Gezondheid en fitness – Egypte – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Join Sarah McGinnis and Taylor Zimmerman as they explore different topics at the intersection of Christian monastic spirituality and contemporary psychoanalysis. Sarah is an artist, worship leader, and trained in theological studies. Taylor is a pastor, pastoral counselor, and trained in advanced psychotherapy and psychoanalytic theory. Throughout the different episodes, they will bring their expertise and experience together to unpack complex psychoanalytic and theological ideas, provide new language and tools to understand our particular human experiences, and point to the rich spiritual realities underlying it all.

    Follow us on Instagram: @modernasceticpod
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    Music: Sarah McGinnis
    Artwork: Aaron May

  • "كلام بالعقل" هو بودكاست أسبوعي هدفه استكشاف العقل والمشاعر من منظور جديد ومبسط. في كل حلقة، بيشاركنا د. باسم سليمان، استشاري الطب النفسي، بأفكار ونصايح عملية تساعدنا نفهم نفسنا أكتر ونعيش حياة نفسية أفضل.

  • Welcome to 'Pharmacy Fun with Star,' the podcast that makes pharmacology delightful! I'm Star, your amiable pharmacist from next door, ready to guide you through the intriguing world of medications, their interactions, and the science that powers them. Get ready for an educational journey filled with pharmacy enjoyment!

  • Join our coaches Sally, India and Kelsey as they share the uncut scenes of MVMT ACADEMY. Riffing on all things health, fitness, mindset, business and so much more!

  • سواء كنت تتعامل مع القلق أو الاكتئاب أو مجرد الإجهاد اليومي. استمع للضحك والقصص ذات الصلة والنصائح العملية للحفاظ على صحتك العقلية تحت السيطرة...بإختصار لو العافية بعافية.. اسمعنا
    Whether you’re dealing with anxiety, depression, or just the everyday stress we’ve got you covered. Tune in for laughter, relatable stories, and practical tips to keep your mental health in check

  • Dive into Functional Medicine and nutrition to understand your health better. Support this podcast:

  • ✨ بودكاست “وسق مع طيف” 💜 ✨
    في هذا البودكاست، تأخذكم أخصائية التغذية طيف أحمد في رحلة مليئة بالقصص المثيرة والتجارب الفريدة في عالم الصحة والتغذية 🌱🍽️.

    كل يوم إثنين كل أسبوعين، موعدنا مع حلقة جديدة! 📅💬

  • Duff and Keirra Dyer discuss all that is involved in loving an addict. This is a space for grieving, learning and growing together.

  • My introduction and what I will attempt to do for Multiple Sclerosis sufferers .

