Onderwijs – Denemarken – Nieuwe podcasts
St.Elsewhere is a podcast in which two pop-culture obsessed autistic hosts review depictions of autism in the media.
Show will launch on 3/3/2024.
Please SUBSCRIBE to get updates when each episode drops. If you like the show, please review it, rate it, and tell your friends.
An Ad-Free version of the show is available via a Sword and Scale +PLUS subscription at any tier level. You can find out more at swordandscale.com. -
Host Laila Alieh is on a mission to help parents and students struggling with ADHD unlock their full potential and foster confidence both inside and outside the classroom. Diagnosed with dyslexia and ADHD in college, Laila overcame her struggles with test taking, reading, and focusing on her studies to become a NASA engineer. Listen in to learn about her personal experiences and get science-based guidance on topics around nutrition, wellness, math/STEM, and parenting. You’ll also hear discussions with expert guests around mindset, resilience, and motivation. Laila is a certified nutrition therapy practitioner and math tutor specializing in serving students with various learning styles. Her holistic approach helps students achieve academic and personal success by integrating high-level math tutoring with evidence-based nutrition and wellness guidance. Additionally, she holds a Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering from Portland State University and a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Purdue University.If you’re trying to embrace you or your loved one’s ADHD, harness it as a superpower, and expand your confidence to explore, discover & achieve, this is the podcast for you! Tune in for insightful episodes on nutrition, mindfulness, organization, time management, and much more!*The content in this podcast is not meant to be a substitute for medical advice.*
Transform your preaching with SermonCraft! We interview some of today's best communicators to learn their secrets to captivating talks. Say goodbye to endless prep. Find your voice. Master your message.
Every episode is like a masterclass. Are you ready to revolutionize your sermons? Tune in to SermonCraft – where the art of preaching is made practical and tactical.
This is a podcast for communicators who teach regularly and want to become better and more confident in the art and craft of preaching.
We interview some of today's best communicators about their unique processes, habits, and secrets of turning a blank page into a captivating talk so that you can stop wasting valuable time in sermon prep, find your unique voice, and use the gift that God has given you with excellence and joy.
Join us as we unpack the concepts that helped us the most. Are you ready to change your approach to teaching? -
En pilgrimsfærd på Pacific Crest Trail.
Velkommen til Quo Vadis – en podcast om at finde dit kald og tage på dit livs helterejse. Jeg hedder Uffe Sveegaard, og i 2023 vandrede jeg den 4.000 km lange Pacific Crest Trail fra Mexico til Canada gennem den amerikanske vildmark. På denne episke rejse fandt jeg støtte og inspiration i Joseph Campbells fortælling om Heltens Rejse – en universel fortælling om forvandling og mod, når vi følger vores kald og træder ud i det ukendte.I denne podcast deler jeg mine egne erfaringer og samtaler med inspirerende gæster, der giver indsigt i, hvordan vi kan finde modet til at følge vores egne kald. Quo Vadis er en rejse gennem længsel, frygt og håb, og en udforskning af, hvordan myter og eventyr kan hjælpe os med at forstå vores eget livs rejse.
Lyt med og lad dig inspirere til at tage dit første skridt ind i det ukendte!
Lyt med og få viden om undervisningsformen, når både forskere og praktikere deler ud af deres praktiske erfaringer og indsigter.
The idea that the Earth is flat seem absurd when you first hear about it. It sounded crazy for me when I first herd about it. But here i am a Flat Earther, and I wouldnt go back. Come explore everthing that I learned and am still learning. Come and see why Flat Earth is so important, and mabye it could change your life.
Achievara Podcast er en inspirerende podcast, der sætter fokus på personlig udvikling, målsætning, produktivitet og empowerment. Podcasten skal hjælpe dig med at opnå din egen succes, både i dit professionelle og personlige liv. Gennem konkrete værktøjer, værdifuld indsigt og opmuntrende samtaler, får du inspiration til at tage kontrol over din egen rejse og nå dine mål. Uanset hvor du er på din rejse, vil Achievara Podcast give dig de nødvendige redskaber til at tage det næste skridt mod succes.
Rebelicious is a podcast for women who embrace complexity, independence, and authentic self-expression. Created by two women in their 30s, Rebelicious embodies the essence of modern femininity — balancing boldness with vulnerability, strength with softness, and luxury with authenticity. Our mission is to inspire women everywhere to be everything they want to be, on their own terms. We believe in a new reality where “being a woman” isn’t bound by rigid societal expectations. Instead, it’s a dynamic journey of discovery, growth, and unapologetic self-love.
Vensomhed handler om at skabe en kultur, der fremmer venskaber. For alle skal have en ven.
Det kan du høre mere om i Anne Søgaards Vensomhedspodcast.
I podcasten taler Anne Søgaard med en række forskellige mennesker om deres arbejde med vensomhed, og hvordan skaber en vensom kultur på skoler, dagtilbud, arbejdspladser, fritidsliv og i vores eget liv.
