Gezondheid en fitness – Estland – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Do you wear custom contact lenses such as sclerals, gas permeables, or custom soft lenses? Do you have so many questions about your eyes as you navigate this new world? Tune in to discuss all the FAQs presented by Dr. Morrison and friends!

  • Comedians Deb Lastowka and Andrew Orvedahl tackle life without booze in their weekly podcast, Dry Wit. The show features conversations on every aspect of living without alcohol, as well as special guests bringing their own unique stories and perspectives. Subscribe if you enjoy the show and check out our non-alcoholic beverage reviews on our YouTube channel.
    Theme song is "Staying In Is The New Going Out" by SPELLS. Thanks to consulting producer Ron Doyle.

  • Suhtemudijas lahkan kõiki suhtealaseid teemasid psühholoogi pilgu läbi. Külla tulevad põnevad ja erakordselt vinged külalised. Küsimustega ma ka tagasi ei hoia ning räägin külalistega kõigest, mis on vähegi köitev. Kuula nüüd ;)

  • Happiness is health. Join Sean Conley, an ex-NFL player turned yoga and meditation teacher, and author of the best-selling book, The Point After, as he interviews guests to talk about overcoming obstacles and sparking change in ourselves and the world. We’ll dig into mindfulness, enhancing performance, jump-starting our passions, and learn tools to be stronger, happier, more grateful, and at peace.

    More at:
    Follow Sean on Instagram @seanconley2

  • Jacki Vause and Lyle Fulton are delighted to announce the launch of a brand new podcast - The Rest Is...Alcohol! Dimoso CEO Jacki and actor, musician and writer Lyle, the team behind The Rest Is...PR, will be presenting a spin-off podcast on the subject of alcohol, alcoholism, and people's relationships with drinking. The pair open up about their own experiences with alcohol throughout their lives, with Jacki having been completely teetotal for a number of years now and Lyle having changed his mindset when it comes to drinking after an incident last year.

    This brand new podcast will be an open and inclusive look at the landscape of alcohol across the world. Jacki and Lyle will welcome guests from all corners of the alcohol landscape, including people who have experienced alcoholism in their lives, those who are in the middle of recovery, as well as professionals from the alcohol industry, including breweries, charities, and everywhere in between!

    So join Jacki and Lyle as they embark on a journey of discovery into the world of alcohol. When it comes to podcasts on this vast of all subjects, they might just be the best of the rest. The rest? The Rest Is...Alcohol.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Are you burnt out? Do you feel like life’s passing you by? Is your inner critic going nonstop? If you’ve been wishing for some kind of shift, you’re in the right place! Listen and learn how to stop the negative voices. Conquer your limiting beliefs and learn how to breathe, laugh, and live in your joy. Find your way to an aligned, clear, and focused path doing what YOU want to do.

    Get inspired as leaders, healers, and change agents discuss the challenges they’ve overcome as they give you their message of HOPE. Through humor, compassion, and grace, you’re reminded that anything is possible, and it’s never too late to live your purpose, do what lights you up, and create extraordinary things.

    This podcast is for you if you find yourself asking questions like:
    - How do I succeed on my self-improvement journey?
    - What is the most effective meditation technique?
    - How do I stop feeling so overwhelmed and tired?
    - Is journaling effective?
    - How does manifestation work?
    - What are affirmations?
    - Is breathwork for me?

    Learn how to replace your inner critic with a kind, nurturing, and compassionate one. Find your way to personal growth and replace that lack mentality with a mindset of abundance. Listen and feel the magic right away!

  • SA Põhja-Eesti Regionaalhaigla (PERH) on Eesti tipphaigla, mille missiooniks on investeerida inimeste tervisesse. Põhiväärtusteks on pühendumine ja professionaalsus, hoolivus ja vastutustundlikkus, avatus ja koostöövalmidus. Regionaalhaiglas töötab patsientide heaks enam kui 4000 inimest – arstid, õed, hooldajad, spetsialistid. Arste on üle 500, haiglas praktiseerib pidevalt ka enam kui sada arsti-residenti. Tegemist on seitsmest kliinikust ning 32 erialakeskusest koosneva kõrgema etapi haiglaga. Regionaalhaigla pakub sarnaselt Euroopa ülikoolihaiglatega raviteenust kõigil arstlikel erialadel, v.a silmakirurgia ja sünnitusabi.

  • When someone gets a blood cancer diagnosis, life changes not just for them but for everyone around them.

    Blood Cancer Heart to Heart is for all the carers, family members and friends who are living with blood cancer too. It brings together people who have supported someone with blood cancer, whether it’s leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma, MDS or an MPN. You'll hear honest conversations about how they got through it, what helps and what doesn’t.

