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I Udforsk med Alex tager jeg dig med, når jeg undersøger de mest interessante historier og idéer, du ellers ikke hører om.
Her går vi i dybden med oversete og undervurderede teknologiske fremskridt, etiske dilemmaer og spændende, kontroversielle spørgsmål. Alt sammen med lige dele skepsis og optimisme.
Sammen skal vi på eventyr ind i fremtiden. Jeg er nysgerrig på, hvor det fører os hen.
خلاصهی فارسی کتابهای غیرداستانی
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
En podcast som har til formål at skabe ro, refleksion og glæde. Og tid til at tænke over tingene. Podcasten beskæftiger sig med emner såsom træning, kost, sundhed, markedsføring, livet/eksistens, internetkultur og digital kommunikation. Vi tager os tid, graver os dybt ned og forsøger at være så agendaløse som muligt. Vi inviterer også spændende gæster, som kan udfordre både os og jer.
Podcastens værter er Morten Svane og Jacob Beermann. -
Denne podcast er til for dig, der gerne vil inspireres til et liv med indre ro, højt selvværd, styrke, balance, glæde og nærvær.
Værtinde, Kisser Paludan, interviewer gæster. Hun er selv spirituel psykolog og forfatter og kender har beskæftiget sig med personlig og spirituel udvikling i over 30 år. -
En podcast om personlig udvikling, karriere & velvære i 20'erne.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
En podcast om forælderskab med inspiration til hverdagslivet med børn. Her omsætter vi teoretisk viden til konkrete og lige-til-at-gå til værktøjer. Du får masser af input til at skrue ned for skældud og op for samarbejdet, ligesom du får refleksioner til dit bevidste forælderskab.
Kronede Dage er en podcast om penge.
Vi kommer omkring en lang række emner, der alle vedrører privatøkonomien. Podcastens formål er at oplyse bredt om privatøkonomi og at bidrage til at fremme interessen for økonomisk frihed blandt danskerne.
Her kan du høre om aktier, obligationer, REITs, alternative investeringer, budgetlægning, crowdlending, at spare i hverdagen og meget, meget mere.
Ny podcast udgives hver mandag kl. 10. -
In this episode of the "Secret to Success" podcast, CJ hosts an engaging conversation featuring co-host Karl Wesley Phillips, Dr. King, ET and special guest Gersh King. The episode kicks off with the hosts catching up, sharing a light-hearted and humorous dialogue that sets the tone for an inspiring discussion.
Gersh King, a physical therapist known for his exceptional skills and dedication, shares his journey of personal and professional growth. He discusses his experiences with challenges such as homelessness, ADHD, and anxiety, and how he overcame them through intense dedication to his craft and personal development. Gersh emphasizes the importance of impact over monetary gain, explaining how he discovered fulfillment through service and honing his skills. He also delves into his rigorous routine, including his practice of lunges and a disciplined workout regimen inspired by figures like Bruce Lee.
The hosts touch on topics like the power of breathing techniques to manage anxiety and enhance focus. Gersh leads a brief breathing exercise to demonstrate how proper breathing can ground you and activate the parasympathetic system for relaxation. The conversation further explores philosophies from Bruce Lee, the significance of being authentic, and how to harness one's energy and skills to become a master in their field.
This episode is a deep dive into the mindset and practices required to achieve personal and professional mastery, offering listeners practical tips and inspiration to pursue their own paths to success. -
This podcast Explores all things Frequencies— How they govern form, shape our realities, and are the key to living from your full potential. It’s non-woo convos about super woo shit—Unpacking what I call the “Science of Self”. From body and soul literacy to the power of understanding vibration, higher consciousness, quantum principles, and spiritual psych--let this podcast become a resource for you on your journey to self-mastery. If you want to free your mind, unlock the body, and become limitless then you’re in the right place. I’m your host Talie, this is SuperFreq—awakening for the next gen. Let’s Go.
