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This is Change Makers – the podcast bringing you ideas, life lessons and amazing stories from those making a difference in extraordinary times.
Powered by campaigns firm Seven Hills and hosted by Michael Hayman, this interview series delves into what makes leaders tick and looks at the contribution this empowers them to bring to the world.
This is the podcast for those who want to hear the optimism that comes from challenging the status quo.
Find your mission. -
Each Tuesday and Thursday, CNBC Fast Money contributors Dan Nathan and Guy Adami discuss the biggest market-moving headlines, providing their investment and trading insights.
These podcasts are available in podcast stores and on YouTube where you can see the charts each week. Follow us on Twitter @MRKTCall, subscribe in your favorite podcast stores, and sign up for updates at -
Kiek valstybės mokesčių politika verslą skatina veikti, o kiek trukdo? Kaip politikų sprendimai keičia kasdienius gyventojų piniginius reikalus? Kodėl mums turi rūpėti, kai kyla ar smunka kitų šalių ūkiai? Apie tai laida „Aukso amžius“ – antradieniais 18.12 val. per LRT RADIJĄ. Laidą veda žurnalistė Irma Janauskaitė.
Hosted by editor Catrin Griffiths and litigation editor Christian Smith, every second Thursday The Lawyer Podcast brings you our take on the top stories, trends and views moving the legal market.
For more news, analysis and data, go to The Lawyer Podcast can be contacted at [email protected]. -
Politikų veiksmai, keičiantys verslo aplinką, verslininkų požiūris į šalies aktualijas ir sprendimai, turintys įtakos kiekvieno žmogaus gyvenimui. Dešimt minučių svarbiausios informacijos apie verslą ir ekonomiką: dinamiškai, aiškiai ir koncentruotai. Rubrika „Verslo laikas“ transliuojama kiekvieną darbo dieną 7val. 45 minutės.
We cover emerging and prominent trends in political risk analysis. Run by international, fresh perspectives, we explore the landscape-changing developments needed in the business, civic, and governmental arenas.
London Politica is a unique political risk advisory run by international, fresh perspectives. Rooted in the London School of Economics, we have access to some of the world's best talent, tools, and talks. -
We're back! After nearly three years focusing on other projects, Steve Oatley is back, hosting his hit freight and logistics show, Freight Broker Live where he will continue to talk about the ups and downs of the freight industry and spill all of the freight broker's secrets to help carriers, brokers and logistics fanatics become everything they can be in this wild industry.
New Episodes air LIVE on YouTube every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at eight PM and are uploaded as a podcast the same night. -
Covering the latest themes in media, tech, and everything in between, and learning from the people and companies that are shaping our future. From Kindred Media, this is Kinsider.
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Tinklalaidė „Kas ten dedasi?“ kiekvieną savaitę sieks padėti klausytojui suprasti, kas ir kodėl dedasi pasaulyje. Naujienų sraute aktualiausias temas nušvies trys užsienio naujienų redaktoriai, Lukas Kivita, Aurimas Piečiukaitis ir Vykintas Pugačiauskas. Kitaip nei įprasta, klausytojas išgirs ne reportažą ar interviu, bet pačių žurnalistų diskusijas apie tai, kas ten dedasi.
The Bear Market Brief (BMB) podcast explores politics, economics, and their intersection in Russia, Ukraine, and the post-Soviet space. -