    Blood Cancer UK is the UK’s specialist blood cancer charity, working to beat blood cancer in a generation. Find out more at

  • The Inner Odyssey Podcast dives deep into the most powerful frameworks and tools for personal growth in the modern age. Join Rosebud co-founder, Sean Dadashi, as he engages in intimate and thought-provoking conversations with mental health professionals, coaches, and visionary thought leaders working at the intersection of technology and mental health. Gain life-changing insights, practical strategies, and unique perspectives that will empower you to overcome obstacles, cultivate emotional well-being, and live your most fulfilling life.

  • Really Queer is aimed at arming Queer & LGBTQIA+ people with the skills to flourish in a challenging world. Host Ben Kaye will draw together the themes and individual contributions of the guests, whilst Silva Neves guides the episodes through the psychological and personal issues many members of the Queer community may face in their daily life. We also hope our upcoming conversations speak and give insights to our wonderful allies and friends on levels they might not have heard or experienced before.

  • Привет! Я Оля, йога-тичер. Этот подкаст о том как люди выполняют асаны йоги и как в последствии асаны меняют людей.

    Мои гости обычные люди, преподаватели йоги, фитнес-тренеры, айтишники, в общем люди самых разных профессий. Но нас объединяет одно - любовь к йоге.

    Здесь ты узнаешь каково это заниматься йогой в современном мире, о трудностях жизни и как с ними справиться.

    Подписывайся на подкаст Люди и асаны, погрузись в атмосферу спокойствия и дружелюбия. Гоу!

  • When you improve your Jiujitsu, you improve your life.
    Lessons on the mat are life lessons.
    Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
    Welcome to The Jiu-Jitsu Mindset.

  • Married for 37 years and parents of four daughters (two adopted, two biological), David, a divorce lawyer, and Julie, a family therapist, have both been witness to families struggling with life’s most difficult challenges and at the same time, they have weathered their own struggles at home.  Authors of two award winning books, the Bulitts delve into the conversations they have had, those they should have had and those that every couple needs to have in order to find success, happiness and fulfillment.

  • Mehed, hakkame elama! podcast on järg menukale dokumentaalsarjale ja kutsub kuulama kõiki, kes hoolivad endast ja oma lähedaste heaolust.

  • Hi and welcome. I’m Dr. Barbara Byers and my passion is spiritual formation. As a speaker, author and counselor I’ve seen firsthand the fractures of the soul that keep us from a truly abundant life. I’ve created videos for the practical process of healing those fractures and walking in transformation.

    This is Isaiah 61:1-4, the call to bring good news and the healing power of Christ to those afflicted, broken and held captive so that lives are rebuilt, repaired and raised up to true freedom and identity.


    Please reach out to inquire about speaking engagements.
    Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas
    [email protected]

  • "Hack Your Blood Sugar" is your gateway to mastering blood sugar management, regardless of where you are on your health journey. Hosted by Karen Kennedy, a board certified functional nutritionist, this show welcomes everyone - from those just beginning to explore blood sugar management to seasoned individuals seeking advanced insights.

    Dive into the heart of blood sugar control with Karen as she breaks down complex scientific concepts into understandable, actionable insights. Explore how Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) can be a game-changer in your health regime, offering personalized strategies to not just manage, but thrive in your journey towards optimal metabolic health. Each episode delivers a treasure trove of knowledge—from practical tips to prevent and reverse type 2 diabetes, to innovative ways to harness your body's potential for well-being.

    Whether you're seeking to deepen your understanding, looking for inspiration to kick-start your health transformation, or aiming to stay abreast of the latest in blood sugar management, "Hack Your Blood Sugar" is here to guide you. Subscribe now and become part of a community dedicated to wellness, knowledge, and the pursuit of better health. Don't keep this podcast a secret to yourself; share this journey with friends and family who are also looking to transform their health and well-being.

  • Hei! Meie oleme Laurad ning oled jõudnud SEE ON MUL GEENIDES taskuhäälinguni, kus kajastame meditsiinigeneetikas olulisi teemasid! Räägime ise ning kutsume külla ka valdkonna spetsialiste. Mõnusat kuulamist!

  • Welcome to the healthy sex podcast with Karisa Kaye - where we talk about love, relationships, and sex. And guess what - the relationship we have with others is only as healthy as the relationship we have with ourselves. Conversations centered around our mental - physical - emotional - and spiritual well-being.

  • Hello... It's Chelann Again. ;)

    I believe everything you need to create your dream reality is already inside of you.

    This podcast will empower you to draw it out.

    There are so many different practices, modalities, and mindsets to help build your magic combination for aligning with your infinite and highest frequency essence.

    You're not alone on this journey because on this podcast you're going to hear numerous stories of the magic combination other people have used to not only experience internal alignment but to watch that internal alignment manifest their dream life externally.

    Together, we're going to go on a trip of embracing all we can out of this magical human experience!