TV & film – Letland – Populaire podcasts

  • Kino raidieraksts par filmām Latvijā un pasaulē kopā ar Ievu Augstkalnu, Līvu Polkmani un Rūtu Znotiņu. Vairāk mūsu sarūpētu kino jaunumu un ikdienas piezīmju meklējiet @kinocilveks, kā arī

  • "Piejūras klimats" – raidījums par kino, ko pārmaiņus vada Rīgas Starptautiskā kino festivāla (Riga IFF) radošā direktore Sonora Broka un publiciste, teātra režisore Marta Elīna Martinsone.

    Raidījumā tiekamies ar kino vēsturniekiem, teorētiķiem un ekspertiem, uzzinām ko tuvāk par kino balvām, vadošajām kino tendencēm un klasiku, uzklausām aculiecinieku iespaidus par apmeklētajiem kino festivāliem un gluži vienkārši svinam kino – atzīmējam ievērojamu režisoru jubilejas un izcilu filmu gadskārtas.

    Pārraides nosaukums ir atsauce uz latviešu kino klasiķa Rolanda Kalniņa nepabeigto filmu "Piejūras klimats" – pirmo spilgto postmodernisma pieteikumu Latvijas kino mākslā, kuras uzņemšana 1974. gadā tika traumatiski pārtraukta, tādējādi noslēdzot Latvijas kino no pasaules aprites un ierobežojot tā māksliniecisko brīvību. Šodien mēs varam tikai zīlēt – ja "Piejūras klimats" būtu pabeigts, iespējams, ka latviešu kino būtu nedaudz citādāks, ar savu "jauno vilni" ne tikai dokumentālajā, bet arī spēles kino žanrā...

    No 2025. gada janvāra raidījums kļuvis divreiz garāks. Ēterā tas ir ik piekto sestdienu pulksten 14.05, iekļaujoties jaunajā slejā "Klasika +" un lielāku uzmanību veltot analītikai. 

  • Оки Доки — это ночной разговор о документальном кино, подслушанный на кухне.

    Разрушаем стереотипы о доке как о кино для избранных и влюбляем в жанр даже тех, кто ничего о нем знает.

    Дерзко и чувственно обсуждаем жизнь и профессию с героями и героинями индустрии доккино: как работают над фильмами режиссеры, операторы и продюсеры, как устроена их карьера, в чем ценность и смысл работы документалиста сейчас.

    Новый выпуск каждые две недели.

    Осторожно: подкаст влюбляет в док.

    Ставьте подкасту оценки на платформе и пишите комментарии — это очень нас порадует!

    А если ваши намерения совсем серьезны, поддержите команду подкаста донатом из любой точки мира —

    Подписывайтесь на телеграм-канал Оки Доки — там все, что остается за пределами финальной звуковой дорожки, а также новости из индустрии доккино, анонсы показов, полезное, секретное и веселое.

    Ведущая: Надежда Задорожняя

    Продюсерка: Ксюша Вахрушева

    Обложка: Полина Безверхая

    Если вы хотите стать гостем подкаста, предложить новость или рекламную интеграцию, пишите на [email protected]

  • Kino Kulta podkāstā katru nedēļu mēs runāsim par un ap kino: kas notiek ar kino pasaulē, Latvijā un Kino Kultā.

    Podkāstu var atbalstīt Patreonā:

    Podkāstu vada: Sergejs Musatovs (@moosatov), Sergejs Timoņins (@snakerocks) un Līva Spandega (@liva.sp).

    Instagram, Twitter, Facebook: @kinokults

  • VIZL команда снимает уютный подкаст о кино, обзоры на новые фильмы и новости из мира кино.

  • A podcast giving you the missing commentaries and first hand insights from the film makers behind the streaming content you love!

    Watch the film in sync with the episode or at your own leisure.

    Hosted by Grant Sputore and David McDonnell.

    You can find us on instagram @thecommentarycast
    and follow our hosts @grantsputore and @isthatyoudave

  • The podcast where we watch all of your favorite television series of yesteryear and then discuss them over a glass of wine.

  • Must Have Seen TV is a podcast dedicated to the sitcoms of the 20th century, from "I Love Lucy" to "NewsRadio." Hosts Brett White (a.k.a. Barb Hardly) and Ethan Kaye travel to a different week from the 1900s to discuss one episode of a sitcom. Get ready for hot takes about cool shows! Podcast art by Dyna Moe

    Get bonus content on Patreon

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • A podcast about two friends coming to terms with their complicated relationship with the TV show Glee Support this podcast:

  • "Kino kults" līdzdibinātājs Sergejs Timoņins zina visu par jaunākajām filmām un seriāliem gan straumēšanas servisos, gan kinoteātros. Klausies un nepalaid garām to, ko vērts noskatīties! 

  • Honest interviews with filmmakers. Cinematographer Edgar Dubrovskiy interviews documentarians, music film directors, agents and more.
    New episode every Wednesday. Instagram: @edgardubrovskiy,

  • The podcast where comedians Nash Flynn (@itsnashflynn) and Jon Drake (@DrakeGatsby) talk about Top Chef

  • This podcast goes in depth in the Holocaust and the life of Irena Sendler.

  • The podcast that covers the movies that help you identify your friends...and maybe make a few more along the way. Every week, Jacob, Cody, and Marten introduce a new title into their ever-growing collection of shared favorites, break them down to the basics, and decide whether or not they deserve to be bestowed with the oh-so-holy award of being a Certified Facemelter. What spine number will they cover this week? Tune in and find out.

  • Entertainment Weekly's Untold Stories podcast, hosted and produced by entertainment journalist Tre'vell Anderson, is a closer look at LGBTQ+ representation in Hollywood from both sides of the camera,
    Season 1 features conversations with some of our favorite LGBTQ+ entertainers about the queer legends, icons, and contemporaries who inspired their own work and art. 
    Season 2: Beyond the Binary contributes to popular discourse about representation on and off screen through the lens of the nonbinary actors, musicians, artists and writers paving their own ways.
    For more please visit

  • We discuss movies we’ve just watched. We give our amazing and informed opinions on them and probably talk about some other stuff along the way

  • Filmmakers Uncut is a podcast for aspiring filmmakers & videographers. Each episode features interviews with experienced professionals in the industry, as well as tips, tricks, & advice on how to succeed in the world of film & video. Whether you're just starting out or you're a seasoned pro looking to learn new skills, Filmmakers Uncut has something for everyone. Join us as we explore the creative process, the business side of the industry, & the latest trends & technologies in the field. Tune in for actionable insights & inspiration to help you take your filmmaking career to the next level.

  • SHOT! è un podcast in cui si chiacchiera di cinema, serie tv, fumetti e videogiochi. Il format principale è composto da una scaletta ben precisa dove si discute di una serie di news, di un film uscito da poco e di ciò che abbiamo visto/letto/giocato tra un episodio e l'altro. In più c'è B-Side, un format secondario e più libero nella proposizione di contenuti (sempre incentrati sull'intrattenimento): può trattarsi di una monografia o di un evento speciale e soprattutto non avrà un presentatore fisso.