Maatschappij & cultuur – Estland – Aanbevolen podcasts

  • У подкасті «Вулиця Степана Бандери» розкажемо як творилася наша історія та ідентичність впродовж століть. Поговоримо про креативних українців, які боролися за незалежну Україну та українську мову. Спробуємо з’ясувати, чи потрібні нам історичні знання, щоб знайти себе як націю та «горіти надзвичайним світлом» на міжнародній арені.

  • Every soldier has a story. Some, they try to forget. Others, they can’t stop thinking about – stories that no one else would believe happened. Something that terrified them. Something they cannot explain.

    From Ballen Studios, and hosted by Marine Corp Reconnaissance veteran, Luke Lamana, this is Wartime Stories. A weekly podcast that is a mix of horror, mystery, and awe inspiring tales. Where the strange, dark & mysterious meets the battlefield and beyond. 

    New episodes every Monday.

    Share your stories: [email protected]

  • Koomik Aleksandr Popov ja kodanik Märt Belkin räägivad asjadest, mis neile huvi pakuvad - ja mida kohe tahaks jagada. Saab põnevat juttu, niisama jauru ja natuke naeru ka!

  • „Muusikanõunikud” on korra nädalas eetrisse paiskuv muusikakriitikasaade, kus kiidetakse ja laidetakse värsket muusikat nii Eestist kui piiri tagant.

    Podcast’is rokivad legendaarsest raadiosaatest „Muusikanõukogu” põgenenud saatejuht Raul Saaremets, kriitikud Valner Valme ja Siim Nestor ning nendega liitunud muusikaajakirjanik Merit Maarits.

    Igas saates söödetakse muusikat hindamiseks ette ka ühele põnevale külalisele.

    „Muusikanõunikud” jõuab eetrisse koostöös Muusikalinn Tallinnaga. Lisaks värske muusika hakkimisele räägitakse saates ka Tallinnas toimuvatest muusikasündmustest.

    „Muusikanõunikud” läheb eetrisse reedeti kell 14.00.

  • It’s the crack era. The most violent time in New York City history. The NYPD is fighting a losing battle and instead of protecting the city from drug dealers, some police officers have become them. The Set is a 10 episode, never-before told, first-person documentary of the biggest police corruption scandal in NYPD history and the investigation that uncovered it all. From Zak Levitt, the Emmy, Peabody, and NY Press Club Investigative Journalism Award winning creator of Root of Evil, Gangster Capitalism, and Relative Unknown.

  • Olen Sinu taskusõbranna Kati ja mõtisklen koos Sinuga teemadel nagu tervis, suhted, raha, elu ja ilu! Astume koos samme oma unistuste elu suunas! Toredat kuulamist ja saame koos paremaks! :)

  • After 5 years of creating content in the paranormal realm at some of the most well known locations around the world, we've created this podcast to fully dedicate it to all things that live in the night.

  • Aprenda chino básico con RTI, y conozca toda la sabiduría, los cuentos y proverbios clásicos de esta cultura milenaria.

  • Magnificence is the boundless expanse of being. A liberation from limitation. It is the embodiment of authenticity, where you shed the shackles of self-doubt, shame, and imposter syndrome.

    Here, worthiness flourishes like a vibrant garden where you have the power to determine your actions, destinations, and your closest relationships.

    In the realm of Magnificence, creative individuality takes center stage. Your greatness is acknowledged, celebrated, and nurtured.

    Gone are the days of mindless conformity or "fitting in" just to "keep the peace".

    This show and your host, Patricia Lindner, are here to guide you as you align with your authentic design, leading the way to a life of purpose and fulfillment.

    Magnificence is not some unreachable peak or distant dream. It's inside you ... waiting to shine brighter than you ever thought possible.

    Welcome to your Magnificence.

  • Teadussaates "Labor" räägivad teadlased oma uuematest tegemistest, kommenteerivad ilmaelu teaduslikust vaatepunktist ning jagavad taustateadmisi üha muutuva ja uueneva maailma mõistmiseks.
    Saatejuht on Priit Ennet.
    Kuulake pühapäeviti kell 17.05 (kordus kell 01.00)

  • / tuleva (ja mineva) lainel /
    Loome kuulamisruumi, kus vabalt arutada kunsti, teaduse ja digitaalse vahendatuse üle. Kombineerime erinevad praktikad, lahkame teooriaid, vahetame kogemusi. Maailm muutub, meeldib see meile või mitte, ja selle sees on meil vaja otsida uusi radu.
    eˉlektron.signal’i formaadid on:
    “signal” vestleb kunstnike, teadlaste, mõtlejate ja praktikutega, saatejuhtideks Peeter Kormašov, Taavet Jansen ja Bohdana Korohod.
    “tõlked eemalviibijatele” on eksperimentaalne formaat, kus meie “tõlgid” Heneliis Notton, Alissija-Elisabet Jevtjukova ja Oliver Issak käivad kultuurisündmustel ja tõlgivad oma vahetut, tihtipeale toorest ja vastuolulist kogemust otse kuulajale.
    Uus episood igal kolmapäeval.
    Tunnusmeloodia: Argo Vals.
    Mixing ja mastering: Hendrik Kaljujärv.
    Graafiline disain: Jaan Evart.
    Veel infot:

