Maatschappij & cultuur – Noorwegen – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Each episode will focus on a top travel destination and feature interviews with local guides to help you plan your next trip!

  • Hvordan er det å jobbe på sjøen i dag? Hvordan påvirker verden næringen vår, og hvordan kommer sjøfarten til å se ut i framtida?

    I denne podkasten fra Norsk Sjøoffisersforbund kan du høre samtaler om hvordan bemanning, autonomi, likestilling og lønnspolitikk påvirker hverdagen, sikkerheten og helsa til norske sjøfolk. Vi tar for oss rammevilkår og geopolitikk og ser på hvordan sjøfarten møter en verden i teknologisk endring.

    I studio har vi sjøfolk og andre interessante landkrabber. Bak roret er tidligere sjøoffiser, Jens Folland.

    Foto fra Riksarkivet:

  • Ragnhild Ulleberg og Christian Valeur har vært tekstforfattere på folkekjære tv-programmer som Neste Sommer, Karl Johan og Paradise Hotel. I denne podcasten prøver Ragnhild å gå gratis til psykolog, mens Christian vil bli hele Norges hobbypsykolog. En podcast om alt annet enn psykisk helse.

    Ny episode hver torsdag. 

    Følg oss på Instagram: hobbypsykologen123

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • This podcast is about connecting. It's about growing. It's about stretching. In society nowadays, it's easy to fall into echo chambers. This is not an echo chamber. Open Adoption Project is a community dedicated to listening and learning, and building relationships based on healthy respect and communication.

    The Open Adoption Project focuses on improving adoptee experiences by encouraging open communication between all members of the adoption constellation, nurturing ongoing open adoption relationships and promoting ethical adoption practices. Follow us on Instagram @OpenAdoptionProject and at our website, (

    Everyone is welcome here. Considering adopting? Adoptive parents tune in as we listen and learn from adoptees first and foremost. Adopted individuals share a wide spectrum of experiences, including search and reunion. This podcast is a safe space for any perspectives and experiences adoptees and first parents share, while adopters and those wanting to adopt listen and learn. Academics and others also share with us.

    This podcast is a passion project. No one here is connected to any adoption agencies. We do not profit from this podcast. It is a volunteer project we embrace to better enable adoptees and birth parents / biological parents to share their stories.

  • Im Juli 2024 sind wir zu zweit mit unserem Hund Lulu und unserem VW-Bus Rüdiger auf Reisen gegangen. Mindestens ein Jahr lang werden wir nun quer durch Europa unterwegs sein. Dafür haben wir gespart, unsere Jobs und unsere Wohnung aufgegeben und uns vorerst von Freund*innen, Nachbar*innen und der Familie verabschiedet.
    Um dieses Abenteuer zu dokumentieren, sprechen wir nun wöchentlich darüber wo wir sind, was wir erleben, worüber wir streiten, was uns begeistert und was uns nervt. Und natürlich teilen wir unsere Learnings zum Draußensein und zum Leben auf 4qm.

    Wir, das sind Lars und Anja. Zusammen mit Lulu sind wir euer Rausmeisterservice.

    Übrigens auch auf Instagram: @rausmeisterservice

    Und jetzt: Raus geht’s!

  • This podcast is for everyone who wants to end gun violence, even if we disagree on how to get there. Each episode of “Arms Around America” features a short immersive audio drama based on stories of real families from around the country whose lives have been shaped by guns. Community leaders, scholars, activists, and the families themselves join Dan Froot & Company to unpack the questions and conundrums in each story.

  • Insights for all things living abroad. Including: Creating a life and opportunities outside the United States. Work and visa opportunities and tons of clever ways to build and maintain a life abroad.

