Kind en gezin – Ierland – Nieuwe podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • When ”one fun night” changes your whole life... A podcast born in quarantine and the blueprint we took with us when we emerged.

  • Driving with Dad; A new podcast that explores the road of Fatherhood. With a 22 year-old daughter and a 24 year-old son, my job is complete. The empty nest has arrived and all I have left are questions. Was I present? Did I do a good job? Did we instill good values? Are our children ready for the crazy world that awaits them. Whether you have ankle-biters, middle schoolers, teenagers or college age kids, I have been there and done that. Think of this as a Cliff Notes for Dad's....and Mom's too.

    Driving with Dad, Enjoy the Ride!

  • Have fun and learn as Miss Rogers tells curious stories full of adventure and imagination for all ages.

  • This is my true story of how I felt and how i extended my contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals in the time of Pandemic- COVID 19.

  • He's Wordini the Word Genie, the Great Pronunciator! And he's got a new word to teach you every week day. From pronunciation to definition to spelling, Wordini's got you covered.

  • Is This Really For Kids is where I review children’s media and decide is it REALLY for kids? This podcast is designed to be a deep dive critical film analysis on children's media as well as entertaining every time. I designed this podcast for fans of the shows, new parents who are raising their children with intention, people who are so busy they can't keep up with watching everything but want to be able to talk about it, and for the people in my life to have a place to talk about our favorite films. What makes me qualified to talk about this? Well for starters, I grew up as a traumatized kid, so I know what not to do as a parent. Also since I was healing from my neglectful childhood, I learned a lot about trauma and life along the way. I am also a SAG-AFTRA actress with her own production company living in Los Angeles so I know what makes a good film and what it takes to make it. You might have also noticed that unlike other podcasts, my episode art changes. I have a lot of pictures from my creative work, so I make the episode art an actual art piece inspired by the film. Pretty cool, huh? I hope you enjoy listening and you can reach me at any of the links below in the episodes. Thanks for listening!

  • The Best Kids Podcast is an entertaining podcast for kids. Every episode, we read a story from the Bible, read about exciting and weird animals, create our own stories, tell jokes, and more! Join us every week for a fun-filled adventure. Catch the show notes, Bible passages, and stories for each episode online at

    Follow, subscribe, download, comment, and share it with other kids (and parents) you know.

  • Mother is a refreshingly different take on parent podcasting, brought to you by and

    Each week, Keelin Moncrieff and her guests explore the art of matrescence and the impact becoming a mother has on our place in the world. From work and friends to body image and relationships, how do we maintain our sense of self as the world’s perception of us seemingly shifts?

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • It is about life with rabbits and pets and Asli some life problems updates and experiences

  • This is a podcast we’re we tell you about different types of animals so if you want a pet you just listen to this and you will have all the info you need.hope you enjoy

  • Join friends, Karen Luke and Meta Osborne, as they take a lighthearted and lively look into the serious task of making equestrian sport and racing sustainable into the future. The show's key ingredient is exploring new perspectives and not shying away from tough conversations. Curious to learn how leading scientists, jockeys, journalists and practitioners see future for horses in sport? Then buckle up for this fun adventure as we start Changing Rein!

  • A Lust for Life Parenting Podcast is a brand new podcast series dedicated to having supportive conversations about parenting with compassion.

  • There are over 60 ways a family can become blended. It is not just from divorce and the navigation of these circumstances can be difficult in a time of beautiful healing and changes.

  • The Hooked On Podcast explores topics such as parenting, birth, breastfeeding, womens health, spirituality and homeschooling. The hooked on podcast is published weekly on Wednesday afternoons

  • Launching May 6th 2024 🚀


    Our founders promise to every listener downloading this podcast is simply this;


    ‘Regardless of your agency choice (or not) please listen to these carefully and honestly crafted episodes, with an open and fair mind. Whether you have chosen your agency, whether your mid journey, whether you've completed your family building experience or perhaps not - dive in and trust some of the experts and hear the unspoken opinions of surrogacy. Guests include human rights lawyers, die hard feminists fighting for women's rights, leading IVF specialists, Leading Obstetric Consultants desperate to improve surrogacy as well as our team. Please utilise the experts valuable words spoken in each episode. With surrogacy on the rise in Mexico City we need to make sure no woman or child is harmed in the process. Surrogacy is daunting enough, and the fear is real - for everyone. So let's do it safely and with respect. We’re always here to answer any questions you have, regardless. Let’s bust those myths, educate and try and offer some guidance. Please listen, share, engage. And best of luck, whatever path you choose’.


    Michael and Wes Johnson-Ellis


    Michael and Wes Johnson-Ellis, Dads to two children via surrogacy with a Mexico City journey planned for 2024, and founders of My Surrogacy Journey They continue to help support and advocate for those needing surrogacy as a way to family build, whilst making sure surrogates that choose to help others do this by their own will - meeting strict social economic assessments as well as clinical, legal and additional social assessments designed to protect everyone. Their passion to set a new standard in Mexico is testament to work they do in public and behind the scenes, to make surrogacy understood and



    This podcast was recorded at My Surrogacy Journey's Mexico City offices in Polanco, edited by Steve Randall and brought to you by Talulah and The Duke Productions.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Children will teach you things about yourself and about the world without even trying and to be a parent you have to continuously re evaluate the world around you. I've interviewed countless working mums and successful business women over my years as a journalist and I've seen how having children feeds into their success and vice versa. So I thought I'd talk to some people with real world expertise and parenting experience to help us navigate the world of the working mother. Can you have it all? Let's find out...

  • Welcome to the Motherhood Podcast. In this series, we are talking about well being during pregnancy and during the first two years of parenthood that follows. We will be sharing research findings, stories from women across Ireland as well as some tips and techniques for supporting well being. This podcast is funded by the Pfizer Independent Medical Education Grant, the Dublin South, Kildare, and West Wicklow Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Working Group, and the RCSI Centre for Positive Health Sciences. For more, visit

  • The Talking Children Podcast© is designed to translate the latest research of a wide range of topics related to communication development in to accessible knowledge and tools that parents, caregivers and professionals can apply to daily interactions with the children in their lives.

    Follow us on Facebook:

  • Подкаст о материнстве 🤍

    Нас зовут Маша и Настя. Мы близкие подруги.

    У нас маленькие дочки с разницей в три месяца, мы живем в разных странах и много-много общаемся на тему материнства.

    Материнство временами даётся нам непросто. Но несмотря на это, мы находим в материнстве красоту, ресурс и действительно безграничную любовь.

    Когда стали мамами мы поняли, что теперь мы точно взрослые ☺️ но тогда мы еще не знали, что это осознание подарит нам название для нашего подкаста.

    Нам всегда важно было получить поддержку друг от друга, и как-то разговаривая по телефону, пришла идея записать подкаст, где мы сможем поддержать не только друг друга, но и других мам❤️