Maatschappij & cultuur – IJsland – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Sirpan Podcast eru þættir þar sem hjónin Harpa og Sigþór ræða allt milli himins og jarðar, allt frá brúðkaupum og samböndum yfir í eitthvað miklu ómerkilegra.

  • Illugi Jökulsson hefur skrifað greinar um söguleg efni fyrir almenning í áratugi. Þar úir og grúir af lífi og dauða, dramatík og flækjum, kóngum og drottningum og alþýðu manna.

  • Í þáttunum eru nokkrar af hetjum og skúrkum Ólympíusögunnar til umfjöllunar. Gullverðlaunahafinn sem hvílir á Íslandi, Ólympíufarinn sem er eini Íslendingurinn til að vera dæmdur fyrir kynvillu, hlauparinn sem laug til um æsku sína, hetjan sem varð að skúrki fyrir lyfjamisnotkun eru meðal þeirra sagna sem eru sagðar í Ólympíusögum. Umsjón: Þorkell Gunnar Sigurbjörnsson.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Kaffispjall í Kletti er ný hlaðvarpssería þar sem við fáum fólk til okkar að fara yfir ferilinn, rifja upp skemmtilegar sögur og minningar úr bransanum. Markmið þáttanna er að veita létt, skemmtilegt og áhugavert spjall fyrir fólk á ferðinni eða vinnusvæðinu.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Improve your life 1% a day through your goals, mindset, habits, energy, and relationships.

  • Uncanny is a podcast about urban legends. Join Gwyn and her guests as they seek to understand what our supernatural legends say about us as human beings. They research the legends, where they come from, and discuss why they scare us.

  • Í þessum þáttum er skoðuð saga íslensku útihátíðarinnar sem var hér allsráðandi í sumarstemningunni á ofanverðri síðustu öld. Farið verður í ferðalag aftur í tímann með viðkomu í Atlavík, Húnaveri, Eldborg, Herjólfsdal og víðar. Fjöldi góðra gesta koma í þáttinn og segja sögur af liðnum útihátíðum sem ýmist gengu vel eða ekki eins vel.

    Umsjón og dagskrárgerð: Áskell Heiðar Ásgeirsson.

    Ritstjórn og samsetning: Gígja Hólmgeirsdóttir.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Freyja Haraldsdóttir ræðir við fatlað og langveikt fólk sem hefur með aðgerðum sínum og listsköpun hreyft við samfélaginu og stuðlað að auknu réttlæti fyrir jaðarsetta hópa. Samtölin fara fram við eldhúsborðið, einmitt þar sem hugmyndir gjarnan kvikna, dýrmæt samtöl eiga sér stað, tengsl myndast og kjarkurinn til þess að taka sér pláss og rjúfa þögn verður til.

    Ritstjórn og samsetning: Guðrún Hálfdánardóttir.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Listen to my podcast "Whole Heartedly" on Apple and Spotify!

  • Welcome to the No Sleep Podcast.
    Two 20something-year-olds who might as well be brothers, discuss topics ranging from pressing issues to nonsensical bullsh*t. Expect special guests throughout to share their perspectives.
    Join us every Monday for new conversations!

    Malak (Instagram: malakaka_ahmed)
    Qtion (Instagram: qtion_ | Twitter: qtion2)

    Instagram - @nosleep_podcast
    Twitter - @NoSleepPodcast1

    [email protected] (yes, with one 'p')

  • Find out what Firefighters are made of!

    This podcast pulls back the curtain and shows you what goes into the making of a Firefighter.

    We talk about the how and why of each guest's journey to the job, what challenges they have faced overall and how they made it through them, the struggles they see for our service and their ideas on how each of us can help progress in the job, as well as what keeps them inspired and motivated. You will be getting to know your family better.

    'Multiple Calls' is a phrase that catches a Firefighter's attention because it signifies that there is a strong possibility that what we are responding to is legitimate and will require us to be at our best. It is also what experience is made of. We're going to be at our best to capture your attention with legitimate stories and enrich our experience of this unique and amazing job.

    I'm a 25-year second-generation Firefighter working for a Department in Southern Ontario, Canada, with around 400 suppression personnel, 13 stations and 26 apparatus. I spent the first half of my career at a Technical Rescue station, six years working as a primary care medic, 3 years instructing as a Fire Training Officer, and had the honour and pleasure of co-leading our Peer Support Team for over a decade.

