Gezondheid en fitness – Zuid-Korea – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Welcome to Season 3 of the Mindful Habits Podcast. Our mental well-being has really taken a beating over the last few years, and we are feeling more stressed, anxious and socially isolated than ever. The theme for season 3 is all about the anxious to awesome journey, and I’m going to equip you with all the tools you need to rise above the stress, anxiety and worry and enable you to take back control of your life one mindful habit at a time.

  • This program will be based on FEEL GOOD Stories that are there to uplift us on Friday Nights! You will be left feeling RELAXED , CALM, TRANQUIL and BLESSED!

    A PAMA MEDIA original and exclusive!

  • Enter your dreams with WeirdCore Kid with rain sounds, ocean sounds, fireplace sounds, and much more.

  • Hosted by Dr. Mandy Dietz, the Behind The Brace Podcast is a place to have conversations about Scoliosis and Chiropractic Care to help families live their best life by getting and staying well through all of life’s stages.

  • Adult's bed-time stories & Morning Awakenings. English, Taiwanese , Mandarin and little Japanese are used in stories telling. Following by Tibetian chanting and Himalaya bowl singing. In order to fall asleep quickly & to wake up with energy quickly, it helps to clam your troubling mind and to recover from accumulated fatigue.

  • 友人から“絶対話した方が良いよ!”と激推しされてきた医師あゆみの呟き。満を持して蔵出し。



    ▶︎”地球は遊び場” 価値観が変わったスペインの巡礼や、エベレスト街道トレッキング他、楽しかった場所の紹介
    ▶︎”思わず唸った”本/音楽/映画 /アートイベント/舞台

    丹家 歩 Ayumi Tanke
    医師 (産婦人科/周産期メンタルヘルス/心理療法)/マインドフルバーシング®(出産と育児のためのマインドフルネス)講師

  • Hello and welcome to The Trillium Show with Dr. Jason Hall!

    This podcast is all about navigating the changes in our lives, whether they be through plastic surgery, adopting new habits, or making positive life improvements. Dr. Jason Hall, a renowned plastic surgeon and lifestyle expert, is here to guide us through the ups and downs of transformation.

    Throughout this series, we'll explore topics such as body positivity, self-confidence, healthy living, and much more. Dr. Hall will share his expertise, as well as invite special guests to join us in the discussion.

    So, whether you're considering plastic surgery or simply looking to make positive changes in your life, this podcast is for you. Get ready to be inspired, informed, and empowered on The Trillium Show with Dr. Jason Hall.

  • The Chronically Will podcast hosted by Willie (Will) Streets is a podcast about ReaL CoNVeRSaTiONS aND COMMUNiTY THaT NeeD TO Be HeARD. The conversations will be general talk, no script, no prompt! Our conversations will open the door to acceptance and change the narrative of people of color not seeking help etc. It’s all about having conversations that will lead to us healing and becoming the best versions of ourselves. Let’s bridge the divide that is race and healthcare. I Willie Streets am a person living with Type One Diabetes, Hypothyroidism, Chronic Pain and the gift to reach community!

  • 안녕하세요. 클로버입니다. 힐링마스터를 꿈꾸며 한의대를 다니고 있어요. 밥이 되고 약이 되는 힐링 토크 채널! 오늘 저와 함께 ‘수다 한잔’ 어떠신가요?

  • Get your daily dose of medicine... but funny... with the Funny Medicine Podcast!

    Dr. Yvy and writer/researcher Julie prescribe punchy banter for all your wellness and health woes. These besties tackle trending topics like anti-aging gone wrong, medical curiosities, healthcare news, and medical fads.

    Our hilarious episodes blend medical facts with infectious humor. Each week we dissect the latest research and health crazes with cheeky diagnoses and quirky comedy. We tackle a different medical topic in every episode, blending laughter with learning. Join us for expert insights served with a side of humor! Whether you're a healthcare pro, total hypochondriac, or just love to LOL, Funny Medicine delivers feel-good fun. Search "funny medical podcast" now to start enjoying their comedic chemotherapy! Hit follow for your daily dose of medical humor! #MedicalComedy #FunnyMedicinePodcast #HealthHumor #LaughAndLearn

  • Bienvenue sur Freckles Frequency, le podcast des bonnes ondes.

    Ce podcast je l’ai créé pour parler librement de mes experiences, mes souvenirs, mes passions, mais aussi des choses qui me passent pas la tête.

    Je l’ai créé pour raconter des anecdotes, pour aborder des sujets qui me passionnent, m’interpellent, me questionnent; tout ça en essayant d’être la plus juste possible.

    Ça ne sera pas toujours parfait, mais je ferai au mieux car je ne veux jamais arrêter d’essayer.

    En résumé, on discute lifestyle, sport, amitiés, projets, selfcare, doutes, dates; on se motive, on rit, (on pleure), et toujours : ENSEMBLE.

    On se retrouve tous les jeudis à 8h00 pour un nouvel épisode mais aussi sur Instagram @NolwennFjn (n’hésitez pas à m’envoyer un message pour me dire ce que vous avez penser du dernier épisode !)

    Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

  • 本節目以討論時事題材(廣納政治、娛樂、家庭、社會、國際等新聞)為主軸,用社會、生理、發展、性格等心理學的角度和理論進行討論分析,使聽眾能對時事有更深入、嶄新的見解,甚至破除過去不假思索的迷信或誤解,以提升個人及社會整體心理健康。 每集節目包括新鮮事簡介簡介、心理小學堂與心理加油站等小單元,穿插有趣的案例說明、心理新知、簡單的心理測驗,以及豐富的活動資訊等,節目內容輕鬆、多元。Facebook provided by SoundOn

  • With a mix of interviews and commentary, Endurance Minded looks at the psychological and emotional aspects of endurance sports and how they impact performance. Casual, real, and vulnerable conversations that seek to uncover what it means to be an athlete, and how to navigate the inevitable highs and lows that come when we strive to reach our full potential.

  • Welcome to The Plague, the podcast where we look, not just at the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, but at our nation’s home-made plagues, plagues created by human socioeconomic systems, that make the coronavirus more virulent and dangerous.

    The coronavirus infects the human body, but what illnesses in our body politic make us more vulnerable to it?

    Economic inequality? Environmental devastation? Labor precarity? Alienation? We pick a different societal plague each week and talk with an expert about how that plague makes the coronavirus deadlier.

    We then move on to discuss “treatments” or even “cures” for that plague: what kinds of political or cultural action we can take to “cure” it. Since many of our guest experts are also artists, they are invited to share a creative work on the topic—a song, poem, monologue—of their own creation or choosing.

    Guests include poet and Friends of the Earth organizer Jeff Conant, Dr. Rupa Marya of the Do No Harm Coalition and the band Rupa and the April Fishes, performance artists Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens, theatre activist Aryeh Shell, affordable medicine activist Merith Basey, playwright and San Francisco Mime Troupe member Michael Gene Sullivan, and many more.

    Your host, L.M. Bogad, broadcasts from his “shelter in place” bunker, while himself conspiring in ongoing creative activist campaigns on these issues.

    The Plague Podcast:

    Created, Hosted, Edited by L.M. Bogad (, professor of political performance at UC Davis, and author of the books Tactical Performance and Electoral Guerrila Theatre, and the play COINTELSHOW: A Patriot Act.

    Music by Jason Montero ( and Bogad’s Other Friend Named Jay. Logo by Bogad, with clip art from

    For more information on L.M. Bogad's books and performance work:

    L.M. Bogad is an author, performance artist, professor of political performance at U.C. Davis, and co-founder of the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army. He has performed and led workshops in mischievous activist pranks internationally, most recently in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Latvia, at SFMOMA and other major museums, on a squatted military base in Barcelona, and in Cairo during the first phase of the Egyptian revolution. He was the “Art and Controversy” Fellow, and the Distinguished Lecturer on Performance and Politics, at Carnegie Mellon University, and the “Humanities and Political Conflict” Fellow at Arizona State University. His projects includes a historical role playing game called “Possible Pasts,” and performances which excavate and explore the memories of historical confrontations including the Haymarket Square Riot, the Pinochet coup, and the FBI’s COINTELPRO activities. His books are Electoral Guerilla Theatre: Radical Ridicule and Social Movements, Tactical Performance: The Theory and Practice of Serious Play, and COINTELSHOW: A Patriot Act and the forthcoming Perform/Inform/Transform: Works of Radical Memory for Times of Social Amnesia..

  • 催眠療法士トレーニングセンター「OHTC 東京」がお送りする催眠と催眠療法のポッドキャスト

  • Hosted by Sarah & Laetitia, the Kamono Health Podcast is a space created for relatable conversations. Topics that inspire healthy long term behavioural changes. We will help you live well and in your purpose. Join us as we amplify our voices through shared Our products: