Gezondheid en fitness – Estland – Nieuwe podcasts
Inside the halls of American hospitals, millions of people find comfort, healing, and support. But for many doctors and nurses, this couldn’t be further from the truth.
This podcast will dive into the shadows of American healthcare to investigate and uncover the abuse, control, and political power plays that leave the very people responsible for our nation’s health, broken and battered.
We’re sharing stories of professionals in medicine that have experienced horrendous treatment at the hands of a broken system that does nothing to stop the trauma. As the Association of American Medical Colleges states, “Long before the #MeToo movement, women in medicine have instinctively banded together to counter a culture that too often tolerated harassment.”
From systemic trauma to abuse of power to the unspoken rules of cover-ups and corruption, Mandy Irby and HeHe will take you to the darkest corners of healthcare in America so you can have an inside look at bringing humanity back to medicine! -
Each year about 400 physicians die by suicide. Work-related stressors and mental health problems are two well-known factors for suicide among health care workers. To help address the pressure doctors, nurses and other allied health professionals face every day, the T. Leroy Jefferson Medical Society is hosting a podcast called Helping the Helpers. No healthcare professional should suffer alone when there are resources available. Better wellness for our health professionals means better outcomes for us all.
Welcome to Unfolding the Mind with Jenia Romanova, a podcast dedicated to exploring the incredible potential of your brain and how to harness it to live your best life.
Join me as I delve into topics like sustainable goal-setting, overcoming mental roadblocks, building habits that stick, managing stress, improving sleep and embracing self-care. I also discuss how to cultivate a resilient and flexible mind, empowering you to navigate life’s challenges with greater ease and confidence.
Each episode is packed with practical insights rooted in neuroscience and offers actionable tips that work, helping you unlock your full potential and create meaningful, lasting change - one small step at a time.
Tune in weekly for fresh insights on self-improvement, personal growth and the fascinating world of the mind. -
Welcome to Tranquil Sleep Meditation, a podcast specifically for relaxation, calmness, tranquility, and ultimately sleep, through various journeys in my meditations.
О женских трансформациях, эмоциях и теле в переходный период.
Мы, Люба и Даша, помогающие практики, делимся техниками работы с эмоциями и телом, говорим о женском пути и делимся личными историями. Надеемся что с нами вы найдете ответы на важные вопросы и вдохновение для нового этапа жизни.
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Welcome to The Nordic IFBB Coach's Corner—your premier destination for evidence-based bodybuilding and fitness education. Brought to you by the IFBB Nordic Academy, this podcast delivers in-depth explorations of the latest studies on bodybuilding, physique optimization, and sports science. Join PhD candidate and IFBB Nordic Academy Director Ville Isola as he engages with world-renowned experts, championship-winning coaches, and leading researchers in the fitness industry. Whether you're an athlete, coach, or fitness enthusiast, this podcast offers unparalleled insights to elevate your understanding of training, nutrition, and the science behind peak performance.
Lauryn Petrie and Jonas Barnes Present: The Traumedy Hour
2 Comedians + A Guest + All The Things Society Tells Us Not To Talk About. Lauryn & Jonas talk to a guest every week about the trauma, pain, mental illness and vices that we all live with in our own way, every day. There are no holds barred as we peel back the band-aid and dig into the wounds of life. And with any luck, we can laugh at the pain and give someone a light at the end of the darkness. -
The Grouch and the Brainstorm is a recovery based podcast that discusses real life scenarios and shares experience.
Здесь будут публиковаться подкасты по психологии с экспертами в какой-то области этой науки.
Limitless Minds Co-Founders (Harrison Wilson and DJ Eidson) present Limitless Minds Podcast.
Сегодня хочется открыть бизнес, а завтра нет сил почистить зубы. Как ощущается жизнь на постоянных эмоциональных качелях?
Я — Алёна Воронцова, психолог, Когнитивно-Поведенчесая и Схема-терапевтка с Биполярным Аффективным Расстройством*. «У нас БАР дома» — подкаст, в котором я общаюсь с людьми с диагностированным БАР. Он создан не только для людей с диагнозом, но и для всех, кто интересуется ментальным здоровьем и психологией. Моя цель — разрушить стереотипы и показать, что мы обычные люди с необычными историями.