  • Cortisol Explained: The Stress Hormone
    Cortisol is a steroid hormone that plays a vital role in numerous physiological processes in the human body. As the main glucocorticoid hormone produced by the adrenal glands, cortisol is critical for regulating metabolism, immune function, blood pressure, and the body's response to stressors. Here is an in-depth overview of cortisol - its functions, production, levels, and implications for human health and disease.
    What is Cortisol?
    Cortisol is classified as a glucocorticoid hormone, meaning it affects glucose metabolism along with the immune system and inflammatory pathways. It is produced naturally in the cortex of the adrenal glands located above the kidneys as part of the body's endocrine system.
    Cortisol is derived from cholesterol and is structurally similar to hormones like testosterone, estrogen, and aldosterone. As the main glucocorticoid hormone, cortisol helps regulate the following bodily processes:
    - Glucose levels and metabolism - Immune function and inflammatory responses - Blood pressure and heart health - Circadian rhythm and sleep cycles - Stress response - Memory formation and mood
    Cortisol has widespread impacts on how the body mobilizes energy stores, defends against threats, and maintains homeostasis. The right levels allow cortisol to help the body adapt and respond to daily events and stressors. However, excessive cortisol can be detrimental over time, contributing to conditions like diabetes, hypertension, insomnia, and depression. finding the right balance is key.
    Cortisol and the Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal (HPA) Axis
    The primary pathway regulating cortisol production is called the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, or HPA axis. This describes the complex interactions between the hypothalamus in the brain, the pituitary gland, and adrenal glands that modulate cortisol release.
    When the hypothalamus senses stress signals, it secretes corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH), which stimulates the pituitary gland to release adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). ACTH then acts on the adrenal glands to increase the production and release of cortisol into the bloodstream.
    Once circulating at sufficient levels, cortisol sends signals back to the hypothalamus and pituitary gland to reduce CRH and ACTH production via a negative feedback loop, helping return cortisol levels to a normal, healthy range. This system allows precise calibration of cortisol levels to meet the body's needs.
    However, chronic stress can dysregulate the HPA axis, leading to overactivation and excess cortisol release. This can result in Cushing's syndrome or other metabolic, immune, and mental health dysfunction. Balanced cortisol production through a normally functioning HPA axis is essential for good health.
    Cortisol Production and Secretion Patterns
    Cortisol production adheres to daily cyclical rhythms controlled by the body's circadian clock in conjunction with the HPA axis. The amount of cortisol circulating can change rapidly based on environmental demands at any time of day. But certain patterns occur naturally:
    - Cortisol levels peak in the early morning around 6-8 AM. Production can increase up to 50% at waking.
    - Levels gradually decline over the afternoon, reaching a low point around midnight.
    - The amplitude between the morning peak and nighttime trough can differ among individuals. Larger variations are linked to higher stress reactivity.
    - Cortisol spikes during the first hour after waking known as the cortisol awakening response (CAR). The CAR is believed to help prime alertness and energy upon waking.
    - Production is pulsatile, meaning cortisol is released in intermittent bursts roughly every 60-90 minutes aligned with circadian rhythms. More constant cortisol exposure can have deleterious effects.
    - Release increases after eating, exercise, trauma, blood glucose variations, temperature changes and emotions. Cortisol adapts rapidly to changing conditions.
    Maintaining appropriate daily cortisol fluctuations is important for health. Loss of rhythmicity such as chronic nighttime elevation can contribute to metabolic and psychiatric problems. Cortisol must remain responsive to changing needs in a sustained circadian alignment.
    Effects on Metabolism and Energy Balance
    One of cortisol's primary roles is regulating metabolism by controlling energy production and storage. Cortisol performs several important metabolic functions:
    - Increases blood sugar via gluconeogenesis - the synthesis of glucose from non-carbohydrate sources such as amino acids. This provides fuel for the brain and muscles.
    - Amplifies the actions of insulin to improve glucose uptake in various tissues.
    - Stimulates fat and protein breakdown to release substrates usable for gluconeogenesis.
    - Mobilizes fatty acids from adipose tissue to provide an energy source for muscles.
    - Modulates insulin secretion via feedback loops to maintain glycemic control.
    Through these mechanisms, cortisol ensures steady energy flow to critical bodily processes under stressed conditions that demand increased fuel. However, chronic cortisol elevation can cause tissue damage, immune suppression, insulin resistance, diabetes and central obesity over time. Finding the right balance is critical.
    Anti-Inflammation and Immune Effects
    Cortisol plays a complex regulatory role in immunity and inflammation pathways. The influence is both rapid and long-term:
    - In the short term, cortisol mobilizes immune defenses against severe threats and pathogens by altering white blood cell counts. However, cell functioning may be temporarily suppressed.
    - Over longer periods, cortisol limits immune overactivation that can lead to harmful chronic inflammation. But this comes at the cost of reduced responses to antigens.
    - Cortisol generally exhibits immunosuppressive effects such as impeding cytokine production and antibody synthesis to prevent excessive inflammation.
    - However, cortisol also interacts with receptors on white blood cells to modulate gene expression for balanced immune cell differentiation and proliferation.
    While essential for reining in inflammation, chronically elevated cortisol can lead to detrimental suppression of immune responses. The complexity of the interactions underscores the need for proper regulation to strike the right equilibrium. Finding the sweet spot ensures protective immune activation when needed but avoidance of damaging uncontrolled inflammation.
    Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Effects
    As with glucose metabolism and anti-inflammation pathways, cortisol exhibits nuanced direct and indirect effects on cardiovascular function:
    - Cortisol increases blood pressure acutely by altering kidney function to retain sodium and water, increasing blood volume.
    - Chronically elevated production induces hypertension through sodium retention, intravascular volume expansion, and vascular reactivity changes.
    - Cortisol reduces smooth muscle tone and endothelial dysfunction which can raise risk for atherosclerosis over time.
    - It increases circulating fatty acids that may become deposited in blood vessels. However, it also prevents plaques from rupturing by reducing inflammation.
    Thus cortisol can be characterized as chronically detrimental but acutely protective for cardiovascular health. Short bursts help maintain blood flow to critical organs during fight-or-flight stress responses. But over the long term, elevated levels contribute to hypertension, clotting abnormalities and arrhythmias.
    Behavioral and Brain Effects
    As the main stress hormone, cortisol unsurprisingly influences brain regions governing mood, fear response, and cognition:
    - Cortisol receptors are found in critical limbic system brain areas like the hypothalamus, amygdala and hippocampus which regulate emotion processing and memory.
    - Cortisol release inhibits the amygdala's fear response, enabling adaptation to stressors. However, chronic exposure can impair the flexibility of this adaptive capacity over time.
    - High glucocorticoid levels damage the hippocampus, shrinking this memory-processing region. But acute cortisol may enhance hippocampal memory formation under stressful conditions as an adaptive response.
    - Cortisol interacts with dopamine reward pathways. Elevated cortisol predicts reduced dopamine signaling, which may contribute to mood disorders and depression.
    While essential for an acute stress response, long-term cortisol overexposure can negatively reshape limbic brain regions governing emotion, memory and executive function. Tight regulation of the HPA axis helps constrain glucocorticoid actions on the vulnerable brain.
    Factors Affecting Cortisol Levels
    Many extrinsic and intrinsic factors influence cortisol production, release patterns, and individual set points and reactivity:
    - Stress - Physical or emotional threats from any cause trigger the HPA axis to elevate cortisol as part of the fight-or-flight response.
    - Trauma - Abuse, neglect, injury or psychological trauma can dysregulate cortisol rhythms, leading to chronically high or low levels.
    - Mental illness - Depression, anxiety, PTSD, addiction and other disorders are linked to cortisol irregularities either as causes or effects.
    - Diet - Low protein, high sugar, alcohol and caffeine may increase cortisol, while omega-3s may decrease it. Operating within cortisol's normal circadian rhythms is most important.
    - Sleep disruption - Changes to sleep timing, deprivation, or disorders like apnea can significantly alter daily cortisol patterns andCAR amplitude.
    - Exercise - Acute vigorous exercise spikes cortisol to mobilize energy stores. But regular

