Komedie – Tsjechië – Nieuwe podcasts
Otevřené rozhovory s lidmi, kteří se nestydí. www.petrsoukup.cz
A podcast of 5 best friends talking about life, culture, and just about everything else. Share some laughs with us and enjoy the show
• Miloš Pokorný https://www.instagram.com/pokorny_milos/
• Patrik Hezucký https://www.instagram.com/patrikhezucky/
• Zdeněk Pohlreich https://www.instagram.com/zdenek_pohlreich
A few comedians… probably
Name von Podcast UFO geklaut.
Not an encyclopedia, just the opposite. Join hosts Becky Fleckner and Jed Krivisky on a hilarious and hard lean into ignorance as they explore common topics we know we don't know about. We probably should've learned these things in school, anyone can Google it, but isn't it more fun to just say "I dunno" sometimes? It's easy to learn things, it's even easier not to.
In 3 Staffeln zu je 10 Folgen geht's hier zu wie bei den berühmten 'Waschweibern'. Tratsch und Klatsch...mit Augenzwinkern!
Podcast monolog ngalor ngidul.
Hallo wir heißen Corinna und Mauritius und kommen aus Wien. Wir sind ein Paar und haben uns vorgenommen jeden Tag einen kurzen Podcast über unseren Tag aufzunehmen und zu veröffentlichen. Wir sprechen zu unseren zukünftigen Ichs. Wir machen das, damit wir in unserer Pension jeden Abend was zum Lachen haben. Yeah!
talking cat
Ya.. ini mah gitu deh.. gatau mau di terusin gatau engga..
Zábavné a odážné rozhovory dvou přátel o vztazích; seznamování, rozchodech, milování a podvodech
Three Guys Straight Vibing is three idiots that just straight vibe and talk about current and interesting issues/ views.
Разговариваем, выпиваем, ничего не понимаем, ни в чём не разбираемся.
"It's Lifestyle Jim, but not as we know it!"
Join Tor and JT at they venture through a different time, delving into the strange, and somewhat disturbing realm of classic magazine subscriptions.
Expect non-pc adverts, eloquent (and clearly underpaid) journos, analysis of photos, deconstructions of feature pieces, and Tor and JT setting each other unconventional challenges.
Think 'The 70s' House, but with no regard for historical context.
And even then you're not even half way there... -
Random Ridiculous Rants
Dave Lockwood, Kevin Portch and Peter Finch, three men of a certain age who have a variety of life experiences sit down and answer a question.
You can email the Bullocks Team [email protected] or follow them on Twitter @TotalBullocks -
You Are Error is Aftermath’s podcast about common misconceptions in and around video games. Each episode interviews a different guest about something that either games or the people who play them frequently get wrong: It could be something mechanical, like climbing. It could be something born of narrative and world building, like Cyberpunk 2077’s obsession with artificial limbs and exoskeletons, as opposed to what disabled people in the real world actually want and need. A topic could be fairly lighthearted in nature, like horses, or it could be heavier, like an exploration of how arms manufacturers use games as advertisements. Regardless, the goal is not to chide or condescend, but to explain how we got here and what it all means – both for games themselves and for culture more broadly. Games matter. Let’s start treating them that way.
Jordan banks road to being Ed Sheeran
On this podcast I talk about what I am passionate about and with people I find interesting. That's it. Simple.
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