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Study Motivation Podcast is for students looking for motivation, inspiration and help on their journey through life, school and work. Produced by Motivation2Study, this podcast features the greatest motivational speeches for students of all ages.
Our mission is to inspire, educate and help students of all ages with both lack of motivation and mental health awareness. We work with motivational and educational speakers to create life changing videos and audios to achieve this goal and help you be your best self.
In this podcast, Motivation2Study features motivational speeches from the best speakers and experts in the world on topics including success, studying, discipline, mental health, self-help, careers, motivation, focus, goals and more.
If you’re ready to work hard, study smart and begin building an amazing future, or you just need the motivation to study, listen to Study Motivation by Motivation2Study.
Follow Motivation2Study on YouTube:
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Itt egy újfajta alternatíva az önfejlesztés, önismeret és tudatosság területén.A mai felgyorsult világban normálissá vált állandóan "készenlétben" lenni és dolgozni, ugyanakkor a még több munka nem hoz még több boldogságot magával. A semmittevés, más néven: a tudatos nem-cselekvés által felfedezhető a belső nyugalom, egyensúly és béke és erre mindenkinek megvan a képessége.Szándékunk, hogy az egyes adások meghallgatása növelje a tudatosság és jelenlét kiterjedését a mindennapjaidban, ami által a boldogság, a testi és szellemi egészség, illetve az erősödő intuíció élményét tapasztalhatod meg. A minimalizmus, a meditáció és a jó szokások témakörei mellett olyan területeket is érintünk az egyes adásokban, mint például a vállalkozásépítés és produktivitás, amelyeken túl szinte az élet minden területén való fejlődés is felszínre kerül.Azoknak szól ez a podcast, akik a túl sok agyalásból kiszakadva szeretnének tudatosan lelassítani, és egy chillesebb, könnyedebb és szabadabb szemléletmóddal tekinteni a világra. Lazulj el, iratkozz fel, és élvezd az utazást egy egészen kalandos világba!Barátsággal, Gürtler Gábor
Dr. Kádár Annamária (mese)pszichológus, író és Vörös István újságíró-magyartanár kéthetente jelentkező podcastja olyan mindennapi életünket meghatározó témákról, mint: a felnőtté válás, az örök erőforrást nyújtó belső gyermek; a gyermeknevelési és klasszikus "élet-tabuk"; gyermeki mágikus gondolkodás; mese, életmese, könyvek, filmek.
Minderről őszintén, hitelesen - Veled! Több infó:
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Hogy vagy? – tesszük fel és kapjuk meg a kérdést nap mint nap.
Kösz, jól – halljuk és válaszolunk rá legtöbbször.
De mit jelent jól lenni? A HVG kéthetente jelentkező podcastjában Bánhalmi Kata és vendégei, adásról adásra megvizsgálva a fizikai és lelki egészség egy-egy területét.
A műsorban tudományos és szakmai magyarázatot adunk a mindennapi wellbeing kihívásaira, és gyakorlati példákon keresztül segítünk, hogy lépésről lépésre tudatosabban érezhesd magad a bőrödben, mind fizikailag, mind lelkileg.
A műsort a robotasszisztált térd- és csípőprotézis műtétek specialistája, a BMM, a Budapesti Mozgásszervi Magánklinika támogatta.
A podcast about living with High Functioning Anxiety and building self-loyalty. Join me, Nancy Jane Smith, as I talk about my journey with High Functioning Anxiety. Through my own experience and 20+ years of training as a licensed professional counselor and coach, I have discovered the #1 way to quiet anxiety is self-loyalty. We are so loyal to other people. It is time to learn how to be as loyal to yourself as you are to others. Listen to learn more about quieting your High Functioning Anxiety with self-loyalty.
I'm Nick Carrier, a fitness trainer and entrepreneur who helps busy professionals feel like their best selves. As a former high school athlete, health and fitness have always been important to me. But as life got busier, I had to learn how to seamlessly integrate exercise and nutrition into my routine. Now I want to help others do the same through my 10-Week Transformation program.With 500 clients coached so far, I have a proven track record for helping people lose weight, feel energized, and perform at their peak. My mission is to make living a healthy lifestyle simple. If you're ready to become the fit, energetic person you aspire to be, let's get started!
