Gezondheid en fitness – Verenigde Staten – Nieuwe podcasts

  • What makes you a heretic? Journalist Andrew Gold believes that, in an age of group-think and tribes, we need heretics - those who use unconventional wisdom to speak out against their own groups, from cancelled comedians and radical feminists to cult defectors and vigilantes hunting deviants.

    Learn from my guests how to rebel, think differently and resist social contagion. From Triggernometry's Francis Foster and the world's most cancelled man Graham Linehan to ex-Hasidic Jew Julia Haart and gender critical atheist Richard Dawkins. These are the people living with the weight of their own community's disappointment on their shoulders.

  • Welcome to The Sexual Gospel podcast, hosted by Nikki Dentโ€”an Aussie pastor, author, and Bible teacher. Join Nikki as she teaches the GOOD NEWS for sex, dating, and relating in today's culture of confusion. With over a decade of experience, sheโ€™ll guide you through a biblical perspective that's healthier, more hopeful, and more fruitful than our broken humanistic culture. Subscribe for powerful Bible teaching, practical wisdom and Spirit-lead prayer on sex, dating and faith. Open hearts and open Bibles; let's go! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

  • This podcast is for anyone with a GI disorder looking to learn effective mind-body concepts and skills based on the science of GI psychology. Hosted by Dr. Scott Rower, a psychologist with Crohn's Disease, it delves into the crucial connection between your brain and digestive system, aka the gut-brain connection.

  • Welcome to the Kelly Kounts Macros podcast. Iโ€™m Kelly Mozdy. Mom of two, wife to a Yankees fan a lover of exercise, nutrition, handbags and all things PB/popcorn and chocolate not to mention homemade puppy chow.

    I'm on a mission to transform the lives of busy individuals who are frustrated and overwhelmed. I get it, you are tired of endless googling, saving, and pinning on social media trying to figure out how to permanently lose weight, have toned muscles and feel comfortable in your own skin again. You have tried it all and are ready for the last stop on the dieting train. 

    Iโ€™ll give you a virtual hug and a kick in the bum to kickstart your goals while enjoying pizza, wine and chocolate. I am glad you are here. I hope you stick around awhile. 

  • Having abundant wealth is always desirable, but wealth without health is an incomplete equation. This podcast aims to solve that, helping you live the life you truly deserve. Welcome to Finding Financial Fitness with Nino Gonzalez.

    The core of this podcast is achieving financial security without compromising physical health. Discover ways to safeguard your finances and identify cash flow opportunities through investment experts and financial groups. Find practical methods to keep a sound well-being without financial strain and accumulate wealth without jeopardizing health. This podcast provides ways to balance health and wealth, ensuring both aspects thrive harmoniously.

    Tune in as these discussions bring a unique take to the wealth acquisition model by describing different ways of acquiring a smooth cash flow. Moving beyond standard corporate advice on wealth accumulation and subjective self-care views, this podcast encourages listeners to understand their needs, manage their desires, and set realistic goals for personal betterment.

    The show features a diverse array of guests, including investment experts, financial advisors, nutritionists, fitness enthusiasts, and medical professionals. They offer their insights, empowering listeners to let their money work for them, protect their finances, and stay updated on health-related topics. This blend of expertise enriches listeners' lives, fostering a sense of deep fulfillment and purpose.

    Episodes provide in-depth discussions on common issues in finance and health, addressing unseen challenges that may hinder a balanced and affluent life. The conversations are designed to tackle financial hurdles, health concerns, obstacles in cash flow, and ways to maintain optimal physical health.

    Delve into topics like effective financial planning, understanding stock market trends, the psychology of wealth, and the latest health and wellness practices. The show addresses the impact of stress on physical health and how financial stability can lead to a stress-free lifestyle.

    Hosted by Nino Gonzalez, the podcast is a bridge between his passion for health and his recent explorations in the financial world. Ninoโ€™s engagement with alternative investments and mastermind groups led him to understand the vital connection between health and wealth, a theme central to this podcast.

