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Psykolog Sondre Risholm Liverød har som mål å si noe nytt om ting du har tenkt på før, eller si noe selvfølgelig om ting du aldri har tenkt på. SinnSyn handler om å observere menneskers indre liv. Det handler om å innse at alt du trodde du visste om deg selv er feil, eller forvrengt av nevroser. Hvis ikke du har lært noe nytt om menneskets sjelsliv i løpet av en episode, og kjent tilløp til latter, er episoden mislykka. I så fall må du høre en episode til. Denne podcasten tilstreber å servere innsikt med en porsjon humor til fagfolk og «folk flest». Coverart av fotograf Tom Knudsen
Få tilgang til ALT ekstramateriale som medlem på SinnSyns Mentale Helsestudio via SinnSyn-appen her: eller som Patreon-Medlem her: For reklamefri pod og bonus-episoder kan du bli SinnSyn Pluss abonnent her
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Hverdagspsyken setter sammen med nye gjester hver uke ord på tabubelagte og stigmatiserte temaer som vi tenker, og føler på, men få av oss snakker om.
Dette er podcasten for deg som ønsker å utfordre egne perspektiver, samtidig som du lærer nye ting om hverdagspsyken til eget liv. Om det være seg i jobbsammenheng, privat eller som pårørende til noen som står i en vanskelig utfordring.
Lær og få unik innsikt fra spennende eksperter, fagfolk og mennesker som selv har stått i alt fra depresjon, selvmord, burnout, angst, traumer, til kjente og mer ukjente diagnoser. Gjestene deler sårbart og åpent om sin egen reise, mens fagpersoner supplerer med dybde innsikt og erfaringer.
Podcasten ønsker å løfte frem samfunnsutfordringer, temaer som trenger større plass og innsikt på områder vi kan bli bedre på som enkeltpersoner, fagfolk, systemnivå eller som samfunn generelt.
God lytting! -
Geir Aker hjelper profilerte personer med å ta kommandoen over eget liv, og samtidig dele kunnskap som skal inspirere lyttere til å ta kommandoen over sine liv. Han skal innom temaer som struktur, mot, motivasjon og utålmodighet.
Er du interessert i kommersielt samarbeid med Ta Kommandoen?
Ta kontakt på [email protected]
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
You beautiful human! Welcome to this channel dedicated to sharing the healing education our hearts and inner child have always needed to truly flourish. We talk self-worth, emotional healing, healthy boundaries, and the courage to live as your true self.
Together, we’re healing core wounds of unworthiness, shame, and trauma—while discovering new depths of self-acceptance, inner freedom, and belonging.
Each week, we dive into popular books by leading experts in psychology, neuroscience, personal growth, and spirituality, integrating key insights and tools to support your transformation.
But it’s not all serious self-healing though! I rope in Miracle Mike—my improvised ‘kid brother’—an orphan with a wide open heart—who reminds us that showing up, sipping on a Starbucks, and embracing the magic of the moment can be enough.
Choose to set yourself free with me—it’s never too late to liberate your brightest, most authentic self into the world. -
The Fear Alchemist, hosted by Ben Harris, is a conversational podcast that explores what happens when you embrace your fear and the freedom that lives beyond it. Ben is joined by some of the brightest minds and biggest hearts sharing how they have transmuted their own fear. Ben will also guide his guests through a Fear Alchemy experience of their own to discover where fear may still be limiting them.
"The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek."
- Joseph Campbell -
Bli den beste versjonen av deg selv!
Om du gjør SMÅ, men effektive teknikker hver eneste dag, så kan du få et liv som er positivt og godt hver dag – både fysisk og mentalt.
Gjennom mental trening og utvikling av deg selv og dine tanker vil du kunne oppnå ditt største potensiale. Herfra, så kan du få til alt du ønsker deg. Det krever at du ønsker å gjøre en endring, og det krever at du er villig til å gjøre den jobben som kreves.
Følg podcasten Litt Bedre for å ta steget videre i dag! -
Welcome to "The Blueprint," a podcast hosted by Jason Smith. The Blueprint is all about ditching your old plans so you can become the version of you that you always dreamed of being. The purpose is to help you improve your relationship with yourself and achieve high levels of personal growth. In each episode, Jason will guide you through different techniques and strategies to overcome your insecure attachment style, boost your self-confidence, and prioritize your health and fitness while diving into personal development.
Subscribe now and start building a better relationship with yourself, one step at a time.
Everyone has some level of fear in social situations. For you it might be meeting someone new, networking, dating, sales conversations, presenting, public speaking, or business meetings.
In order to get to the next level in your life, create better relationships, find love, earn more money, or advance in your career, you must overcome fear, social anxiety, and self-doubt. In order to be outstanding, you must have confidence.
That's where Dr. Aziz comes in. After struggling with shyness and social anxiety for 9 years, he decided to take life into his own hands and master confidence. A decade later, he is the world's leading expert on social anxiety and social confidence. He received a doctorate in clinical psychology from Stanford and Palo Alto Universities and now works as a confidence and success coach with people from all over the world.
This show contains the profound and immediately life-changing information he teaches high-paying clients every day. Learn from the best about how to overcome social fear, gain confidence in dating, public speaking, sales presentations, business meetings, and all of life.
