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'n Ma & 'n Mikrofoon is 'n podcast wat die wêreld van die moderne Afrikaanse ma weerspieel. Aanbieder Daniëlla van Heerden (self 'n ma van twee) voer openhartige gesprekke met kenners en spesiale gaste. Die fokus is nie net babas en kinders se gesondheid nie, maar ook ma's se emosionele welstand.
Hier sal jy saam lag vir daardie oomblikke wat net 'n ma kan verstaan - soos dat vyf minute alleen in die motor soms kan tel as "me-time"!
Meer ernstige onderwerpe soos postpartum depressie, tantrums en boelies word egter ook openlik bespreek.
Alledaagse én bekende ma's kom kuier ook in die ateljee om hulle stories te deel.
'n Ma & 'n Mikrofoon sal jou inspireer, bemagtig en herinner dat jy (ten spyte daarvan dat jy soms twyfel) altyd die beste ma is vir jou kind.
'n Ma & 'n Mikrofoon is a podcast that reflects the world of the modern Afrikaans mom.
Host Daniëlla van Heerden (herself a mom of two) engages in candid conversations with experts and special guests.
The focus extends beyond the health of babies and children to encompass the emotional well-being of mothers.
Here, you'll share laughter for those moments only another mom can understand – like how five minutes alone in the car can sometimes count as "me-time"!
However, more serious topics such as postpartum depression, tantrums, and bullying are also openly discussed.
Everyday and well-known moms alike drop by the studio to share their stories.
'n Ma & 'n Mikrofoon will inspire, empower, and remind you that, despite moments of doubt, you are always the best mom for your child. -
From Dr Ruth Glynne-Owen, founder of the Blue Sky Autism Project and creator of the Play2Talk therapy model comes Play2Pod, a podcast for parents, carers, families and friends of toddlers who may be experiencing some developmental challenges. It is a platform to share some amazing stories of hope from families who have been on the long journey to diagnosis for their little one. We will also be sharing interviews and advice from experts in autism, early intervention and speech and communication therapy from all over the world. Come and join us as we talk about what helps, what hurts and how we can all continue to smash through the glass ceilings that we encounter along the way!
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
How do I actually push during labor? Should I get an epidural? Why is breastfeeding so hard? What exactly is Pitocin, and how much will induce labor? Is there a secret to having a successful VBAC? What happens if I poop during labor *shudder*? And oh yeah, how do I take care of a newborn?
I know you’ve got a ton of questions and fears when it comes to giving birth. How? Because I’ve delivered thousands of babies as a labor nurse! I’ve seen it all...and as @labor.nurse.mama on IG, I’ve helped mamas all over the world stand up to their fears and walk into the labor room with confidence.
The Birth Experience with Labor Nurse Mama is here to guide you through every step of your pregnancy, labor, and delivery. I’ll show you how to embrace your inner feminine wisdom and teach you to feel totally comfortable owning the labor room.
Your body was made to deliver this baby, mama...let’s face all those fears and doubts and answer those nagging questions — so you can be ready for the most important day of your life! -
There’s a student loan debt crisis in America, but “College Doesn’t Have to be a DEBT Sentence.”~Denise Thomas; Each Thursday, join Denise Thomas, author, speaker, & creator of Cracking the Code to Free College as she brings clarity and wisdom to what’s real, and what’s not, shattering the myth that college debt is inevitable. We’ll talk about scholarships, student loans, financial aid, academics, college admissions, and what it takes to succeed. Denise is a homeschool mom of more than 20 years whose children attended college on 17 scholarships for 4 years debt-free with cash left over. If your children are college-bound or you just want to hear some great education and financial advice, this is the podcast for you.
Neka Nova Priča je podcast u kojem osobni rast poprima jednu novu dimenziju, u kojem sustavno pomičemo granice mogućeg, preispitujemo sve što je 'normalno' te nudimo alate i uvide koji vode u proces kreiranja života koji je toliko dobar da nam od istog ne treba odmak niti 'pauza'. Kako znam? Jer jedan takav živim. Uz četvero djece, nekoliko biznisa i kontinuiranu posvećenost vlastitom rastu i evoluciji - ovo je mjesto gdje dijelim svoja razmišljanja, svoje spoznaje i sve što učim dok se krećem i stvaram još više. Dobrodošli, jako mi je drago što ste tu!
Pozdravljeni v najbolj poslušanem slovenskem podcastu za starše in bodoče starše, kjer z različnimi gosti pokrivamo tako strokovne kot lifestyle tematike, ki se navezujejo na otroke, vzgojo in starševstvo. Več zapisov in epizod lahko najdete na, za kakšno idejo, komentar ali vprašanje pa pišite kar na [email protected] 💙
Every week, I deconstruct one big idea around creative work, human behavior, and mental philosophy while giving you practical insights on how to apply these teachings to your life.
Topics we are dedicated to dissecting for you: spirituality, personal growth, psychology, social media, business, health, fitness, philosophy, culture, and everything else that will lead to a life of freedom and happiness. -
My Dyslexic Life by Vanessa Victor is an honest, no holds barred account of what it's like to be an adult dyslexic today.
