Vrije tijd – Estland – Aanbevolen podcasts

  • Podcast "Hea tüdruk" on hetkel välja teenitud puhkusel ning seda asendab suvine erisaade "Peeglijutud", mida on kohustuslik kuulata igal naisel. Põnevas ja palju ilunippe pakkuvas saates võtavad kuninglikel tugitoolidel kohad sisse head sõbrannad Anu Saagim ja Reet Härmat, kelle igapäevastest ilujuttudest saame me kõik nüüd osa.

    Julgemadki meist ei seostaks ajakirjanikku ja seltskonnadiivat Anu Saagimit sõnapaariga „hea tüdruk”, aga just „Hea tüdruk” on tema uus podcast. „Headus on uus kurjus” nagu Anu ütleb. Nagu ka valge on uus must ja 50aastased on uued 30sed. Kes ei usu, vaadake „Seksi ja linna” uusi osi. Skandaalitari slogan võiks vabalt olla "Elus pole midagi hullemat, kui olla tavaline." „Hea tüdruk” on väike kindaheide Anu ekskaasa raamatule „Paha poiss”. „Hea tüdruk” on lood, mis on pikalt sees kriipinud ja mille välja ütlemine võib kaasa tuua verd, higi ja pisaraid. Anu koos ajakirjanik Piret Taliga võtab pulkadeks lahti naiseks olemise temaatika.

  • Lemmikloomadest pajatavas taskuhäälingus Loomaarst taskus võtame luubi alla kõik meie kallid karvased ja sulelised sõbrad.

  • F-14 Tomcat Radio Show/Podcast "Straight Outta Calverton", bringing you inside the world of the Grumman F-14 Tomcat and the Brave Men and Women which were apart of the Greatest History in Naval Aviation, We dedicate this to all of you, Navy/Grumman!

  • In this podcast series you will learn all kinds of legendary monsters, ghosts, and other supernatural creatures from Japanese folklore and mythology.

  • The Big Three is Donut's new podcast that examines the latest car news, racing headlines, and anything noteworthy in the automotive landscape. A perfect weekly update for anyone even slightly interested in cars, The Big Three is an entertaining glimpse into an inclusive yet opinionated world.  Join hosts James Pumphrey, Nolan Sykes and Joe Weber as they provide their lighthearted perspective on the hottest and weirdest automotive trends. The only car podcast you’ll ever need, aside from our other podcast, Past Gas. New episodes every Wednesday.
    For advertising opportunities please email [email protected]  
    We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: https://bit.ly/2EcYbu4 
    Privacy Policy: https://www.studio71.com/us/terms-and-conditions-use/#Privacy%20Policy

  • Thomas "Tom" Simons, better known online as TommyInnit or Tommy, is a popular British Minecraft YouTuber and Twitch streamer. He has a distinct obnoxious but funny persona, and rose to fame with his humor. He worships Vikkstar jokingly and admires Jschlatt; some of his videos are inspired by Schlatt's.

  • Это Вредный подкаст, где ведущие Виктория Муске и Виктория Скрынник не осуждают,
    а обсуждают личные истории из жизни гостей и слушателей. Гости подкаста — реальные люди, с реальными историями— где случаями из жизни делятся не только гости, но и сами слушатели. В этом подкасте нет стыда или смущения, только откровенные разговоры.

  • "Поехали ко мне!" – подкаст в котором мы раскрываем тему секса в Эстонии через истории наших гостей.
    Особенности отечественного дейтинга, секс-профессии, оргии и тайные фетиши − смело и без стеснения мы обсуждаем самые табуированные темы.
    Насколько интимная жизнь жителей нашей страны на самом деле насыщенна и многогранна? Главная цель подкаста − изучить все стороны сексуальной культуры нашей страны.

