Waargebeurde misdaad – Populaire podcasts

  • A young woman murdered. A crime shrouded in secrecy. A killer who walked away.

    Who killed Rachelle Childs?

    Innocent people, silenced by fear for decades, are breaking their silence. For Rachelle.

    For more than two decades, her family and friends have fought for answers.

    They believe her case is solvable. They believe her killer is still alive.

    For decades, they’ve suffered while police let the trail grow cold.

    Now Rachelle’s younger sister Kristy has teamed up with a crew of investigative experts, to re-open the case with the aim of bringing about justice.

    Dear Rachelle is hosted and investigated by journalist Ashlea Hansen, who teams up with retired detective and renowned cold case specialist Damian Loone.

    You can hear podcast episodes up to three weeks early with a News Corp Australia subscription by visiting dearrachelle.com.au. It also grants you exclusive access to videos, interactive evidence, behind the scenes and extras.

    Dear Rachelle is a podcast by True Crime Australia.

  • Iskallt, brutalt och svindlande ofattbart. Svenska fall podcast bjuder in dig till en unik inblick i mordfallen som skakade Sverige.Nya avsnitt varje tisdag.Producerat av Brand New Content - i samarbete med Perfect Day Media och Viaplay

  • Jacob Haendel has been handed a death sentence. He has a terminal progressive disease that's eating away at the white matter of his brain. In six months, he'll be dead.

    As the months progress, Jake slips into a coma, laying there in total darkness. But something odd has happened... Jake is fully conscious.

    Nobody knows that he can hear them. They’re certain he's no longer in there.

    With the promise that Jake will never recover, friends and family visit less and less. Until there is just one person left. A person who begins to whisper strange admissions in his ear.

    It is here, helpless in his hospital bed, that Jake realizes what may have gotten him here in the first place. The scariest thing in the room is no longer the potential of dying, but rather, the person sitting right next to him.

    This is Blink, the untold true story and survival of Jacob Haendel.

  • Fact is scarier than fiction. Subscribe to Casefile Premium to receive ad-free episodes released one week early, along with access to bonus Q&A’s, our exclusive show ‘Behind the Files’, and more.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • První český true crime podcast o zločinech, které možná znáte, ale určitě o nich nevíte všechno. Navrch přidáváme špetku černého humoru a zákulisních detailů. Náš /Klub s prémiovým obsahem a veškeré informace najdeš na webu https://www.opravdovezlociny.czPředplatným získáš přístup k bonusovým sériím Vaše tajemné příběhy a Blbý kecy na platformě Spotify https://creators.spotify.com/pod/show/opravdovezlociny/subscribe

  • Hvad får mennesker til at begå den ultimative forbrydelse?


    Mørkeland er en ugentlig samtalepodcast, der gennem mere end seks år har beskæftiget sig med to ældre kriminalsager hver mandag. Vi taler primært om danske forbrydelser, men også til tider udenlandske, når noget tankevækkende melder sig. Formålet er at udforske sindets mørke og forsøge at komme årsagerne til drab nærmere, mens vi samtidig bliver klogere på dansk kriminalhistorie, indretningen af vores retssystem samt vores egen fascination af mørket i livet.


    Udover de ugentlige sager kommer vi begge med anbefalinger til andet godt indhold inden for genren. Du finder alle vores anbefalinger gennem årene lige her: moerkeland.dk/pages/ugens-anbefalinger.


    Episode 1 blev udgivet 19. februar 2018, og nye afsnit udkommer hver mandag.


    Facebook: @moerkeland

    Instagram: @moerkelandpodcast

    Mail: [email protected]


    Musik: Bensound

    Værter: Camilla Bjerregaard Aurvig og Kristine Sofie Bugbee

  • Posłuchaj o seryjnych zabójcach, tajemniczych zaginięciach i zbrodniach z Archiwum X. W każdy poniedziałek przedstawiam inną sprawę kryminalną. Pamiętaj o zaobserwowaniu podcastu, wystawienia oceny i włączenia powiadomień (przycisk dzwoneczka). Kontakt: [email protected], Instagram @marcinmyszka1

  • Yo, klik lonceng notofikasinya yo :p || Buat kalian pecinta horor kalaian udah dateng ke podcast yang tepat. Kita akan menyajikan berbagai Cerita Mistis yang bakal di bawain oleh Narasumber langsung atau di bawain sama Host kita Jamal. Jadi jangan lupa follow podcast ini dan follow juga instagram kita di @lenteramalam.id biar kita bisa lebih deket lagi sama kalian. Dan kalo kalian mau cerita horor yang paling update, bisa mampir ke YouTube Lentera Malam.

