Maatschappij & cultuur – Litouwen – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Dead Hearts Club is a podcast about the decisions that define the hearts of every living human: the moments we decide to do what seems intolerably vulnerable, and hard, then doing it again (and again and again) because not living this way carries with it a much greater risk.

    Nestled here, between craggy emotional outcroppings and the shared love of a well-timed dick joke, are conversations about the kind of vulnerability that makes you feel like you're gonna die (in a good way).

    Heart-warming and obscene, hilarious and absolutely uncensored, Dead Hearts Club is hosted by Morgan Wade, and co-host, Bria Anderson.

  • Converse with Clover Podcast is a platform of truth, facts, fun, and support for women. So, whether you’re looking for inspiration, an honest conversation with special guests, invigorated personally or professionally, or need to step out of your everyday life, be sure to listen in.

    About our Host: Dr. Clover A. Perez is an active speaker on criminal justice reform, a motivational speaker, and the founder of A Beautiful HEART Ministries and Seven65 Ventures. Dr. Perez has a deep intuition that allows her to accurately connect the dots between women, their stories, and their power. She helps women believe they are more significant than their obstacles and more robust than their struggles. She encourages women to think about a plan for their lives, execute it, and prosper without permission or regret. Join us on the Converse with Clover Podcast as we discuss all the intricacies of being a woman.

  • When has life ever been easy? We have tools, technology, and media available at our fingertips, yet we struggle to keep up. Is the problem really more resources faster? Or are we struggling to find real, meaningful connections with other people? Kindness is the key to all of that. Kindness is the spark in a first impression and it is the fuel that keeps our most meaningful relationships alive. Whether in work, play, or personal interactions, we all could use more kindness in our lives. When we choose kindness, the world gets better!

  • Молодь, культура, музика та волонтерство!

    Це подкаст про досвід молодих людей із різним середовищем, силу та важливість волонтерства. Ми висвітлюємо надихаючі історії від молоді, яка змінює світ. Приєднуйтесь до нас, щоб дослідити силу молоді, культури, та волонтерство!

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    Монобанка -
    ПриватБанк -
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    Владислав Любарець -

  • Nepamiršk, kad užsiprenumeravęs „SOL FM“ galėsi perklausyti FM bangomis ištransliuotų laidų įrašų antrąsias dalis (video formatu) anksčiau!Užsiprenumeruok ContribeeUžsiprenumeruok SpotifyČia galite rasti radijo stotyje „SOL FM“ savaitgaliais (penktadieniais ir šeštadieniais) ištransliuotų laidų įrašus. Įrašai įkeliami kiekvieną savaitę, po tiesioginio jų ištransliavimo radijo stotyje.Tikimės, kad patiks. :)

  • Key pieces of music from the Georgian period explored by Suzy Klein and Christian Curnyn. From BBC Radio 3

  • Аўдыядок «Каму мы патрэбныя, калі не сабе» студыі Vozera Media даследуе феномен беларускай культуры ў выгнанні. Ва ўмовах, калі раптам стала немагчыма выходзіць на звычныя пляцоўкі з гітарамі, вершамі, карцінамі і тэатральнымі перформансамі, беларускія культурніцкія дзяячкі і дзеячы шукаюць сваю публіку (і сябе заадно) у Польшчы, Германіі, Іспаніі, Вялікабрытаніі, Бразіліі, ЗША і дзе толькі не.

    Куды завядуць іх гэтыя пошукі? Каму чытаць свае тэксты на беларускай мове? Ці можна ствараць сваё мастацтва ў Польшчы і не «апалячыцца»? Што цікава заходнім галерыстам, калі беларуская траўма ўжо «не ў трэндзе»? І ці адгукаецца «з’ехалае» беларускае мастацтва тым, хто застаецца ў Беларусі?

    Аўдыядок складаецца з шасці гісторый, якія натуральна пераплятаюцца адна з адною.

  • The Here I Glow Again podcast is your guide to finding your glow again. I’m sharing my own personal stories and advice on all things on healing, separation and divorce, relationships, spirituality and much more. Submit your questions and topics to IG @hereiglowagainpodcast. Welcome to the #hereiglowagain community. Come as you are and leave your most radiant self!

  • Weekly podcast following the Rogue Bunnies Web3 journey. Hear legendary stories about the Playboy Mansion from the playmates, staff and guests. For more information, visit and ...And the Mayhem Continues!🤟

  • Looking for advice, juicy goss, or just a good laugh? Welcome to Leave A Message, a brand new podcast presented by your internet besties - Ally & G. Tune in every week as the Gallies share their stories, dramas and dilemmas in the world’s juiciest group chat (ok, maybe not the whole world… YET). They delve into your voice notes to spill the tea, where nothing is off limits, no topic is too embarrassing and there’s NO such thing as too much information.

    Want to be a part of the group chat and featured on the pod? Send your voice note to (and please, don’t leave out ANY of the juicy details).

  • An in-depth look on who I am and my outlooks in everything.

    Some episodes will be collaborated with Live Love Game.

  • In 2006 Richard Hammond broke his brain. The high-speed jet-powered car he was piloting crashed at 319mph… and the thing that stopped the car from rolling? That was his head. Richard’s been on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth ever since, and now, he’s on a mission to demystify and destigmatise conversations around masculinity, mental health, and the issues that affect us all, in a bid to discover who we are now. Joined by his co-pilot and grown-up daughter Izzy, they’ll dive into the worlds of mid-life crisis’, what makes a modern man, how to raise daughters, and even question what it means to be a little shorter than average... Join Richard, Izzy and Dr Jim, as they try to figure out Who We Are Now.

  • Finalmente dopo avere pubblicato video su Youtube, Misterium approda anche nel mondo dei Podcast con Mixterium. Nel corso della prima stagione affronteremo misteri vecchi e nuovi cercando di svelare l'arcano.

  • Это подкаст о роли бизнеса в истории России. Как пчелы влияли на экономику средневековой Европы? Сколько стоил славянский раб на арабском рынке? Как крошечный бурятский поселок стал мировым бизнес-центром? Предприниматели веками меняли историю наравне с генералами и царями, а иногда даже против их воли. Здесь мы рассказываем о деловых людях и деловых схемах.

  • claudia and perio talk stuff, share takes, and throw marshmallows at each other ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ

  • One on One with CG is a pop-culture/lifestyle, feel good podcast. It is Corey Goetz interviewing leaders in sports, music, mental health, and other top industries.

  • Every Little Bit Counts is a weekly podcast hosted by Fawn Towne that will offer you real-time coaching and insight to support you on your healing journey. Listeners will hear from inspiring guests discussing spirituality and free flowing conversations about physical, emotional, and mental healing practices. It’s a fun way to learn about the tools and techniques available to support you with various life challenges. It’s time to claim your JOY back and live the life that was meant for you!

  • Tautinių bendrijų programą „Santara“ rengia 11-ka šešių tautybių žurnalistų. Joje kalbama lietuviškai, lenkiškai, rusiškai, baltarusiškai ir ukrainietiškai. Kasdien 15.00 val. per LRT KLASIKĄ.