Standpunkten liefern Kim und Klaus frische Denkanstöße und nehmen kein Blatt vor den Mund.Ob es um die großen Fragen unserer Zeit geht oder die kleinen, kuriosen Geschichten des Alltags – im Podcast „Kim & Klaus“ erwarten Sie spannende Einblicke und überraschende Perspektiven. Ab dem 1. November, jeden Freitag, bei rbb 88.8, in der ARD Audiothek und auf allen gängigen Podcast-Plattformen. Lassen Sie sich inspirieren und ein wenig informieren – mit „Kim & Klaus“!Bei Fragen und Anregungen schreiben Sie uns gerne eine E-Mail: [email protected]

  • The Great Barrier Reef: A Fragile Wonder in Peril In the vast expanse of the Coral Sea, off the northeast coast of Australia, lies one of nature's most extraordinary creations: the Great Barrier Reef. This living masterpiece, visible from space, stretches for over 2,300 kilometers, a testament to the remarkable power of tiny organisms working in harmony over millions of years. But this natural wonder, home to an astonishing diversity of life, faces an uncertain future as it grapples with the mounting pressures of a changing world. As we descend beneath the azure waters of the Coral Sea, we enter a realm of unparalleled beauty and complexity. The Great Barrier Reef is not a single, contiguous structure, but rather a intricate mosaic of nearly 3,000 individual reefs and 900 islands. Each of these is a world unto itself, teeming with life in myriad forms and colors. The architects of this underwater metropolis are the coral polyps, tiny animals no larger than a pinhead. These remarkable creatures have, over millennia, built the largest living structure on Earth. The polyps secrete calcium carbonate, slowly constructing the intricate limestone skeletons that form the physical structure of the reef. It's a process of incredible patience, with some of the large coral formations we see today being over 400 years old. But the corals are far more than mere builders. They are the foundation of one of the most diverse ecosystems on our planet. The nooks and crannies of the reef provide shelter and sustenance for an astounding array of marine life. More than 1,500 species of fish dart among the coral branches, their vibrant colors a dazzling display of nature's artistry. From the tiny, jewel-like damselfish to the imposing bulk of the Queensland grouper, the reef is a piscine paradise. The diversity doesn't end with fish. The Great Barrier Reef is home to more than 400 species of hard coral, 150 species of soft coral, 5,000 species of mollusc, and 500 species of seaweed. Dugongs, the gentle sea cows, graze on seagrass meadows in the shallows, while in the deeper waters, whales and dolphins breach and play. Six of the world's seven species of sea turtle can be found here, including the vulnerable green sea turtle, which returns to the reef's islands to nest. The reef's biodiversity extends beyond the immediately visible. Microscopic plankton form the base of the food web, supporting an intricate network of life. Sponges, often overlooked, play a crucial role in filtering water and recycling nutrients. Countless species of worms, crustaceans, and other invertebrates inhabit every niche of the reef ecosystem, each playing a vital role in its intricate balance. This underwater Eden is also home to some of the ocean's most fascinating symbiotic relationships. Clownfish find protection among the tentacles of sea anemones, while cleaner wrasses set up 'cleaning stations' where larger fish come to have parasites removed. The intricate dance of life on the reef is a testament to millions of years of evolution and adaptation. But this underwater Eden is under threat. In recent decades, the Great Barrier Reef has faced mounting pressures that have pushed this delicate ecosystem to the brink. The causes are many and complex, but at their heart lies the specter of climate change, a force that is altering the very conditions that have allowed the reef to thrive for millennia. One of the most visible and alarming signs of the reef's distress is the phenomenon known as coral bleaching. Corals have a symbiotic relationship with tiny algae called zooxanthellae, which live within their tissues and provide them with nutrients and their characteristic vibrant colors. When the water temperature rises above the corals' tolerance level, they expel these algae in a stress response, leaving the coral's white skeleton visible through its transparent tissue – hence the term "bleaching." While corals can recover from brief periods of bleaching, prolonged or repeated events can be fatal. In 2016 and 2017, the Great Barrier Reef experienced back-to-back mass bleaching events, unprecedented in their scale and severity. Nearly two-thirds of the reef was affected, with some areas losing up to 80% of their coral cover. The sight of vast swathes of once-vibrant reef turned ghostly white is a haunting reminder of the reef's vulnerability to our changing climate. These bleaching events have had far-reaching consequences beyond the corals themselves. As corals die, the complex habitats they create are lost, leading to a decline in the fish and other creatures that depend on them. This loss of biodiversity can trigger a domino effect throughout the ecosystem, altering food webs and disrupting the delicate balance of