  • Current and classic episodes, featuring compelling true-crime mysteries, powerful documentaries and in-depth investigations.

    Follow now to get the latest episodes of Dateline NBC completely free, or subscribe to Dateline Premium for ad-free listening and exclusive bonus content: DatelinePremium.com

  • Canal de Misterio, Relacionado a lo Forense e investigación Criminal, Criminalistica, Criminologia, Casos sin resolver, asesinos en serie, relatos forenses, relatos de la morgue, y todo lo relacionado al mundo criminal con el objetivo de estudiar la mente criminal, para quienes gustan de estos temas.

  • For over 30 years, the murder of 23-year-old Dana Ireland haunted the island of Hawai‘i, leaving behind a tangled web of suspicion, betrayal, and unanswered questions. Three men were convicted. The case was closed. Justice was served. Or so everyone thought.

    Hosted by Amanda Knox - an exoneree, journalist, public speaker and best-selling author - this Season of THREE takes you deep into a case that was never as simple as it seemed. Through never-before-heard interviews and unwarranted access, we’ll walk you through this notorious crime and how it impacted three families - The Ireland’s, The Schweitzer’s and The Pauline’s all in very different ways. And the shocking discovery that changed everything.

    Someone got away with murder. Until now.

    This is THREE Season 2: Murder in Vacationland.

  • Historias reales de crimen y criminales. Escrito y presentado por Clara Tiscar.

    Temporada 4, producido por PodiumPodcast.

  • Привет, интернет! Меня зовут Маруся.

    Здесь я читаю страшные истории своих подписчиков

    Свои истории отправляйте сюда:

    [email protected]

  • At 25, Hannah’s life begins falling apart. An anonymous intruder has made her phone her enemy. Aided by the technology we all rely on, this intruder is watching Hannah, threatening her, even pretending to be her. Feeling increasingly unsafe, Hannah goes to the police, but they can’t stop it. Worse, they don’t even recognise it for what it is: stalking. Hannah doesn’t know for sure who is behind it all, but she suspects an older man she met more than two years earlier at London Fashion Week. Initially, he claimed to have been hacked. Even today, he disputes stalking her. To make sense of what’s happening Hannah turns to a woman she’s known since she was seven years-old, and who also happens to be an investigative journalist. Together with her “ex-step mum” Carole Cadwalladr, they set out to piece together something the police couldn’t: the true identity of Hannah’s stalker. Doing so means untangling a web of deception spanning continents. On her suspected stalker’s trail, Hannah realises nothing about them is as she first thought.

  • Hva foregår egentlig inne i hodene til de sykeste drapsfolkene? Ser hjernen deres annerledes ut enn andres? Hvordan har de blitt så gærne? Og går det an å kjenne seg igjen i dem? Dette prøver skuespiller og true crime-entusiast Jonas Hoff Oftebro og rettspsykolog Susanne Nordby Johansen å finne ut av, når de analyserer personligheten, omgivelsene og handlingene til verdenshistoriens verste mordere. ADVARSEL: Denne podkasten kan inneholde sterke skildringer. Produsert av Monster Podkast for Podplay/Bauer Media

  • 兩個女人講吓世界各地嘅奇案、懸案嘅廣東話podcast。吹水為主,唔好太認真。
    Linktree: https://linktr.ee/waterblowingmysteries
    || IG: waterblowingmysteries || FB: waterbl0wingmysteries || MeWe: 吹水奇懸 ||
    主題音樂:Curiosity by Hye In Jeong (https://youtu.be/mv4Sw9B7kPQ)

