Onderwijs – Tsjechië – Nieuwe podcasts

  • Bravery means something different to each of us, right? Firewalk Scotland founder Lee Walls hosts this series of intimate, personal and inspiring conversations about what bravery looks and feels like. How do you stay authentic, and stay real? How do you ensure that you show up for yourself when needed?

    Find out more about Lee's work with Firewalk Scotland here: https://www.firewalkscotland.co.uk/

  • Hola Estudiantes! Welcome to Spanish Class for beginners! I am Señor Ruiz and I will be your teacher. Bienvenidos to the bilingual podcast that will teach you the Spanish basics for beginners. In this podcast you will be able to learn a topic in each episode and use the episode to teach yourself Spanish. Throughout the episodes, you will be learning, repeating, and speaking Spanish along the way. Tune in each episode to learn about a new subject starting right from the beginning. Learn things like the alphabet, numbers, days of the week, and colors. Listen to the podcast and repeat after me!

  • Our audiobooks and podcasts for Czech speakers

    Naše audioknihy a podcasty pro česky mluvící



  • "Hloupější to nebude" je podcast, který vás provede dynamickým a rychle se rozvíjejícím světem umělé inteligence. Ať už jste AI nadšenec, odborník nebo jen zvědavý posluchač, tento podcast vám přinese nejnovější novinky, trendy a vhledy ze světa AI.

    Připojí se k nám zajímaví hosté z různých oblastí. V rozhovorech se budeme zabývat širokým spektrem témat, včetně nejnovějších průlomů ve výzkumu AI, etických a společenských dopadů této technologie, praktických aplikací AI v různých odvětvích a vizí pro budoucnost umělé inteligence.

    Ať už se zajímáte o to, jak AI transformuje váš obor, jak se připravit na budoucnost práce v éře AI nebo jak tato technologie ovlivňuje společnost jako celek, tento podcast je vaším zdrojem informací a inspirace. Připojte se k nám na této vzrušující cestě a objevte fascinující svět umělé inteligence!

    Nové epizody podcastu "Hloupější to nebude" vychází každou středu. Přihlaste se k odběru na vaší oblíbené podcastové platformě a nenechte si ujít žádné novinky a poznatky ze světa AI

  • Nový podcast pro všechny milovníky historie! ❤️

    Ponoř se společně se mnou do fascinujícího světa minulosti... ⏳👀

  • Are you ready to feel less stressed, overwhelmed, and anxious? Do you wish you could be crazy confident in your ability to take on life’s challenges? Wouldn’t it be amazing to stop living in survival mode and start thriving in a life you are living on purpose?

    In this podcast you will create a better understanding around building self-esteem and confidence. You will learn where confidence comes from, and how to increase yours. You may be surprised how easy it is to make small life changes that add up to increase your self-esteem, give you more confidence, and create BIG results.

    On the podcast, you will learn how to let go of perfectionism and embrace challenge or change. If you have fear, anxiety, or overwhelm that’s okay, because we will talk about how you can stop letting it hold you back.

    As a master-certified life coach, I have spent the last few years coaching entrepreneurs, executives, teenagers, a sports team, and a faith-based women’s group. What do they all have in common? They all need the confidence to go boldly toward their goals and dreams. Each one of them has something that is holding them back. Maybe it’s a mindset that they can’t succeed or a belief that they are not good enough. My goal is to uncover whatever IT is and help them become the best version of themselves possible.

    What area of life do you know you need to build more confidence? I promise you are NOT alone. I am here to help you bridge the gap between who you are and who you want to be! I will help you become more confident along with having full alignment with your values and goals.

    Imagine having deeper connections, feeling less anxiety and overwhelm, gaining clarity, and fully trusting yourself.

    Picture yourself not just surviving, but truly thriving! How would that change your life?

    It’s time to take the first step towards a confident and joyful life. It doesn’t have to be perfect to be wonderful!

    Join me for an empowering coaching journey to unlock your true potential and live a life filled with an empowered sense of self and a deep joy for your life.

    Get started today with 1:1 coaching: H C Edwards Coaching - www.thecrazyconfidencecoach.com

    Visit me on Instagram: @HCEdwardsCoaching

    Email: [email protected]

    I’m here with you every step of the way!



  • Welcome to "Red Machine: The Wataru Endo Podcast," brought to you by Kodansha, renowned publisher of captivating stories across manga, novels, and non-fiction. Join us as we dive into the fascinating journey of Wataru Endo, the dynamic midfielder for Liverpool FC. Hosted by seasoned sports broadcaster Steve Hothersall, who has been intricately connected with the club for over 20 years, this series explores Endo's early passion for football, his rise through the ranks, and his current role with the mighty Reds. Tune in for an inside look at the life and career of one of football's most inspiring talents.

  • Podcast Vygenerováno AI vás s moderátorkou TerAI provede světem umělé inteligence. Odhalíme mýty, reálné aplikace a vliv AI na každodenní život. Ideální pro nadšence i skeptiky.