    Find well-being without financial stress and to grow wealth that doesn't compromise health. Nino advocates for a balanced work-life approach, opening avenues for both enjoyment and professional success. His dedication and perseverance are evident as he guides listeners through this transformative journey, promising significant outcomes.

    Joining Nino is Pei Chen, a self-taught investor and recovering serial entrepreneur who embraces the spirit of โ€œkaizenโ€ when it comes to all things financial. She achieved financial self-sufficiency by employing different strategies like Infinite Banking, the Income Snowball method of leverage, and strategic cash flow compounding. This allowed her to leave public school teaching to manage and grow her familyโ€™s investment portfolio full-time. It also honed her natural talent for identifying opportunities to increase cash flow efficiencies in her personal and professional lives. 

    Pei teams up with Nino in hosting this podcast to share her varied personal experiences and knowledge gained over the years. She also takes this as an opportunity to inspire others to gain confidence in rebalancing their relationship with wellness and money.

    Money alone cannot buy true happiness. Attaining the highest quality of life demands a focus on both health and wealth, and this podcast is equipped with the best advice and tools to achieve this extraordinary goal.

    Join Nino on this quest to solidify the health-wealth connection, crafting a life of significance and well-deserved fulfillment. Tune into Finding Financial Fitness at

  • Tune in as Tracy Lockwood Beckerman, registered dietitian, author, YouTube host, @thehappiestnutritionist, introduces you to emerging, innovative and better-for-you brands that have sent healthy and positive shockwaves throughout the food industry. Through nutritionally-focused and fun conversations with food founders, youโ€™ll learn why these companies like to be known asโ€ฆFood Disruptors!  

  • Your Diet Sucks is a podcast about how we can unf*ck food.

  • Are you a doctor or doctor in training who’s found yourself more emotionally affected by your patients, more startled by your pager buzzing, more overwhelmed by the sights, sounds and smells of the hospital and more obsessed and exhausted by the desire to get everything right? If so, you may be a highly sensitive MD.The Highly Sensitive MD Podcast explores what happens when highly sensitive people (HSPs) become doctors - why we choose medicine, how our sensitivity shows up in training and practice, why we are more prone to burnout (but also make the best doctors), and finally, how we can thrive in medicine by better understanding and embracing our sensitivity. The podcast is hosted by Dr. Sonia Singh, a board-certified internist, HSP and author of “Morning Report” (NEJM, 2017) and “Open Letter to a Burned Out Intern” (Annals of Internal Medicine, 2020). Her mission is to show other highly sensitive doctors that they are not alone, there is nothing wrong with them, and their sensitivity is one of their greatest gifts.

  • Join us as the Indiana Dental Association President discusses issues related to dentistry, healthcare and oral health in the state of Indiana.

  • Life after addiction isn't just possible - it's the norm. Studies show 3 out of 4 people who experience addiction eventually recover. The Recovery Stories Have Power podcast aims to center that hopeful message through authentic conversations that bring together people from all pathways of recovery and recovery allies.Through these conversations, weโ€™ll build awareness, challenge societal stigma, and celebrate the role that recovery plays in improving the lives of individuals, families, and communities.

  • Welcome to The Sober Butterfly podcast! Unfiltered shares about sobriety, recovery journeys, self-care/wellness tips and compelling stories, hosted by Nadine Mulvina.

  • Welcome to the Beyond the Classroom podcast! Hosted by Sandy Patterson, former teacher and certified life coach who has made it her mission to help miserable, burnt out teachers take back balance and joy in their lives.

    In this podcast you'll learn how to dig deep and get honest with yourself. We’ll get real about making big changes, letting anything that’s not serving you go, and focusing on the most important things and letting everything else go.