  • Londra, 18 giugno 1982. Sotto il Ponte dei Frati Neri viene trovato il cadavere di un uomo impiccato. È Roberto Calvi, ex presidente del Banco Ambrosiano.
    Suicidio o omicidio? Quali segreti si nascondono dietro la sua morte?
    Questa non è solo la storia della fine di uno dei banchieri più potenti d’Europa, ma un’indagine nelle pieghe di un sistema in cui il Banco Ambrosiano, lo IOR, la loggia P2, la Mafia e i servizi segreti si muovono nell’ombra, tra Roma, Londra e il Vaticano.
    Attraverso interviste inedite, Nicolò Majnoni prova a fare luce su cosa è accaduto davvero a Calvi, stretto nella morsa del Vaticano, della Mafia e di una loggia massonica segreta. Un viaggio alla ricerca di verità nascoste su uno dei più grandi misteri della storia italiana.
    "Il Banchiere di Dio" è una produzione originale Vois, basata sul podcast God's Banker di Crooked Media e Campside Media.
    Online ogni lunedì su tutte le piattaforme audio in contemporanea con gli USA.

    Testi di Nicolò Majnoni con il supporto autoriale di Guido Guenci.
    Adattamento e ricerche aggiuntive a cura di Guido Guenci.
    Interviste originali di Simona Zecchi
    Fonici di presa diretta Antonio Mezzadra e Veronica Buscarini.
    Musiche originali di Nicolò Majnoni e Mark McAdam. 
    Post produzione e sound-design di Antonio Mezzadra.
    Produzione a cura di Giovanna Surace
    Supervisione alla produzione Andrea Maltagliati
    Si ringrazia Radio Radicale per aver concesso l’utilizzo del suo archivio audio disponibile su www.radioradicale.it
    Le fonti dei contributi sono disponibili a questo link.
    Si ringraziano per Crooked Media i produttori esecutivi Giancarlo Bizzarro, Katie Long, Sarah Geismer e Alison Falzetta; per Campside Media Josh Dean, Vanessa Gregoriadis, Adam Hoff, Matt Shaer e Yi-Wen Lai Tremewan

  • Un podcast de comedia donde cada semana exploramos casos crimen real fenómenos paranormales y eventos históricos peculiares, notorios o fantásticos. José Antonio Badía: @Elbadiablo Eduardo Espinosa: @NingunEduardo Mario López Capistrán: @MarioLopezCapi

  • A body is pulled from the ocean, and a race against time to capture one of the world's most wanted criminals begins.

    This is the story of a con man who couldn't stop lying. A tale of murder, stolen identities, fine art, a diaper stuffed with gold bars, and a crime solved by a Rolex watch. From rural Canada to coastal England, he lied and deceived at every turn.

    Award-winning podcaster Sam Mullins (Chameleon: Dr. Dante & Wild Boys) takes you inside the world of a devious scammer whose trail of destruction crosses continents and decades. So who is he? And how did this ruthless villain finally get unmasked?

    About UNCOVER: Crime. Investigation. Revelation. Uncover brings you explosive, high-caliber true crime year-round. From CIA mind control to serial abuse, mysterious disappearances to wrongful imprisonment. Each season features a new host who is deeply connected to the story, committed to tracking down the truth. With new episodes weekly, and over twenty seasons to choose from, Uncover represents the best in true crime.

    For early access to episodes, plus ad-free listening, visit apple.co/cbctruecrime.

  • In de podcast 'In de greep van Gaslighting' delen zeven mensen hun ervaringen met gaslighting. Gaslighting is een vorm van emotionele manipulatie, die maakt dat je steeds meer gaat twijfelen aan jezelf en aan je eigen waarneming. Omdat dit proces vaak klein begint en langzaam opbouwt, kun je cruciale signalen missen en merk je het vaak pas op wanneer het aan je zelfvertrouwen begint te knagen. Interviewer Fen Verstappen neemt je iedere aflevering mee langs de verhalen van de sprekers. Naast de ervaringsverhalen, deelt ook psycholoog en gaslighting-expert Alice Vlottes haar inzichten.

    'In de greep van Gaslighting' is een initiatief van Psychologie Magazine, iedere maandag vind je een nieuwe aflevering online. Je kunt alle afleveringen beluisteren als je je registreert voor de Mijn Magazines app.

    Vermoed je dat je zelf te maken hebt met gaslighting en wil je je niet langer laten ondermijnen? Volg dan onze online training 'Bescherm jezelf tegen gaslighting’ die je kunt vinden op psychologie.nl/gaslighting.