marine life. But rising temperatures are not the only threat. The increasing acidity of the oceans, another consequence of rising carbon dioxide levels, poses a significant challenge to the reef's inhabitants. As the oceans absorb more CO2 from the atmosphere, they become more acidic, making it harder for corals and other calcifying organisms to build their protective skeletons. This process, known as ocean acidification, threatens to slow or even reverse the reef-building process that has been ongoing for millions of years. The effects of ocean acidification extend beyond corals. Many marine organisms, from tiny pteropods to large mollusks, rely on calcium carbonate to build their shells or skeletons. As the oceans become more acidic, these creatures face increasing difficulties in forming and maintaining their protective structures. This could have profound implications for the entire marine food web. The reef also faces more localized threats. Agricultural runoff from the Queensland coast brings nutrients and sediments into the reef ecosystem, disrupting the delicate balance of marine life. Fertilizers washed from farms can trigger algal blooms that smother corals, while sediment can cloud the water, reducing the sunlight that corals need to survive. This influx of nutrients can lead to a phenomenon known as eutrophication, where excessive algal growth depletes oxygen in the water, creating 'dead zones' where marine life struggles to survive. Overfishing, too, has taken its toll. The removal of key herbivorous fish species can lead to an overgrowth of algae, which compete with corals for space and light. The loss of predatory fish can cause imbalances in the food web, with cascading effects throughout the ecosystem. Certain fishing practices, such as bottom trawling, can cause direct physical damage to the reef structure. Even tourism, which has brought global attention and economic value to the reef, has its impacts. Careless visitors can damage fragile coral formations, while boat anchors and propellers can cause physical destruction. The very act of observing the reef's wonders can, if not carefully managed, contribute to its decline. The increased boat traffic associated with tourism can lead to more frequent collisions with marine mammals like dugongs and sea turtles. Yet, in the face of these challenges, there are glimmers of hope. The resilience of nature, coupled with human efforts to protect and restore the reef, offer some cause for optimism. Scientists and conservationists are working tirelessly to understand and mitigate the threats facing the Great Barrier Reef. Innovative approaches are being developed and implemented, from the breeding of more heat-tolerant corals to the creation of artificial reef structures to provide new habitats for marine life. One promising initiative is the Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program, a collaboration between Australian research institutions and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. This ambitious project aims to help the reef adapt to and recover from the impacts of climate change. Strategies being explored include the use of shade cloths to reduce heat stress on corals, the deployment of underwater fans to create cooling currents, and even the seeding of clouds to increase cloud cover over the reef. These interventions, while still in their early stages, represent a proactive approach to reef conservation. Coral gardening and transplantation efforts are showing promise in restoring damaged reef areas. Scientists are cultivating corals in nurseries, selecting for traits that may make them more resilient to warmer and more acidic waters. These corals are then transplanted onto degraded reef areas, helping to jumpstart the recovery process. While these efforts are currently small-scale, they provide valuable insights into reef restoration techniques. Efforts are also underway to reduce local stressors on the reef. Improved agricultural practices are helping to reduce runoff into reef waters, while stricter fishing regulations aim to protect key species and maintain the balance of marine ecosystems. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, established in 1975, continues to play a crucial role in managing and protecting the reef, with about one-third of the reef area now designated as no-take zones where fishing is prohibited. These protected areas serve as refuges for marine life, allowing populations to recover and potentially repopulate surrounding areas. But perhaps the most crucial battle for the future of the Great Barrier Reef is being fought far from its waters. The long-term survival of the reef depends on global action to address climate change. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and limiting global temperature rise is essential if we are to give the reef a fighting chance. International agreements like the Paris Climate Accord represent important steps in this direction, but much more needs to be done to ensure a sustainable future for the reef. As we contemplate the future of the Great Barrier Reef, we must recognize that its fate is inextricably linked to our own. The reef is not just a wonder of nature; it is a vital part of our planet's ecological balance. It provides critical eco