Anne Søgaard er uddannet pædagog og har skrevet bogen Vensomhed. Hun holder foredrag og workshops og arbejder med at skabe en kultur, der fremmer trivsel og venskaber blandt børn og unge.
Du finder Anne Søgaards bog Vensomhed her.
Anne Søgaard har også skrevet en bøgerne:
Vensomhed til ledere og fagprofessionelle i skolen
Vensomhed til ledere og ansatte i dagtilbud
Vensomhed til forældre, klasseråd og skolebestyrelser
Du kan læse mere om Anne Søgaard og Vensomhed på hendes hjemmeside.
Podcasten er produceret af Social Kommunikation – en del af Socialt Indblik. -
Start your day with Positive Affirmations—a motivational podcast offering daily affirmations to boost confidence, reduce stress, and promote personal growth. Whether you're looking to overcome negative thoughts, find clarity, or achieve your goals, this podcast delivers inspiring content to transform your mindset. Perfect for busy professionals, entrepreneurs, and anyone seeking positivity. Join our global community of listeners cultivating a resilient, positive mindset every day.
Subscribe now to empower your mind, enhance well-being, and unlock your full potential.
Subscribe today and discover how the power of daily affirmations can transform your mindset and elevate your life. For more resources and inspiration, visit @NovosPositivity on Twitter. -
"Tro ikke på alt du tænker" er en podcast til dig der bekymrer dig, grubler, overtænker og overanalyserer. En podcast til dig som bruger mere tid på at overveje og researche end på at gøre noget. En podcast til dig, som måske godt ved at du 'snubler' i dine tanker, men som ikke ved hvad du skal stille op for at ændre det.
Podcasten handler om at lære at tage sig selv og sine tanker knap så alvorligt. Jeg vil vise dig, hvordan vores tanker ofte spænder ben for os og fortælle om alt det vi selv kan gøre for at ændre vores tankemønstre og dermed vores situation.
Jeg guider dig i hvert afsnit igennem et nyt emne og fortæller dig hvordan du kan lære at tænke på en måde der kommer *dig* til gode, så du genvinder din handlekraft og bliver din egen største støtte.
- Berit Markvard -
En podcast serie om, hvordan vores immunforsvar egentlig virker, og hvilken rolle vores immunforsvar har for vores krop og vores sundhed.
Hvorfor bliver vi ikke altid syge, hvis vi skærer os, og der kommer bakterier ind i kroppen? Og hvordan virker vacciner egentlig?
I denne podcastserie vil immunologerne Jan Pravsgaard og Martin Kongsbak-Wismann forklare nogle af detaljerne bag immunforsvaret, og hvordan vi fx bekæmper mikroorganismer, der prøver at gøre os syge. Og lad os komme med en advarsel: Dit immunforsvar er en krigszone, og derfor vil du i serien møde agenter, røgkanoner og dræberceller. God fornøjelse. -
Mapping the Controversy Project
In this episode, we learn about the Aztec Temple of the Feathered Serpent, an ancient temple located in Mesoamerica.
Jom belajar dengan Sun !
Charles Darwin is one of most famous scientists of the nineteenth century, but what was he like as a child, a father and a husband? How did his emotional response to the world affect his scientific theories? And how widespread is his influence today? This album looks at Darwin's rich and complex legacy. Ruth Padel, one of his direct descendants, offers a series of unique insights into Darwin the man, through recollections of childhood conversations with her grandmother, readings from family letters and her own cycle of biographical poems. Within the scientific world, Darwin remains an inspirational figure both for evolutionary biologists and for many other practitioners. The Nigerian scientist, Sheila Ochugboju, reveals how influential Darwin has been on her own career, and Professor Colin Pillinger of The Open University compares the voyage of the Beagle with his recent mission to Mars. The album concludes with a visit to the Grant Museum of comparative biology at UCL in London, which is dedicated to Robert Edmond Grant, a professor of biology who was an important early influence on Darwin.
The tracks on this album were produced by The Open University in collaboration with the British Council. They form part of Darwin Now, a global initiative celebrating the life and work of Charles Darwin and the impact his ideas about evolution continue to have on today’s world. © The British Council 2009. -
Internationales Forum am ZAK
We will be discussing the mountain range of k2
Velkommen til podcasten, hvor vi dykker ned i skiløbets mangfoldige univers og åbner døren til de største oplevelser med sne under plankerne. Uanset om du er til alpint skiløb, langrend, snowboard, telemark (eller sågar snowblades) – er dette en podcast for dig.
Vi inviterer spændende personligheder fra både det danske og internationale skimiljø til at dele deres historier, erfaringer og kærlighed til sporten og den livsstil, der følger med. Derudover får du guides til destinationer, træning, udstyr og meget mere, alt sammen med den erfarne skiløber Nikolaj Salomon Vang som din engagerede vært.
Første sæson zoomer ind på skiløb som børnefamilie, men bare rolig – der er masser af inspiration og spændende indhold for dig, selvom du ikke har børn. Podcasten er produceret af Danmarks Skiforbund og udkommer ugentligt i vintersæsonen. Så hop i bindingerne og lad os tage afsted!
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