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Welcome to WOMAN — your go-to space for deep conversations and actionable insights to help you navigate everything it means to be a woman in today's world… relationships, success, purpose and motherhood— without losing yourself in the process.
I’m your host Alexi Panos, and as a Master Embodiment Coach I’ve spent the last 15+ years helping women from all over the world to come back home to themselves..…helping them break free from burnout, reclaim their feminine power, and create a life that feels as good as it looks.
And I’ve learned all of this the hard way.
From having 4 kids in under 4 years (hi chaos!), building 4 multi million dollar companies from the ground up, writing two best selling books, managing a successful real estate portfolio, and saving my marriage from the brink of divorce…I had to find a new way to do life, relationships and business.
The old way of pushing, proving, non-stop producing and trying to “do it all” and "be it all" to everyone was killing me.
So I combined my decade plus leadership and expertise in trauma, personal development, somatics and embodiment with a deep dive into reclaiming our integrated feminine wholeness as women and birthed a movement for women who were looking for a grounded approach to feminine work that truly meets them where they’re at...and helps them create a life of deep alignment and aliveness.
In this podcast, I’ll take you behind the scenes of what it really takes to:
✅ Build a thriving business without sacrificing your soul
✅ Nurture deeply fulfilling relationships
✅ Mother with presence and intention
✅ Feel the confidence and spark of being the woman you were born to be
We’ll explore how to:
✨ Redefine success on your terms
✨ Find your motivation without burnout
✨ Embody your feminine energy
✨ Create deeply nourishing relationships
✨ Fine-tune your emotional intelligence
✨ Regulate and expand your nervous system
✨ Integrate your inner masculine and feminine energies
✨ Learning how to Mother without the burnout, exhaustion and overwhelm
You’ll learn how to bridge the gap between the life you think you should be living and the one your soul is craving.
From heartfelt solo episodes to honest conversations with thought leaders and experts, each episode will leave you with practical tools and actionable insights to elevate your relationships, business, family life, and most importantly, your overall confidence and well-being.
Because true success isn’t just about checking off boxes — it’s about feeling alive, radiant, and deeply fulfilled in every area of your life.
💫 Topics You’ll Love:
• Balancing ambition with presence and ease
• Reclaiming your sensuality and aliveness
• Building healthy, thriving relationships
• Navigating motherhood without losing yourself
• Embodying your feminine power to create lasting success
If you’re ready to design a life that’s as juicy on the inside as it is on the outside, hit Subscribe and let’s dive in.
💖 This is your permission slip to slow down, reconnect, and reignite the spark within you.
Deep-diving conversations sharing women’s stories of embodying their power, healing holistically, working with cyclic wisdom from menstrual to menopause, opening to pleasure, carving out their own path and shining in their light while speaking their truth.
This is a place for women to come together to remember, share, and inspire each other, while always holding sacred the inherent wisdom available within each of us for our journey through life.
We explore our body as a muse and a real resource for coming back to our own truth again and again and again. Stand in your power and step into embodied leadership.
Cycle Wise is a reminder that it’s time to come home to you – living and feeling like a creative, powerful, turned on woman creating your own path in this life.
Hosted by Indigomoon Enemark, Women’s Wisdom Keeper & Mentor at
Read more at -
Hvis du er sulten på livet og gerne vil have mest muligt ud af det, så er du havnet det helt rigtige sted ❤️
I podcasten her, taler vi om at gøre noget, de fleste mennesker ikke er villige til. Nemlig at stå op kl. 05:00 for at bruge de første timer af dagen på at gøre noget godt og selvkærligt for sig selv, som giver overskud til resten af dagen.
Smid dine airpods i ørene og lyt med, når vi, kvinderne fra Boss Up!, deler ud af tips og tricks til at skabe dit bedste liv.
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Min mission med denne podcast er enkel - at gøre personlig udvikling SJOV, så mennesker vil udvikle sig selv. Gøre spiritualitet sexet, så alle ønsker at GENSKABE kontakten til sandheden om deres eksistens og derfra MANIFESTERE deres drømme. Gøre Coaching og Mentoring TILGÆNGELIG, så alle kan få støtte til at vokse og udvikle sig, og skabe de drømme, der indtil nu kun har været synlige i deres fantasi. De nævnte ting ovenfor har ÆNDRET mit liv.
De er ikke adskilte, de er uløseligt forbundet i mit arbejde med mine klienter.
Igennem de sidste 25 år har jeg læst og studeret hvordan mennesker, der har udviklet særlige evner, følger en bestemt vej til succes. Jeg kalder den Metoden til ultimativ succes.
Igennem mine forløb, mit Talent Academy, min bog ”Happy us Happy Boss”, mine online kurser, The Passion Academy og foredraget "Lykken er kun en tanke væk" er det mit højeste ønske at inspirere og motivere dig til at udleve dit fulde potentiale.
Ligegyldig hvilken baggrund du kommer fra, eller hvad du har med i din rygsæk, kan du opnå alt det du drømmer om i livet, og via denne podcast vil jeg lære dig hvordan.