    Most importantly, you’ll discover who you are beyond the classroom; What makes you shine, what makes you special, what lights you up, and how you can share this version of yourself with those around you.

    Whether you’re a teacher looking for the motivation to fall in love with teaching again, a teacher ready to get the heck out of teaching, or a former teacher, you’ll find inspiration and actionable steps to live the life you’re dreaming about!

  • A podcast for surgeons who feel like they are languishing in a career that didn't turn out to be as fulfilling or as prestigious as they expected. Dr. Mel Thacker, an ENT surgeon and coach, takes you on a journey to help you understand why you are feeling dissatisfied, burnt out, and stuck. With this newfound insight, you'll be able to reframe how you see your experience, rediscover who you are underneath your surgeon identity, and create a life that aligns with your authentic self.

  • Hear from moms in all different scenarios doing their absolute best to honor themselves as individuals in a world that would prefer, as mothers, we not. โ 
    Hear from moms who are trying to figure out what that "something" is after the life altering transition into motherhood.โ 
    Hear from moms that say "I know I need to do something for myself and this is what it is, but it feels impossible to do it"โ 
    What is the AND/BOTH that you are juggling with motherhood? Career, hobbies, entrepreneurship, new identity, new activities, new passions and interests?โ 

  • What is the most impactful factor in one's life? FAMILY! The things you like, the habits you form โ€” or don't form ๐Ÿ˜, and the personality you have are all heavily influenced by your family. 

    Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Donna Kuo is on a journey to explore the various ways to improve family mental health and well-being! Forget all the phony pop-psychology and embrace an attitude of constant growth and learning by hanging out to listen to talks with professionals of various fields that relate to all things mental health!

  • Live talk shows that deliver everything you need to know about menopause with doctors, researchers, entrepreneurs and other experts changing the narrative around women’s health

  • Welcome to Buns & Thighs, the podcast where a personal trainer and his client share their fitness journey and discuss all things health and wellness. Join us as we delve into the world of fitness and share tips on how to achieve your fitness goals, including workouts, nutrition, and mindset. From strength training to cardio, from meal prep to healthy eating habits, we cover it all. We're here to help you sculpt and tone your body while improving your overall health and wellbeing. Tune in to Buns & Thighs on Every Podcast Platform and let's get moving towards health.

  • The culinary industry gets a new experience of southern culture infused with
    mouth-watering cuisines when introduced to “B!tch, I Got My Pots” cooking
    show podcast. Some of the topics discussed are music, entertainment, pop culture,
    trending social media issues and more, raw, and uncut, infused with
    delicious southern meals for listeners weekly. The show also hosts a segment
    curation feature called “TOP 7,” where the correspondent highlights
    legendary labels, musicians, actors, and projects to influence engagement
    from the audience on the social media platform. B!tch I Got My Pots cooking
    show takes the audience through an aesthetic culinary meal experience
    while exploring reviews on new releases in music, film, television, lifestyle
    and more. Founded by Miami Hip Hop royalty, Trick Daddy Dollars, alongside
    Rockstarr Film Factory “Bleep, I Got My Pots” channels a live cooking
    experience setting while featuring some of your favorite entertainers, public
    figures, trend setters and influencers in pop culture..

  • Join us as we share our experience, expertise, and journey towards living a whole food plant-based lifestyle. Tune in to hear about aspirational aging, the latest nutritional research on disease prevention and reversal, and much more (including healthcare policy). Cheers to all things green and good! Live long and well๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฅ—๐Ÿง˜๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

  • Helping busy speech pathologists and other clinicians with time management strategies and mindset work to take back control of your day!

  • Your Health Class is about creating a healthier generation. Back in school we were never taught what foods to eat, how to lose fat, or even how to take care of our body's! But together we can change that by: First, helping you understand how your fat works so that you can lose it! Second, feeling empowered and confident finally having control over your body and fat! Finally, creating a movement! Sharing this information, helping each other, and creating a healthier generation!