Sport – China – Nieuwe podcasts

  • 三輪車球友勛哥+專業高爾夫教練Kevin



  • “高尔夫甜点-SweetSpot”是由两位前NCAA一级联盟高尔夫球员的博客栏目。不管是餐前还是饭后我们希望能为您带来每周最引人注目的高尔夫新闻,最精彩的高尔夫球赛事,以及我们作为运动员的趣事。无论您是资深高手,初学者,或是对高尔夫毫无了解但感兴趣的伙伴都请加入我们一起探索高尔夫的起伏与精彩。我们相信无论您是谁都能在这儿找到自己的Sweat Spot,找到自己的甜点。请和我们一起在《高尔夫甜点》播客中挥杆起航——每一期节目都会是最精彩绝伦的一杆进洞。

    也欢迎大家关注我们的小红书:搜索“高尔夫甜点 SweetSpot”

  • In this podcast, focused on Oklahoma football and athletics, personal trainer and sports performance coach, Barry Wise, along with former Oklahoma Sooner and 2000 National Champion, Damian Mackey shares their thoughts and insight on the important topics surrounding the teams and players, as well as give their opinions on current sports topics.

  • Western hunting is as diverse as it gets from pursuing coastal Blacktails or pigs in central California, Antelope on the open plains of Wyoming, Roosevelts in the western units of Oregon or chasing bugles in a drainage somewhere in Colorado. The opportunities, game and landscapes offer a multitude of possibilities to all bold enough to challenge themselves to adventure past their comfort zone.
    Whether it is to carry on a tradition passed down through generations, or those looking to answer a curiosity or a primal calling, adventure seekers, field to plate providers or the skilled woodsman or woman. The only thing that offers more diversity than the west are the people who have accepted this challenge. 
    Though we have common goals our paths are as diverse as the land we put boots on or the game we pursue. Through trial and tribulation, self reflection and perseverance our stories come together. A community of like minded individuals who’s pursuit of game is through ethical take and resp...

  • 我们是老A和小G,出生在上海的80后,现在却居住在两个半球。足球是我们俩生活中不可或缺的一部分,如果你也和我们一样痴迷于这项运动,那恭喜你,找到组织了。“足球无双”将会讨论一切和足球有关的话题,不管是比赛、还是俱乐部球星,亦或是足坛八卦,我们统统一网打尽。我们还是最宠粉的足球音频节目,如果你给我们留言,没准下一期聊的就是你想听的话题。还等什么,赶紧关注我们,收听节目吧。 会有更多内容等着你,期待你们的到来。

  • This show traces the history of the Dayton Triangles from the formation of its nucleus at what is now the University of Dayton through its 25th anniversary in 1941. Along the way, we’ll meet colorful characters and unsung heroes. I hope to give you a sense of what life and football were like 100 years ago.

  • Join team members from AWM Capital and guests as they discuss key topics on being a professional athlete and navigating the business of your sport.

  • Your one-stop-shop for all things thoroughbred racing in New Zealand. Comprehensive coverage from across the spectrum of SEN Track experts and analysts.

  • 欢迎每周与Star(煜)和Steven(彦)两位生活在洛杉矶和纽约的好友一起畅所欲言美式橄榄球(NFL)和范特西(fantasy football)

  • "Talk about a power couple!
    Howard Baldwin founded the New England Whalers in his 20s, went on to win a Stanley Cup as a part-owner of the Pittsburgh Penguins, then moved to Hollywood to produce films like Hoosiers, Sudden Death, and the Oscar-winning Ray.
    Karen Baldwin is an actor and writer, and was a pioneer in the world of sports journalism, she then proceeded to enjoy a successful career as her husband Howard's production partner.
    This is a real dynamic duo!
    The Baldwins join Steven Maggi each week to discuss everything from Sports to Media - with a unique connection to both worlds on Pucks & Paparazzi."

  • A podcast exploring the world of Formula 1 and hun culture hosted by a Scottish woman and Yorkshire lass

  • Jeden Freitag

    Anne Meyer und ShadowWulf werfen wöchentlich einen Blick über den Tellerrand bzw. den großen Teich und bringen euch eine spannende amerikanische Fußballliga näher.

    Warum die Liga immer für eine Neuerung gut ist, welche Teams sehenswerten Fußball spielen und warum man dem Kosmos der USL- Ligen eine Chance geben sollte, erfahrt ihr jede Woche am Freitag.

    Spielanalysen, Skandale und Geschichten werden euch mit einer Mischung aus deutscher Sachlichkeit und amerikanischer Leidenschaft nähergebracht.

    Äußerungen unserer Gesprächspartner*innen und Moderator*innen geben deren eigene Auffassungen wieder. macht sich Äußerungen seiner Gesprächspartner*innen in Interviews und Diskussionen nicht zu eigen.

  • 老郁杨的播客,讲足球,利物浦,足坛历史,各队青训。

  • 一档从女性视角谈论户外运动的节目


  • 两个运动科学专业出身又钟情运动的中年人。


  • 这是一档致力于推广攀岩运动的全新播客。


  • Host, Jordan Dove, discusses all of the latest local and national sports news as well as conducting interviews with prominent sports figures.

  • 言一Camp 营长说营系列解读各个营会的出发点和落脚点以及我们自嗨的一些故事!


  • Bow down to the best, bi-coastal, sporadic Husky football podcast you can find.

    Hosted by Brandon Boyd and Michael Stanton, who bonded over their mutual love of Sonny Shackelford a decade ago and now shout into the wind weekly about this stupid team.