Gezondheid en fitness – Filipijnen – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Host Ann Murphy is a holistic health coach who knows nutrition is just one of many small parts that play a role in everyone’s health + wellness journeys. From focusing on your relationship with food, self-care habits that will change your perspective on yourself, and mini lifestyle perspective changers, she covers it all through a place of personal experience and growth. Ann’s unique perspective and voice makes each episode feel like a voice memo from your best friend. The Healthy Self Podcast is for those who are looking to heal themselves inside and out - and have fun while doing it.

  • Best selling author of The Boss Weight Loss, Lisa G. sits down with industry leaders in business, wellness, fitness and mindset and together they discuss their insider secrets to being unstoppable, wrapped around their own personal journeys to dreaming bigger and never giving up…no matter what. Lisa wants to inspire you to go from stuck to unstoppable in all areas of your life - wellness, weight loss, business and mindset!

  • My name is Kim Greenwood born and bred in the UK 🇬🇧 greeting loved ones, I have been a reiki practitioner since 2017 and I have done psychic readings since 2019. I got into this work because I was suffering with mental health issues. I was abused mentally in relationships and I didn’t know or understand who I was. I connected to angels and the divine through my reiki and readings and felt a strong connection, I was a carer for the best part of ten years I love helping others. I am a light worker and I would love to share my knowledge and guidance through social media and send positive vibes.

  • Step into a transformative journey with Dr. Partha Nandi and Kali Nandi, RN, in Heal Your Gut, Save Your Brain, an 8-part podcast docuseries that explores the deep connection between gut health and brain function. This groundbreaking series unpacks the science, real-life experiences, and practical steps that empower you to optimize your health from the inside out. Each episode is designed to guide you on the path to becoming a #HealthHero because It Takes Guts to take charge of your well-being.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • An extension of the nonprofit media organization, Teen Health 101, Teen Table Talks is a podcast where a couple of teens have a roundtable conversation about health topics that greatly impact youth and teens today. Join us at our ‘lunch table’ where a group of teens come together to debate, joke, and share experiences about topics from nutrition to mental health to the healthcare industry.

  • Hone In inspires and educates people to live their fullest, longest, healthiest lives. Each week, host Saad Alam (the CEO of Hone Health) delivers cutting-edge information on maximizing wellness through conversations with some of the most prominent names in medicine, nutrition, fitness, mindset, relationships, and more. Each interview provides groundbreaking science, candid insights, and actionable tips about exactly how inspiring wellness leaders are optimizing their own health and longevity—and how you can do the same. . It’s a sanctuary where curiosity meets clarity—a safe place to get answers to the problems that keep you from living life to the fullest. For more, check out Hone’s editorial site, The Edge, and the Hone website. Now Let’s Hone In…

  • Welcome to Doctor's Notes! Your go-to podcast for everything health and wellness. Hosted by lifestyle medicine physician, TV host and digital content creator Dr. Dex Macalintal. Catch the latest episode of Doctor's Notes every Sunday, 7PM. 🎧

  • Welcome to Conversation Beauty

    Meet your host, Injector Mandy! Mandy has many years of experience as a Registered Nurse and in 2016, she decided to combine her passion of beauty and nursing to get trained to provide services in cosmetic nursing. She has a passion for aesthetic nursing and uses a refined touch for all of her clients. This channel is used to provide you with information about botox, fillers, skincare and the latest and greatest in wellness and anti-aging. Join nurse Mandy each week as she will dive into the latest aesthetics trends, expert tips, and having empowering conversations with industry leaders. Get ready to embrace your beauty journey and unlock your radiant confident self.









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  • Iron 2 Silver (I2S) is your source for best practices and quality improvement in global health work. Join hosts Greg Seager, Kelly Frazier and Sarah Pruitt for insightful conversations with leaders in global health development and medical missions that you can use to improve your practice.

    I2S is a production of Christian Health Service Corps. You can learn more about how we’re improving healthcare around the world at

  • Kent's Kidney Stories is hosted by Kent Bressler, a Registered Nurse, AAKP Board of Director, Ambassador, Kidney Transplant Recipient, and Vice President of Kidney Solutions. He will share his journey, some insight he has learned, and interview fellow Kidney Warriors and leaders in the Kidney Community.

  • Health news and tips brought to you by Good Samaritan. New episode released every Thursday. Good Samaritan is licensed for 158 in-house patients offering a variety of health services. From radiation oncology to the birth of a baby, this growing health care provider balances quality patient care with preventative education to fulfill its mission.

  • «صدای سلامت» سری پادکست های جدید اس بی اس فارسی است. در این مجموعه ما با پزشکان عمومی و متخصصان پزشکی در مورد موضوعات مختلف بهداشتی و سلامت گفتگو می کنیم.