I'm Maria, the Spiritual Homegirl! I'm a spiritual being and mental health professional who shares my wisdom, credentials, and experience to help you navigate the journey of the unknown and unexpected like a BOSS! I have been blessed to have been podcasting since 2016, and to have a global audience that spans 181 countries and over a million episode downloads since launching! I have been featured on NowThis News, ComplexNews, and Mantra Wellness magazine, to name a few! If you are ready for down-to-earth gems to help you grow to be your best self, tap in! Don't forget to subscribe to the Spiritual Homegirl Podcast on your favorite podcasting platform, and leave a review!
SMART Recovery® Podcast, a library of talks on addiction from the leading self-empowering peer support recovery group in the world. Enjoy entertaining, thought-provoking discussion with experts in the field of science-based addiction treatment and recovery.
SMART Recovery provides services for those overcoming addictions of all types. -
I believe when intelligent, caring women, like you, know how to live out their dreams, they change the world.
I'm here to help you channel your energy into a few things that light you up in a way that has you living from your highest potential to making an impact in a big way in your family, work and world.
I'm Janeen Alley. I'm a mom of 4, a life coach, yoga teacher, and productivity expert. And if you stay with me, I'll transform the way you're thinking about yourself and your time so you can go from the daily hustle to seamless significance. Let's go! -
Welcome to the WANTcast: The Women Against Talk Podcast -lessons in moving forward fearlessly, and spreading the (good) word. In each episode, writer, speaker, coach and WANT founder Katie Horwitch unpacks tips, tools, motivation and inspiration to help you shift your self-talk: the internal narrative you have on loop 24/7 that tells you who you are and who you should be. You can't change the world until you change YOUR world, first - and shifting your self-talk is where it all begins. Dive into topics such as confidence, fear, trust, body image, self-doubt, self-worth, relationships, career, friendships, social issues, and more. Walk away from each episode with hyper-actionable steps to shift your self-talk from reactive to proactive, as well as inspiration to keep going when the going gets tough. The goal isn't to change who you are - it's to BECOME who you know you're meant to be.
Get the show notes + more at -
A Sunny Side Up Life Podcast is a show for the woman who is ready to live an abundant life full of freedom + positivity. Break free from survival mode, gain financial freedom, stay motivated, and focus on what matters most. You're invited to join the movement and start living on the brighter side of life.
The Be Effective Podcast hosts conversations with some of the best trainers and instructors in the policing industry, where we discuss everything from law enforcement, training, current critical incidents, and wherever else the conversation goes. The Be Effective Podcast is hosted by Adam Haidary, the Founder & CEO of PolicePosts, Effective Fitness Training (EFT), and Effective Fitness Combatives (EFC).
Positive Proof Podcast is the ultimate cozy corner for all things lifestyle, wellness, and self-improvement. Hosted by Parmis Najmi, this podcast is a blend of heart-to-heart conversations, real-life stories, and tips for living your best life with confidence and grace.
Whether you're sipping on your morning coffee, getting ready for the day, or winding down after a long one, Parmis is here to make you feel like you're chatting with your best friend. Each episode brings a mix of inspiring thoughts, feminine charm, and practical advice to help you navigate life, love, and everything in between. From beauty secrets to mindset hacks, wellness tips to personal growth, Parmis is all about embracing who you are and stepping into the best version of yourself, one episode at a time.
If you're looking for a podcast that feels like a warm hug and leaves you feeling empowered and uplifted, this is the space for you. Tune in every Tuesday and join the journey—because with Positive Proof, you're always in great company.
Venninnepodden Podcast er din venninne på øret gjennom alt mulig i livet. Topper og daler. Gode dager og vanskeligere dager. Her deler jeg mine tanker, perspektiver og erfaringer. Gjennom mine år savnet jeg et sted hvor jeg kunne søke kunnskap, perspektiver, råd, erfaringer, alt. Jeg brukte mye tid på å finne dette fra alle slags mennesker jeg har møtt, og ikke møtt. Så innså jeg at det jeg søkte etter, er jeg ikke alene om å søke. Da kom drømmen om Venninnepodden. Du finner en ny episode her hver mandag. Vi poddes mine venner <3
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Velkommen til Hel med Mari. En podcast hvor vi utforsker alt som har med helhetlig helse, psykologi og selvutvikling å gjøre. Målet med podcasten er at du skal få motivasjon, kunnskap og inspirasjon til å bli bedre kjent med deg selv. Hele deg. Bli med når podcastvert Mari Westad snakker med dyktige og inspirerende personer som på hver sin måte enten jobber med, eller brenner for, helhetlig helse, psykologi og selvutvikling.
Les mer om podcasten her:
Se videoer fra episodene:
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Let the Rest Burn is the podcast for anyone ready for a different way to heal, connect, and release. It’s is a podcast for anyone who is asking for more from life, a life of full expression and true belonging. Each week, Coco Nelson, a Trained Trauma Therapist turned High Level Mentor, will guide you through your own personal transformation using the 12 shadow archtypes, innovative physiological techniques, and honest conversations. She's here to disrupt the traditional therapy model while redesigning the therapy process and can't wait for you to join. Tune in every Monday for a new episode!
Connect with Coco on Instagram @theevolvedtherapist to stay up to date with the show!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.