Maatschappij & cultuur – Estland – Nieuwe podcasts
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I corrispondenti dei vari Paesi commentano ogni giorno i trend e le notizie.
In studio Vanessa Piccioni, Vincenzo Lauria e Michele Gioia -
We are Noah & Venessa, a married couple who loves traveling the world and sharing those experiences with you! Tune along for thoughtful discussion, helpful tips, and our infectious chemistry (at least we like to think so).
Abandoned places, disappearances, weird history, and ghosts!
Laura Kurs ja Kristina Birk-Vellemaa uudistavad väikest linna suurest maailmast ja suurt maailma väikesest linnast. Milline tundub maailm pärnakale ja Pärnu maailmale? Sellest kõigest sügavalt, aga huumoriga.
Igas saates arutleme päevakohaste või isiklikult puudutavate teemade üle ja kutsume külla Pärnuga seotud külalisi. -
Come one, come all! Join seats with Rashedia (and company) as she digs in about her personal experiences, trending topics around the world, black love, and more. The ups, downs, laughs, and everything in between. Buckle up as she unpack the beauty and the beast with love and consciousness one episode at a time. This down to earth writer will have you laughing, crying, deep thinking, and hopefully healing through these embracive talks of love and life. Are you ready to start this healing journey?
Diversity, inclusion, ethnicity and everything in between from a mixed race perspective. Join mixed race, Canadian hosts; Melissa & Vanessa as they navigate topics like colorism, pop culture, race wars, culture and the fine arts. Each episode Mixed DNA Podcast will do a deep dive into a new topic with research, opinions and personal stories to share. New episodes drop on Sundays.--
Join me, Lettie Loo, as I share my thoughts on everything and anything!
Want more? Check out my blog! -
アニメ・海外ドラマ・ガジェット・車・旅行などなど幅広いジャンルの自分の考えをアウトプットできればと思っています。 -
This is where I put my thoughts at while I poop plz enjoy fart noises 100x
Welcome to Wild Geese! Think of this as your little plot in the woods where you can lay down a picnic blanket, gather with your friends, and gab! I’m your host, Anna Corinne - a NYC based podcast strategist and actress.
Every Thursday, I’m sitting down with community organizers, creative entrepreneurs, writers, and generally fascinating people. I want listening to Wild Geese to feel like night in a fluffy chair, cat purring at your feet, warm light creating a glow, and all of your friends in one room together. -
Talk About — платформа подкастов на разные темы.
Здесь представлены подкасты от авторов из Эстонии и других стран.
Если у вас возникли вопросы, есть предложения или вы заинтересованы в рекламной интеграции, напишите на [email protected] — мы всегда открыты для общения!
A podcast about the fantastical life and lonely last days of Michele Hardin, a long-time Florida Keys resident. She was a professional cheerleader, model, journalist, and socialite whose last years were spent living in a condemned house without water or power, unable to accept help. She died alone in September 2024, and this podcast will take a deep dive into her life, relationships, and struggles. It’s a story of glamour, loneliness, and life in the Florida Keys.
Raadio 2 podcast. Saadet saab järele kuulata ja alla laadida 365 päeva.Raadio 2 podcast.Nädala plaadi intervjuusari. Saatejuht Koit Raudsepp.Raadio 2 sotsiaalmeedias R2 @ Facebook ja R2 @ InstagramKirjuta meile saatesse r2[ät]*Saadet saab järele kuulata ja alla laadida 365 päeva.
Подкаст об автомобилях и автомобилистах от проекта Rasstriga.doc
Eetris on üks ergas poiss iganädalase reaalsusepeegeldusega. Sisu eest vastutab Erki Veiko.
a place where you can listen to my shower monologues
My kids have just become adults. It’s left me bubbling over with memories, lessons learned, gifts of the past appreciated, and many mistakes which, have left me thinking, “God, let my kids know better than I knew.” Let anyone know better than I knew.
Hosted by Shelby Mertes, this show is part of the Human Survival Project, which was created for you and others to work together to save humanity. We combine two powerful truths: 1) humanity is facing existential threats to our world civilization, and 2) these global threats require global management by a redesigned and much stronger United Nations. We are building a global grassroots organization to help citizens push their governments to fix the U.N., to help protect the future of humanity and create a world we can be proud of.
On the show, we discuss climate change, destruction of nature, pandemics, nuclear weapons and other warfare, technology (artificial intelligence, synthetic biology, etc), climate-driven migration, global wealth inequality, and of course, the international systems we need to manage these issues. We focus on solutions, and explore how to be engaged world citizens in a time of dramatic change.
Learn more and sign up for our email newsletter:
For the sake of all that is beautiful about humanity, we invite you to join us. - Laat meer zien