Gezondheid en fitness – Slowakije – Nieuwe podcasts
Hier dreht sich alles um den schnellen Input zu verschiedenen Themen rund um die Gesundheit. Wie kann ich mich gesund und fit halten auf natürliche Art? Wie kann ich wieder gesund werden und dabei auf Chemiekeulen verzichten? Welche Ressourcen stehen mir zur Verfügung? Sowohl in der Natur als auch in meinem eigenen Körper?
Der Gesundheitsquickie – natürlich, echt und „quick“.
Mit Kristina Vogt (Moderation), Heilpraktiker Tobias Duven und Heilpraktikerin Sina Vogt (Kinder).
Credits: Music by sabelo2010 from Pixabay -
Welcome to Delusional and Dangerous… a show about all things wellness that the mainstream considers weird, crazy, out there, or simply made up.
Delusional and dangerous are two words that we have been personally called when it comes to our understanding of health and lifestyle choices that cultivate true ancestral wellness which is ironic because the reality is quite the opposite.
Our culture is flooded with ideas about what makes us well that are truly delusional and often dangerous.
The result? Disease and disorders in physical and mental wellness are at an all time high… and skyrocketing.
Tune in for conversations, rants, and rambles about sources of toxicity and how to avoid them, what it takes to live a sustainable healthy lifestyle in this modern climate, paradigm shifts that can radically and quickly alter the state of your health, and demystification of the psycho advice and products provided by the medical industrial complex.
Hosted by Tim & Kate Moore of LunaTerra Apothecary. Tim is an athlete, entrepreneur, engineer, and passionate freethinker. Kate is an herbalist, free birther, physicist, and alleged radical. -
A weekly discussion with Sarah Burns and Lora Zuanic. We'll use the lenses of Human Design (which includes astrology + the I Ching). We like to pull many different threads to get a full understanding of the current energies that we're experiencing. Each week we'll cover what's going on with us and our deconditioning process.
Horský vodca IFMGA Michal Gerčák Vám predstaví osobnosti, ktorých spája horská závislosť. Závislosť, ktorá nás každý deň ťahá do hôr prežívať nové a nové dobrodružstvá.
Podcast trénerskej dvojice, ktorá našla zmysel v pomáhaní ľuďom za ich lepšou verziou. Fitnes, vedou podložená výživa, cvičenie, realistický mindset. To všetko bez omáčok a s jemným nádychom trnavčiny.
Tvoj tanier nie je len o jedle. Je o pocitoch, myšlienkach a príbehoch, ktoré ovplyvňujú, čo si naň položíš. Tento podcast je sprievodcom na ceste za prepojením výživy, emocionality a psychológie stravovania. Spoločne budeme hľadať súvislosti, o ktorých sa bežne nehovorí – ako naše emócie formujú vzťah k jedlu, aký vplyv má psychika na výber potravín a ako vybudovať zdravý, slobodný vzťah k sebe a k svojmu telu.
Každé dva týždne ťa čaká nový pohľad na výživu, ktorý prepája odborné fakty, psychológiu a každodenný život. Vstúpme spolu za hranice taniera. -
Immerse yourself in the soothing ambiance of continuous rain for 10 hours. Perfect for relaxation, meditation, sleep, or focus, these uninterrupted rain sounds will help you unwind and destress, creating a calming atmosphere for any activity. Listen to hundreds of audiobooks, thousands of short stories, and ambient sounds all ad free! -
Jak prožít dlouhý, zdravý a spokojený život?
Na tuto otázku budeme hledat odpovědi s mými hosty.
Kouzlo dlouhověkosti se ukrývá v kombinaci mnoha oblastí - stravy, pohybu, spánku, prevence a medicíny, ale také rodiny, sociálních vazeb a vztahů, až po psychickou pohodu, zvládnutí stresu.
Pro společnost je pak důležitá i udržitelnost pracovního života, veřejných financí, financování zdravotního a sociálního systému až po zcela filozofickou rovinu, jako je přirozená obměna generací a motivace žít.
Moji hosté jsou odborníci z různých oborů, skvělí lidé, kteří se zajímají o zdraví svoje a zároveň jím není jedno ani zdraví ostatních. Pozval jsem lékaře, vědce, sportovce, kouče, otužilce, podnikatele, odborníky na spánek, stres, biohacking, zdravý životní styl, dýchání, trenéry a psychology, ale i třeba spisovatele, filosofy nebo ekonomy. -
Fitness bez cenzúry je tvoj nový prístup ku hľadaniu pravdy vo svete zdravia, fitness a celkového zdravého životného štýlu bez zbytočných omáčok Budeš sa na to pozerať z pohľadu matky, nadšenkyne silového cvičenia a klasického stravovania bez zákazov. Moje meno je Katka, certifikovaná fitness trénerka, výživová poradkyňa a špeciálny coach na zmenu správania a návykov. Milujem deadlift, kávu, pizzu z riadneho cesta a pistáciový croissant, aka, nie som tvoja klasická fitnesska. Mojím cieľom je ukázať ti, že existuje aj iná cesta, ako nasledovať pravidlá, ktoré ti nevyhovujú
Príbehy z Modrého terapeutického kresla sa nahrávajú s klientom hneď po terapii. Pozývam Vás, aby ste ochutnali ten úžasný pocit, keď sa uľaví a nájde sa cesta von z bezmocnosti.
Prostredníctvom životnej cesty druhých získate vhľad aj do svojej bolesti, dostanete nástroje, s ktorými si môžete pomôcť sami, nájdete kúsky múdrosti a sily zlepšiť si svoj život, pripadne sa aj Vy rozhodnete vyhľadať odbornú pomoc pre zvládnutie vlastného trápenia.