    When I first joined, we were a lot smaller and the Senior Firefighter on the truck with me for my first shift had been on longer than I had been alive. Outside of what he and many others taught me about the job, he recommended that I start a journal of all the calls and happenings around the hall so that one day I'd have the makings of a book. He was right, but unfortunately, of all the things I heeded and applied, that wasn't one of them. The point being, there are stories to tell and we all carry them; about us as individuals, as crews, as platoons, and as a Department. The wisdom and instruction about how to do the job are crucial, but the experiences and stories also help to shape our character and our Fire Family as a whole. Stories are important. Through story-telling, we find comfort in what connects us and expand our minds through our differences.

    I've come late to the party when it comes to podcasts. A move in the summer of 2017 that involves an hour plus commute, opened up the opportunity to fill that time with some quality content. I've been inspired by a number of podcasts and listed the fire-related ones on the Multiple Calls Website in the Resources section along with books, Facebook pages, websites, literature, and videos. You can also find a running list of those in the Fire Service at large that deserve our respect and acknowledgment for their efforts to keep us grounded and progressing, in the Credits section. Please message me if you want me to add someone.

    We get to know each other very well in this line of work. From all that we experience together, we create strong bonds, and we use deeply meaningful words like Family and Brotherhood to describe them. As shift schedules, generations, where we choose to live, our societal norms, and the size of our departments change, our view of the importance and tradition of the Fire Service Family and Brotherhood can be challenged, strained and at risk of being lost. This would be incredibly sad, tragic, and detrimental. We need to continue to invest in each other and learn and participate in each other's stories.

    Much Love,


  • Thrill as the boys dish on all of geekdom and gaydom – comics, movies, video games, drag divas – it’s all here. These fellas are fuuueled like FIRE! So start melting cuz this show is hotter than hot! It’s HOT! HOT! HOT!

    Support this show

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Wenn du dir mehr Nähe, Wahrhaftigkeit, erfüllenden S*x & Leichtigkeit in deiner Beziehung wünscht, bist du hier genau richtig. 

    Bei uns geht`s um alle Themen, die einem als Paar in einer Partnerschaft begegnen: 
    - Ehrlichkeit und Wertschätzung
    - Streit- und Konflikt-Lösung
    - erfüllende körperliche Intimität
    - Leidenschaft und Romantik
    - gesunde Beziehungsdynamiken
    - emotionale Nähe
    - Umgang mit Enttäuschung & Misstrauen 
    und vieles mehr

    Wir sind Susanne und Felix, 37 und 40 Jahre alt und seit 10 Jahren ein Paar. Wir unterstützen Paare dabei, mehr Frieden, Wahrhaftigkeit und Freude in ihre Beziehung zu bringen. Unser Ziel ist, durch ganzheitliches Wissen, praktische Tipps, ehrliche Erfahrungsberichte, Selbstreflexion und Amore, einen Beitrag zu mehr Liebe zu erschaffen. 

    Link zu unserer Website:


  • My podcast or better said our podcast, the place where we stand by and think. Think about all the things we wonder about. This podcast is from scratch, nothing is written, it’s just all in the moment. Just sit back and enjoy!

  • Each episode, Pedestrian's resident true crime nuts Josie and Mel bring a different unsolved Australian mystery yarn to the table and share their (often completely cooked) theories on what the f--k happened. From the Beaumont Children to the Lithgow Panther to the Somerton Man, each mystery is weirder than the last.

  • Fodder - the food and drink podcast for Greater Manchester. For the Fodder Films click here:

  • “Talk On!” is a monthly podcast of the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle (Saale), Germany.
    In each episode of this podcast, one of our two hosts, Christoph Brumann or Jovan Maud, talks to the guest about their publications, research, and current debates in the field of social anthropology.

  • In the mid 1980's Hal worked his way through medical school as an anonymous sperm donor. Jump forward 25 years. Now a successful radiologist - and curious about his health genes - Hal joined 23AndMe - and inadvertently lost his anonymity. Suddenly seven total strangers found "daddy" - except six of them had no idea their actual biological father was a sperm donor. Subscribe for monthly bonus content at

  • Exploring some of the key concepts in preventative counterterrorism work, drawing on global experience and RUSI research.

    Over the past few years, RUSI’s Terrorism and Conflict group has conducted multiple and extensive reviews of global preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE) programmes, identifying what can work and what has not worked in these efforts. The research covered hundreds of programmes addressing different ideological motivations, with a particular focus on Islamist and far-right extremism. Through these projects, RUSI has helped to build the global evidence base for P/CVE interventions across different thematic areas and regions. Several key themes and concepts, as well as methods to prevent and counter violent extremism, have emerged.

    This podcast series, hosted by Dr Jessica White and Raffaello Pantucci, features RUSI experts in conversation with international scholars and practitioners.