Gezondheid en fitness – Hongkong SAR van China – Nieuwe podcasts
This podcast aims to bring experienced runners from the medical fraternity and other professionals who can share their experiences and lessons from their journey into this wonderful world of running and endurance sports which will serve as an inspiration for others to follow.
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everything about fruit and your health
植物油迷思—Omega 3、6、9怎麼補充?
健康從用油開始,快來收聽! -
The Health and Fitness Connector Podcast is THE resource for health, fitness and wellness on the South Shore and South Eastern Massachusetts. Each episode will feature a different company, coach, personal trainer, yoga instructor, acupuncturist, cross fitter, etc etc etc! We will get the story on each one of these places so that after listening to the episode you will know if it is a good fit for you. We at the Health and Fitness Connector promote wellness throughout our communities and we want each and every person to find the best source of wellness for themselves! We hope this podcast can be the KEY resource in helping people discover their wellness journey!
The Pre-Vegans Podcast answers the questions that individuals interested in veganism want to know. “Why go vegan? How to go vegan? What’s in it for me if I go vegan?” The book recounts the journeys of well-known vegan veterans through insightful conversations and stories. Vegans and Pre-Vegans alike will find value in the narratives and shared experiences that are captured within this book. When explaining veganism, its history is often lost and knowledge scarcely shared. It can be intimidating to begin a new lifestyle when you don’t know much about it. Pre-Vegans is here to provide information on the lifestyle and make the transition easier for those who are just getting started. Let this book serve as a jumpstart into your vegan journey!
精神科醫生/容格心理分析師。診所內問唔完嘅問題,係Podcast 繼續問。每集請黎各界友好,傾關於成長、心理、同香港人嘅生活。
A podcast that aims to open minds by examining aging, caregiving, and the intersection of healthcare as an opportunity to reshape how we partner in care. Thought leaders Cooper Linton and Nicole Clagett are reimagining aging and eldercare one idea at a time.
Welcome to the HeartBeat Podcast, your trusted source for the latest discoveries and advancements in cardiology. This podcast leverages advanced AI tools to analyze, summarize, and transform cutting-edge medical research into high-quality podcast episodes.
While artificial intelligence plays a key role in producing and presenting these episodes, the content is carefully curated and crafted to ensure accuracy, reliability, and clarity.
Whether you're a doctor, a student, or someone passionate about cardiology, this podcast offers insightful and inspiring episodes that combine the power of tec -
Welcome to our podcast where we discuss all things Women's Health. No filter, no judgement, just honest expert advice with a bit of extra chat thrown in!
Hi, 我是Alma,歡迎你來到從心開始😄
💌 [email protected]
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One of the things that makes the Seattle Institute of East Asian Medicine such a unique learning community is that faculty, students, alumni, and friends come together spontaneously for wide-ranging discussions about medicine, health and healing, lifestyle practices, martial arts and other aspects of East-Asian medicine.
The Qi Time podcast exists to share those spontaneous conversations with people throughout our community and for those interested in learning more about SIEAM.
We welcome everyone to listen in, as Kathy Taromina, Academic Dean and podcast host, has lively and entertaining conversations with a wide range of people associated with the school. We think that you'll enjoy the conversations, especially if you brew a cup of tea first!
Image Credit: Josh Paynter
This podcast is for the non-conventional lover-of-life and yearner-for-calm. In the Stillness Podcast, we host weekly episodes of guided meditations and juicy conversations to get you feeling more in love with yourself and the world around you. We are real people, with real-life stresses, bringing the gifts of the East to the modern Westerner.
Join two real food mamas ... so passionate we actually became lunch ladies. Let's reclaim your kitchens, and your health, one hilarious moment and delicious bite at a time.
This podcast is about YOU as a teenage girl. It’s a space to be open and honest about what’s happening for you and the subjects you want to know about, you know the ones no one else is talking about like your psychological development, behaviour, brain changes, female brain, anxiety, overwhelm, self harming etc… This is YOUR space so if there is something you want me to talk about, connect with me on insta at teen.whisperer.nature or email at [email protected]
大家好,歡迎嚟到HealingTalk嘅Podcast節目,喺呢度,你會聽到一啲輕鬆但深刻嘅分享,針對你每日生活中面對嘅情緒挑戰,無論係壓力、感情煩惱、或者一啲無法同身邊人傾訴嘅心事,我哋都會陪伴你,俾你一個可以安心傾訴嘅空間。我哋每集都會用心同你分享一啲處理情緒嘅小貼士,幫你從唔同角度睇事情,希望可以為你嘅心靈帶嚟少少安慰同支持。如果你都有興趣了解我哋嘅情緒支援服務,歡迎點擊連結了解更多: provided by SoundOn
由三個廿幾歲,「係時候諗下」關於二十歲呢個成長階段嘅探索,透過分享唔同嘅煩惱同故事,一齊去面對生活大小事項。--Hosting provided by SoundOn
"Intimate Resonance" is a groundbreaking podcast dedicated to enhancing sexual well-being through the innovative use of resonant therapy. Each episode dives into the science and art of using sound frequencies to boost sexual performance and pleasure. Hosted by a renowned sex therapist and a sound healing expert, the podcast explores how different sounds can tap into our sensory experiences and emotional states, potentially leading to more fulfilling sexual experiences. The show includes interviews with researchers, holistic health practitioners, and individuals who share their personal journeys and successes with resonant therapy for sexual enhancement. Discrete and thoughtfully produced, "Intimate Resonance" offers a blend of theoretical knowledge, practical advice, and experiential sound sessions designed to be inclusive and informative for adults seeking to enrich their intimate lives.
Just here cuz I miss peepee poopoo
Dustin Ayers and Aaron Tatum reunite after 8 years. These two recount stories that range from drunkin adventures in Austin Texas to a shared deployment to Iraq. Featuring Dawson Montfort and Travis Mcreynolds
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