  • Stop Worrying: Overcoming the Crippling and Needless Emotion Worry, an emotion as old as humanity itself, has long been a constant companion in our lives. It's a feeling that creeps into our minds, often uninvited, and can quickly take over our thoughts, leaving us paralyzed with fear and anxiety about what the future might hold. While worry can sometimes serve as a protective mechanism, alerting us to potential dangers and motivating us to take action, more often than not, it becomes an unnecessary burden that weighs heavily on our mental and physical well-being. In our modern world, where information is constantly at our fingertips and the pace of life seems to be ever-accelerating, worry has become an epidemic. We worry about our careers, our relationships, our health, our finances, and countless other aspects of our lives. Sometimes, we even worry about worrying too much. This constant state of concern can lead to a host of problems, including anxiety disorders, depression, insomnia, and a general decrease in our quality of life. But what if we could learn to stop worrying? What if we could free ourselves from this crippling emotion and live more fulfilling, peaceful lives? This essay aims to explore the nature of worry, its effects on our lives, and most importantly, practical strategies to overcome it. To effectively combat worry, we must first understand what it is and how it operates in our minds. Worry is essentially a form of repetitive thinking about potential negative outcomes. It's our mind's attempt to problem-solve and prepare for the worst. In small doses, this can be helpful. It can motivate us to study for an exam, prepare for a job interview, or take precautions in potentially dangerous situations. However, worry becomes problematic when it's excessive, persistent, and focused on things that are beyond our control. This type of worry doesn't serve a productive purpose; instead, it drains our energy, increases our stress levels, and can even lead to physical health problems. Psychologists have identified several characteristics of chronic worry: 1. It's often focused on the future rather than the present. 2. It tends to catastrophize, imagining the worst possible outcomes. 3. It's repetitive, with the same thoughts circling in our minds. 4. It's often unrealistic, focusing on unlikely scenarios. 5. It feels uncontrollable, as if we can't stop the worrying thoughts. Understanding these characteristics can help us identify when we're engaging in unhelpful worry and take steps to interrupt this pattern. The effects of chronic worry extend far beyond mere discomfort. Persistent worry can have significant negative impacts on both our mental and physical health. Mentally, chronic worry can lead to anxiety disorders, depression, and other mental health issues. It can impair our ability to concentrate, make decisions, and solve problems effectively. Worry can also affect our sleep, leading to insomnia or poor sleep quality, which in turn can exacerbate mental health problems. Physically, the stress associated with chronic worry can manifest in a variety of ways. It can lead to headaches, muscle tension, and digestive problems. Over time, chronic stress from worry can contribute to more serious health issues, including heart disease, high blood pressure, and a weakened immune system. Moreover, worry can have a profound impact on our relationships and overall quality of life. When we're consumed by worry, we're less present in our interactions with others. We may become irritable, withdrawn, or overly dependent on reassurance from others. This can strain our relationships and lead to social isolation. Given these significant impacts, learning to manage and reduce worry is crucial for our overall well-being. While it's unrealistic to expect that we can eliminate worry entirely from our lives, there are numerous strategies we can employ to reduce its impact and regain control over our thoughts and emotions. Here are some effective approaches: 1. Mindfulness and Present-Moment Awareness: One of the most powerful tools for combating worry is mindfulness. Mindfulness involves focusing our attention on the present moment, observing our thoughts and feelings without judgment. By practicing mindfulness, we can learn to recognize worry thoughts as they arise and choose not to engage with them. Mindfulness meditation is a great way to cultivate this skill. Start with just a few minutes each day, focusing on your breath or bodily sensations. When worrying thoughts arise, acknowledge them, and then gently return your focus to the present moment. Over time, this practice can help you become more aware of your thought patterns and better able to disengage from unproductive worry. 2. Cognitive Restructuring: Cognitive restructuring is a technique from cognitive-behavioral therapy that involves identifying and challenging irrational or unhelpful thoughts. When you catch yourself worrying, try to examine the thoughts objectively. Are they realistic? Are you catastrophizing? What evidence do you have for and against these worrying thoughts? Once you've identified unrealistic or exaggerated worries, try to replace them with more balanced, realistic thoughts. For example, if you're worrying "I'm going to fail this presentation and lose my job," you might replace it with "I've prepared well for this presentation, and even if it doesn't go perfectly, one presentation isn't likely to determine my entire career." 3. Scheduled Worry Time: It may seem counterintuitive, but setting aside a specific time to worry can actually help reduce overall worry. Choose a 15-30 minute period each day as your "worry time." During this time, allow yourself to focus on your worries. Write them down if it helps. Outside of this designated time, when worrying thoughts arise, remind yourself that you can address them during your scheduled worry time and refocus on the present. This technique can help contain your worry to a specific time, rather than letting it spread throughout your day. It can also help you gain perspective on your worries, as you may find that many of them seem less urgent or important when you return to them during your scheduled worry time. 4. Problem-Solving Techniques: Some worries are based on real problems that need addressing. In these cases, engaging in active problem-solving can be more productive than worrying. Try this approach: - Clearly define the problem - Brainstorm potential solutions - Evaluate the pros and cons of each solution - Choose a solution and create an action plan - Implement the plan and evaluate the results By taking concrete steps to address your concerns, you can channel the energy of worry into productive action. 5. Lifestyle Changes: Our overall lifestyle can have a significant impact on our tendency to worry. Consider making these changes: - Exercise regularly: Physical activity can reduce stress and anxiety, improving our overall mood and resilience. - Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep can exacerbate worry and anxiety. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. - Limit caffeine and alcohol: Both can increase anxiety and disrupt sleep patterns. - Practice relaxation techniques: Deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and yoga can all help reduce stress and worry. 6. Acceptance and Uncertainty Tolerance: Many of our worries stem from a desire to control outcomes and a discomfort with uncertainty. Learning to accept that some things are beyond our control and that uncertainty is a natural part of life can significantly reduce worry. Practice accepting uncertainty in small ways. For example, try going to a restaurant without checking the menu beforehand, or take a different route to work. As you become more comfortable with uncertainty in these small ways, you may find it easier to tolerate larger uncertainties in life. 7. Social Support and Connection: Sharing our worries with trusted friends or family members can often provide relief and perspective. Sometimes, simply verbalizing our concerns can help us see them more objectively. Additionally, maintaining strong social connections can provide a buffer against stress and worry. Consider joining a support group or seeking professional help if your worry feels overwhelming. A therapist can provide additional strategies and support tailored to your specific situation. 8. Gratitude Practice: Focusing on what we're grateful for can shift our attention away from worries and towards the positive aspects of our lives. Try keeping a gratitude journal, writing down three things you're thankful for each day. This practice can help cultivate a more positive mindset overall. 9. Limit Information Intake: In our digital age, we're constantly bombarded with information, much of it negative or anxiety-inducing. Consider limiting your exposure to news and social media, especially before bedtime. Choose specific times to stay informed, rather than constantly checking for updates. 10. Worry vs. Concern: Learn to distinguish between productive concern and unproductive worry. Concern motivates us to take action when we can, while worry tends to paralyze us. When you find yourself worrying, ask yourself: "Is there any action I can take about this right now?" If yes, take that action. If no, practice letting go of the worry and redirecting your attention. While these strategies can be powerful tools for managing worry, it's important to remember that overcoming chronic worry is a process that takes time and practice. Be patient with yourself as you learn to implement these techniques. You may find that some strategies work better for you than others, and that's okay. The key is to persist and to be consistent in your efforts. Start by choosing one or two strategies that resonate with you and focus on incorporating them into your daily life. As these become habit, you can gradually add more techniques to your repertoire. Remember, the goal isn't to eliminate

