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  • Adams and son is a transcendental audio drama series written and produced by Dayo George. This audio drama series is a monologue jam-packed with a lot of lessons to be learnt. And relevant to our everyday lives.

  • This podcast is about connecting. It's about growing. It's about stretching. In society nowadays, it's easy to fall into echo chambers. This is not an echo chamber. Open Adoption Project is a community dedicated to listening and learning, and building relationships based on healthy respect and communication.

    The Open Adoption Project focuses on improving adoptee experiences by encouraging open communication between all members of the adoption constellation, nurturing ongoing open adoption relationships and promoting ethical adoption practices. Follow us on Instagram @OpenAdoptionProject and at our website, (

    Everyone is welcome here. Considering adopting? Adoptive parents tune in as we listen and learn from adoptees first and foremost. Adopted individuals share a wide spectrum of experiences, including search and reunion. This podcast is a safe space for any perspectives and experiences adoptees and first parents share, while adopters and those wanting to adopt listen and learn. Academics and others also share with us.

    This podcast is a passion project. No one here is connected to any adoption agencies. We do not profit from this podcast. It is a volunteer project we embrace to better enable adoptees and birth parents / biological parents to share their stories.

  • Frifødsel Podkast forteller ærlige, inspirerende, gripende og transformerende frifødsels historier. Kristin og Marlene snakker med kvinner som bevisst velger å føde uassistert i Norden. Kvinnene velger det ville, rå og intuitive. Uforstyrret i naturens rytme, der kvinnen er den eneste autoriteten. Disse kvinnene velger modig å eie sine egne overgangsritualer til morskapet. Vi utfordrer narrative rundt fødsel og redefinerer det. Podkasten belyser den økende bevegelsen av frifødende i Norden. Den viser at det er mulig, at det kan være et valg og alternativ og skaper et felleskap for likesinnede

  • Er du lei av å føle deg som en sur og irritert kjeftemamma?
    Da er du på rett podkast :)

    Siw Bjørkås er mammaveileder, foredrags- og kursholder og forfatter av boka "Mamma uten mas".

    Denne podkasten gir deg trøst og støtte i den hverdagen du står i, håp og tro på at du klarer å få en endring i hverdagen din
    og opplevelsen av litt MAMMAMESTRING hver dag, slik at du slipper å føle skam og dårlig samvittighet for oppførselen din.

    Link til boka "Mamma uten mas"

    Gratis foredrag: "Hvordan beholde roen når barna trigger deg" https://

  • Historier fra Maram er en hjertevarm podkastserie for barn og familier, skrevet av Pål Johannes Nes og lest av Erika Nes. Disse helt fiktive historiene tar deg med til den lille øya Maram på Nordvestlandet, hvor vi følger søstrene Rita og Sunniva gjennom deres hverdagslige eventyr og utfordringer.

    På Maram, en øy med omkring 4-500 innbyggere, opplever vi alt fra stormfulle netter til solfylte dager fylt med lek og læring. Rita (6 år) og Sunniva (4 år) er to nysgjerrige og kjærlige jenter som, gjennom sin katolske tro, lærer viktige verdier som vennskap, mot og å velge rett selv når det er vanskelig.

    På Maram bor også bibliotekar Margrete og naboen Olav, mens Pater Erik bor i byen ca en time unna. Sammen med disse blir hver episode en lærerik reise i et univers hvor tro og hverdag flettes sammen på en naturlig og inspirerende måte. Historiene avsluttes alltid med en kjærlig oppsummering fra mamma, og noen ganger blir den snille biskopen med gjennom sine brev.

    Vi håper at disse historiene ikke bare vil være til glede for våre egne barn, men at de også vil finne en plass i hjertene til mange andre familier. Velkommen til universet på Maram - et sted hvor Gud er nær, og hvor hver dag bringer nye oppdagelser.

  • Podcasten om støttens vigtighed for succes. 
    Vi vil fokusere på alle de relationer, der befinder sig rundt om en sportsatlet. Vi vil dykke ned i relationernes betydning for den sportslige succes - for succes skyldes sjældent kun én person.

    Vi skal høre fra forældre, børn, søskende, venner, kærester og andet godtfolk om de mange facetter af sportsverdenen, som ikke bliver fortalt, og blive klogere på, hvilke positive såvel negative oplevelser, det at stå i kulissen medfølger.

  • A conversation concerning all things “Bonus Moms”. Join Charmaine Broome, founder/CEO of Blended Families Rock, Inc. as she discusses the ups, downs, ins, outs, joys, and pains of being a Bonus Mom. Listen as she teaches, inspires, and empowers Bonus Moms around the world to be better. Even when one has lost hope. She unleashes the hard truths, the harsh realities, and what others are afraid to say about this lifestyle. All while letting you know there is hope in becoming the best at one of the worlds most rewarding jobs, and ensuring you’re not alone. She is “The Bonus Mom Coach”.