  • Für Menschen in der Spitzenpolitik gibt es Schlüsselmomente, die den Lauf der Geschichte prägen oder das eigene Leben für immer verändern. Laura Himmelreich und Jochen Gaugele aus der Funke Hauptstadtredaktion treffen Spitzenpolitikerinnen und -politiker zum Gespräch über die schwerste politische Entscheidung ihres Lebens. Die Gespräche geben Einblick in die inneren Konflikte, persönlichen Überzeugungen und in das Alltagsleben von Robert Habeck, Jens Spahn, Sahra Wagenknecht und anderen prägenden Personen der Bundespolitik.

    Ab dem 24. Oktober erscheint alle zwei Wochen eine neue Folge.

    Bei Rückfragen oder Anmerkungen schreiben Sie uns gern:
    [email protected]

  • Es geht um eine riesige Menge Koks, um sehr viel Geld und um den angeblich sichersten Messenger der Welt. So sicher, dass die Firma hinter diesem Krypto-Messenger 5 Millionen Dollar an denjenigen zahlen will, der ihn hackt. Doch was passiert, wenn der „Crime Messenger” geknackt wird?

  • Willkommen „Makro, Markt & Strategie“, Ihrem Einblick in die aktuelle Entwicklung von Wirtschaft und Finanzmärkten und Ihren Tipps für eigene Investments. Die Experten Dr. Alexander Krüger und Robin Beugels der Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe Privatbank diskutieren hier die großen Fragen der globalen Wirtschaftslage und deren Auswirkungen auf die Kapitalmärkte.

  • Every fortnight I do reviews on all types of technology, from cameras to microphones, sound mixers to tripods.

    Every episode is on a specific product so there will be something to appeal to everyone. I will be having gusts on the podcast who will be giving there thoughts on specific products and services.

  • Tech & Tales – der neue Podcast von KI-Expertin Elisabeth L'Orange und Wissenschaftsjournalistin Lena Waltle.Wir erzählen die Geschichten hinter den Technologien. Wir präsentieren Innovationen lange bevor der Hype seinen Peak erreicht und wir erklären Entdeckungen aus Wissenschaft und Forschung – aktuelle News und Analysen.Von Künstlicher Intelligenz über Robotic, MedTech, ClimateTech bis hin zu den verrücktesten Idee der Wissenschaft. Wir geben Einordnungen, kennen den neusten Gossip aus dem Silicon Valley, sind kritisch und optimistisch.

  • "Crosscheck - der AEV-Podcast" ist euer neuer Lieblingspodcast rund um die Augsburger Panther! Alle zwei Wochen bringen wir euch die heißesten News und tiefgründigsten Analysen über unseren geliebten Eishockeyverein. Moderiert von Alex Kunz (RT1) und im Wechsel begleitet von Tom Scharnagl (, Milan Sako und Andreas Kornes (Augsburger Allgemeine), tauchen wir tief ein in die Welt der DEL. Erfahrt alles über die letzten Spiele, spannende Transfers, brandheiße Gerüchte und vieles mehr. Ob eingefleischter Fan oder neugieriger Neuling – "Crosscheck" bietet für jeden Eishockey-Enthusiasten das Richtige.

  • Radyo ATA vermittelt Nachrichten auf Türkisch und unterhält mit türkischer Musik. Jeden Freitag um 19.00 Uhr auf Kanal K und in der darauffolgenden Woche als Podcast.