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Podcasten sætter lys på brugen af Kropslig læring (Embodied Learning) og Embodied leadership i ledelse, bæredygtigt arbejdsliv, læring og udviklingsarbejde.
Kroppen indeholder et stort potentiale, når det drejer sig om læring og udvikling.
Ved at træne vores kropsbevidsthed og ikke blot lytte til men også med kroppen, bliver vi nærværende. Med kroppen som øre bevæger vi os fra et mentalt lærings-og udviklingsrum til et kropsligt og æstetisk rum. Vi oplever og erfarer frem for blot at forstå mentalt.
Din vært er Petra-Sofie Kempf indehaver af Core Energy og ekspert i brugen af den kropslige dimension i lærings og udviklingsarbejde.
Petra-Sofie deler ud af hendes erfaringer på feltet og hun samtaler med ledere, fagprofessionelle og andre, der bruger den kropslige dimension i ledelse, læring og udviklingsprocesser.
De fleste episoder slutter med en lyttergave, i form af konkrete greb og øvelser, som du kan bruge i din hverdag og dit arbejdslivet. -
Welcome to the Wellbeing Designers Podcast!
We discover how we can design the future of well being together so we can create human-centric organizations and a sustainable work life.
In the first season of the podcast, I talked with the first generation of wellbeing leaders in big organizations. Usually, they were the very first ones in their organization ever to have the title of head of well being or similar.
In the second season, starting with episode nine, you will meet similar people again. And I invited some other interesting profiles as well. All these people work on wellbeing on a systemic level. Their mission is related to make the world a better place through focusing on wellbeing. In the past years, especially since COVID, employee well being got on the top of the agenda, not only for companies worldwide, but even some countries and other official institutions started to call for action.
In the Wellbeing Designers podcast-conversations, I would like to highlight the work of those sometimes invisible people, leaders, who are either in charge of well being in organizations and trying to navigate amongst the growing amount of well being offerings while connecting efforts. to business impact, and most importantly, create real value for employees. Or, they are those leaders who are doing their best to create international forums to exchange, raise awareness, and take action on wellbeing and people's sustainability.
They might be the ones whose responsibility is to take care of hundreds, thousands, or ten thousands of people's wellbeing.
They might be the ones who keep decision makers and CEOs engaged about the topic of well being. They might be the ones. who are proving that employee well being is a strategic enabler of sustainable performance and business success.
They might be the connectors between well being leaders across companies and countries.
I call these people wellbeing designers.
Enjoy listening to them and learning from them. Together we can design a human centric work life and the future of well being. -
A bootcamp in small business ownership and practice management for dentists, giving the new graduate a roadmap to successful practice ownership. We interview the best dentists, experts, consultants and more on our weekly show. Here's the topics we will be covering in our 8 Seasons:
1. First Years as a Dentist
2. Think Like a Business Owner
3. Money and Numbers
4. Startups, Acquisitions, and Partnerships
5. Internal Systems
6. Marketing & Growth
7. Leadership, Vision and Culture
8. Beyond Dentistry
Go to to download the 8 Season Roadmap. -
If you’re into detailed and specific tactics for success in business & achieving wellness, and want to hear from someone who’s seen and done a lot, you’re in the right place! I wasn’t born in this country, I didn’t go to college, I’ve had to file for bankruptcy, hide from collectors, had my car repossessed, and my electricity shut off. I did a terrible job of managing work/life “balance” and prioritizing my needs. I’ve been the employer and the employee, done the firing and been fired… I am your friend that’s done a lot, seen a lot, fucked up a lot, yet ultimately managed to achieve both success and happiness. In the same time :)
This show is a career and business step-by-step roadmap, with self-help and wellness elements at every check point because... what good is success if you’re a fucking basket case? The tips are tangible and the tactics super granular. I know you’ll love it, so let’s do this! -
The nursing home administrator's best friend on the internet.
Being an LNHA has never been easy.
Covid has only made it even more challenging.
Let's do this together🎗.
This is where we interview and meet the leaders, innovators, and trendsetters in the nursing home industry. This is your go-to resource to gain practical solutions to everyday problems facing nursing home administrators.
Questions/Comments? Email me - [email protected] -
You are unique in this world, so is your career. Your work is your uniqueness in service to yourself and others. This podcast is for the people who want to do meaningful work and journey towards their unique careers and unique lives.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
8-16, samme arbejdsplads hele livet, samme type opgaver og en jubilæumsnål for 40 års tro tjeneste i firmaet. Vi skal ikke mange år tilbage før de flestes arbejdsliv lå i veldefinerede rammer. Sådan er det ikke længere og i denne podcast serie kan du høre forskellige organisationer og personer fortælle om de erfaringer og refleksioner de har gjort sig med at indrette deres arbejde og tilværelse på nye måder.
Dit ugentlige kvantespring er podcasten der giver dig inspiration og måske mod til at foretage dine personlige kvantespring i livet. Med udgangspunkt i både ny og gammel viden om os mennesker, får du indspark og redskaber til at kigge omsorgsfuldt på dine vaner og dit liv. Jeg har i over 15 år hjulpet tusindevis af mennesker til et mere tilfredsstillende liv gennem workshops, coaching og terapi. Klar, parat, spring...
Welcome to Real AF with me, Crystal Sullivan, a business and lifestyle podcast for dreamers and doers who want to take their life to the next level.
