Kind en gezin – Litouwen – Aanbevolen podcasts
Prenumeruok „Spotify“: MAMOS tinklalaidė – ieškančioms tikrų, nuoširdžių pokalbių apie motinystę ir šeimą.Prenumeruok KALBA MAMOS ir klausyk pilnų pokalbių, prisijunk prie palaikančios, sąmoningų mamų bendruomenės, dalyvauk Discord'o pokalbiuose, KNYGŲ KLUBE bei kitose, tik bendruomenei skirtose, veiklose. Visą informaciją rasi
Вітанні! Ад сёння байкі можна тут паслухаць. Як і на Spotify, Apple, Google і Yandex-падкастах. За навінамі -- на Facebook, Іnstagram, Тelegram. Звяртаюся да ўнукі сваёй далёкай. Да тых, хто даведацца пра Беларусь хоча. Каго цікавіць мова беларуская. Знаёмлю з мясцінамі, асобамі, прадметамі ўнікальнымі. Запрашаю сябрам/сяброўкам лінкі перасылаць.Як за “падабайкі”, так і за “няпадабайкі”, шчыра ўдзячны буду. Хто ж ініцыятыву падтрымаць схоча, ці дадактовыя матэр’ялы зпампаваць, запрашаю на платформу Patreon да ліку патронаў далучацца Алесь.
Hank the Cowdog (Matthew McConaughey), the self-declared “Head of Ranch Security,” finds himself smack dab in the middle of a host of tangled mysteries and capers that span the universe of the Texas Panhandle cattle ranch Hank calls home. Hank is joined on these tail-wagging, tongue-slobbering adventures by a motley assemblage of characters, not least of which is his less-than trusty sidekick, Drover, a small but uncourageous mutt. Listen in as Hank the Cowdog always claims to know the answer, is the last to realize he doesn’t, but is the first to run headlong into tales of courage, loyalty, and friendship. Hank the Cowdog podcast stars and is executive produced by Academy Award® winner Matthew McConaughey. Written, directed and executive produced by Jeff Nichols. Also featuring performances by Jesse Plemons, Cynthia Erivo, Kristen Dunst, Leslie Jordan, Joel Edgerton, Scoot McNairy, Michael Shannon, and John R. Erickson. Presented by H-E-B Proudly serving Texans since 1905. @HEB
ВЯЗАЛЬНЫЕ ИСТОРИИ - это подкаст магазина пряжи iNitki о вязании, здесь мы обсуждаем наше любимое хобби и не только, ищем ответы на важные вопросы и конечно рассказываем свои истории.
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#вязальный подкаст #подкастпровязание #вязание #knittingpodcast -
This podcast series focuses on the experience of parents of children who have died or are likely to have a short life. Despite advances in health care, children and young people still sadly die from a range of life limiting conditions. The parents in this series have been supported by palliative care teams to face multiple challenges in caring for their children. These parents bravely share the love and beauty of their children and the joy and sadness of their individual experiences. They hope their voices can support, inform, and better prepare other families who may need to face similar challenges. Season One is a collaborative project funded by the Quality of Care Collaborative Australia (QuoCCA) in partnership with The Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne and the Victorian Paediatric Palliative Care Program. Season Two is a collaboration between The Royal Children's Hospital, Victorian Paediatric Palliative Care Program and Palliative Care Australia, funded as part of the Paediatric Palliative Care National Action Plan Project. This project received grant funding from the Australian Government. We warmly thank the parents who have generously taken part in this series.
For middle aged women who are at a crossroads in life and seeking inspiration to take their next step.
When people ask you, "how is motherhood?" Well, it's always a short answer. Something like, "it's good" or "it's been interesting..." Well, this podcast is about two Canadian mothers who give you the long answer! -
Original mom-approved stories created by Victoria Woelders for her kids, and her students. Educational storytelling for the home, the classroom and car rides. Empathy Tales focus on virtues and character-building qualities. Created by Victoria who is a Masters educated Canadian teacher and mom of two great kids. Come join our journey and visit our educational storyteller Victoria Woelders at to learn more. Empathy Tales are creating compassion one story at a time! Buy my book at your favourite Amazon store.