  • This podcast is for all the people pleasers out there. We're no longer pouring into other people's cups first. We are learning to stand up for our own needs, beliefs and values while becoming the best version of ourselves and creating and living our dream lives!

  • Objevujte fascinující svět psychologie, vztahů a osobního rozvoje. Užijte si inspirativní příběhy, odborné rady a praktické tipy, které vám pomohou lépe porozumět sobě i druhým.

  • Filozofie nám může pomoct v každodenním životě. Věděli to už starověcí Řekové a Římané, když položili základy stoické filozofie, jejíž poznatky přebírají i moderní metody psychoterapie.

    Stoikům šlo o to, jak žít svůj život co jak nejlíp. A žít nejlíp pro ně znamenalo být nejlepší verzí sama sebe, být ctnostný. Ale to se lépe řekne, než udělá, a proto je třeba na filozofii pro každý den každý den pracovat.

    Nahlédni s námi k tomu, jak a proč praktikovat stoická cvičení a staň se lepším pro sebe i pro ostatní, zjisti s námi odkud se stoicismus vzal. Staň se s námi lepší verzí sebe sama.

  • Dear Imani is an advice based podcast that focuses on everyday topics and stories. The podcast purpose is to uplift listeners to live in their purpose at all times. Dear Imani is fun, authentic and conversational, a podcast that makes you feel like you are talking with your BFF.

  • This is the Real Birth Podcast: a safe, welcoming platform to share birth stories. I'm Lucy Hill, a doula, mother, wife and total birth nerd living in Frome, Somerset in the UK. When I was pregnant, one of my favourite things to do was to listen to birth stories. During this time I read and listened to literally hundreds and hundreds of birth experiences shared by all kinds of parents, having all kinds of births. I quickly became obsessed with the narrative of birth and the power of storytelling. I am convinced that because I was so regularly exposed to hearing about REAL birth - the glory, the mess, the trauma, the comedy, the boredom, the ecstasy - I didn't fear it, because I knew so much about what could unfold. When eventually I went into labour, my planned natural home birth turned into an undiagnosed breech and very unexpected cesarian. Of course I felt shocked. But beneath this, I felt calm and safe in the knowledge that birth can and does take twists and turns we can't predict. I had, in essence, heard it all before. I felt part of a wider collective of humans, each with stories as unique yet familiar as mine. The magic of birth stories existed not just for me as an expectant parent learning something unknown, but I also noticed the profound healing and peaceful resolution which often came from families revisiting and reflecting on their births. All of the podcasts I found dedicated to birth stories were either American or Australian, and I deeply wished there had been a bank of UK birth stories I could have mined for information, particularly when it came to NHS care which is so different to care models overseas. Since having my son in 2019 I have continued to listen to birth story podcasts, but have still yet to find a consistent, birth-story-dedicated podcast in the UK. Enter The Real Birth Podcast! Series 1 launches in early 2022, featuring a range of stories from UK parents and a variety of different birth experiences. Whether you're pregnant, on the other side of birth or just love geeking out about birth, I'm so excited for you to join me.

  • Saiba mais sobre as coisas qualquer curiosidade

  • Подкаст от образовательной платформы Учи.ру о чувствах и эмоциях, которые испытывают дети и их родители на протяжении школьных лет.

    В каждом выпуске ведущая — социальный педагог и психолог Лиля Брайнис — расскажет про одну эмоцию. В каких ситуациях она возникает у детей и их родителей, как они её выражают или как реагируют на её проявления, как эта эмоция переживается в теле и какие есть самые конструктивные способы ее выразить и использовать на благо себе и учебному процессу.

    Почему страх, печаль и скука — это полезные эмоции? Как развить в ребенке мотивацию к учебе и любознательность? Как родителям справляться со своими эмоциями и помогать детям проживать чувства? Что делать, если ребенок не хочет учиться или горюет из-за плохой отметки? Давайте разбираться вместе!

    Курсы на платформе: https://uchi.ru/
  • In April 2024, the Rhode Island School of Design hosted Debates in AI, a symposium that featured artists talking about artificial intelligence and its impact on creative disciplines. This podcast series are the presentations and panels from the two-day event.

    To watch talks from the two-day symposium, head over to AI-Debates.risd.edu. You can also listen to each of them wherever you find your podcasts. Support for the event was from the Divisions of Liberal Arts, Experimental and Foundation Studies, and Architecture & Design, as well as the Fleet Library and the Center for Arts and Language. Thank you to our largest contributor, the Center for Complexity and the RISD 2050 Fund for kicking off this important conversation.

    Audio produced by Andrew Grant and Marisa Mazria Katz

    Music: "Imagery" and "Last Night" by Xylo-Ziko

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • 在這個節目中,我們將探索那些微不足道的小事,卻能深刻影響我們的生活。

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