*Биполярное расстройство — психическое расстройство, при котором чередуются эпизоды сильно сниженного, депрессивного состояния, и эпизоды экстремально повышенного настроения, называемого гипоманией или манией.
Не Только Мама. Подкаст от женщин для женщин. Тут мы не конкурентки, а сопереживающие, поддерживающие, настоящие и аутентичные, прекрасные жительницы этой планеты! Мы говорим о жизни, о духовности, о радостях и горе, о том, что нас зажигает, и о материнстве тоже :)
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Every week sex coach Katrina will try and educate comedian Chris on the ins and outs of sex while making it less awkward to talk about openly
The podcast for people who want to date and have great sex that is safe, fun, and enjoyable.
Empowering our listeners to make informed decisions that lead to values-based living. -
The "Power of Peace Podcast" with Kit Cummings is an illuminating journey into the realms of inner harmony, personal growth, and transformative peace-building practices. Hosted by the award winning author, international speaker, and peace activist Kit Cummings, this podcast delves into the profound power of cultivating peace within ourselves and within the communities we inhabit. Each episode of the podcast is a captivating exploration of the multifaceted aspects of peace, offering listeners a wealth of insights, strategies, and real-life stories that inspire and empower.
Welcome to THE EMPWR PODCAST— the show where wellness meets real life + confidence becomes your way of being. Hosted by Fitness Entrepreneur, Certified Personal Trainer + Nutritionist, Samantha Christine, each episode is packed with workout tips, nutrition hacks, expert advice + personal stories designed to empower you on your journey to a healthier, happier you.
No matter where you’re starting, or how far you’ve come, this is your space for transformation, self love, connection + growth. Whether you’re getting in a sweat, navigating traffic, or unwinding on the couch, tune in + let’s move together— physically, mentally + intentionally— toward your strongest self. Because here, we believe every season of wellness, whether you’re pushing new limits or finding your rhythm, deserves to be empowered. -
Podcast "Momentum" aitab kuulajatel teha esimesed sammud tervislikuma ja aktiivsema elustiili suunas. Igas episoodis jagab Amani, kogenud sportlane ja heaolu eestkõneleja, praktilisi nõuandeid, kuidas alustada treeningutega, valida õige toitumine ning mõista une olulisust taastumises ja sooritusvõimes.
Hello, I’m Gigi Febres-Cordero and this is The Living Wholistic Podcast where women come to gain knowledge and information on holistic approaches to healing, but also on how to advocate for themselves when in an allopathic medical setting. This season we will dive into deep topics like bodily autonomy, body literacy, and informed consent. You can expect to learn about the hormonal hierarchy, ways to manage stress, the importance of supporting our liver, the endocrine system, our sixth vital sign, mindfulness, and of course herbalism! This season is going to be amazing! I’m so happy you’re here
Get ready to question everything you've ever been conditioned to accept as normal. It's time to take a closer look at the systems shaping our lives - the ones we’ve been told to trust without question. Join Coral and Natalie Golding as they dive deep into the structures that influence how we eat, heal, learn, and live.
From the food on your plate to the healthcare you depend on, and the education shaping the next generation—we’re peeling back the layers and uncovering what’s really going on.
This is your call to action. It’s time to RAISE the questions others won’t ask. RAISE your standards for the world you want to live in. RAISE your voice to spark change. And most importantly, RAISE your game—because the future isn’t waiting. -
Мы привыкли жить на мужских энергиях. Мы мыслим в терминах достижений, результатов, успеха, побед, скорости, рациональности и практичности.
Мы несемся вперёд на всех парах в попытке догнать нечто неуловимое, призрачное, но при этом невероятно важное и ценное.Мы стараемся все больше и больше для того, выжимая себя до последней капли, чтобы обрести счастье и покой.
Но однажды становится ясно, что чем быстрее мы бежим, тем дальше мы от того, что пытаемся догнать.
И тогда нужно новое восприятие - иное представление о себе, о мире, и о том, как все работает.
Новое восприятие, в котором есть место утонченному, магическому, природному, поэтическому, дышащему и живому.Это психология Инь - мягкий взгляд на человеческую природу, чувства, цели и потребности.
Хотите поговорить об этом?
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