Kind en gezin – Egypte – Nieuwe podcasts
What people think about having a baby for the first year.
One to ten minute messages reflecting on my quest as a mom and inviting you to do the same. Make sure to tune into full-length episodes of Mother's Quest on all your favorite podcast apps or find show notes at
هذا البودكاست خلاصة رحلة تربية عمرها 32 سنة ممزوجة بخبرة 22 سنة من الاستشارات التربوية والزوجية والشخصية وتدريب آلاف السيدات والأمهات.
فمن خلال التجارب التي مررت بها مع أمهات من دول مختلفة وثقافات منوعة - سواء خلال غربتي في أمريكا أو بعد عودتي للسعودية - عرفت التحديات التي تواجههم والمخاوف التي تراودهم وفوق كل ذلك الحيرة التي تلقي بظلالها عليهم وسط هذا التسارع المعلوماتي فكان هذا البودكاست يطبطب على قلوبهم ويخاطب عقولهم ويمسك بأيديهم ليرشدهم على الطريق حتى يقطعوا الرحلة بيسر ويتعاملوا مع أنفسهم برفق ويكونوا علاقة أقوى مع أبنائهم -
Podcast "Rob3 Geneih"
We all have challenges within our families, and sometimes we struggle in communicating with one another and with knowing the best way to deal with our kids and/or parents.
As a family, we are trying to discuss all these challenges from different perspectives. We tried our best to be authentic, transparent and open in presenting our opinions, and with showing you real life examples.
Find us on Instagram / Facebook / TikTok @rob3geneih -
أنا مرح، بحكي بصدق ومن القلب عن رحلتي في الأمومة. تتطرق حلقات البودكاست إلى قصص وتجاربي الشخصية كأم لطفلتين.
تتنوع المواضيع التي بطرحها في البودكاست وتشمل الحمل والولادة، تربية الأطفال، الصحة والعناية الشخصية، والتوازن بين الحياة العائلية والمهنية.
هدفي أوفر مصدر إلهام ودعم للأمهات. اذا كنتي أمًا جديدة أو بتعاني من تحديات محددة في رعاية أطفالك، رح تلاقي في هذا البودكاست مجتمعًا داعمًا ومرجعًا يساعدك على التعامل مع تلك التحديات بحب وإيجابية.
i am sorry for the loss we have in our relation
This podcast brings you one interesting fact each day!
All info is in the introduction episode. -
"حكايتها تهمني تهمك تهمنا كلنا" بودكاست حكايتها بيغطي مواضيع كتير محتاجينها كلنا، تخص الأمان الرقمي. الأهل والأصحاب ليهم أدوار بتفرق في السند والتوعية والأمان..هنعرف ونتعلم طرق الحماية الالكترونية ونكتشف مع بعض مين هى دايرة الأمان اللي بنرجعلها دايمًا.
سيف ايجيبت وتيكتوك ومنتدى شباب العالم بيقدمولكم بودكاست "حكايتها" مع سارة عزيز.
سارة عزيز مقدمة بودكاست حكايتها هي مؤسسة ومديرة تنفيذية لشركة سيف ايجيبت SAFE Egypt الرائدة في تمكين المجتمع ضد كل انواع العنف والوعي عن الصحة النفسية.
A podcast by SAFE Egypt, TikTok and The World Youth Forum. -
Meet Jenni & Dre, the dynamic husband & wife duo behind the Coffee with Jenni & Dre podcast. Together they make the perfect blend! Join them on this wild ride as they share the joys and challenges of raising 8 kids, navigating the world of blended families, and juggling the chaos of business and home. Get ready for laughter, real talk, and the inside scoop on their life, love, and everything in between!
This series on cats takes you on an engaging journey through the fascinating world of our feline friends. Starting with their ancient history and evolution into beloved household pets, we then dive into the distinct traits of various breeds, decoding their unique behaviors and body language. The series also provides essential tips on cat health and wellness, creating a cat-friendly home, and celebrates the joy and companionship that cats bring into our lives, featuring heartwarming stories from cat owners and expert advice to strengthen the bond with your furry companion.
"Bound by faith, a tapestry of strength and devotion weaves through the shared journey of mothers and daughters in Christ. Their bond, like an unbreakable cord, intertwines the power of love, resilience, and spiritual unity, creating an awe-inspiring legacy that echoes through generations..."
Welcome to: The Sacred Mama Podcast
"It's possible to be both completely overwhelmed by a season of Motherhood & completely grateful."
The Sacred Mama Podcast was designed specifically with mothers in mind. Just think:
This is created for the Mama who is READY to reclaim her self-worth, prioritize her needs and build a fulfilling and thriving family life.
You CAN love yourself unconditionally.
You CAN have the thriving family life.
You CAN have the passionate relationship.
If you're seeking more passionate, fulfilling and highly nurtured relationships and a thriving family life - THIS IS FOR YOU!
Make sure to tune in!
DOWNLOAD this FREE resource: 6 Tips to Calm the Co-parenting Waters! -
AB Kids Life Coach through his podcast simplifies Parenting for you. He believes your child does not come with a guidebook but he ensures you don,t need one.
Start to Finish Motherhood, a podcast for those thinking or already Single Mothers by Choice, just looking for practical advice for navigating life's relationships. When you decide to have children on your own, it doesn't mean that you're completely alone. Aisha is partnering with you every step of your journey.
Hosted by Aisha (former co-host of the Mocha Single Mothers by Choice / Black Single Mothers by Choice podcast). -
Moms N Tots is a show hosted by real moms sharing real talk. From pregnancy through kindergarten, there’s so much to navigate, especially if you’re a new mother. Moms N Tots covers the spectrum, from baby showers and postpartum depression to potty training and daycare, plus so much more.
Our everyday moms come from all walks of life, with unique points of view. They give great tips and demonstrate useful baby hacks, healthy recipes, fun activities, and age appropriate crafts.
I -
We share heartwarming and inspirational stories about cats and their incredible bonds with humans.
A podcast to help navigate the who, what, where, and how of mental health and mental health care for children and adolescents. This podcast is geared for youth, families, and those who support youth in identifying and navigating mental health needs.
Dr. K is a board certified child/adolescent psychiatrist who has worked with youth and families to address and manage their mental health care for over a decade.
This podcast is meant for educational and entertainment purposes only. The information presented is not a replacement for seeing a trained professional for your mental health needs.
New episodes will be released every week. -
We got different nights and different stories but still whatever the o'clock, our bedtime stories are largesse. Here we are to help you to find your own dreamland...
Short Tales from Yash (5 year old) and his Amma
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