I’m Wes Watson, founder of Watson Fit and your guide to becoming the BEST motherfucker you can become.
In the world today people continue to look for happiness in the same place they lost it (Vices). It’s a universal rule that by way of pain one arrives at pleasure.
I created this podcast to share what I’ve learned on my journey to becoming the best individual I can be in every area. It’s my mission to help you succeed and master the areas of life you’re aiming to build up.
Check out the site:
Check out my new book: -
How do I recover from anxiety? How do I recover from panic disorder? How do I recover from agoraphobia? How do I overcome panic attacks? How do I find peace from my anxious and intrusive thoughts? How do I stop fearing and start actually living my life?
You might even be questioning whether or not recovering from anxiety, panic disorder, and agoraphobia is even possible! Whether you’ve been struggling for months, years, or even a decade or more, this is the show for you.
On the A Healthy Push Podcast, you’ll be learning practical, actionable, and healthy steps that will help you heal from anxiety, panic disorder, and agoraphobia and start living the life you’re worthy and deserving of living - a life of peace, joy, and freedom!
Each week, host Shannon Jackson shares the tips, tools, truths, and actions that helped her to overcome her 15-year journey with anxiety, panic disorder, and agoraphobia and start living the adventurous life that she lives today! Along with sharing her knowledge and inspiration, she interviews top mental health experts and former sufferers turned educators, to prove to you that recovery is possible and that you’re absolutely not alone (or crazy)!
Make sure to Subscribe so that you don’t miss an episode! And if you aren’t already following me on Instagram, make sure to follow me @ahealthypush.
And if you’d like to connect with me on a more personal level and get even more support, head on over to -
Mental maneuvers to think greater than your emotions so you can lose weight, look great and feel fantastic. -
Hosted by the charmingly neurotic Alex Matteo - Pull It Together is a Podcast for women redefining what it means to be a creative on their own terms. Through honest conversations, diverse community and inspiring interviews we are breaking the mold and debunking myths of being a creative. So grab some coffee (or wine) and whatever feels like it’s falling apart…we’ll pull it together.
We all want to be happier but how do we achieve it? And do we even recognise what makes us happy? With an overwhelming rise in mental health issues ‘Happiness, A Sceptics Guide’ seeks to address a vital issue: understanding and improving your wellbeing.
Join your hosts, serial self-help-abuser and professional sceptic Paul Flower and psychologist and author Dr Gary Wood on an epic quest, to navigate the vagaries of the world of wellness, in pursuit of happiness and how to hold on to it. In fortnightly short bursts, ‘Happiness, A Sceptics Guide‘ aims to sift the ‘science from the snake-oil‘ and sort the breakthroughs from the fake news to find out what works, what doesn‘t and what‘s just hype.
Is happiness about the journey or the destination? Is it about the good life or finding meaning in life? What are the short-cuts and hacks? And should it really have taken a pandemic to get these two to work together? ‘Happiness, A Sceptics‘ guide aims to inform, entertain and bring you happiness whatever your objections! -
Raus aus dem Kopf und rein ins Lebensgefühl!
Willkommen bei "Voll Verkopft" - deinem Embodiment Podcast für ein gesundes und glückliches Leben. Als Yogalehrerin, Personaltrainerin und Gesundheitsberaterin weiß ich aus eigener Erfahrung, wie wichtig körperliche und emotionale Gesundheit für ein erfülltes Leben sind. In meinem Podcast teile ich mein Wissen zu ganzheitlicher Gesundheit, Selbstfürsorge, Selbstliebe, Achtsamkeit und Intuition, um dir dabei zu helfen, dich in deinem eigenen Körper wohlzufühlen und mehr Freiheit und Glück im Leben zu erfahren. Abonniere jetzt meinen Kanal und entdecke, wie einfach Selbstfürsorge sein kann! -
Welcome to Me Manual, where you and I become 'Me'. This is a memoir, a guide, and a manual that you need every day of your life to live as yourself.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Eos Affirmations offers both daily and specific affirmations to its listeners, covering confidence, intelligence, and mindfulness. Inspired by the Greek goddess of the dawn, Eos, this podcast will aim to reflect Eos's representation of new beginnings. Every day you proclaim these affirmations, whether it be at Eos's dawn or Astraeus's dusk, you produce a new beginning for yourself.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.