Stay Curious, Stay Connected
IG @superfreqy // @taliemiler
TikTok: @taliemiller
Pinterest @taliemiller
Linkedin: @taliemiller
Substack: VERY FREQY GIRL™ >
Reviews are much appreciated because that's how it works in this world. In the meantime, Get your Freq on ya'll
Do you work in medicine and love patient care but feel like parts of the job don’t measure up? Stimulus equips you with tools, mindset shifts, and strategies they didn’t teach you in training—so you can practice medicine like a boss, flourish in your career, and not let it crush your soul. Emergency physician and executive coach Rob Orman, MD, goes in-depth with thought leaders on how to avoid burnout, improve communication, lead without drama, and stay calm amidst the storm. Don’t just suck it up, think differently.
Podcasten TÆT PÅ er en podcast for dig, som gerne vil blive klogere på, hvordan det er at leve med en sygdom eller en tilstand, og for dig der gerne vil høre hvordan det er at være pårørende.Hvis du lige har fået en sygdom eller lige er blevet pårørende, så er mit håb, at når du har lyttet til min podcast, sidder du med en fornemmelse af at være blevet lidt klogere og måske i bedste fald føler, at det er blevet lidt lettere at leve med din sygdom og du ved at du ikke er alene.
Welcome to Inside By Sisto 👋🏿
Pione Sisto, a talented football player, has embarked upon a transformative journey within an inner football program to find freedom from his troubled past and heal his emotional pain and trauma. Through his dedication and commitment, Pione Sisto aims to not only heal himself but also inspire others to unlock their own extraordinary potential. Listen your way to success 🥇
by Pione Sisto -
Økonomi spiller en kæmpe rolle på både godt og ondt i vores liv. Men alligevel har rigtig mange af os svært ved at tale om penge. Vi rykker ud med økonomi-ambulancen for at hjælpe dig, der lytter med, til at tage sagen i egen hånd og finde din egen vej til økonomisk frihed.
Female Invest har samme med Maria Jencel lavet podcasten ‘112 for din økonomi’ hvor hun sammen med formuerådgiver og finansiel ekspert Helle Snedker inviterer en gæst i studiet hver uge og dykker helt ned i deres økonomiske historie.
For at give dig de bedste forudsætninger for at komme i gang, kan du lige nu spare 50% på et års medlemskab hos Female Invest med koden “Maria”. Det eneste, du skal gøre, er at besøge -
Anxiety Slayer is an Award-Winning anxiety relief podcast with supportive tips, tools, and practices to help you calm anxiety, stress, PTSD, and panic attacks. Celebrating 700 episodes and over 13 million downloads! Visit to listen in and get our free Anxiety Slayer Starter Course.
Michael Neill is an internationally renowned transformative teacher, author, broadcaster, and speaker, described as having the unique ability to “blend the sacred with the profane”. The inside-out understanding at the heart of his work challenges the cultural mythology that stress, pressure, and other symptoms of “seriousness” are a necessary part of adaptation and growth in business or indeed any area of life.
In his role as CEO of Genius Catalyst Inc. since its inception in the UK in 1990 to its incorporation in the USA in 2007, Michael has spearheaded its growth from consultancy to a multi-media organisation delivering services to tens of thousands of loyal customers each year through live training, online courses, and self-study programs.
He has also spent more than three decades as a coach, adviser, friend, mentor, and creative spark plug to founders, CEO’s, celebrities, royalty, and those who are up to something in the world. His global client base is wide and diverse, having served clients in North America, UK, Europe, and the Middle East in the fields of investment, sales, energy, manufacturing, the entertainment and media industry, and more. He has been consistently ranked alongside Jack Canfield, Tony Robbins, and other legends in the field as one of the top 30 coaching thought leaders in the world, and continues to run a small private practice working with high performers in their fields of expertise.
A gifted communicator, Michael has authored six best-selling books including Creating the Impossible, The Inside-Out Revolution, The Space Within, and Supercoach. His books have been translated into more than 25 languages, and his public talks, retreats and seminars have touched and transformed lives at the United Nations and in over 60 countries and on six continents around the world. His TEDx talks, ‘Why Aren’t We Awesomer?’and ‘Can a TEDx Talk Really Change the World?’ have been viewed by over two million people around the world and his blog and podcast, Caffeine for the Soul, has been entertaining and inspiring audiences around the world for more than 20 years. -
Talking Robots is a podcast featuring interviews with high-profile professionals in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence for an inside view on the science, technology, and business of intelligent robotics. It is managed and sponsored by the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems (LIS) at the EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland.