Overheid – Egypte – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Discourses on life, liberty, and leadership with U.S. Army Major (Ret.) Will Ostan and his wife, Jennifer. Will brings over two decades of experience at the highest echelons of government, military, and faith-based organizations. Jen speaks from her experience as a Military Spouse (12yrs) and Veteran Caregiver (10yrs) to Will. Fight In The Shade podcast provides thoughtful commentary regarding current events, shared conversations on meaningful topics, and personal interviews with fascinating leaders they have encountered on the journey of life. 

  • يقدم بودكاست "خذ حقك" رفيقًا موثوقًا ومفيدًا للجميع في رحلتهم نحو الحرية والمعرفة، يُركز هذا البرنامج على تمكين المستمعين بإطلاعهم على طرق التقاضي وتقديم الشكاوى في حال التعرض لإساءات أو انتهاكات لحقوق الإنسان والحريات الشخصية. 

    من إعداد وتقديم فاطمة وشاح، يناقش البودكاست قضايا واقعية وحالات حقيقية تتعلق بحقوق الإنسان والحريات الأساسية، مما يعزز الوعي والمعرفة بين المستمعين حول هذه القضايا المهمة والحساسة، برنامج "خذ حقك" يسعى لتمكين الأفراد من الدفاع عن حقوقهم والتأكد من أنهم يتمتعون بالحرية والمعرفة للتعامل مع هذه المواقف بشكل مستنير. 


    انضموا إلى بودكاست "خذ حقك" لاكتشاف الطرق الفعَّالة للتعامل مع القضايا القانونية المتعلقة بحقوق الإنسان، وتعلموا من التجارب الواقعية التي تمس حياتنا اليومية، لأن المعرفة هي السلاح الأكثر فعالية في الدفاع عن الحرية والحقوق، فإن "خذ حقك" يمثل المصدر الأمثل لتعلم كيفية الحفاظ على حقوقكم والتمتع بحياة حرة وآمنة. 


    من إنتاج راديو النجاح الذي يضمن جودة عالية للبودكاست وتقديم معلومات دقيقة وموثوقة.

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  • You've come to the right place…

    That is if you're looking for sharp, candid and undeniably risque conversation. And of course, if you're looking for outlandish, frank and humourous topical debates then The Outspoken Podcast is the podcast for you.

    We are two London based Christian girls with burning discussions that we need to desperately get off our chest! Covering topics such as relationships, religion, politics and twitter rants, The Outspoken Podcast aims to give you a fresh and sometimes naughty perspective of how we view society. Join us Gia and Shivon for Outspoken. Released fortnightly, every Thursday.

  • Bill Romanelli examines the most pressing issues facing the State of California with lawmakers and experts.

  • أكاديمية أنور قرقاش الدبلوماسية تقدم منصة بودكاست تستضيف خبراء وقادة الفكر لمناقشة مواضيع دبلوماسية وعلاقات دولية وسياسة عامة. وتقدم الأكاديمية برامج أكاديمية معتمدة وتدريباً تنفيذياً متخصصاً لإعداد وتأهيل دبلوماسيي المستقبل، وتصدر سلسلة من الفعاليات والمبادرات لدعم وتطوير المجتمع الدبلوماسي والمهتمين بالعلاقات الدولية.
    In this podcast the Anwar Gargash Diplomatic Academy (AGDA) hosts experts to explore international relations, public policy and other topics. AGDA offers accredited diplomacy programs, and empowers leaders with executive training, fostering a global diplomatic community.

  • Somos alunos de Direito da Católica de Santa Catarina. Sob a direção do professor Jeison Heiler e em parceria com a Udesc, estamos desenvolvendo este projeto de elaboração e publicação de podcasts com assuntos diversos e informativos, de uma maneira descontraída.

  • البودكاست الاقتصادي لوزارة الاقتصاد والصناعة
    الموسم الاول: تدوينات صوتيه  لشعبة الجمعيات التعاونيه في موضوع المبادرات التعاونيه

  • The Ministry of Interior of the Kingdom of Bahrain is the official organization concerned with home security through multi-task operations spread over key security sectors. Policing, law enforcement, civil defense, traffic regulations, customs, and immigration are part of its critical services in addition to operations against illicit drugs and human trafficking. Furthermore, the government organization is dedicated to protecting security,general order, safety, and stability in Bahrain. It is also involved in various awareness activities through nationwide campaigns for all segments of society

  • Older than the U.S. Air Force itself, AFAS traces its roots back to 1942 and the great 5-Star General Henry “Hap” Arnold. His vision of an organization that embodied the ideal of Airmen helping Airmen still drives our mission today.

    Tune in and learn how we’re still delivering on this mission and continuing to make an impact in the lives of so many Air Force families.

  • I Talked AboutThe Basic Essence Of The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

  • To tell stories of the interesting people are not very well known

  • What is our responsibility during this situation?

  • Welcome to The Diplomatic Academy - The Conversation! The Conversation is a podcast featuring insightful academic and expert discussions on international current affairs. This podcast is brought to you by the Diplomatic Academy at the University of Nicosia, with the help and support of Media Zone - University of Nicosia

  • عندما التقى التاريخ بالسياسة ،،اصبح هنا قصة ساس .

  • Podcast ini adalah salah satu kegiatan dari COVID Ranger Pupuk Indonesia yang berisi ngobrol santai namun tetap informatif seputar COVID-19 dan kegiatan lainnya yang terjadi dalam lingkup klaster Pupuk & Pangan di Indonesia!

  • Parliamo della campagna elettorale per le amministrative della città di Milano ascoltando senza preclusioni i cittadini e le persone che vivono in citta.

  • The Health Equity Podcast Channel features conversations with leaders who are developing the solutions, policies, practices and mindset to deliver achievable, sustainable and positive change and end health disparities. Tune in and discover ways to close the health equity gap around the world, and be sure to follow and share the featured podcasts in your favorite podcast player. The premier season of the Health Equity Podcast Channel was produced with support from Bayer G4A. Learn more about their work to deliver equity, access and sustainability by visiting g4a.health

  • Celebrate the role played by audit professionals in the vital area of patient safety with the clinical audit and improvement podcast. This monthly podcast is brought to you by AMaT and its community of super users from around the country in the NHS and elsewhere. In each episode we bring together experts to talk about a range of topics centred around the world of clinical audit for the benefit of everyone involved in clinical audit and improvement projects across healthcare, regardless of which system is used to carry them out.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.