Hongkong SAR van China – Nieuwe podcasts

  • 城市如何文化廣東話podcast主持:茹國烈 香港文化人著作:《城市如何文化》《文化城市之路》在城市裏,自然消失了,我們不會感懼上帝造物的神奇偉大,因爲我們被我們自己製造的符號包圍。城市就是人類文明的表像,把城市擬人化,愛上城市,就是把人類物化,愛上自己。大家試幻想,衆多對城市文化的觀察,所有有關城市生活的文藝創作,都是人和鏡子的對望,一封封寫給自己的信。或纏綿抵死,或耐心叮嚀。主題只有一個──我,或者我們。Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/louis_yu_cultureisbeam--Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 由熱愛動物的主播王月芳主持的《動物大偵探》Podcast節目,專門為小朋友們設計。在節目中,王月芳與一群充滿好奇心的小偵探們一起,深入探討各種動物的奧秘,從飲食習性到生活方式,並講述它們面對的保育挑戰。這個節目旨在教育和啟發小朋友們對動物保護的認識,同時培養他們的探索精神和對自然世界的熱愛。

  • 我們絕對深信每個孩子都是獨一無二的存在,因此無論他們的身體層面、思想層面、情緒層面及靈性層面都值得均衡地發展,而身為療癒師的Fiona及曾擔任過傳統老師的Sabrina (現也是療癒師) 深感【覺知教養】的重要性,因此於這podcast會與父母分享【覺知教養】的理念、知識及實際實踐方法,期望協助父母們更新其不再適合孩子全人發展的教養方式,同時引導父母開始自我覺察及療癒,停止把自己的童年創傷傳到下一代,讓孩子能在有愛、滋養及健康的環境下成長,最終成為成熟及覺知的大人。

    同時Fiona亦有提供【覺知教養】諮詢服務、兒童情緒療癒服務、兒童創意正心課程、【覺知教養】講座及課程等,歡迎追蹤【覺知父母】 facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/consciousparentinghk 獲得更多資訊。

    welcome to follow us on social media:

    Fiona‘s personal pages:
    Instagram | @soulpinkbypinkwanderer
    Youtube | http://www.youtube.com/@soulpinkbypinkwanderer

    Sabrina’s personal page:
    Instagram | @illuminate.yourtruenorth

    you can also support our work by buying us a drink:
    Coffee for Sabrina: https://buymeacoffee.com/illuminate.yourtruenorth
    Matcha Latte for Fiona: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/soulpink

  • Werte werden gerne bemüht und sind gleichzeitig oft total abstrakt.
    In diesem Podcast erwecke ich Werte zum Leben. Mit meinem Gästen - meistens Frauen, die eine berufliche Neuorientierung hinter sich haben oder gerade mitten drin stecken -  erforsche ich inwiefern ihr Wert ihr Leben bestimmt, bereichert oder auch mal behindert und wann und wo sie ihn im Berufs- und Privatleben bewusst einsetzen.

    Ich bin davon überzeugt, dass Werte unser Leben durchziehen, wie ein roter Faden, egal ob bewusst oder unbewusst. Je genauer wir unsere Werte kennen und desto mehr hilfreiche Emotionen wir mit ihnen verbinden, desto klarere Entscheidungen
    können wir treffen, wenn es um die Gestaltung unseres Lebensweges geht.

    Mein Ziel ist es, Dich beim Zuhören zu inspirieren und einzuladen, mehr Klarheit über Deine eigenen Werte zu gewinnen - besonders dann, wenn Du Dich fragst, wer Du eigentlich bist und was Dich im Leben glücklich macht.

    Du findest den Podcast und mich auch auf Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/agneslobisch/ und auch auf meiner Website: www.agneslobisch.de

  • Подкаст посвящен психологии и самопомощи.
    Основная идея подкаста в следующем — для полноценной жизни нам необходимо научиться осознавать себя в настоящем моменте, так как в нем проходит вся наша жизнь.

    Это место, где сложные психологические идеи и духовные практики объясняются простым языком. Здесь вы можете найти ответы на распространенные вопросы: Как справляться с депрессией и тревогой? Как найти себя? Как строить отношения? Как повысить свою осознанность? Как достигать успеха?

    Ведущий подкаста - Бекдар Байжанов, психолог и КПТ-практик. В своих рассуждениях Бекдар использует работы известных психологов, современные исследования и восточные практики: веданту, даосизм и дзен.

  • Life is simple and we all can thrive in peace. We just got the wrong map, the wrong rules or we get stuck trying to figure it all out alone.

    Our dream is to end unnecessary suffering, (mental, emotional, spiritual) and unlock human potential.
    All we need to do, is learn one essential lesson and we change the game forever.
    It is about your empowerment through the truth.

    Join us for a unique perspective on life and the laws that guide us all.
    We'll cover everything from bullying, narcissism and gaslighting, through to addictions, social media and the triggers that keep us trapped.

  • 歡迎傻子與愛做夢的人。不成功沒關係,一起輕鬆聊聊、自在療癒。

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  • 是個職業攝影師。

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  • Journey into mindfulness, spirituality and energy(light) work. Let's ask the deep questions that your soul quietly seeks answers to. Connect with your truest self as we discuss the raw power of this beautiful planet and universe that we are blessed to reside. Right here; right now we have the power to do great things as growing spirits embodying humanity. One race, inclusive of all sentient beings. No matter what imagine you embody on your outside- on the inside you are a Divine Soul who is learning through lifetimes of human experiences. Embrace it all.

  • A causal talk channel about everyday life. Through sharing my attitude towards my work and my Buddhism belief, maybe I can find out more ways to balance my profession and my faith.


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  • 簡介:我們都喜歡畫畫。我們聊藝術、聊藝術教育、聊藝術治療、聊藝術該如何生活,以及............。🌱各式提問歡迎在Apple podcast留言,期待有各式各樣Q&A🌳歡迎贊助:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/ab2f0c55-8182-44b5-b84f-dbf37ddcca1d收聽平台:Apple podcast: https://pse.is/588jvmSpotify: https://pse.is/57c3juKkbox : https://pse.is/58mzkn各類型合作丟信箱:[email protected] provided by SoundOn

  • 亂錄不要取太正式的名字因為我隨時準備放棄--Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • Welcome to The Indie Fantasy Podcast, a podcast dedicated to interviewing fantasy and sci-fi authors who've independently published their books. Whether you are an indie author, aspiring author, or reader looking for new books to read, we hope you enjoy the show.

  • A podcast about pop culture, LGBTQ awareness, and a lot of everything else. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/intochaos/support

  • 這個名字的由來是因為日文中有一句表白的話是今晚的月亮很美,所以我想用這個名字來希望聽節目的大家都可以轉角遇到愛//雖然在愛情上大家有的身經百戰,有的經驗很少,但這個節目想跟大家分享一些身邊的失敗愛情經驗,讓不管是戀愛學分很高或者是戀愛學分0分的各位都可以以這些分享的失敗故事而從中學到一些愛情的觀念和一些不同的戀愛價值觀。

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  • 大家好我是三個字SunGuts在這裡沒有要科普肌肉知識也不教痠痛自救方法只有我私底下最真實的無理自聊!🎙Podcast 每週一18:30準時上線▶️ 人體科普相關請至Youtube:@三個字SunGuts--Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • This podcast delves into the enigmatic and awe-inspiring realms of outer space, featuring episodes that explore dark matter, black holes, supernovas, and more. Each episode unravels the mysteries of these cosmic phenomena, discussing their discoveries, underlying physics, and impact on our understanding of the universe. Perfect for anyone fascinated by the great beyond and eager to learn how these celestial entities shape our cosmic landscape.

  • In this series, Carrie Grant meets young campaigners, influencers and activists who are using their voice to change the world around them. 


    By shining a spotlight on a range of pressing global challenges, including climate change, child rights, FGM, child labour and hunger, Carrie sets out to discover the impact on children and young people and discover how they and their communities are tackling the problem.  


    Carrie also speaks to special guests and experts to discuss ways we can support the next generation to affect change, and advice and information on how to take action ourselves.  


    Plus, Carrie shares her recent visit to Sierra Leone, a place where her dad lived and worked for many years, as she journeys across the country to meet young changemakers whose lives are being transformed through the support of World Vision.  


    To find out more about the work of World Vision, visit worldvision.org.uk


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