  • Meelelahutuslik ja ehk isegi hariv podcast, kus ma räägin iseenda tegemistest ja kohtun enda sõprade ning teiste huvitavate inimestega, et elu saaks lahedam, efektiivsem ja tähendusrikkam meil kõigil. Teemaks tuleb tihti jalgrattasport, aga palju filosofeerin ka teemade üle mis mul igapäevaselt peas on.
    Kasutan seda platvormi ka enda isikliku audiopäevikuna.


    Taskusõbrannad on podcast, kus räägime avameelselt vaimsest tervisest, suhetest, ilust ning elu rõõmudest ja muredest.

    Oma isiklike kogemuste jagamisest kuni nõuannete jagamiseni toome teieni veelgi autentsema versiooni meist.

  • Pianist Johan Randvere saatesarjas on juttu klaverimuusikast - olulised klaverimuusikatrendid, klaverimuusika repertuaar, kuulsad pianistid.

  • Millistel teemadel sina oma sõbrannaga vestled ja kas oled vahel tundnud, et nii põnevad vestlused ei tohiks jääda saladuseks. Meie oleme sõbrannad Maria Sepp & Kerly Vahur ning soovime jagame teiega omavahelisi vestlusi, milles arutleme erinevatel elulistel teemadel väga avameelselt ja ausalt. Elu on põnev ja jagamist väärt, tule kuula mida kaks sõbrannat räägivad. Kuulamiseks võta kaasa avatud meel ja soovi korral jaga meile ka enda mõtteid. [email protected] Instagram: @s6brannadpodcast

  • Rannaväljaanne on sisulooja Maria Rannaväli podcast, mis koondab julgeid ja isiklikke lugusid Maria ja tema külaliste eludest.

  • Interested in human behavior and how people think? The Measure of Everyday Life is a weekly interview program featuring innovations in social science and ideas from leading researchers and commentators. Independent Weekly has called the show "unexpected" and "diverse" and says the show "brings big questions to radio." Join host Dr. Brian Southwell (@BrianSouthwell) as he explores the human condition.

    Episodes air each Sunday night at 6:30 PM in the Raleigh-Durham broadcast market and a podcast of each show is available online the Wednesday following. The show is made possible by RTI International.

    Have thoughts on the show? Let your voice be heard by rating us. You can also join the conversation on Twitter by following @MeasureRadio.

  • Writer Grace Timothy explores what it’s really like to live with ADHD with other women and non-binary people.
    I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was 37, and I’m still getting my head around what it means for me, in terms of my past, present and future. Now we’re finally waking up to the fact that ADHD isn’t just for little boys, I want to better understand what the lived experience of ADHD is, and how the day-to-day really feels. I’m asking the big questions: Is it why I’m rubbish at phone sex, for example? Is it why I swear in front of my mother-in-law? Is it why I find myself going into the minutae of my menstrual cycle with a stranger in the supermarket?
    I’ll be speaking to a different guest each week on one common theme of ADHD, from friendships and work to dating and motherhood, and we’ll also have an expert give us the real talk about how ADHD affects our behaviours around that theme.
    My hope is that you’ll better understand ADHD, whether for your sake or someone else’s. Please expect adult humour and language from start to finish. 
    This podcast is no substitute for medical care, professional advice or clinical treatment. Please seek support and guidance from your doctor if you have or suspect you have ADHD. 
    Is it My ADHD? is produced by The Tape Agency

  • Cavalry Audio and Executive Producer OSCAR ISAAC bring you a new true crime podcast...

    Join writer and narrator, EDGAR CASTILLO, a first generation Guatemalan American, as he explores the byzantine true story of the bizarre assassination of Rodrigo Rosenberg — an influential Guatemalan lawyer who was gunned down while on his Sunday morning bike ride in May of 2009. At his funeral, he posthumously released a YouTube video that declared, “If you’re seeing this video, it means that I've been murdered by President Alvaro Colom,” Guatemala's sitting President. The Rosenberg video unleashed a major political upheaval and one of the most unpredictable murder investigations in history, but that was only the beginning. You won't believe the conspiracy Edgar uncovers from interviews of those close to the case - including the person who hired the hitmen...

    Listen to episodes a week early and ad free by subscribing to Cavalry+ on Apple Podcasts.