Príbehy z modrého kresla majú moc meniť životy ľudí k lepšiemu.
Inšpirujte sa životom druhých a skráťte si tak cestu k vlastnému šťastiu! -
Krátke relaxačné nahrávky s hovoreným slovom pre uvoľnenie stresu, odbúranie napätia a upokojenia mysle.
Join ADHD and parenting expert Dr. Norrine Russell in her insightful new podcast, ”ADHD, Autism and Anxiety: Breaking Out of the Box.” With a wealth of expertise in these areas, Dr. Russell dives deep into understanding and navigating the complexities of ADHD, autism, and anxiety, both individually and in their interactions.
Each episode offers a dynamic mix of stories, scientific insights, and expert guests, providing listeners with education, inspiration, and practical strategies. Whether you’re a parent seeking guidance, a professional in the field, or simply interested in learning more, this podcast offers valuable perspectives and actionable advice.
From exploring the unique challenges and strengths of individuals with ADHD, autism, and anxiety to uncovering the intersections between these conditions, Dr. Russell’s goal is to empower listeners with knowledge and tools for breaking through barriers and fostering growth.
Tune in to ”ADHD, Autism and Anxiety: Breaking Out of the Box” for engaging discussions and invaluable resources that illuminate the path towards understanding, acceptance, and support for individuals with these conditions. -
Dive into cosmic wisdom with “PISCES DAILY HOROSCOPE .” Our empathetic astrologers offer gentle and insightful readings, helping Pisces connect with their intuitive nature and find peace. Embrace the flow of the universe and let the stars guide you toward serenity.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information. -
Discover "Mindfulness for Busy Minds: Daily Practices for Focus & Industry News," a podcast tailored for those seeking balance in a fast-paced world. Tune in for daily mindfulness techniques to enhance focus and clarity, alongside the latest updates in the mindfulness industry. Ideal for professionals and individuals keen on integrating mindfulness into their daily lives, this podcast offers practical insights and the latest industry trends to help you stay centered and informed. Listen now to transform your approach to stress and productivity.
For more info go to
Check out these deals -
The Ki4 health and wellness podcast mission is to re-cultivate the standards of health. Our hope is that your elevate your ability to respond in a healthy manner in all 4 dimensions of wellness: physical(body) , mind (thoughts), spirit(soul), environment (food). This wholistic approach garner sustainable habits to continue to add vitality and increase the quality of your lifespan on earth .
• Top 2.5% Globally Ranked Podcast •
Are you stuck Googling “Why do I feel bloated all the time?” or wondering if the food you ate will ever stop fighting back? Maybe your pants can’t decide if they’re too tight or too loose, or you hit that 2 PM wall where sheer willpower is the only thing keeping you going. Stress feels like a constant companion, whether from the everyday chaos of life or lingering tension from years past. Maybe you know it’s tied to your digestion, or maybe you’re just stuck in the cycle: stressed about your gut issues, and your gut issues making you even more stressed. If bloating, stomach pain, constipation, diarrhea, brain fog, fatigue, and overwhelm sound all too familiar—you’re in the right place!
What if you could feel better, eat without fear, and actually enjoy food again—all while having more energy, managing stress, and finally taking control of your health?
Welcome! I’m Tasha—wife, homeschooler, and natural health educator. The stress of trauma and significant life events disrupted my digestion, leading to fatigue, brain fog, eczema flare-ups, weight gain, insomnia, torn ligaments, irregular menstrual cycles, motility issues, anemia, malabsorption, and vitamin deficiencies. After trying countless approaches, I discovered simple, time-tested principles that transformed my health. Now, I’m here to help you take control of your digestion and feel your best again.
Each week, you’ll learn:
• Gut Health & Root Causes: Understand how stress impacts digestion and why your body reacts to food—even “healthy” options. Discover ways to restore your gut health and break the stress-digestion cycle.
• Holistic Nutrition: Use food, herbs, and spices to ease discomfort, support digestion, and heal naturally—without complicated diets or expensive supplements, inspired by Ayurvedic nutrition principles.
• Simple Methods: Practical, holistic routines to reduce stress, improve gut health, and boost energy.
If you’re done with one-size-fits-all solutions and ready for sustainable, faith-based methods that fit your busy life, join me each week to learn how to thrive—not just survive!
Connect with me: Share your wins, struggles, or questions at [email protected]—I’d love to hear from you! -
Pojďme si do života zvát Změny. Do podcastu si zvu hosty s celostním přístupem ke zdraví i k životu. Můžeme se od nich inspirovat v tom, jak některé výzvy v našich životech můžeme uchopit jinak. Že nad některými tématy můžeme jinak přemýšlet. Jsem nadšená propagátorka psychosomatického přístupu k uzdravení. A jsem přesvědčená, že pokud si do života zveme CHTĚNÉ Změny, kterými se učíme zvládat to, co pro nás dřív bylo obtížné, tím víc se nám z něj ztrácejí ty změny NEchtěné, které jinak nevyhnutelně přicházejí ve formě životních lekcí. Užijte si tuhle pravidelnou dávku inspirace!
The Mental Vegan host Billy searches for catharsis through the haze of his own mental illness. Along the way, he'll battle his inner demons with the guiding hand of veganism along with guests from the plant based and mental health community.
This podcast is about Cystic Fibrosis. It is a quick Q&A that will help you understand the disease much better in a very short amount of time.
Infúzia – Fúzia tém, ktoré sú v medicíne IN! 👩⚕️
Zaujímaví hostia, skvelí odborníci a odpovede na otázky, ktoré ste potrebovali počuť.🎧
Nalaďte si náš nový podcast a nechajte si podať 💊 Infúziu do vašich uší od moderátora Dara Richtera. - Laat meer zien