  • GardenDC is the award-winning podcast all about gardening in the greater Washington, DC, and Mid-Atlantic area. Hosted by Kathy Jentz, editor of Washington Gardener Magazine (www. WashingtonGardener.com). Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gardendc/support

  • KVEST on Eesti lauarollimängu kommuun, mis on loodud pakkumaks ühist vestlus- ja arenemisplatvormi kõikidele huvilistele. Kommuun sai loodud aastal 2019 ning toob huvilisteni eestikeelseid artikleid, videoid, tööriistu, arutelu kui ka poe täis Dungeons & Dragonsi tarvikuid ja raamatuid.Kuna Dungeons & Dragons’i maailm on suur, enamasti inglise keelne ja mööda internetti laiali, siis otsustasime luua keskkonna, mis koondaks selle kõik ühte kohta.Meie eesmärk on tutvustada seda maailma lauamänguhuvilistele ja pakkuda kõigile uusi mängukogemusi.

  • Welcome to The Beginners Handbook!Hosted by Jamie & Jordan The Beginners Handbook is a podcast aiming to help new players find their feet in the world of tabletop role playing games (RPGs), focusing Primarily on Dungeons & Dragons (D&D).

  • Welcome to "The Flipside" with RetroRalph, where arcade nostalgia meets pinball passion! Known for his YouTube channel dedicated to arcade gaming, RetroRalph now explores the pinball world after three years of fascination with flippers and bumpers. Join Ralph on this journey as he aims to bring new life to pinball, just as he did for arcades. "The Flipside" dives deep into retro gaming and pinball culture through discussions, gameplay, and interviews. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the hobby, Ralph's enthusiasm promises an exciting exploration of gaming history. Join RetroRalph on "The Flipside" for a tilt-worthy adventure through the arcade and pinball realms!

  • Pirmoji tinklalaidė Lietuvoje skirta bitininkams! Bitininkystei tampant nacionaliniu hobiu, kalbinsime įvairius pašnekovus, kurie dalinsis naudingais patarimais, savo patirtimi ir sukauptomis įžvalgomis naudingomis visiems bičiuliams. Laidos tikslas vienyti tuos bitininkus, kuriuos norisi vadinti bičiuliais ir padėti jiems tapti geresniais.

  • Every creative work you’ve ever loved has a hero’s journey behind it. On Spark & Fire, you'll hear creators tell the story of bringing one beloved work to life. 

    Iconic creatives — like Wicked composer Stephen Schwartz, Pixar director Domee Shi, comedian Patton Oswald, musician Wynton Marsalis, and novelist Isabel Allende — share the endless iterations, the inevitable setbacks, and the breakthrough ideas along the epic process of creation. But this isn’t an interview show. It’s a story — told entirely in the artist's own words.

    With host June Cohen, co-founder of WaitWhat and the former executive producer of TED Talks.

    Transcripts and images for every episode are available at sparkandfire.com

    Sign up for the weekly Spark & Fire newsletter.

  • Become a Paid Subscriber: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/madsimracing/subscribeA Motorsport/Sim Racing Podcast from MAD Sim Racing - www.intotheapex.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Привет! Это подкаст для тех, кто хочет получать ещё больше удовольствия от секса :)

    Каждый четверг мы рассказываем, почему с вами и вашими желаниями всё в порядке, даём практики на раскрепощение и отвечаем на самые неловкие вопросы. Присылайте свои истории через анонимную форму, и мы разберёмся вместе: https://forms.gle/wFWaE8Q35JvfoWQC7 💖

    Сексолог: Евгения Ермакович https://www.instagram.com/evgenia_ermakovic/
    Ведущая: Ксюшенька https://www.instagram.com/hellomynameisksushenka/

  • В этом подкасте мы будем обсуждать различные темы. Я буду приглашать гостей и вести монолог. Вы сможете задавать мне вопросы и участвовать в обсуждении.

    Telegram: https://t.me/lets_talk_369WebMoney: Z891848967190Отправить донат: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/konstantin_gulienkoПо вопросам сотрудничества: [email protected]
  • Play Along Podcast is a podcast where we play through games in a book club format. We will be picking a game and playing through a section of it each week. At the end, we will give our review and if we would recommend it to you. Come play along with us every Tuesday at 9am PST as we venture through the world of gaming.