  • Hallo, mein Name ist Elina Stahl. Ich bin 39 Jahre alt und wohne direkt an der Ostsee im hohen Norden mit meiner Familie. Zur Energie Medizin bin ich gekommen, weil ich schon immer an die Möglichkeiten zwischen Himmel und Erde geglaubt habe. Der menschliche Körper besteht aus mehr als nur Haut und Knochen; er setzt sich aus 70 Billionen Zellen zusammen, die alle unterschiedliche Informationen gespeichert haben. Im Grunde genommen sind wir wie eine riesige Datenbank, die auch Unzufriedenheit, Unruhe, Krankheiten und vieles mehr speichert, was wir im Leben weniger haben wollen.
    Der Körper greift automatisch auf diese gespeicherten Daten zurück, sofern sie nicht behoben werden. In meiner Arbeit in der Energie Medizin setze ich auf einen Mix aus Gedankenreinigung und der Ausrichtung aller 70 Billionen Zellen. Das Ziel ist es, den Körper aus einem Zustand der inneren Unruhe, Kraftlosigkeit und Freudlosigkeit herauszuführen, hin zu einem Zustand voller Freude und Energie für den Alltag.
    Wir denken oft, wir sind gut genug, wenn wir immer die Ersten sind oder genau das tun, was von uns erwartet wird. Doch der Körper streikt irgendwann, weil er nur bis zu einem gewissen Grad leisten kann, wofür er gemacht ist. Es geht darum, in diesem Leben und in diesem Körper genau das Leben zu führen, das du wirklich möchtest.
    Um dies zu erlernen, biete ich verschiedene Programme, große Begleitungen, Retreats und Live-Events an. Diese sollen dir helfen, Veränderungen in deinem Alltag zu bewirken. Wenn du dich entscheidest, mit mir weiterzugehen, wirst du handfeste Methoden an die Hand bekommen und in Retreats erleben können, was dein Körper so lange vermisst hat.
    Wenn du mehr über mich wissen möchtest, schau einmal hier:
    Bei Fragen und Anregungen sende mir gerne eine E-Mail an: [email protected]