Du kan lade dig inspirere af mennesker der har trådt stien foran dig, og som alle har sagt ja til at dele deres historie, med alle dens op- og nedture, i håbet om at inspirere endnu flere til at forfølge deres drømme.
Jeg lover, at jeg via denne podcast og via alle mine andre ydelser, vil hjælpe dig med at gøre personlig udvikling, sjovt og meningsfuldt, så vi kan fortsætte med at inspirere hinanden til at skabe endnu mere magi.
Om Dorte Lensfelt:
Livslykkeekspert, forfatter, business og karriere mentor, og stifter af Danmarks første kommercielle uddannelsesakademi, der forbinder krop, sind og ånd.
Læs mere om mig her: -
Velkommen til podcasten ”Kronisk Livsglæde”.
Podcasten, der får dig væk fra de 1000 undskyldninger og styrker din livsglæde.
Du starter en personlig rejse, hvor rejsen er målet. Du får tips til at forstørre de mange stjernestunder i hverdagen og formindske de udfordringer, du vil have mindre af.
Livet vil leves og alle dage er gode dage, hvis målet er mere livsglæde i hverdagen.
Min hverdag blev forandret på et øjeblik, men jeg har fundet en gave i sygdommen og det har betydet, at jeg i dag lever med kronisk livsglæde. Det ønsker jeg også for dig.
Jeg er Charlotte Scharling og din vært. -
Velkommen til en selvopdagelsesrejse mod indre selvtillid.
Selvopdagelsen er bekendelser og erkendelser om hvad der styrker tilliden til mig selv. En opdagelsesrejse til at leve mit liv som en hyldest til mit selv.
Podcasten består i sin færdig form af 24 episoder. Hver episode skildrer et grundvilkår og hvordan jeg håndterer det vilkår til at styrke min indre selvtillid. Min anbefaling er at se det som et katalog, lyt til de første episoder og derefter dem der kalder på dig.
Efter de 24 episoder er det tid til podcast om selvværd.
Forvent ikke at møde en ekspert, men at møde et menneske, der stræber og søger at stå solid, tillidsfuld og fri i mit eget selv. -
In this episode of the "Secret to Success" podcast, CJ hosts an engaging conversation featuring co-host Karl Wesley Phillips, Dr. King, ET and special guest Gersh King. The episode kicks off with the hosts catching up, sharing a light-hearted and humorous dialogue that sets the tone for an inspiring discussion.
Gersh King, a physical therapist known for his exceptional skills and dedication, shares his journey of personal and professional growth. He discusses his experiences with challenges such as homelessness, ADHD, and anxiety, and how he overcame them through intense dedication to his craft and personal development. Gersh emphasizes the importance of impact over monetary gain, explaining how he discovered fulfillment through service and honing his skills. He also delves into his rigorous routine, including his practice of lunges and a disciplined workout regimen inspired by figures like Bruce Lee.
The hosts touch on topics like the power of breathing techniques to manage anxiety and enhance focus. Gersh leads a brief breathing exercise to demonstrate how proper breathing can ground you and activate the parasympathetic system for relaxation. The conversation further explores philosophies from Bruce Lee, the significance of being authentic, and how to harness one's energy and skills to become a master in their field.
This episode is a deep dive into the mindset and practices required to achieve personal and professional mastery, offering listeners practical tips and inspiration to pursue their own paths to success. -
Do you work in medicine and love patient care but feel like parts of the job don’t measure up? Stimulus equips you with tools, mindset shifts, and strategies they didn’t teach you in training—so you can practice medicine like a boss, flourish in your career, and not let it crush your soul. Emergency physician and executive coach Rob Orman, MD, goes in-depth with thought leaders on how to avoid burnout, improve communication, lead without drama, and stay calm amidst the storm. Don’t just suck it up, think differently.
Podcasten TÆT PÅ er en podcast for dig, som gerne vil blive klogere på, hvordan det er at leve med en sygdom eller en tilstand, og for dig der gerne vil høre hvordan det er at være pårørende.Hvis du lige har fået en sygdom eller lige er blevet pårørende, så er mit håb, at når du har lyttet til min podcast, sidder du med en fornemmelse af at være blevet lidt klogere og måske i bedste fald føler, at det er blevet lidt lettere at leve med din sygdom og du ved at du ikke er alene.
Anxiety Slayer is an Award-Winning anxiety relief podcast with supportive tips, tools, and practices to help you calm anxiety, stress, PTSD, and panic attacks. Celebrating 700 episodes and over 13 million downloads! Visit to listen in and get our free Anxiety Slayer Starter Course.
Programmer der handler om at befri dig selv for stress og de evige bekymringer, så du kommer videre i livet.
Vi stiller skarpt på hvad stress er for en størrelse, hvordan du som lytter kan styrke din mentale sundhed og få redskaber til at befri dig selv fra stress og bekymringer.
Således at du får inspiration til at træde nye skridt og gøre noget anderledes fremover.
