Maatschappij & cultuur – Litouwen – Nieuwe podcasts

  • It’s hard to find ways to manage everything in your life while still feeling like you are making progress each day. At least three times a week, Ashlie Walton, tactical living coach, shares insightful ways to create a balanced lifestyle while tackling many unspoken challenges, such as what it’s really like to live the life of a police officer’s wife. Ashlie’s husband Clint Walton, a police officer and life optimization coach, joins the conversation several times a month. Together, they share stories and recommendations that work well to live a balanced life. Whether you are looking for tactical approaches for health and fitness, learning spiritual discipline, improving intimacy or building knowledge around current business challenges, this podcast is for you.

  • В 2017 году Европейский суд по правам человека признал Российскую Федерацию ответственной за нарушение права на жизнь заложников Беслана. За 15 лет в судах было представлено огромное количество документов и свидетельств. Специально для «Букмейт джорнал» и «Овд-Инфо» Татьяна Фельгенгауэр («Эхо Москвы») и Кирилл Коротеев («Агора») разбирают материалы «бесланского» дела, которые рассматривались в ЕСПЧ.

  • How are cities creating more sustainable urban environments? In Local Voices for Sustainability, we sit down with advocates and officials from ICLEI Europe member cities to discuss their sometimes rocky, but always interesting, journey towards a more sustainable future. Learn more at

  • Czechast is a regular RPI podcast about Czech and Moravian culture, history, and economy.

  • La raison d'être, le "why" principal de ce podcast, est vraiment d'apporter de l'aide, des conseils et des clarifications comme chacun de nous aurait aimé avoir lors de sa venue en France.

    Thèmes Principaux
    Solitude et Santé Mentale : Comment gérer l'isolement dans un nouveau pays.
    Intégration Culturelle : Comprendre les normes et les valeurs françaises tout en préservant sa propre identité.
    Challenges Professionnels : Comment naviguer dans le marché du travail français.
    Questions Administratives et Juridiques : Permis de séjour, études, travail, etc.

  • Learn about lessor known Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theories as well as classic theories in a new and unique way.

  • „Tarp kultūrų” – trumpų pasakojimų serija, padedanti suprasti, kodėl kartais taip sunku rasti bendrą kalbą su žmonėmis iš kitų kultūrų. Ir nesvarbu, kas jie būtų – bendradarbiai, verslo partneriai, bendramoksliai, draugai, kaimynai ar kasdienes paslaugas teikiantys asmenys. Kiekviename pasakojime apžvelgiamas koks nors nesusipratimas ar nesusikalbėjimas, su kuriuo dažnam tenka susidurti bendraujant su žmonėmis iš kitų kultūrų. Be to, pasitelkiant įvairių tarpkultūrinės komunikacijos ekspertų įžvalgas, bus aiškinamasi, dėl kokių priežasčių tas nesusipratimas kilo. O žinant nesusipratimų ir nesusikalbėjimų priežastis, pasidaro lengviau jų išvengti. Aut. ir ved. – Aistė Ptakauskė, garso rež. – Eglė Jarmolavičiūtė, kompozitorius – Kevin MacLeod.

  • Подкаст про предпринимателей и управленцев, которые осознанно идут в СМИ. И они знают, как это важно для личного бренда.

    В каждом выпуске спец рубрика "Как всё успевать". Узнаем лайфхаки гостей, ведь у них удается найти время и на продвижение себя, своего бизнеса и на то, чтобы брать от жизни всё!

  • Enjoy this 10 episode series where Jillian Haun interviews people that work in the beauty industry about what beauty is to them, what the beauty industry means to them, what they would like people to know about it, and what it is that makes them beautiful.

  • narrating Life
    In this blog I share a great journey called life….my childhood, my travels, my experiences working as a journalist….Priceless treasures I picked up in this journey…..

  • We cover G = Growth from a Personal & Business perspective, as it is a fascinating and compelling topic to share stories and experiences, and T = Technology, something that is everywhere and is firmly here to stay...asking the questions about what does it mean, is it for good, how do we harness it and ensure it helps our future.

    So, in the G&T Sessions Podcast, we are speaking directly to ourselves, when we were younger, not as wise as we are today, how could we know how transformative that Technology would affect the world .... And know how getting your personal growth and mindset in order, is a key building block and enabler to any organisation or business idea you want to scale.

    We're going to try to take you, the audience, on a journey through the stories and lessons of gifted and talented people who have written their own personal growth stories, dealt with amazing peaks and character building valleys, but have learned and carved their own path to making their own history and future.

    #Gifted #Talented.

    Given Tech now integrates into so many areas of our life and many people see this as their new path for opportunity, we will also discuss Tech with our guests who are growing, advising, supporting, coaching and innovating in and around technology and so the founders, co-founders, entrepreneurs, CEO’s, leadership teams of tomorrow will know how to realise their dreams, find and unleash their own ideas to become unicorns, build new markets, new businesses & disrupt the world for the greater good.

    #Growth #Tech

  • welcome to “down to underwear,” the no-holds-barred podcast where nothing is too dirty to discuss. join me as i dive into raw, unfiltered conversations about life’s wildest moments, taboo topics, and everything in between. from scandalous stories to outrageous adventures, this is your backstage pass to the messiest parts of life. get ready for a candid, unapologetic journey that’s as real as it gets. new episodes every thursday, available on spotify and apple podcasts.

  • We contain a universe that’s represented by the mind in each of us. Some minds are plagued with the darkness called mental illness.

    Each week, join me as we explore my personal black holes of depression, anxiety, and other various mental issues that I--and 449 million people in the world-- face. If you’re interested in learning more about the struggles of someone who suffers from mental illness, or you’re someone who knows all too well the pains that come from it, grab a telescope and come on over.
    This is a welcoming place where we try to destroy the stigma associated with this disease as well as try to discover the truth in who we are.

    Take a look through my telescope at:

  • Filed Under is a podcast about everything and nothing by me, Jade- a girl from everywhere and nowhere.

    I don't know where my creativity and inspiration will take me, so this is a ride for me and you.

    But if you're curious about multifaceted things in life- this podcast could be for you.

  • Visi turime vardą, kartais – kelis. Žmonėms visuomet svarbus ne tik pirmasis vardas, kurį gauni atėjęs į šį pasaulį, dar svarbesnis – antrasis. Tas, kurį sunkiai dirbdamas susikuri pats, kurį žmonės pažįsta ir vertina, dažnai pirmojo net ir nežinodami. Kokią garantiją savo batams suteikia batsiuvys? Kada į kiemą nosies nekiša duonos kepėja? Kas nutiktų, jei neliktų kalvių? Kaip laikrodžiai tampa išdavikais? O kas draudžiama lėktuvo pilotui? Laidoje „Amato meistras“ pažinsime savo profesijos žinovus. Atskleisdami herojaus portretą, pažinsime ir to amato skirtingų pasaulio šalių tradicijas, pasinersime į tautinio paveldo, pasaulio kultūros istoriją, sužinosime bulvės, kavos, sūrio, šakočio, patefono ar paprasto rašiklio atsiradimo istorijas.
    Vedėjas – Vilius Rekevičius.

  • Two friends who are broke and needing a change in their lives. We don’t know what we re doing or how we will achieve our goals but we will get there one step at a time. Follow us on our journey of discovering a no longer broken life.

  • Hotwife Haven with Ember Rae. A safe & comfortable space to talk all things Hotwife, no matter your kinks or desires in the lifestyle. Support this podcast: