«Vahetund Tartu Postimehega» on iganädalane taskuhääling Tartu kuumimatest teemadest, kus saavad sõna meie allikad ja ajakirjanikud.
Omalaadne julgeoleku briifing avalikkusele, sest tavaliselt analüüsitakse sellel tasemel vaid suletud uste taga.
Saates keskendutakse sise- ja välispoliitikale, kaitseküsimustele, haridusele, ühiskonna- ja keskkonnateemadele ning muudele päevapoliitiliselt olulistele küsimustele.
Saatejuhid on Kaja Kärner, Arp Müller ja Mirko Ojakivi."Reporteritund" on eetris T-N kell 14.05, kordusena kell 19.05.
[email protected] -
See pole saade autopededele, vaid lihtsalt inimesele, kes oskab autoga sõita ja kes tahab meie seltsis pool tundi mõnusalt aega veeta. Saatejuhid on Tarmo Tähepõld ja Martin Mets.
Vikerraadio saade "Kajalood" kaardistab valitud persooni sügavamaid kihistusi, mida palja silmaga ei näe. Saate autor on Kaja Kärner. Saade on eetris laupäeviti kell 12.05, kordusena pühapäeviti kell 6.
Kajalood mõõdab mere sügavust - helisignaal saadetakse laevalt veekogu põhja, see kiirgab alusele tagasi ja kajalood arvestab sekundid meetriteks. Vikerraadio saade "Kajalood" kaardistab valitud persooni sügavamaid kihistusi, mida palja silmaga ei näe. Saate autor on Kaja Kärner.
"Kajalood" on eetris laupäeviti kell 12.05, kordusena pühapäeviti kell 6. -
Äripäeva raadio saated on nüüdsest järelkuulatavad https://raadio.aripaev.ee või Äripäeva äpis! Eesti juhtiva majanduslehe raadio, kus teemaks päevakajalised majandus- ja poliitikateemad ning praktilised soovitused nii isikliku, ettevõtte edu kui rikkuse kasvatamiseks.
"Kukkuv õun" on Kuku raadio loodus-teadussaade, mis uurib mõnda teadussaavutust, -nähtust, -valdkonda või -probleemi.
A Pediatric Podcast here to feed pediatric knowledge food to your adult-sized brain hole & provide weight-based dosings of fun.
Paramedic training is over, you’re in the front seat now. Whether day 1 or day 1,000 you can’t shake the fear you’re underprepared. You were taught to systematically decide if A... do B. But what if “A” wasn’t in the book? The truth is each emergency call is too unique to teach the right response to every situation. We need to go beyond algorithmic thinking and understand deeper principles, the WHY behind the algorithm. When every decision counts you want to rely on a framework that will guide you when things don’t make sense. EMS cast is your resource to build that framework. Through discussions with experts, review of evidence-based best practices, and real-world case studies we teach you one step past what you learned in paramedic school. But all of this advanced education is connected back to the guiding principles that answer the question- “at the end of the day, what actually matters to the patient I have in front of me?” Our mission is to elevate your practice and help you improve patient outcomes in every emergency situation. You may not feel ready, you may not feel like you know enough, but by understanding the guiding principles of emergency medicine you can become an expert EMS clinician. Because what you do matters.
Do you work in medicine and love patient care but feel like parts of the job don’t measure up? Stimulus equips you with tools, mindset shifts, and strategies they didn’t teach you in training—so you can practice medicine like a boss, flourish in your career, and not let it crush your soul. Emergency physician and executive coach Rob Orman, MD, goes in-depth with thought leaders on how to avoid burnout, improve communication, lead without drama, and stay calm amidst the storm. Don’t just suck it up, think differently.
Saade on eetris esmaspäevast neljapäevani kell 11:10. Saadet saab järele kuulata ja alla laadida 100 päeva.
Tehnoloogiakommentaariga on eetris Raadio 2 tehnikaguru, Tallinna Ülikooli professor Kristjan Port.
Kuula varasemaid Portaale ERR-i arhiivist!
Saade on eetris esmaspäevast neljapäevani kell 11:10.
Kirjuta meile saatesse r2[ät]err.ee
*Saadet saab järele kuulata ja alla laadida 100 päeva. -
Majandussaates Buum vaatlevad ja analüüsivad toimuvat Raivo Vare, Anto Liivat ja Ott Pärna.
Conversations about science, technology, history, philosophy and the nature of intelligence, consciousness, love, and power. Lex is an AI researcher at MIT and beyond.
The Merck Manuals pits myths against medical degrees. Should you put butter on a burn? Drink coffee to sober up? Feed a cold and starve a fever? On this podcast, physicians from around the country set the record straight and help you make more informed decisions about your health. For listeners in the U.S. and Canada, visit MerckManuals.com to learn more. For those outside the U.S. and Canada, visit MSDManuals.com for more information.
I’m Peter McCormack. I have questions.
The Resus Tonight team is curious to learn how critical care & emergency nursing can be better. The team translates research into everyday clinical practice, challenge the sacred cows of nursing and occasionally rant.
Kokkusaamised toimuvad öösiti ülikooli raamatukogu ovaalse lauaga kaminasaalis, lektoreiks on kultusõppejõud erinevatest maailma ülikoolidest. Ise nimetavad nad seda kõike Ööülikooliks.
Ühest unenäost -
A podcast to discuss anesthesiology topics for residents, medical students, and more!
All opinions and views expressed on this podcast are my own. Information does not represent medical advice and does not reflect the views, opinions or positions of my place of work or employers.
Find us online at https://www.stylepointspodcast.com/
Pulmonary and Critical Care content for learners and practitioners of all levels
The 2 View is a podcast featuring EM clinicians Martha Roberts NP and Michael Sharma PA. The podcast discusses hot topics in EM and urgent care for advanced practice providers. The podcasts features literature reviews, case studies, controversial topics, and innovative approaches to the emergent and urgent care patient.
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