  • This podcast is dedicated to promoting awareness of the healing potential of music. Episodes will explore the ways in which music-based interventions are being used in various health-related disciplines to promote healing.

  • One Affirmation + One Gratitude Prompt // 3-Min Episodes of Good Vibes // Feel Optimistic + Grateful // Created by Tara B., Mindfulness Meditation Teacher and Artist.

  • This podcast is about conversations with Holistic Health Practitioners, Healers, Entrepreneurs, Business owners, and farmers living their purpose, speaking their truth, and creating a huge impact on the world.

    That Health Dude is a renowned CHEK Holistic Health Practitioner, doTERRA Diamond Leader, and Owner of Noosa Goat Co.

    His life came crashing down in his 20s with chronic illness and mental health challenges. He literally came back from the dead through dedication and coaching and now has formulated his unique methodology, Lighthouse, that he now shares with leaders to help create beacons of guidance protection, and hope for humanity.

    He works with business owners and entrepreneurs who have mastered money but lost their mojo in the process, he helps them recreate their biggest vision of a purpose-driven life, creating long-lasting relationships, thriving health, booming businesses, and deep fulfillment.

  • The Bloom Ranch of Acton Podcast Channel, a part of the Audio Blogs network, brings the charm and heritage of Bloom Ranch directly to your ears by transforming written web pages into audio form. Located in the picturesque town of Acton, California, Bloom Ranch is renowned for its delicious organic produce, rich history, and commitment to sustainable farming practices. Through this podcast channel, listeners can enjoy a unique auditory experience that captures the essence of life on the ranch.

    Each episode dives into various aspects of Bloom Ranch, from in-depth explorations of their farming techniques and seasonal harvests to heartwarming stories about the ranch’s history and community involvement. You’ll also find interviews with the passionate individuals who run the ranch, offering insights into their dedication to organic farming and sustainable living.

    The Bloom Ranch of Acton Podcast Channel provides an engaging way to learn about the benefits of organic produce, sustainable agriculture, and the importance of supporting local farms. Whether you’re a dedicated foodie, an aspiring gardener, or simply someone who appreciates the beauty of rural life, this podcast channel offers something for everyone.

    Tune in to stay updated on the latest happenings at Bloom Ranch, discover delicious recipes featuring their fresh produce, and get inspired by the stories of the people who make Bloom Ranch a cherished part of the Acton community. Listen anytime, anywhere, and immerse yourself in the vibrant world of Bloom Ranch.

  • A podcast that dives into nutrition, fitness, recovery, and more for athletes and active individuals. You'll hear strategies of how to achieve performance and aesthetic goals as an athlete and ultimately become a HIGH PERFORMING HUMAN.