Vanessa didn't know she was dyslexic until she was in her 40's and her journey to self discovery has been quite a ride!
If you are looking for some help with your or your child's dyslexia, come and see us
We would love to help you thrive in life. -
Psychotrip - Eine Reise durch die Welt der Psychologie in 80 Folgen.
Psychologie ist mehr als Couchen und abgeschlossene Türen. Dass sich hinter dem Namen dieser Naturwissenschaft noch viel mehr verbirgt, möchten wir gerne mit diesem Podcast zeigen. Das Prinzip: Eine*r von uns stellt kurz ein Thema vor, der oder die Andere lässt sich davon überraschen - zum Beispiel interessante Phänomene aus der Sozial- oder Arbeitspsychologie oder Effekte unseres Gehirns. Dazu diskutieren wir fröhlich verbundene Themen und lernen gemeinsam etwas Neues.
Kontakt: [email protected] -
Personal growth and development. Rejecting the toxic ideologies of masculinity. Reclaiming true manhood. Nick Chontos discusses the issues at the core of becoming the best actualized version of yourself as a man. Raising the bar in Fatherhood, Marriage, Business, Finances, Health and all things MANLY.!
Il mondo della genitorialità non ha più segreti per Diletta Leotta: ha imparato tutto quello che c’è da sapere e ora non ha più nessun dubbio! Beh ma magari…
Nella quarta stagione di “Mamma Dilettante”, il podcast dedicato alla genitorialità, Diletta approfondirà in compagnia di molti amici e tantissimi nuovi argomenti legati al meraviglioso universo che lega genitori e figli, per superare i dubbi che naturalmente si formano a proposito del “mestiere più difficile del mondo”.
Niente paura, è tutta una scoperta!
Produzione Dopcast -
In this unfiltered podcast about infertility, journalist and mom-of-two Ali Prato, who went through secondary infertility and IVF herself, talks to women—and some men—about the messy, frustrating, painful, heartbreaking, absurd and sometimes humorous journey to have a baby. Or in some cases, to not have a baby. Each episode tells a different story about family building, getting real about miscarriages, egg freezing, sperm and egg donation, IUIs, endometriosis, male factor infertility, adoption, surrogacy, genetic testing, single parenting by choice, LGBTQ+ fertility, living childless not by choice, depression, relationship issues, money issues, jealousy, PTSD, and so much more. Ali covers all of the outcomes in this safe, non-judgement zone: the happy endings, the soul-crushingly sad ones, and the ones still in limbo.
Goddess Confessions is where Sheneka Adams opens the door to deep, transformative conversations for women who are ready to embody their highest selves. With raw honesty and empowering insights, Sheneka dives into self-improvement, divine femininity, relationships, spirituality, self-love, and so much more. Each episode is designed to inspire, challenge, and guide you as you elevate into your Goddess journey—ever-changing, ever-growing, and unapologetically glowing.
Are you a high achieving woman ready to have more energy and sexual desire again, but feel stuck because you are too busy, feel overwhelmed, and don’t want one more thing on your “to do” list?
Congratulations brave one, The Find Your Feminine Fire podcast is for you.
In this podcast, renowned Sex and Relationship Expert Amanda Testa shares what it really takes to have incredible sex, enjoy deeply connected relationships, and light yourself up from the inside out.
Over the years, Amanda has guided thousands on transformative journeys to heal their relationship with their sexuality, fully embrace pleasure without shame, own their electrifying confidence, and have epic relationships.
Listen in to discover how to fan the flames of your Feminine Fire, fall in love with your sensual self again, and experience intimacy like never before - all in a way that feels really good to your system.
Ready To Get Your Feminine Fire Back? Head to for free goodies and your Free Sensuality Activation!
Join my FB community here: -
Most of us hardly spend any time understanding how humans work. How we work.
When we want to make changes in our work, life, relationships, health and more, we take on snippets of information and advice. If the information and advice is sound and we act on it, things start to change.
The purpose of this podcast is to expand our understanding of how we work, particularly how our brain works. Making physical changes in our brain will make real changes to life. And the biggest thing we need to understand and work on is our habits.
We are a collection of habits and up to 80% of what we do each day can be down to habits we have formed consciously and unconsciously.
I take a look at the science of why we do what we do and more importantly how to make changes and create habits, routines and systems which will help improves lives.
I also talk to guests who can shed more light on why we do what we do, and other guests who share the challenges they faced and how they made changes.
I am a performance and change coach working with people who want to make changes in their life, work, and future. I focus on helping people build habits, routines, and systems because these are the foundations where change happens. -
Es gibt nur einen Weg zu einem erfüllten Leben: Hör auf, dich zu verbiegen und zeig dich in deiner wahren Natur! Hier im Podcast bestärke ich dich, das zu tun was sich für dich richtig gut anfühlt - egal was andere von dir denken. So erschaffst du ein Leben voller Zufriedenheit, Achtsamkeit, Liebe und Erfolg. Und: Ich spreche ganz offen und unverblümt über Themen, die gerne ausgeklammert werden. Als Coachin und Mentorin zeige ich mich so wie ich bin: echt, verletzlich & menschlich.