My mission is to help you realize what you’re TRULY capable of! Let’s stop hating our bodies, picking apart every flaw, questioning our worth, doubting our strength, and making excuses that are holding us back from our dreams. It’s time to show up as you, the REAL YOU, unapologetically.
Are you ready to up-level your mindset, commit to your goals, create unshakeable confidence and finally chase after those dreams you have had for quite some time now? Then you’re in the right spot.
Tune in each week for inspiring stories, and unfiltered conversations that will leave you feeling empowered AF.
Consider me your newest BFF, who is in your corner, has got your back, and is cheering you on! I promise to come to you with no BS, straight talk, and simple strategies. Let's smash past your comfort zones and retrain your thoughts to work for you, not against you
Ya, ready? Great me too, can’t wait to chat! <3 -
Podcasten, hvor Martin Ellemann Olesen dykker ned i, hvordan ledere harmonerer en krævende karriere med personlig udvikling og en aktiv livsstil. Gennem dybdegående interviews med ledere, der tør udfordre sig selv, får du svaret på, hvilke krav der stilles til moderne ledere og hvordan en holistisk tilgang til livet, kan forbedre dit lederskab, beslutningskraft og trivsel.
Jeg tror, at jeg har Asperger. Jeg aner det ikke, og jeg har i mit liv indtil nu været velfungerende - udadtil. Men jeg har knoklet. Og det lægger jeg måske først rigtig mærke til nu, hvor jeg er blevet sygemeldt med en depression.
Og det får mig til at overveje at starte en proces med at få en asperger-diagnose?
Men hvad vil det sige? Hvad vil det gavne? Og hvad vil det egentlig sige, at have Asperger syndrom? Der er tusind spørgsmål, og hvis det her bliver den podcast, som jeg håber, at det bliver, så vil jeg få hjælp mange steder fra for at få besvaret spørgsmålene.
Jeg forestiller mig, at jeg og mine "gæster" skal tale om stress, om spiseforstyrrelser, om arbejdssituationer, om diagnoser (selvfølgelig) og om meget andet, som jeg sikkert stadig ikke ved, at det er relevant at tale om, når man først har sagt Asperger.
Jeg er i min spæde start i processen med at finde ud af, om jeg har en diagnose. Og det her er også en terapeutisk proces for mig. En proces, der skal hjælpe mig til at blive klogere på Asperger og på mig selv. Og en proces, der skal hjælpe mig til at få set på mange af de ting, som belaster mig i mit liv - måske fordi min hjerne er, som den nu engang er. Asperger eller ej.
Så jeg håber, at du vil med på rejsen, og at du vil tage pænt imod mig, som er et sårbart sted i mit liv lige nu.
Tak fordi du lytter med. -
HjerneRO handler om at skabe ro i hovedet midt i livets kaos, usikkerhed og pres.Dine værter er psykologerne Mads & Martin, som begge ved hvad det vil sige at kæmpe med mental uro.Martin fik for 7 år siden konstateret en kronisk kræftsygdom som han har levet med lige siden. Det har givet mange bekymringer, som Martin har måtte lære at slippe.Mads har været udsendt til Afghanistan, og har i den forbindelse kæmpet med mental uro, og lært vigtigheden af at skabe ro i hovedet så man kan trives og præstere optimalt.
Design Thinking 101 is part of how Fluid Hive helps people think and solve like a designer.
You'll hear designers' stories, lessons, ideas, resources, and tips. Our guests share insights into delivering change and results with design thinking, service design, behavioral design, user experience design and more, in business, social innovation, education, design, government, healthcare and other fields. -
If you are serious about your own empowerment and you're looking for the most efficient and effective pathway to go to the next level in your life, if you're looking for the world's #1 leading specialist in human behavior to guide you and help you make sense of your life and help you get the advantage, then welcome home. This podcast is for you.
Dr John Demartini is a researcher, author, and global educator. He has developed step by step processes that help you to clarify your vision, achieve your goals and empower all the areas of your life so that you get to live a fulfilled and purposeful life.
He has studied over 30,000 books across all the defined academic disciplines and has synthesized the wisdom of the ages which he shares on stage in over 100 countries. -
Danmarks største holistiske podcast
Podcasten til dig, som er nysgerrig på dig selv, livets muligheder, det hele menneske & hvorfor du er som du er.
I samtale med ugens gæst dykkes der ned i perspektiver, anskuelser & viden der kan rykke dig, udfordre dig, motivere dig - alt sammen, så du kan blive klogere på dit hele menneske & leve dét liv, du virkelig glædes ved at leve.
Hver uge inviterer vært Noell Elise en ny gæst i studiet, som er ekspert eller deler egne indsigter inden for sind; tankernes kraft, terapi, mindfulness etc, krop; bio-hacking, bevægelse, mad, sygdom etc & sjæl; filosofi, meningen med livet, spiritualitet etc.
Sammen vender vi blikket indad i vores søgen på et meningsfyldt, tilfredsstillende & sundt liv - så vi hver især kan vi tage ansvar for vores sind, krop, sjæl & den længsel & de passioner, der lever i os.
ENHED får dig til at tænke ud af boksen om emner & perspektiver der kan transformere hvordan du oplever livet, dig selv & din krop, tanker & følelser. Dette er ikke en "one-size, fits all" podcast, men en inspirationspause fra hverdagen.
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.