  • Join Rev. Katie O'Dunne on this inclusive, interfaith podcast exploring the intersection of faith and OCD. Dive into personal stories, evidence-based treatments, and spiritual perspectives. We will chat about all things from scrupulosity to navigating taboo intrusive thoughts in faith communities. Tune in for new episodes every 1st and 3rd Monday. 🎧✨

  • إزي الصحة هو أول برنامج من نوعه لمناقشة صناعة القطاع الصحي على المستوي المصري والعربي والإفريقي، حيث يعمل البرنامج على استضافة العديد من الخبراء والعاملين والمؤثرين في هذا القطاع، وإجراء حوارات متعمقة حول مختلف المحاور بما في ذلك بيئة الأعمال، والتطورات التكنولوجية، وقصص النجاح، ومؤثرات السوق وغيرها

  • In physiotherapy, so many things are unclear and often make you think, "What the f***?" The goal of this podcast is to provide evidence-based information about pain, injury and rehabilitation. Enjoy!

  • روائع الشيخ جابر بغدادي

  • This podcast reveals my evolutionary journey, entering the profession of a Certified Massage Therapist to Discovering there was much More to this Calling for me than I could have ever Imagined!

  • Hosted By Deborah Heiser, PhD | Welcome to 'After 40,' the podcast where we explore the transformative journey of life beyond midlife. Whether you're seeking inspiration, guidance, or a fresh perspective on the rich possibilities life offers after 40, this podcast is your go-to source for reshaping how we approach the second half of life. Join us on 'After 40,' and let's navigate this exciting journey together!

  • In this show, we bring you different high performers from different walks of life with the aim to dissect their mental dialogue and understand the ways they speak to themselves that allows them to perform at a high level on a consistent basis!

  • 🎙️ اكتشفوا مع بودكاست "مشاعر" رحلة نفسية مذهلة!

    تعرّفوا على تأثير المشاعر على صحتكم النفسية والجسدية بطريقة ممتزجة بين علم النفس والميتاهيلث. من الضياع إلى الانتباه، من اللاشعور إلى الشعور، تعلموا كيف يمكن للمشاعر أن تدفعكم نحو الفطرة والتوازن الداخلي.

    🕑 استمتعوا بحلقاتنا كل يوم اثنين الساعة 2 مساءً، واستفيدوا من نصائح عملية وحكايات ملهمة تغيّر حياتكم.

  • بودكاست نفس يكتشف مع د. علي الهامور جذور اضطرابات الصحة النفسية ، تفسير الإنفعالات ، وإدارة الأعراض مع نخبة من المختصين في الطب النفسي