  • I en lille kiosk ved Esbjerg forlader en mand en lottokupon med en gevinst på 9,3 millioner kroner. Manden, der har vundet de mange millioner, bliver aldrig fundet, men 16 år senere bliver mysteriet igen vakt til live, da Danske Spil fortæller, at de stadig er villige til at udbetale gevinsten, hvis den rette vinder dukker op. Pludselig viser det sig, at en række mænd i mere end 16 år har forsøgt at bevise, at de er den rigtige vinder."Lottomysteriet" udkom oprindeligt i radioen i 2018. Dette er en genfortalt udgave, hvor historien er blevet pudset af og skrevet om til et vaskeægte podcast-mysterium.Tilrettelæggelse: Jens Vithner Hansen, Nicholas Durup Thomsen og Signe Mansdotter.Klip og lyddesign: Signe Mansdotter.Har du en historie, vi bør undersøge nærmere? Kontakt os via eller skriv til [email protected]Hør hele serien i DR Lyd.

  • A podcast which follows the journey of Welsh individuals around the world. Amazing stories, conquests, failures, success and what does Hiraeth really mean

  • Husker du hva du tenkte da et ukjent virus var på vei mot grensene våre? I denne serien tar vi deg med tilbake til våren 2020. Du får høre fortellingen om hvordan møtet med pandemien satte livet til fem mennesker fra ulike deler av arbeidslivet i spill. Kafégrunder Christina Christensen, anestesisykepleier Kathrine Sjøttem, kjøpmann Rune Wæraas, start-up-sjef Ellen Loxley, og næringslivsleder Marianne Danielsen.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • You ever sit here and go on long trip in your mind, where you’re going from thought to thought without no specific goal, but you kind of enjoy it? Well this place is here and available to access anytime, anywhere, join me on this brand new adventure!

  • Hysterical investigates a mysterious illness that spreads among a group of high school girls in upstate New York. What is causing their sudden, often violent symptoms? Is there something in the water or inside the school? Or is it “all in their head?” The series examines the outbreak in LeRoy, NY, believed by some to be the most severe case of mass hysteria since the Salem Witch Trials. In his search for answers, Dan Taberski (9/12, Missing Richard Simmons, Running from Cops) explores other seemingly inexplicable events of the last few years – CIA officers being crippled with nausea and vertigo; cops OD'ing from exposure to fentanyl – and discovers they’re far more connected than we realize.

    From Wondery and Pineapple Street Studios, this 7-part series forces us to grapple with the mysteries of our own minds, and reckon with a contagion that we thought was long dead, but may be the defining disorder of our time.

    Listen to Hysterical on the Wondery App or wherever you get your podcasts. Binge all episodes of Hysterical early and ad-free right now by joining Wondery+ in the Wondery App, Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Start your free trial by visiting now. 

  • A book-on-podcast about the stories we tell ourselves, the stories we tell others, and the space between those two. It's about how we love, how we lose, and how we recover (or not) throught the stories we make up in our heads. It is also the memoir of Robin Rice.

  • En podkast om arkitektur og byutvikling, om samfunn, byer, hus og folk. Ledet av Alexander Tunby Rosseland, produsert av LPO arkitekter.

  • Dette er historien om Arne Viste og hans utrettelige kamp for papirløse flyktningers rett til arbeid, en rett Arne hevder de har ifølge Grunnloven.

    Plogmannen er fortellingen om den «strenge og rettferdige asylpolitikken, om myndighetenes tolkning av Grunnloven – og om et usporbart møte i Utlendingsdirektoratet.

    Og hvordan Norge kanskje er i ferd med å miste sin status som barmhjertighetens nødhavn. 

    Grytidlig en mørk morgen i november 2018 banker det på døren. Huset er et svartmalt trehus i et vanlig byggefelt fra 70-tallet på Røyneberg mellom Stavanger og Sola flyplass. 

    Arne Viste og kona ligger fremdeles og sover. Arne kler på seg en truse og en t-skjorte og skynder seg for å åpne ytterdøren. Kona, Oddlaug, blir liggende i sengen. Arne åpner døren.

    Utenfor står fire politifolk og foran står politietterforsker Pernille Frisak. Alle politifolkene hadde flydd fra Oslo til Stavanger i ens ærend. Arne ser spørrende ut. Han har tidligere hatt ureturnerbare flyktninger boende hos seg og tror et øyeblikk at politiet nå er her for å lete etter folk. I den tro slipper han politiet inn og viser dem at det bare er han og kona i huset. 

    Da politifolkene blir vist et tomt barnerom, sier politietterforsker Frisak at “Vi er ikke på jakt etter mennesker. Vi er her i forbindelse med ulovlig arbeid.”

