Gezondheid en fitness – Egypte – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Struggling with ADHD, ADD, or OCD in your family? You’re not alone. ADHD, ADD, and OCD don’t just affect individuals, they impact the entire family.

    As a therapist & mom with lived experience, I share real insights & strategies to help teens, young adults & families thrive—without the emotional “scar tissue.” 💙

    As a therapist and a mom with lived experience, I know the struggles firsthand. From chaotic mornings to emotional meltdowns, these challenges can create tension, frustration, and misunderstanding.

    But it doesn’t have to be that way. 💙

    On The Path to Peace Podcast, I share practical strategies, expert insights, and real-life stories to help teens, young adults, and families recognize ADHD/ADD/OCD, navigate daily struggles, and build a more peaceful, connected home.

    Through professional expertise and personal experience, The Path to Peace Podcast offers a real, compassionate, and empowering approach to managing these disorders—so you and your family can move forward with confidence, understanding, and connection.

    Subscribe now to start your journey toward a harmonious and happy home life!

    ✅ How ADHD, ADD & OCD show up in daily life
    ✅ Practical tips to help your child, teen, or young adult succeed
    ✅ The role each family member plays—and how to create harmony
    ✅ How to minimize emotional “scar tissue” & foster understanding

    Let’s create a thriving, happy home together. Listen now! 🎙️💡 #ADHD #OCD #MentalHealth #Parenting#Peacefullife

  • Ideas and tools for living a healthier life. Like water, we transform. The mysteries of the human soul seem to be as deep, transformative and life giving as water. This is being human.

  • Alzheimer’s disease is named after Dr. Alois Alzheimer. In 1906, Dr. Alzheimer noticed changes in the brain tissue of a woman who had died of an unusual mental illness.

  • We are two dietitians who believe in a Health at Every Size (HAES) approach. Our episodes involve talk about eating disorders, how to prevent them, our struggles with diet culture and interviews with change makers who give us a deeper understanding of the HAES concept.

  • I'm talking about the little activities you can do to stay in shape and being fitness

  • بدون إحراج – البودكاست اللي هيغير طريقة كلامنا عن كل اللي مش بنتكلم فيه!

    ليه دايمًا المواضيع اللي تخص جسمنا، علاقتنا، وحياتنا الشخصية بتتقابل بالكسوف أو الردود المبهمة؟ في بدون إحراج، هنكسر كل الحواجز ونتكلم بصراحة عن الحاجات اللي فضلنا سنين نسأل عنها ومحدش جاوبنا بوضوح!

    لو عمرك سألت “ليه محدش بيتكلم عن ده؟”، فأنت في المكان الصح! استعدوا لحوارات جريئة، ممتعة، علمية، ومن غير أي لف ودوران – لأن الصحة والعلاقات والجسد مش مفروض يكونوا مواضيع محرجة.

    📅 حلقات جديدة كل يوم إثنين
    🎙️ تقديم: نور إمام
    Instagram: @thisismotherbeing
    TikTok: @motherbeing

  • !اهلا بيكم في بلاك برير

    البودكاست هنا بتركز علي المشاكل الاجتماعيه و إلكترونيه اللي دائما متكرره في حياتنا بشكل يومي اللي بيكون ليها تأثير بدني، نفسي، صحي، عملي، وعلمي. هنا هنقدر نقدم طرق مختلفه بتعدي الحاجز ده للوصل لحياه سعيده

    ‏Welcome to Black Barrier

    ‏We’re passionate about helping people to find better ways to overcome cyber and social insecurity. Thanks for listening to our show, we hope this podcast serves you well.

  • Translator

    Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).

    Welcome to the Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) Podcast, where we explore every facet of Borderline Personality Disorder. This podcast dives deep into the complexities of BPD, offering an in-depth look at its symptoms, causes, and impact on daily life. We cover a wide range of topics, including emotional dysregulation, difficulties in relationships, impulsivity, and struggles with identity, all while offering insights into how individuals with BPD can manage and thrive.Join us as we speak with experts, share personal stories, and provide valuable information about treatment options, coping strategies, and the latest research in the field. Whether you’re living with BPD, supporting someone who is, or simply want to understand this often misunderstood disorder, this podcast is your go-to resource for clarity, compassion, and hope.Tune in each week for new episodes that bring you closer to a deeper understanding of Borderline Personality Disorder.

  • Here at the Mindset Podcast, I believe that the Mindset Maketh the Man. Whether you are struggling with your own mental health, caring for someone who is, or simply interested in learning more about the topic, our podcast is a valuable resource for anyone seeking information and support.

    Tune in to this podcast and join the conversation on mental health – together, we can work towards a healthier, happier world.

  • What happens when psychology meets real-world hustle?

    On “A Different Perspective,” Clinical Psychologist Malik Fouda dives into deep conversations with industry pros about their daily challenges and how they shape their mental health and productivity.

    The twist? The guests flip the script, becoming the hosts to ask the questions they’ve always wanted answered while sharing raw, untold stories from their lives. We shall see an honest, unfiltered look at the human side of success.

  • Psychotherapy is an effective way to help people and families experience a better quality of life. However, research shows, that blacks are less likely to attend therapy, are more likely to prematurely terminate therapy, and are more likely to experience cultural mistrust in the therapeutic process when working with non-black therapist. Furthermore, research shows that if blacks had greater access to black therapist, they would be more likely to reap its benefits. This podcast connects black families to black therapist by providing culturally relevant mental health resources.

  • بودكاست مذكّراتي العزيزة هو مساحة صوتية دافئة، تمنح خيالك الفرصة لرسم الأفكار بالصوت. مناسب أن يكون رفيقك في الصباح الباكر، في الطريق، أو قبل النوم. أهلاً بيك في دفتري!
    موسيقى الشارة تعود للموسيقار : خالد الكمار.

  • سلام اسمي وجدان

    كنت طبيبة أسنان

    واصبحت مدربة حياة, صانعة محتوى و مستشارة في المسار المهني لتمكين الاشخاص من رؤية امكانياتهم الكامله

    .....اعشق صناعة المحتوى في الوعي والتشافي وفهم الذات , محتوى يلمس مشاعرك ويثري عقلك و يلهم قلبك

    هذا البودكاست لك لما تقرر تكون كما أنت انسان

    رح تعيش الألم ورح تنزل بالقاع ورح تحس بضياع في أوقات كثير كثير

    هذا البودكاست لك لو كنت تبحث عن تجربة شعورية وتأمليه عميقة مو مجرد نقل معلومات

    لو كنت تبحث عن كلام يلمس شيء في داخلك

    يحاكي مشاعرك

    يساعدك على فهم بعض التجارب المؤلمة اللي تمر أو مريت فيها

    ويعطيك أمل في نفسك وفي الناس وفي الحياة

    الحلقات مسجلة كتصوير فديو على قناة اليوتيوب

    كل الحب

    لو حابب تعرف أكثر عني

    تابع حساب الانستجرام


    تابع قناة اليوتيوب


  • The DEEP Life is a show for anybody who understands that there is more to life than what is found on the surface. 

    Hosted by Dan Elwood and Elise Palmieri, The DEEP Life is an exploration into consciousness that centers around the re-membering and integrating of who and what we truly are.

    With new episodes airing each week, Dan & Elise strive to ask the DEEPer questions about life, purpose, relationships and transcending limitations as they bring you their own discussions as well as conversations with industry experts and thought leaders on all things as they relate to physical, mental & spiritual wellness.

    Join us each week as we seek, not just answers, but better questions, greater understanding and continued evolution.

    Find out how good it feels to start living The DEEP Life.

    New episodes every Wednesday

  • O Logos Biocast é o podcast oficial da Logos BioScience, um espaço dedicado ao debate, troca de ideias e disseminação de conhecimento científico sobre inovação e soluções disruptivas na área da saúde. Nosso objetivo é explorar os avanços tecnológicos que estão transformando o cuidado com a saúde e melhorando a qualidade de vida das pessoas.
    Com episódios que reúnem especialistas, pesquisadores, empreendedores e líderes do setor, o Logos Biocast aborda temas como biotecnologia, inteligência artificial, sustentabilidade, medicina de precisão e muito mais. Aqui, ideias se conectam para inspirar.

  • Dr. Kutty is a board-certified plastic surgeon who discussed all kinds of plastic surgery topics.

  • Where Before Meets After brings credible, accurate information about plastic surgery, aesthetic procedures and treatments to the researching audience from trusted plastic surgeons and aesthetic professionals.

    For more information about being a guest or sponsor of Where Before Meets After, visit

    If you're a doctor or an aesthetic professional and have ever thought about doing your own podcast, you can try podcasting for free on our Meet the Doctor podcast. Schedule your recording session at

    Where Before Meets After is a production of The Axis

  • A podcast linking movement-related fields from physical therapy and performance to preventative care, hosted by physical therapists Dr. Alexis Lancaster and Dr. Kyle Brunelle.