  • Avslutt kveldsstellet med små, underfundige fortellinger som får barna i sovestemning før du sovner selv. Hør alle episodene i appen NRK Radio

  • The Yorkshire Terrier Explained
    The Yorkshire Terrier, affectionately known as the Yorkie, is a small dog breed with a big personality. Known for its luxurious silky coat and spunky character, the Yorkie has become a beloved companion worldwide. Originating in England during the Industrial Revolution, this breed's journey from a ratting dog to a fashionable lapdog is as fascinating as its distinctive appearance. This essay explores the Yorkshire Terrier's origins, characteristics, and role in modern society.
    Historical Background
    The Yorkshire Terrier was developed during the 19th century in the county of Yorkshire, England. The breed emerged from the Waterside Terrier, a small Scottish breed brought to England by weavers who migrated for work during the Industrial Revolution. These terriers were initially bred for catching rats in mills, a valuable trait in industrial settings.
    Development as a Companion Dog
    Over time, the Yorkshire Terrier was crossbred with other terrier breeds, possibly including the Skye Terrier and the now-extinct Paisley Terrier, to refine its size and coat. The breed’s transformation from a working-class ratter to a fashionable companion for Victorian ladies was marked by its growing popularity in English society.
    Size and Appearance
    Yorkshire Terriers are toy-sized dogs, typically weighing around 7 pounds. They are known for their fine, straight, and silky coat, which is steel blue and tan. Yorkies hold themselves in an upright, confident manner, with a compact body and a well-proportioned head.
    Grooming Needs
    Their luxurious coat is hypoallergenic but requires regular grooming. Many owners choose to keep their Yorkies in a “puppy cut” for easier maintenance, but the traditional show ring appearance involves a long, flowing coat that reaches the ground.
    Despite their small size, Yorkies possess a bold and confident temperament. They are energetic, affectionate, and loyal to their owners. Their alertness and tendency to bark make them excellent watchdogs.
    Adaptability Yorkshire Terriers adapt well to different living environments, making them suitable for both city and country living. They thrive on human companionship and can suffer from separation anxiety if left alone for long periods. Common Health Issues
    Yorkies are generally healthy but can be prone to dental issues, hypoglycemia, and certain genetic conditions like patellar luxation. Their small size also makes them more susceptible to injury.
    Exercise and Diet Although they are active indoors, Yorkies need regular exercise to maintain their health and happiness. A balanced diet appropriate for small breeds is essential to keep them in good condition.
    As Companion Animals
    Yorkshire Terriers have become one of the most popular companion animals, particularly favored by those who appreciate their compact size and lively personality. They are often seen as a symbol of luxury and have been popularized by celebrities and in popular culture.
    In Shows and Competitions
    Yorkies are a staple in dog shows, admired for their beautiful coats and graceful demeanor. They also excel in various dog sports and competitions, showcasing their agility and intelligence.
    The Yorkshire Terrier, from its humble beginnings as a ratter in industrial England to its status as a cherished companion, represents a remarkable evolution. Their adaptability, spirited personality, and elegant appearance make them a favorite among dog lovers. The Yorkie exemplifies how a breed can transcend its working-class roots to become a symbol of companionship and style in the modern world. Thanks for listening to Quiet Please. Remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts.

  • Want to get smarter in less than 10 minutes? Then check the Daily Facts podcast that brings you interesting and surprising facts from around the world every day! Did you know that the longest recorded flight of a chicken lasted for 13 seconds? Or that there's a species of jellyfish that can essentially live forever? With the Daily Facts podcast, you'll learn something new and fascinating with every episode. Tune in daily and impress your friends with your newfound knowledge. Listen now on your favorite podcast platform.
    Hosted by Amalia Dupray and Montgomery Jones.

  • Engasjement, utforskertrang og skaperglede i skoledagen.

  • Fantorangen og Pivi forteller rare og morsomme vitser hele familien kan le av. Hør alle episodene i appen NRK Radio

  • Your family can do things differently and the payoffs are worth it! Each week on the Family Goals Podcast, Graham and Shay Cochrane share hope and actionable wisdom around the areas of marriage, family culture, parenting, money, work, and entrepreneurship.

  • Mens Daidalos og Daidalosa sover om natten, blir Labyrinten til robotenes lekeplass. Da kan de gjøre hva de vil – så lenge de ikke blir oppdaget! Hør alle episodene i appen NRK Radio

  • Fortellingen om hva som skjedde med Jesus og disiplene hans i påsken. Fortalt gjennom øynene til disippelen Peter får vi høre om hva som skjedde på palmesøndag, skjærtorsdag, langfredag og Påskemorgen. Løst basert på utdrag fra boka "Menneskesønnen" av Peter Madsen.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Häng med bakom kulisserna i Lojsan och Busters kaotiska vardag. Hur får man en relation att hålla som egenföretagare med 3 barn, ett hus att ta hand om och en massa ADHD? Tillsammans med Lojsan och Buster går man in på djupet hur relationen och sexlusten hålls vid liv i en fartfylld vardag, och hur det är att leva med en partner med ADHD. Duon kommer även med hjälp av terapeuter, coacher och andra gäster hitta nyckeln till ett lyckat förhållande.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • En sann historie om 12 år gamle Ida. Hun blir kjent med Jake gjennom en gruppe på Snapchat. Han sier han er 15 år og kommer fra et annet land. De snakker sammen hver dag og Ida blir forelsket. Men noe skurrer. Er Jake den han sier han er?

  • En podcast med den intetnanende men nysjerrige østlendingen Petter Lavern og lokalhistoriker Bjørn Bagge, som har skrevet flere bøker om historien til Bergen helt tilbake til den spede begynnelse.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.