Hi, I’m Elle! I am a 34 year old stay at home mom of two kids under 3. And these are my confessions (yes just like real world or if you are too young for that, one of those videos on YouTube where the people cry and spill there hearts etc.)! Mine is maybe more laughter than tears
and just about my life and especially my life with two kids... And maybe more - only time will tell. -
Each episode we'll be chatting about a different aspect of parenting and raising young children. You'll hear from parents to get their perspective on the topic. Then, you'll get some advice and insights from the experts at Encompass.
Encompass is a non-profit based in King County, Washington. We offer Early Learning, Pediatric Therapy and Family Enrichment Programs for families with children birth to 8 years old. -
This will tell you all about dinosaurs and how they died
How do you become an explorer? And what does an explorer do? These are questions we get all the time.
In this National Geographic Kids podcast, we’ll talk to eleven explorers who contribute to science and exploration through different fields. Learn about the challenges and inspirations they find along the way.
From digging for ancient artifacts to gazing at the stars, these National Geographic Explorers have had adventures in the farthest-flung reaches of the world, and in their own backyards. They are scientists, explorers, and leaders who took risks and overcame problems to become who they are today.
We want to share some of their amazing stories with you—and show you How We Explore. -
Интереснейший подкаст для тех, кто переехал жить в новую страну или только задумывается о переезде. Ведущие говорят на такие темы, как возможность переезда и легализация, поиск жилья и работы мечты, учеба и воспитание детей, расставания с друзьями и походы к психотерапевтам, честность в отношениях с собой и другими.
Обычно разговоры получаются довольно живыми и легкими, даже когда затрагиваются сложные темы получается разговор, который хочется переслушать несколько раз.
Гости подкаста делятся личными историями переезда и адаптации, подсвечивая феномен миграции с разных сторон: рабочей, образовательной, гражданской и сугубо личной.
Наш подкаст - отличный источник вдохновения и мотивации для тех, кто оказался в личном или профессиональном тупике по причине переезда в другую страну.
This podcast channel is for sharing short and interesting stories to kids .The stories are written and narrated by a kid! Many kids will love these stories. You can expect some new stories and known stories narrated differently.
Švelnios pasakos mažiausiems 🐭
Tai vienos mamos projektas, išaugęs stebint kaip kas vakarą su vaiku kuriamos pasakos skatina kalbos vystymąsi, nuoširdžius pokalbius, ir kaip stipriai tam tikros žinutės įsirėžia į vaikišką atmintį.
Dauguma pasakų yra apie gyvūnus. Jie mažiesiems yra saugūs ir artimi personažai, pamokantys apie netikėtas draugystes, pagarbą, meilę sau ir kitiems.
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🔗 -
A podcast for parents and caregivers from Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago.
Добрые волшебные сказки для детей и взрослых.
Мы поднимаем темы взросления, любви, морали, поиска себя и своего места в мире. -
《Sophie 老師接鈴鐺》是一檔專為兒童及家長打造的節目,每一集都以溫暖、創意、奇幻或是結合生活增加經驗的故事陪伴小寶貝們入睡、成長。無論是甜甜的睡前故事、動手動腦的手作靈感,還是充滿節日氛圍的節慶冒險,我們都希望為寶貝們帶來一場場愉快的故事旅程,幫助他們發揮想像力,感受生活的美好與多彩。
Powered by Firstory Hosting -
Amplified: Presented by Lurie Children's is a mini-series about growing up with hearing loss.
Season 1:
Katie Radasevich already demonstrated a speech and language delay when she was identified with a significant hearing loss at age two. Listen to Katie and her family share the journey from pre-diagnosis to Katie's current incredible accomplishments through anecdotes, tears and laughter - very loud laughter. This is a great resource for families who have a child with hearing loss, or anyone who enjoys uplifting human interest stories.
Season 2:
Dr. Katie Colella returns, now joined by Dr. Katie Farnsworth from Season 1, to co-host Season 2 of Amplified: Presented by Lurie Children’s. Laugh and cry as they unpack the story of Maria Perez, and her sons, Eduardo and Esteban Venalonzo, both diagnosed with significant hearing loss at a young age and the family’s subsequent journey with cochlear implants. - Laat meer zien