Du har mulighed for at skrive til os med dine spørgsmål.
Vi vil svare så mange lytterspørgsmål som det er muligt for os i programserien.
Lyt med og bliv en bedre udgave af dig selv. -
Samtaler om hvad vi er dannet af som mennesker, og hvordan vi lever fra vores Livskompas 🎙️ Dit livskompas er det indre guideværktøj, der hjælper dig med at mærke livet, træffe beslutninger og leve et liv i overensstemmelse med, hvem du virkelig er, og hvad du ønsker at opnå i livet. Det betyder at have modet til at følge den retning, som dit hjerte og intuition peger på, selv når det kan føles udfordrende eller går imod forventninger fra dine omgivelser 🌀 Livskompasset bringer dig viden, inspiration, perspektiver og personlige historier, der vil hjælpe DIG med at følge dit eget livskompas.
I denne podcast inviterer vi dig ind i vores verden, hvor vi deler vores personlige oplevelser med at have både autisme og adhd. Vi ønsker at belyse de unikke udfordringer og styrker, vi oplever som individer med begge diagnoser.
Fast vært er Kim Lund Nielsen, alias Springudautist, og gennemgående medvært er Helle Boysen Madsen, @autistadhdstriber
Vores tilgang til emnet involverer både vores egen erfaringsbaserede viden og den teoretiske viden, vi har tilegnet os. Vi ønsker at give en forståelse for, hvordan autisme og adhd kan påvirke både vores hverdag og vores sociale interaktioner.
Denne podcast er relevant for en bred vifte af lyttere - både dem med autisme eller adhd, og selvfølgelig dem med begge diagnoser, men også for pårørende og fagfolk. Vi ønsker at skabe et rum, hvor lyttere kan føle sig forstået, uanset hvilke udfordringer de står overfor, og hvor pårørende og fagfolk kan få et indefraperspektiv på livet med diagnoserne.
Hvert afsnit vil have sit eget fokus. Nogle afsnit vil dykke ned i en specifik diagnose, mens andre afsnit vil udforske samspillet mellem autisme og adhd. Vores samtaler vil foregå i en afslappet og humoristisk stemning, hvor vi deler vores erfaringer, bedste tip og vigtigste indsigter.
Vi ønsker at bane vejen for en ærlig samtale om, hvad det egentlig vil sige at navigere i en verden, der ikke altid er tilpasset vores unikke behov. Gennem vores podcast håber vi at opnå og skabe større forståelse og empati for både os selv og andre, der står i samme situation.
Make meaningful choices while still achieving your life goals. That’s one of the key takeaways from this podcast, featuring the successful serial entrepreneur and innovator Lasse Wiwe. He dives deep with people who fascinate him to educate, inspire, and empower you to unlock your best, most authentic self.
A podcast about personal and professional growth.
Life and business aren’t about having the most; they’re about having enough—both financially and personally. Tune in if you feel there’s more within you than what you’re currently achieving.
Learn more at:
By Master Coach Brenda Lomeli | Holistic Nutrition Specialist | Creator of The Last 10™ Method
On this podcast, I teach brilliant, driven, inspiring, high-achieving women how to STOP STRUGGLING with food and with their weight - so they can ENJOY results that they love.
On The Last 10 Podcast I give you the tools and strategies you need every. single. week. [New Episodes on Mondays!] to lose the weight you want to lose.
I have the tools and expertise to teach you how to lose the weight you want to lose (and be DONE with the exhausting weight struggle!) using my proven method and mindset strategies.
I am ON A MISSION to equip women from all walks of life be COMPLETELY DONE struggling with their weight & FEEL EMPOWERED in ALL areas of their lives- INCLUDING THIS ONE.
LISTEN EVERY WEEK for tools that will allow you to Understand Your Mind & Emotions as it relates to your weight goals and your relationship to food. We both know you're not lazy, far from it! You're a highly motivated woman who's never lacked ambition in any other area. You already know that simply printing out a new 'diet' won't be the solution because you've basically tried them all at this point ... and you end up returning to the same behaviors (caused by the same limiting mindsets) that keep you stuck.
This is why it's important to shift gears and actually understand your brain & emotions in order to experience new breakthroughs in a meaningful (SUPER-CONFIDENT!) and sustainable way.
It's simply a matter of understanding your mind.
...Let's get started!
GOING MENTAL was born out of host Eileen Kelly’s desire to reckon with the shame she felt around her mental health journey. Despite early career success, internal struggles and a crippling personality disorder drove Eileen to leave her exciting New York City life behind and seek treatment at McLean — one of the oldest mental hospitals in the country. After five months and some serious self-discovery, she returned to the outside world looking for a way to disseminate what she'd learned in treatment and connect to others with similar experiences.
Each week, along with personal stories from Eileen, she interviews some of today’s most compelling media figures, artists, authors, and celebrities about their own mental health journeys, along with a range of experts who provide information and support around various mental conditions.
New episodes releasing every Thursday.