    Da blir Arne glad og letta. Endelig - får vi framdrift! tenker han. Han har i lang, lang tid prøvd å få en rettslig avklaring. Nå skal det skje. 



    Plogmannen er produsert av Eli Nessa og Dag Svihus. 

    Fortellerstemmen er av Eli Nessa.

    Musikk og lyddesign er av Dag Svihus. 

    Espen Hana leste fra “Svartebok over norsk asylpolitikk”. Boka

    er skrevet av Rune Berglund Steen 

    Sigrid Rognstad spilte rollen som dommer i Oslo Tingrett

    Jan Erik Nilsen har lest tekst fra Stavanger Aftenblad. 

    En spesiell takk til David og resten av familien til Arne


    I tillegg har følgende bidratt: Arvid Sjødin

    Kalle Moene, UiO

    Mads Andenæs

    Jon Ole Martinsen, NOAS

    Tor B Jørgensen, Mennesker i Limbo

    James Gabriel Gadeau, RIA

    Inga Bolstad, Arkivverket

    Trygve G Nordby

    Hilde Frafjord Johnson, 

    Marte Soma, HERO Hå mottakssenter

    IMI kirken

    Stavanger Aftenblad

    NRK og TV2

    og offentlige dokumenter fra UDI og NTNU

    Til slutt vil vi takke alle flyktningene som har delt sine

    historier med oss. Det er dere som lever i denne virkeligheten hver dag, og av

    frykt for straffeforfølgelse har vi valgt å beskytte deres stemmer. 

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Dr. Lee Moore talks Chinese literature and Chinese culture more broadly.

  • Wisdom & Wanderlust is a podcast for travelers by travelers. Hosts Michael Bennett and Robyn Goldblatt chat with explorers and experts from around the world to swap travel tales and best practices, share life lessons, and offer inspiration for you to head out on your next adventure with more curiosity, creativity, and courage. Tune in to learn how to travel better ... and how to live a better, more fulfilling, and more mindful life.

  • Where do I even start planning a trip?
    How can I afford to travel?
    Where should I go?
    When is the best time to visit?
    What should I pack?
    What should I do when I get there?

    If you are looking for travel ideas to add to your bucket list, ways to to PLAN, AFFORD and make travel EASIER or you just want to live vicariously through our travels this is the show for you.

    Sunshine Travelers Podcast is a travel podcast hosted by husband and wife duo Scott and Melissa Barronton where they share their passion for travel alongside actionable tips from their person travel experiences. They have turned their dreams of travel into a reality and want to help you do the same.

    Hosts Scott and Melissa bring you strategies, planning and packing tips, and inspirational stories that can help YOU design your dream bucket list travel adventures. As well as real actionable travel advice that will leave you feeling inspired and prepared for your next adventure.

    Along with sharing their experiences, they interview others who also share their travel wanderlust and will share their experiences to ensure you are both inspired and prepared for your next travel adventure.

    If you want to learn more about traveling or just want to live vicariously through our travel experiences. No matter where you fall along that journey, get ready to hear about our first hand experiences as we visit some of the most amazing places on earth.

    Press Play on the Sunshine Travelers podcast to get travel ideas, learn with us where to go, how to get there, what to do when you arrive and what travel essentials to bring along with you!

  • Part of the DWA! (Driving While Awesome family), Camping While Awesome is focused on car camping, vintage utility, and adventures off the beaten path.

  • Travel Press Podcasts bring you unique stories from travel suppliers, technology experts, and the individuals who make our industry work. Subscribe through Spotify or Apple Podcasts, or listen directly from

    Voices of Travel

    Stories and reflections from the visionaries who have shaped the Canadian travel industry.

    A.I. Insights: Conversations with the Experts Interview Series

    Canadian Travel Press’ executive editor, Bob Mowat, talks with leading experts in the field of artificial intelligence to gather insights on how A.I. will shape the future of travel distribution.

    Travel Webcast

    Travel Webcasts are engaging and informative live webinars featuring the latest updates from travel industry suppliers – now available in audio format to listen anytime, anywhere.